1,613 research outputs found

    Hearts, desires and behavioural patterns: Debating human nature in ancient China

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    Thinkers in the Zhànguó period of Chinese history debated intensely whether men were by nature "good” or "bad”. This debate has for many years been an important focus of sinological interest, but usually these properties were not attributed to men, but rather to so-called "human nature” (xìng 性) - thus, in effect, mirroring well-known (and problematic) "European” positions and discussions. The aim of this paper is, on the one hand, to redirect attention to the original Zhànguó positions and to explore the reasons for their variance by offering novel and close historical readings of relevant passages, and on the other, to propose a viable historical reconstruction of the common anthropological assumptions underlying these positions by blending it with the traces of a dominant cognitive image present in the texts. This calls for a systematic rethinking of the role of hearts (in the plural), desires, and behavioural patterns in their interplay and as elements of a concept of the psychological build of human beings current in early Chin


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    The taxonomy, distribution, life history, and host plant relationships of the cochylid moth Agapeta zoegana (L.), an oligophagous, facultatively multivoltine root feeder, are discussed. The results of oviposition and larval feeding tests with 56 plant species in five families are presented and show that A. zoegana is restricted to a few closely related species of Centaurea. In Europe the moth is widely distributed and abundant in the majority of the root-feeding guilds of Centaurea maculosa Monnet de la Marck studied, with densities of 23.6 larvae per 100 roots in eastern Austria/northwestern Hungary and less than 8 larvae per 100 roots in central Hungary and the Alsace. The acceptance of target North American species (the tetraploid form of C. maculosa and the diploid Centaurea diffusa Monnet de la Marck), the damage caused, and the active searching ability rate A. zoegana as a potentially effective natural enemy of spotted and diffuse knapweed in North America. Agapeta zoegana will be especially promising as it predominantly attacks the rosette, which is, according to a recently developed population model for diffuse knapweed in Canada, the most sensitive stage determining equilibrium knapweed density. Agapeta zoegana is compatible with Pelochrista medullana Staudinger (Lepidoptera: Cochylidae), another knapweed root feeder recently introduced into North America, and will complement the seed-feeding species already established. The moth was approved for release in Canada and the USA and has been established in British Columbia since 1984 on C. diffus

    Data Descriptor: A genome-scale RNAi screen for genetic interactors of the dynein co-factor nud-2 in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Cytoplasmic dynein 1 (dynein) is the predominant microtubule minus end-directed motor in animals and participates in a wide range of cellular processes, including membrane trafficking, nuclear migration, and cell division. Dynein's functional diversity depends on co-factors that regulate its subcellular localization, interaction with cargo, and motor activity. The ubiquitous co-factor nuclear distribution gene E (NudE) is implicated in many of dynein's functions, and mutations in NudE cause the brain developmental disease microcephaly. To identify genetic interactors of the Caenorhabditis elegans NudE homolog nud-2, we performed a genome-wide RNAi screen with the null allele nud-2(ok949), which compromises dynein function but leaves animals viable and fertile. Using bacterial feeding to deliver dsRNAs in a 96-well liquid format and a semi-automated fluorescence microscopy approach for counting parents and progeny, we screened 19762 bacterial clones and identified 38 genes whose inhibition caused enhanced lethality in nud-2(ok949) relative to the nud-2(+) control. Further study of these genes, many of which participate in cell division, promises to provide insight into the function and regulation of dynein.The authors acknowledge the support of the BioSciences Screening i3S Scientific Platform. Funding for this project was provided by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (ERC grant agreement n o ERC-2013-StG-338410-DYNEINOME to R.G.), by the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO Installation Grant 2545 to R.G.), by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (IF/01015/2013/CP1157/CT0006 to R.G. and SFRH/BD/103495/2014 to H. R.), and by 'Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000029-Advancing cancer research: from basic knowledge to application', supported by the Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER

    Summaries of papers presented at the First International Accounting History Symposium

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    Summary of two papers: State of Bookkeeping in Upper Germany at the Time of the Fuggers and Welsers, by Hermann Kellenbenz; Survey of the Development of Auditing in Germany, by Rosa-Elizabeth Gassman

    CHENG MING: Richtigstellung der Bezeichnungen : Zu den Quellen eines Philosophems im antiken China: Ein Beitrag zur Konfuzius-Forschung

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    Die Richtigstellung der Bezeichnungen (cheng ming) gehört zu den zentralen Themen in der Geistesgeschichte des alten China. In allen bedeutenden Schulen der Vor-Ch'in-Zeit ist diese Problematik thematisch geworden, bei der es im Wesentlichen um das korrekte Verhältnis zwischen Wort und (Verhaltens-)wirklichkeit geht. Veränderungen in diesem Verhältnis führen je nach Schule zu Reformen auf sprachlicher und/oder sachlicher Ebene

    Sinn und Wert : ein philosophierender Klärungsversuch

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    Leben heisst Handeln. Das bringt zwar sisyphidisches Mühen mit sich, aber auch Erfahrungen eines «glückenden Lebensvollzugs», besonders wenn das eigene Handeln sinngeleitet und wertbezogen gestaltet werden kann. Aber wo sind Sinn und Werte zu verorten? Es zeigt sich, dass sie als Modalität des Handelns (Werte) respektive als Absicht des Handelns (Sinn) auftreten. Ein einfacher Satz illustriert die beiden Rollen: ich handle [WIE?], um zu [ABSICHT, WOZU?]. Die Einsicht in die modal-instrumentale Funktion erlaubt es, die aus Adverbien herzuleitenden abstrakten Nomina wie Freiheit, Gleichheit, Rechtmässigkeit als wertvolle Instrumente im Dienste der Sinnkonstitution zu verstehen und zu definieren. Gerade diese Instrumentalität hilft verstehen, warum missbräuchliches Handeln vorkommen und zu einer Entkoppelung von Wert und Sinn führen kann. Letztlich geht es um Kernfragen des persönlichen Lebens und des humanen Zusammenlebens

    “Fathers” Galore

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    In many ancient Chinese texts we frequently come across names with a suffix transcribed fǔ such as Féng Chǒu-fǔ, Guǎn Zhōu-fǔ, etc. (from the Zuǒ Zhuàn). In some cases the suffix is written in an alternative form, i.e. Zhēng-kǎo-fǔ (Zuǒ Zhuàn, second form in Kǒng Zǐ Jiā Yǔ). This seems to have been a naming convention in the higher ranks of society that was current in most states in the Chūnqiū and Zhànguó periods. Beyond the lexicographical information telling us that fǔ is a “honorific suffix attached to names of high-ranking men” (e.g. Axel Schuessler, ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese : 243), we are, in fact, quite ignorant about the specific circumstances under which this suffix was granted to a person. The character chosen for the main form of the suffix, i.e. the same one as is used for “father”, obviously points to a connection with this important role, but the foundation of this connection has not yet been clarified. The following article intends to explore historical, social, and genealogical data of selected persons with this name suffix in order to identify the parameters allowing for, or even calling for, this honour. It can be shown, that the suffix marked a function, i.e. that it was not merely honorific but in actual fact a title. A precise description of the contents of this function is not attempted for this would necessitate further biographical research in relation to the personages thus designated.Dans nombre de textes de la Chine ancienne, nous rencontrons des noms assortis du suffixe fǔ – comme dans Féng Chǒu-fǔ, Guǎn Zhōu-fǔ, etc. (exemples tirés du Zuǒ Zhuàn). Dans certains cas, ce suffixe est écrit avec une variante, i.e. Zhēng-kǎo-fǔ (Zuǒ Zhuàn, deuxième forme dans Kǒng Zǐ Jiā Yǔ). Il est probable qu’il se soit agi là d’une convention de nomination courante sous les Printemps et Automnes et les Royaumes combattants pour désigner des personnages de haut rang. Au-delà des informations lexicographiques qui nous disent que fǔ est un « suffixe honorifique attaché au nom de personnages de rang élevé » (cf. p. ex. Axel Schuessler, ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese : 243), nous sommes en fait assez peu renseignés sur les circonstances dans lesquelles un tel suffixe était accordé à une personne. Le caractère choisi comme principale forme de suffixation, à savoir le caractère usité pour signifier « le père », fait une référence évidente à cet important rôle, mais sans que les fondements d’une telle connexion aient été jusqu’à présent tirés au clair. Cet article explore les différentes données d’ordre historique, social et généalogique des personnes aux noms ainsi suffixés, et s’attache à identifier les paramètres en fonction desquels un tel honneur était échu à leurs porteurs. On peut ainsi démontrer que ce suffixe marque une fonction, c’est-à-dire qu’il ne s’agissait pas seulement d’un terme honorifique, mais en réalité d’un titre. On ne tentera pas ici une description du contenu précis de cette fonction, laquelle nécessiterait que soient menées plus avant des recherches biographiques sur les personnages ainsi désignés.眾多中國古典文獻中含有以“父”字結尾的名詞,如“逢丑父”、“ 管周父”等(見《左傳》),有時也作“正考父”、“正考甫”(第一種形式見《左傳》,第二種形式見《孔子家語》)。它們可能是春秋戰國時期用來指代顯貴人物的慣用語。雖然詞典中它們的定義是“用于高位者的敬語”(如Axel Schuessler, ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese, p.243),我們對這些詞的用法還是不甚了解。這種后綴的主要形式是“父”字,其本意為父親,所以父親在此后綴的使用中應該扮演了重要的角色,然而我們還不太清楚這種借用的依據。文本研究了以這些后綴為名的多位人物的歷史、社會和譜系學資料,并由此理出了一系列獲得這一敬稱的原則和標準。我們看到這類后綴不僅是一種榮譽頭銜,而且也對應了某種官銜,并與一定的官職聯系在一起。這里我們無意展開這一官職的具體描述,因為這需要對上述人物的生平作進一步的研究

    Views and representations of stochastic programs

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    Stochastic programs are difficult objects to work with. This paper describes various views and representations that may make it easier for the modeller to interact with a model, by way of formulating, archiving and visualizing models and model components

    Monitoring of Carboxypeptidase Digestion by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    The potential of matrix-assisted laser desorption and ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) is demonstrated by monitoring and analyzing the digestion of (human) pTH (1–34), a synthetic peptide with carboxypeptidases Y and B. All occurring ion signals in the mass spectra could be identified as degraded peptides. By calculating the mass differences between successive degraded peptides, it was possible to identify the released amino acids and to determine 8 amino acids of the C-terminus of the original peptide. For a single MS measurement, only 2 pmol of substrate was needed. Time-course analysis of the cleavage of the first amino acid residue gave insight into the kinetics involved. These measurements strongly support the hope that quantitative information about concentrations can be extracted from LDI-MS