6,643 research outputs found

    Por la educación hacia la revolución: la contribución de la educación física a la construcción del imaginario social del franquismo

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    Este breve artículo pretende constituir una contribución a la interpretación y el esclarecimiento del imaginario social del franquismo. Para ello hemos elegido el observatorio de la Educación Física, tanto formal como no formal, y, para los aspectos más concretos, la actuación del Frente de Juventudes, también conocido como la ¿Obra predilecta del Régimen¿. Desde esta óptica, trataremos de evidenciar las intencionalidades ¿formativas¿ subyacentes e implícitas en la concepción y la articulación de la Educación Física masculina del primer franquismo, así como sus potencialidades adoctrinadoras y modeladoras de conciencias

    Rare-gas solids under pressure: A path-integral Monte Carlo simulation

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    Rare-gas solids (Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) under hydrostatic pressure up to 30 kbar have been studied by path-integral Monte Carlo simulations in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble. Results of these simulations have been compared with available experimental data and with those obtained from a quasiharmonic approximation (QHA). This comparison allows us to quantify the overall anharmonicity of the lattice vibrations and its influence on several structural and thermodynamic properties of rare-gas solids. The vibrational energy increases with pressure, but this increase is slower than that of the elastic energy, which dominates at high pressures. In the PIMC simulations, the vibrational kinetic energy is found to be larger than the corresponding potential energy, and the relative difference between both energies decreases as the applied pressure is raised. The accuracy of the QHA increases for rising pressure.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Molar volume of solid isotopic helium mixtures

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    Solid isotopic helium mixtures have been studied by path-integral Monte Carlo simulations in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble. This method allowed us to study the molar volume as a function of temperature, pressure, and isotopic composition. At 25 K and 0.2 GPa, the relative difference between molar volumes of isotopically-pure crystals of 3He and 4He is found to be about 3%. This difference decreases under pressure, and for 12 GPa it is smaller than 1%. For isotopically-mixed crystals, a linear relation between lattice parameters and concentrations of helium isotopes is found, in agreement with Vegard's law. The virtual crystal approximation, valid for isotopic mixtures of heavier atoms, does not give reliable results for solid solutions of helium isotopes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Spitzer/IRS Mapping of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We present results of our program Spitzer/IRS Mapping of local Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs). The maps cover the central 20"x20" or 30"x 30" regions of the galaxies, and use all four IRS modules to cover the full 5-38 microns spectral range. We have built spectral maps of the main mid-IR emission lines, continuum and PAH features, and extracted 1D spectra for regions of interest in each galaxy. The final goal is to fully characterize the mid-IR properties of local LIRGs as a first step to understanding their more distant counterparts.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. To appear in "Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V", Proceedings of the VIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) held in Santander, 7-11 July, 200

    Solid helium at high pressure: A path-integral Monte Carlo simulation

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    Solid helium (3He and 4He) in the hcp and fcc phases has been studied by path-integral Monte Carlo. Simulations were carried out in the isothermal-isobaric (NPT) ensemble at pressures up to 52 GPa. This allows one to study the temperature and pressure dependences of isotopic effects on the crystal volume and vibrational energy in a wide parameter range. The obtained equation of state at room temperature agrees with available experimental data. The kinetic energy, E_k, of solid helium is found to be larger than the vibrational potential energy, E_p. The ratio E_k/E_p amounts to about 1.4 at low pressures, and decreases as the applied pressure is raised, converging to 1, as in a harmonic solid. Results of these simulations have been compared with those yielded by previous path integral simulations in the NVT ensemble. The validity range of earlier approximations is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Decoupling Properties of MSSM particles in Higgs and Top Decays

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    We study the supersymmetric (SUSY) QCD radiative corrections, at the one-loop level, to h0h^0, H±H^{\pm} and t quark decays, in the context of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and in the decoupling limit. The decoupling behaviour of the various MSSM sectors is analyzed in some special cases, where some or all of the SUSY mass parameters become large as compared to the electroweak scale. We show that in the decoupling limit of both large SUSY mass parameters and large CP-odd Higgs mass, the Γ(h0bbˉ)\Gamma (h^0\to b \bar b) decay width approaches its Standard Model value at one loop, with the onset of decoupling being delayed for large tanβ\tan\beta values. However, this decoupling does not occur if just the SUSY mass parameters are taken large. A similar interesting non-decoupling behaviour, also enhanced by tanβ\tan\beta, is found in the SUSY-QCD corrections to the Γ(H+tbˉ)\Gamma (H^+\to t \bar b) decay width at one loop. In contrast, the SUSY-QCD corrections in the Γ(tW+b)\Gamma (t\to W^+ b) decay width do decouple and this decoupling is fast.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. Invited talk presented by M.J.Herrero at the 5th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR 2000) Carmel CA, USA, 11-15 September, 200

    Multi-wavelength Observations of the Giant X-ray Flare Galaxy NGC 5905: signatures of tidal disruption

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    NGC 5905 is one of the few galaxies with no prior evidence for an AGN in which an X-ray flare, due to the tidal disruption of a star by the massive black hole in the center of the galaxy, was detected by the RASS in 1990-91. Here we present analysis of late-time follow-up observations of NGC 5905 using Chandra, Spitzer VLA 3 GHz and 8 GHz archival data and GMRT 1.28 GHz radio observations. The X-ray image shows no compact source that could be associated with an AGN. Instead, the emission is extended -- likely due to nuclear star formation and the total measured X-ray luminosity is comparable to the X-ray luminosity determined from the 2002 Chandra observations. Diffuse X-ray emission was detected close to the circum-nuclear star forming ring. The Spitzer 2006 mid-infrared spectrum also shows strong evidence of nuclear star formation but no clear AGN signatures. The semi-analytical models of Tommasin et. al. 2010 together with the measured [OIV]/[NeII] line ratio suggest that at most only 5.6% of the total IR Flux at 19 μ\mum is being contributed by the AGN. The GMRT 1.28 GHz observations reveal a nuclear source. In the much higher resolution VLA 3 GHz map, the emission has a double lobed structure of size 2.7'' due to the circumnuclear star forming ring. The GMRT 1.28 GHz peak emission coincides with the center of the circumnuclear ring. We did not detect any emission in the VLA 8 GHz (1996) archival data. The 3 σ\sigma upper limits for the radio afterglow of the TDE at 1.28 GHz, 3 GHz and 8 GHz are 0.17 mJy, 0.09 mJy and 0.09 mJy, respectively. Our studies thus show that (i) NGC 5905 has a declining X-ray flux consistent with a TDE, (ii) the IR flux is dominated by nuclear star formation, (iii) the nuclear radio emission observed from the galaxy is due to circumnuclear star formation, (iv) no compact radio emission associated with a radio afterglow from the TDE is detected.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted to be published in Astrophysics and Space Scienc