13,337 research outputs found

    Kualiti dan keberkesanan bimbingan manasik bagi jemaah haji Daerah Bintan Kepulauan Riau Indonesia

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    Ibadah haji merupakan rukun kelima dalam rukun Islam yang menjadi kewajiban keatas umat Islam yang mampu mengerjakannya. Namun, didapati sebahagian dari bakal jemaah tidak dapat memahami modul bimbingan akibat dari pada tenaga pengajar yang kurang berkelayakan. Oleh itu kajian ini adalah untuk menilai sistem bimbingan yang berkesan untuk jemaah haji dan mencadangkan kerangka bimbingan yang berkualiti dan berkesan. Kajian ini merupakan reka bentuk Exploratory sequential iaitu reka bentuk pembangunan instrument dan kerangka. Tujuan reka bentuk ini adalah untuk meramalkan penemuan kualitatif kepada sampel yang lebih besar.Ia mendapatkan 8 orang pakar temu bual dan 120 orang responden. Hasil kajian menunjuk sistem bimbingan manasik haji sedia ada berada pada tahap sederhana. Kajian ini telah mencadangkan satu kerangka bimbingan yang berkualiti dan berkesan bagi memastikan ibadah haji tersebut mencapai matlamat yang ditetapkan syariat. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan kerangka bimbingan manasik haji yang dihasilkan dapat membantu kepada pembimbing manasik dan bakal jemaah dalam meningkatkan tahap kefahaman dalam melaksanakan ibadah ini

    Nonparametric Predictive Inference for System Failure Time

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    This thesis presents the use of signatures within nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) for the failure time of a coherent system with a single type of components, given failure times of tested components that are exchangeable with those in the system. NPI is based on few modelling assumptions and here leads to lower and upper survival functions. We also illustrate comparison of reliability of two systems, by directly considering the random failure times of the systems. This includes explicit consideration of the difference between failure times of two systems. In this method we assume that the signature is precisely known. In addition, we show how bounds for these lower and upper survival functions can be derived based on limited information about the system structure, which can reduce computational effort substantially for specific inferential questions. It is illustrated how one can base reliability inferences on a partially known signature, assuming that bounds for the probabilities in the signature are available. As a further step in the development of NPI, we present the use of survival signatures within NPI for the failure time of a coherent system which consists of different types of components. It is assumed that, for each type of component, additional components which are exchangeable with those in the system have been tested and their failure times are available. Throughout this thesis we assume that the system is coherent, we start with a system consisting of a single type of components, then we extend for a system consisting of different types of components

    Studying the Dynamical Properties of 20 Nearby Galaxy Clusters

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    Using SDSS-DR7, we construct a sample of 42382 galaxies with redshifts in the region of 20 galaxy clusters. Using two successive iterative methods, the adaptive kernel method and the spherical infall model, we obtained 3396 galaxies as members belonging to the studied sample. The 2D projected map for the distribution of the clusters members is introduced using the 2D adaptive kernel method to get the clusters centers. The cumulative surface number density profile for each cluster is fitted well with the generalized King model. The core radii of the clusters' sample are found to vary from 0.18 Mpc \mbox{h}^{-1} (A1459) to 0.47 Mpc \mbox{h}^{-1} (A2670) with mean value of 0.295 Mpc \mbox{h}^{-1}. The infall velocity profile is determined using two different models, Yahil approximation and Praton model. Yahil approximation is matched with the distribution of galaxies only in the outskirts (infall regions) of many clusters of the sample, while it is not matched with the distribution within the inner core of the clusters. Both Yahil approximation and Praton model are matched together in the infall region for about 9 clusters in the sample but they are completely unmatched for the clusters characterized by high central density. For these cluster, Yahil approximation is not matched with the distribution of galaxies, while Praton model can describe well the infall pattern of such clusters.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    The morphology of Malay

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    This thesis has been written in six chapters. Chapter 1, the Introduction, is intended to give the reader, in as general and concise a form as possible, sufficient information about Malay for him to be able to follow the analysis of the morphology of the language which is undertaken in the subsequent chapters. The Introduction thus includes, in addition to a discussion of the place of the National Language in relation to other styles and dialects, a brief account of its phonology and syntax.Chapter 2 provides the theoretical framework within which the morphology of Malay has been described. The units of morphology, 'morphemes' and 'words', are here defined, as also are the relevant morphological processes: affixation, reduplication and compounding. Allomorphic variation plays little part in Malay and, as demonstrated, can be dealt with satisfactorily by a few general rules.The derivation of nominal word -forms is described in Chapter 3. Simple, or root, nominals (as well as roots belonging to other classes) are fully listed in the appendices - but complex, reduplicated and compound forms are treated within the chapter.Chapter 4 describes the morphology of verbal word -forms. Generally speaking, verbals are more complex because there are three different classes of affixes involved: Intransitive (100), Transitive (200), and Voice (300). They may occur in up to three layers in one construction. The process of reduplication in the verbals, must be ordered before affixation (except with respect to affixes of Subclass 110 which are unproductive and derive forms that behave exactly like roots with respect to further morphological processes). Compounds are mostly composed of two constituent forms, which may be combined endocentrically or exocontrically.The adverbials are described in Chapter 5. They constitute only a small word class, and in all respects (with regard to affixation, reduplication and compounding) they resemble the verbals. They are treated exhaustively within the chapter.Chapter 6 deals with the remainder of the words m particles. Being a residual class, it is heterogeneous in nature. There are nine different subclasses, each of which is small in number. The members of all nine subclasses are fully listed in appendix 13. There are two particles that may be reduplicated, and a few that may enter into compounds. Otherwise the particles are not subject to morphological processes. Most of them occur in their root forms as free (full) forms, satellitics, or clitics.The thesis contains a set of rather lengthy appendices. These serve two purposes: (1) to list the root morphemes of each form class without putting long lists in the main body of the work; and (2) to list all the word -forms that may be derived by means of the productive affixes. This information given in the appendices forms an integral part of the thesis. Each of some 5,000 different roots is coded according to the morphological constructions into which it may enter. To the best of my knowledge most of this information, which is based upon the results of my own investigation, is nowhere else available, though some of it may also be extracted from the Malay National Language Dictionary (cf. Iskandar, 1970). It is primarily upon the provision of this detailed information that this dissertation bases its claim to originality

    Analisis Perubahan Luas Tutupan Lahan Bervegetasi terhadap Penyerapan Gas Co2 di Kota Pontianak

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    Tutupan lahan bervegetasi merupakan bagian penting bagi kehidupan masyarakat di wilayah perkotaan, peningkatan jumlah penduduk Kota Pontianak berdampak pada pengalihfungsian lahan bervegetasi menjadi area terbangun sehingga mengurangi luas tutupan lahan bervegetasi kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menginterpretasi Perubahan luas tutupan lahan bervegetasi di Kota Pontianak pada tahun 2002, 2007, dan 2012; (2) mengestimasi kemampuan luas tutupan lahan bervegetasi dalam penyerapan emisi karbon dioksida di Kota Pontianak pada tahun 2002, 2007, dan 2012; (3) memprediksi luas tutupan lahan bervegetasi dan kemampuan vegetasi dalam menyerap emisi karbon dioksida pada tahun 2017. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah interpretasi citra Landsat ETM 7 tahun 2002, 2007, dan 2012. Pengolahan awal meliputi subset image terhadap citra Landsat ETM 7. Pengolahan tahap lanjut adalah melakukan klasifikasi terbimbing terhadap citra Landsat ETM 7 kemudian melakukan recoding terhadap hasil klasifikasi citra. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan emisi CO2 mengacu pada nilai serapan karbon dioksida untuk masing-masing tipe vegetasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Prasetyo tahun 2002. Analisis dilakukan untuk melihat Perubahan tutupan lahan Kota Pontianak antara tahun 2002, 2007, dan 2012. Hasil prediksi yang diperoleh selama kurun waktu 15 tahun (tahun 2002-2017) telah terjadi Perubahan luas tutupan lahan bervegetasi di wilayah Kota Pontianak dengan penurunan terbesar terdapat pada lahan vegetasi dengan kelas pohon yaitu terjadi penurunan sebesar 1.109,08 ha, dengan semakin berkurangnya luas tutupan lahan bervegetasi mengakibatkan menurunnya kemampuan ruang hijau dalam menyerap gas CO2 selama kurun waktu 15 tahun sebesar 666.050,91 CO2 ton/tahun yaitu dari 731.662,89 CO2 ton/tahun menjadi 37201,03 CO2 ton/tahun

    Green tea polyphenol-reduced graphene oxide: derivatisation, reduction efficiency, reduction mechanism and cytotoxicity

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    This paper reports on the derivatisation, reduction efficiency, reduction mechanism and cytotoxicity of green tea polyphenol-reduced graphene oxide (GTP-RGO). The reduction of graphene oxide (GO) at 90°C using a weight ratio (WR) of GTP/GO=1 resulted in the production of a stable GTP-RGO dispersion in aqueous media, as indicated by the results of ultravioletvisible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and the measurement of zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility. In addition, the results from UV-Vis spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis indicated the comparable reduction ability of GTP relative to the standard reducing agent, hydrazine (N2H4). The removal mechanism of epoxy group from GO via reduction reaction with GTP was investigated by implementing hybrid functional method of Becke-3-parameters-Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP)using Gaussian 09 software. The energy and frequency calculations showed that the GO reduction using GTP was more spontaneous and relatively took place faster than the reduction using N2H4, as evidenced by higher entropy change (ΔS) (0.039 kcal/mol·K) and lower Gibbs free energy (ΔG) barrier (58.880 kcal/mol).The cytotoxicities of GO and GTP-RGO samples were evaluated against human colonic fibroblasts cells (CCD-18Co). The GO sample was determined to be toxic even at low concentration (6.25 μg/mL), while the GTP-RGO sample possesses notably low toxicity at the same concentration. The cell culture experiments revealed that the incorporation of GTP led to a decrease in the toxicity of GTP-RGO samples
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