3,192 research outputs found

    The Collision of Tort and Contract in the Construction Industry

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    Over the past two decades, several courts have allowed construction industry plaintiffs to assert tort claims to recover for purely economic losses (i.e. other than injury to person or property) from other participants in the construction process. Parties assert tort claims, instead of or in addition to contract claims, to take advantage of the more liberal tort damage rules and, probably more importantly, to escape unfavorable contract provisions. This article briefly discusses the different origins and goals of tort and contract law. It then reviews some of the decisions allowing recovery of purely economic losses in tort as well as several recent decisions, in both the product liability and construction fields, reflecting what the authors believe is an emerging trend away from allowing such actions. The authors\u27 thesis is that the emerging economic loss rule reflects the fundamentally different goals of tort and contract law and serves to enforce the legitimate expectations of participants in the construction industry and other fields of commerce

    Neuropsychological differences between treatment-resistant and treatment-responsive schizophrenia:a meta-analysis

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    Antipsychotic treatment resistance affects up to a third of individuals with schizophrenia. Of those affected, 70–84% are reported to be treatment resistant from the outset. This raises the possibility that the neurobiological mechanisms of treatment resistance emerge before the onset of psychosis and have a neurodevelopmental origin. Neuropsychological investigations can offer important insights into the nature, origin and pathophysiology of treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS), but methodological limitations in a still emergent field of research have obscured the neuropsychological discriminability of TRS. We report on the first systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate neuropsychological differences between TRS patients and treatment-responsive controls across 17 published studies (1864 participants). Five meta-analyses were performed in relation to (1) executive function, (2) general cognitive function, (3) attention, working memory and processing speed, (4) verbal memory and learning, and (5) visual−spatial memory and learning. Small-to-moderate effect sizes emerged for all domains. Similarly to previous comparisons between unselected, drug-naïve and first-episode schizophrenia samples v. healthy controls in the literature, the largest effect size was observed in verbal memory and learning [dl = −0.53; 95% confidence interval (CI) −0.29 to −0.76; z = 4.42; p < 0.001]. A sub-analysis of language-related functions, extracted from across the primary domains, yielded a comparable effect size (dl = −0.53, 95% CI −0.82 to −0.23; z = 3.45; p < 0.001). Manipulating our sampling strategy to include or exclude samples selected for clozapine response did not affect the pattern of findings. Our findings are discussed in relation to possible aetiological contributions to TRS

    Natural killer cell dysfunction is a distinguishing feature of systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and macrophage activation syndrome

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    Macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) has been reported in association with many rheumatic diseases, most commonly in systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (sJRA). Clinically, MAS is similar to hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a genetic disorder with absent or depressed natural killer (NK) function. We have previously reported that, as in HLH, patients with MAS have profoundly decreased NK activity, suggesting that this abnormality might be relevant to the pathogenesis of the syndrome. Here we examined the extent of NK dysfunction across the spectrum of diseases that comprise juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were collected from patients with pauciarticular (n = 4), polyarticular (n = 16), and systemic (n = 20) forms of JRA. NK cytolytic activity was measured after co-incubation of PBMC with the NK-sensitive K562 cell line. NK cells (CD56(+)/T cell receptor [TCR]-αβ(-)), NK T cells (CD56(+)/TCR-αβ(+)), and CD8(+ )T cells were also assessed for perforin and granzyme B expression by flow cytometry. Overall, NK cytolytic activity was significantly lower in patients with sJRA than in other JRA patients and controls. In a subgroup of patients with predominantly sJRA, NK cell activity was profoundly decreased: in 10 of 20 patients with sJRA and in only 1 of 20 patients with other JRA, levels of NK activity were below two standard deviations of pediatric controls (P = 0.002). Some decrease in perforin expression in NK cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes was seen in patients within each of the JRA groups with no statistically significant differences. There was a profound decrease in the proportion of circulating CD56(bright )NK cells in three sJRA patients, a pattern similar to that previously observed in MAS and HLH. In conclusion, a subgroup of patients with JRA who have not yet had an episode of MAS showed decreased NK function and an absence of circulating CD56(bright )population, similar to the abnormalities observed in patients with MAS and HLH. This phenomenon was particularly common in the systemic form of JRA, a clinical entity strongly associated with MAS

    Site-specific factors influence the field performance of a Zn-biofortified wheat variety

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    Background: Biofortification of wheat with zinc (Zn) through breeding and agronomy can reduce Zn deficiencies and improve human health. ‘High-Zn’ wheat varieties have been released in India and Pakistan, where wheat is consumed widely as a dietary staple. The aim of this study was to quantify the potential contribution of a ‘high-Zn’ wheat variety (Triticum aestivum L. var. Zincol-2016) and Zn fertilisers to improving dietary Zn supply under field conditions in Pakistan. Methods: Grain Zn concentration of Zincol-2016 and local reference varieties were determined at three sites of contrasting soil Zn status: Faisalabad (Punjab Province; diethylenetriamine pentaacetate- (DTPA-)extractable Zn, 1.31 mg kg-1 soil; gross plot size 13.3 m2; n=4; reference var. Faisalabad-2008), Islamabad (Capital Territory; 0.48 mg kg-1; 4.6 m2; n=5; reference var. NARC-2011), and Pir Sabak (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, KPK, Province; 0.12 mg kg-1 soil; 9.1 m2; n=4; reference vars. Pirsabak-2015, Wadhan-2017). Eight Zn fertiliser treatment levels were tested using a randomised complete block design: control; soil (5 or 10 kg ha-1 ZnSO4.H2O; 33% Zn applied at sowing); foliar (0.79 or 1.58 kg of ZnSO4.H2O ha-1 applied as a 250 L ha-1 drench at crop booting stage); three soil foliar combinations. Results: At the Faisalabad site, the grain Zn concentration of Zincol-2016 was greater than Faisalabad-2008, with no yield penalty. Zincol-2016 did not have larger grain Zn concentrations than reference varieties used at Islamabad or Pir Sabak sites, which both had a lower soil Zn status than the Faisalabad site. Foliar Zn fertilisation increased grain Zn concentration of all varieties at all sites. There were no significant effects of soil Zn fertilisers, or variety·fertiliser interactions, on grain Zn concentration or yield. Conclusions: Environment and management affect the performance of ‘high-Zn’ wheat varieties, and these factors needs to be evaluated at scale to assess the potential nutritional impact of Zn biofortified crops. Designing studies to detect realistic effect sizes for new varieties and crop management strategies is therefore an important consideration. The current study indicated that nine replicate plots would be needed to achieve 80% power to detect a 25% increase in grain Zn concentration

    The Nebraska State Capitol

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    A High Peak of Architectural Progress Some little while ago there appeared on this page a saying to the effect that progress is a blind succession of events fully exposed only through the agency of a capable interpreter. This issue of American Architect is proof of that contention. The Nebraska State Capitol—to which the issue is entirely devoted—is much more than an excellent example of unusual monumental design or even a symbol of democratic government. It marks an important period in the history of building progress. In many ways the architectural genius of Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue dramatized in this design a peak in the history of building accomplishment. As a break from the precedent of tradition the Nebraska State Capitol did much to advance a new and more virile architectural philosophy. From the engineering standpoint the building embodies the cumulative results of American energy, inventive skill and organizing ability; and from all combined points of view it stands as a remarkable interpretation of innumerable events that have shaped the progress of American art. industry and democratic government. For any one of these reasons American Archltect might be proud to publish the Nebraska State Capitol. In combination they make an entire issue necessary to present exclusively a most outstanding example of architectural progress. The Nebraska State Capitol — By Charles Harris Whitaker Highlights of The Capitol\u27s History — By John Edwards A Record of Successful Experiments — By Harry F. Cunningham, A.I.A Symbolism and Inscriptions — By Hartley B. Alexander, Hon. A.I.A. Color in the N ehraska StateCapitol Not in the Specifications — By Oscar H. Murray, A.I.A. An Outline of Mechanical Service Equipment — Meyer, Strong & Jones, Engineers The Story of the Capitol\u27s Construction — By Emile H. Praeger Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue • Exterior Views and Details of North Facade • Exterior Views and Details of South Facade • Plans, Elevations and Details • The Foyer • The Rotunda • The Senate Chamber • The House Chamber • Supreme Court Rooms • Memorial Hall • Governor\u27s Reception Room • Senate Lounge Cover Design by Ernest Born Acknowledgements • As It Looks to the Editors • Trends and Topics of the Times • The Readers Have a Word to Say • New Materials • Book

    Selenium deficiency is widespread and spatially dependent in Ethiopia

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    Selenium (Se) is an essential element for human health and livestock productivity. Globally, human Se status is highly variable, mainly due to the influence of soil types on the Se content of crops, suggesting the need to identify areas of deficiency to design targeted interventions. In sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia, data on population Se status are largely unavailable, although previous studies indicated the potential for widespread Se deficiency. Serum Se concentration of a nationally representative sample of the Ethiopian population was determined, and these observed values were combined with a spatial statistical model to predict and map the Se status of populations across the country. The study used archived serum samples (n = 3269) from the 2015 Ethiopian National Micronutrient Survey (ENMS). The ENMS was a cross-sectional survey of young and school-age children, women and men. Serum Se concentration was measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). The national median (Q1, Q3) serum Se concentration was 87.7 (56.7, 123.0) μg L−1. Serum Se concentration differed between regions, ranging from a median (Q1, Q3) of 54.6 (43.1, 66.3) µg L−1 in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region to 122.0 (105, 141) µg L−1 in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region and the Afar Region. Overall, 35.5% of the population were Se deficient, defined as serum Se < 70 µg L−1. A geostatistical analysis showed that there was marked spatial dependence in Se status, with serum concentrations greatest among those living in North-East and Eastern Ethiopia and along the Rift Valley, while serum Se concentrations were lower among those living in North-West and Western Ethiopia. Selenium deficiency in Ethiopia is widespread, but the risk of Se deficiency is highly spatially dependent. Policies to enhance Se nutrition should target populations in North-West and Western Ethiopi

    The potential of spot urine as a biomarker for zinc assessment in Malawian children and adults

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    Population-level assessment of zinc deficiency remains a challenge due to the lack of suitable biomarkers. Spot urinary zinc concentration (UZC) has the potential to provide information on population zinc status in large-scale surveys, but there is no established cut-off point indicating deficiency. A strong correlation between this biomarker and an established biomarker such as serum zinc concentration (SZC) in paired samples (i.e., from the same individual), could identify the thresholds indicating zinc deficiency. This study, therefore, aimed to regress spot UZC from school-aged children and women from the Malawi micronutrient survey with paired SZC data using a linear mixed-effects model. The nested variance components indicated no linear relationship between the UZC and SZC data, irrespective of adjustments for inflammation and hydration. Thresholds of urinary zinc excretion that have been suggested by expert panels were applied to the spot UZC data, as a post-hoc analysis. The zinc deficiency prevalence estimates derived from these suggested thresholds were not similar to the estimates from the SZC data, and further research is required to understand whether spot UZC can still provide useful information in population zinc assessment

    Default Risk and Equity Returns: A Comparison of the Bank-Based German and the U.S. Financial System

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    In this paper, we address the question whether the impact of default risk on equity returns depends on the financial system firms operate in. Using an implementation of Merton's option-pricing model for the value of equity to estimate firms' default risk, we construct a factor that measures the excess return of firms with low default risk over firms with high default risk. We then compare results from asset pricing tests for the German and the U.S. stock markets. Since Germany is the prime example of a bank-based financial system, where debt is supposedly a major instrument of corporate governance, we expect that a systematic default risk effect on equity returns should be more pronounced for German rather than U.S. firms. Our evidence suggests that a higher firm default risk systematically leads to lower returns in both capital markets. This contradicts some previous results for the U.S. by Vassalou/Xing (2004), but we show that their default risk factor looses its explanatory power if one includes a default risk factor measured as a factor mimicking portfolio. It further turns out that the composition of corporate debt affects equity returns in Germany. Firms' default risk sensitivities are attenuated the more a firm depends on bank debt financing
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