309 research outputs found

    Translocality and a Duality Principle in Generally Covariant Quantum Field Theory

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    It is argued that the formal rules of correspondence between local observation procedures and observables do not exhaust the entire physical content of generally covariant quantum field theory. This result is obtained by expressing the distinguishing features of the local kinematical structure of quantum field theory in the generally covariant context in terms of a translocal structure which carries the totality of the nonlocal kinematical informations in a local region. This gives rise to a duality principle at the dynamical level which emphasizes the significance of the underlying translocal structure for modelling a minimal algebra around a given point. We discuss the emergence of classical properties from this point of view.Comment: 12 pages. To appear in Classical Quantum Gravit

    Symmetries of perturbed conformal field theories

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    The symmetries of perturbed conformal field theories are analysed. We explain which generators of the chiral algebras of a bulk theory survive a perturbation by an exactly marginal bulk field. We also study the behaviour of D-branes under current-current bulk deformations. We find that the branes always continue to preserve as much symmetry as they possibly can, i.e. as much as is preserved in the bulk. We illustrate these findings with several examples, including permutation branes in WZW models and B-type D-branes in Gepner models.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures. V2: Small error in eq. (2.14) correcte

    Scaling algebras and pointlike fields: A nonperturbative approach to renormalization

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    We present a method of short-distance analysis in quantum field theory that does not require choosing a renormalization prescription a priori. We set out from a local net of algebras with associated pointlike quantum fields. The net has a naturally defined scaling limit in the sense of Buchholz and Verch; we investigate the effect of this limit on the pointlike fields. Both for the fields and their operator product expansions, a well-defined limit procedure can be established. This can always be interpreted in the usual sense of multiplicative renormalization, where the renormalization factors are determined by our analysis. We also consider the limits of symmetry actions. In particular, for suitable limit states, the group of scaling transformations induces a dilation symmetry in the limit theory.Comment: minor changes and clarifications; as to appear in Commun. Math. Phys.; 37 page

    Braid group statistics implies scattering in three-dimensional local quantum physics

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    It is shown that particles with braid group statistics (Plektons) in three-dimensional space-time cannot be free, in a quite elementary sense: They must exhibit elastic two-particle scattering into every solid angle, and at every energy. This also implies that for such particles there cannot be any operators localized in wedge regions which create only single particle states from the vacuum and which are well-behaved under the space-time translations (so-called temperate polarization-free generators). These results considerably strengthen an earlier "NoGo-theorem for 'free' relativistic Anyons". As a by-product we extend a fact which is well-known in quantum field theory to the case of topological charges (i.e., charges localized in space-like cones) in d>3, namely: If there is no elastic two-particle scattering into some arbitrarily small open solid angle element, then the 2-particle S-matrix is trivial.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures. Comment on model-building added in the introductio

    Level-rank duality of untwisted and twisted D-branes of the so(N)_K WZW model

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    We analyze the level-rank duality of untwisted and epsilon-twisted D-branes of the so(N)_K WZW model. Untwisted D-branes of so(N)_K are characterized by integrable tensor and spinor representations of so(N)_K. Level-rank duality maps untwisted so(N)_K D-branes corresponding to (equivalence classes of) tensor representations onto those of so(K)_N. The epsilon-twisted D-branes of so(2n)_2k are characterized by (a subset of) integrable tensor and spinor representations of so(2n-1)_2k+1. Level-rank duality maps spinor epsilon-twisted so(2n)_2k D-branes onto those of so(2k)_2n. For both untwisted and epsilon-twisted D-branes, we prove that the spectrum of an open string ending on these D-branes is isomorphic to the spectrum of an open string ending on the level-rank-dual D-branes.Comment: 18 page

    Presentations of Wess-Zumino-Witten Fusion Rings

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    The fusion rings of Wess-Zumino-Witten models are re-examined. Attention is drawn to the difference between fusion rings over Z (which are often of greater importance in applications) and fusion algebras over C. Complete proofs are given characterising the fusion algebras (over C) of the SU(r+1) and Sp(2r) models in terms of the fusion potentials, and it is shown that the analagous potentials cannot describe the fusion algebras of the other models. This explains why no other representation-theoretic fusion potentials have been found. Instead, explicit generators are then constructed for general WZW fusion rings (over Z). The Jacobi-Trudy identity and its Sp(2r) analogue are used to derive the known fusion potentials. This formalism is then extended to the WZW models over the spin groups of odd rank, and explicit presentations of the corresponding fusion rings are given. The analogues of the Jacobi-Trudy identity for the spinor representations (for all ranks) are derived for this purpose, and may be of independent interest.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures, added references, minor additions to text. To be published in Rev. Math. Phy

    How to remove the boundary in CFT - an operator algebraic procedure

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    The relation between two-dimensional conformal quantum field theories with and without a timelike boundary is explored.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. v2: more precise title, reference correcte

    D-branes on a Deformation of SU(2)

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    We discuss D-branes on a line of conformal field theories connected by an exact marginal deformation. The line contains an SU(2) WZW model and two mutually T-dual SU(2)/U(1) cosets times a free boson. We find the D-branes preserving a U(1) isometry, an F-flux quantization condition and conformal invariance. Away from the SU(2) point a U(1) times U(1) symmetry is broken to U(1) times Z_k, i.e. continuous rotations of branes are accompanied by rotations along the branes. Requiring decoupling of the cosets from the free boson at the endpoints of the deformation breaks the continuous rotation of branes to Z_k. At the SU(2) point the full U(1) times U(1) symmetry is restored. This suggests the occurrence of phase transitions for branes at angles in the coset model, at a semiclassical level. We also discuss briefly the orientifold planes along the deformation line.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 5 figures, references adde

    On the Precision of a Length Measurement

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    We show that quantum mechanics and general relativity imply the existence of a minimal length. To be more precise, we show that no operational device subject to quantum mechanics, general relativity and causality could exclude the discreteness of spacetime on lengths shorter than the Planck length. We then consider the fundamental limit coming from quantum mechanics, general relativity and causality on the precision of the measurement of a length.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the 2006 International School of Subnuclear Physics in Erice and in ''Young Scientists'' online-only supplement of the European Physical Journal C-Direct (Springer
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