117 research outputs found

    Reliability of medical students' vaccination histories for immunisable diseases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medical students come into contact with infectious diseases early on their career. Immunity against vaccine-preventable diseases is therefore vital for both medical students and the patients with whom they come into contact.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to compare the medical history and serological status of selected vaccine-preventable diseases of medical students in Germany.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall correlation between self-reported medical history statements and serological findings among the 150 students studied was 86.7 %, 66.7 %, 78 % and 93.3 % for measles, mumps, rubella and varicella, conditional on sufficient immunity being achieved after one vaccination. Although 81.2 % of the students' medical history data correlated with serological findings, significant gaps in immunity were found.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings indicate that medical history alone is not a reliable screening tool for immunity against the vaccine-preventable diseases studied.</p

    RNA reference materials with defined viral RNA loads of SARS-CoV-2—A useful tool towards a better PCR assay harmonization

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    SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, requires reliable diagnostic methods to track the circulation of this virus. Following the development of RT-qPCR methods to meet this diagnostic need in January 2020, it became clear from interlaboratory studies that the reported Ct values obtained for the different laboratories showed high variability. Despite this the Ct values were explored as a quantitative cut off to aid clinical decisions based on viral load. Consequently, there was a need to introduce standards to support estimation of SARS-CoV-2 viral load in diagnostic specimens. In a collaborative study, INSTAND established two reference materials (RMs) containing heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2 with SARS-CoV-2 RNA loads of ~107 copies/mL (RM 1) and ~106 copies/mL (RM 2), respectively. Quantification was performed by RT-qPCR using synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA standards and digital PCR. Between November 2020 and February 2021, German laboratories were invited to use the two RMs to anchor their Ct values measured in routine diagnostic specimens, with the Ct values of the two RMs. A total of 305 laboratories in Germany were supplied with RM 1 and RM 2. The laboratories were requested to report their measured Ct values together with details on the PCR method they used to INSTAND. This resultant 1,109 data sets were differentiated by test system and targeted gene region. Our findings demonstrate that an indispensable prerequisite for linking Ct values to SARS-CoV-2 viral loads is that they are treated as being unique to an individual laboratory. For this reason, clinical guidance based on viral loads should not cite Ct values. The RMs described were a suitable tool to determine the specific laboratory Ct for a given viral load. Furthermore, as Ct values can also vary between runs when using the same instrument, such RMs could be used as run controls to ensure reproducibility of the quantitative measurements.Peer Reviewe

    Hydrothermal Synthesis of Delafossite-Type Oxides

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    The syntheses of copper and silver delafossite-type oxides from their constituent binary metal oxides, oxide hydroxides and hydroxides, by low temperature (<210 °C) and low pressure (<20 atm) hydrothermal reactions are described. Particular emphasis is placed on how the acid-base character of a constituent oxide determines its solubility and therefore whether a particular delafossite-type oxide can be synthesized, a strategy utilized by geologists and mineralogists to understand the conditions necessary for the synthesis of various minerals. Thus, the geochemical and corrosion science literature are shown to be useful in understanding the reaction conditions required for the syntheses of delafossite-type oxides and the relationship between reactant metal oxide acid-base character, solubility, aqueous speciation, and product formation. Manipulation of the key parameters, temperature, pressure, pH, and reactant solubility, results in broad families of phase-pure delafossite-type oxides in moderate to high yields for copper, CuBO2 (B) Al, Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ga, and Rh), and silver, AgBO2 (B ) Al, Sc, Fe, Co, Ni, Ga, Rh, In, and Tl)

    Niedrige Influenzaimpfquoten bei Mitarbeitern im Gesundheitswesen: Zeit für einen neuen Ansatz

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    Trotz jahrzehntelanger Bemühungen, die Influenzaimpfquoten des medizinischen Personals zu verbessern, verbleiben diese auf einem unzureichenden Niveau. Lediglich jeder fünfte medizinisch Beschäftigte lässt sich in Deutschland impfen. Um nosokomiale Influenzaausbrüche zu vermeiden und den Schutz der Patienten sowie des medizinischen Personals sicherzustellen, sollten neue Konzepte zur Steigerung der Impfquoten erarbeitet werden. Erfahrungen aus den USA zeigen, dass die Einführung unterschriebener Impfablehnungen die Impfquoten erhöht. Ein möglicher Ansatz für Deutschland wäre eine Kombination aus unterschriebener Impfablehnung und dem ausschließlichen Einsatz geimpften Personals in definierten Bereichen. Hierdurch könnte auf der einen Seite die freie Entscheidung des medizinischen Personals über die Ablehnung einer medizinischen Behandlung respektiert werden, auf der anderen Seite würde dem Schutz der vulnerablen Patienten Rechnung getragen. In Deutschland sollten die Influenzadurchimpfungsquoten des medizinischen Personals erfasst werden, um die Umsetzung des Impfkonzeptes bewerten zu können. Analog zu den angestrebten Durchimpfungsquoten bei chronisch Kranken, sollte ein konkretes Impfziel für medizinisches Personal festgelegt werden