154 research outputs found

    Exact semiclassical expansions for one-dimensional quantum oscillators

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    A set of rules is given for dealing with WKB expansions in the one-dimensional analytic case, whereby such expansions are not considered as approximations but as exact encodings of wave functions, thus allowing for analytic continuation with respect to whichever parameters the potential function depends on, with an exact control of small exponential effects. These rules, which include also the case when there are double turning points, are illustrated on various examples, and applied to the study of bound state or resonance spectra. In the case of simple oscillators, it is thus shown that the Rayleigh–Schrödinger series is Borel resummable, yielding the exact energy levels. In the case of the symmetrical anharmonic oscillator, one gets a simple and rigorous justification of the Zinn-Justin quantization condition, and of its solution in terms of “multi-instanton expansion

    Résurgence de Voros et périodes des courbes hyperelliptiques

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    The aim of this article is to formulate in a geometrical way the master idea of Voros [ in Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Sect. A 39, 211-238 (1983) ] : the solutions of the one dimensional stationary Schrödinger equation with a polynomial potential are exactly encoded in the complex domain by their WKB expansions (formal divergent expansions in powers of Planck’s constant) in a way which can be read in the geometry of periods of the differential form p d q ( q = position variable, ( p =classicial momentum)

    Peptidomimetic antibiotics disrupt the lipopolysaccharide transport bridge of drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae

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    The rise of antimicrobial resistance poses a substantial threat to our health system, and, hence, development of drugs against novel targets is urgently needed. The natural peptide thanatin kills Gram-negative bacteria by targeting proteins of the lipopolysaccharide transport (Lpt) machinery. Using the thanatin scaffold together with phenotypic medicinal chemistry, structural data, and a target-focused approach, we developed antimicrobial peptides with drug-like properties. They exhibit potent activity against Enterobacteriaceae both in vitro and in vivo while eliciting low frequencies of resistance. We show that the peptides bind LptA of both wild-type and thanatin-resistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae strains with low-nanomolar affinities. Mode of action studies revealed that the antimicrobial activity involves the specific disruption of the Lpt periplasmic protein bridge

    Pars plana vitrectomy for diabetic macular edema. Internal limiting membrane delamination vs posterior hyaloid removal. A prospective randomized trial

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field.BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus, as well as subsequent ocular complications such as cystoid macular edema (CME), are of fundametal socio-economic relevance. Therefore, we evaluated the influence of internal limiting membrane (ILM) removal on longterm morphological and functional outcome in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 and chronic CME without evident vitreomacular traction. METHOD: Forty eyes with attached posterior hyaloid were included in this prospective trial and randomized intraoperatively. Prior focal (n = 31) or panretinal (n = 25) laser coagulation was permitted. Group I (n = 19 patients) underwent surgical induction of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), group II (n = 20 patients) PVD and removal of the ILM. Eleven patients with detached posterior hyaloid (group III) were not randomized, and ILM removal was performed. One eye had to be excluded from further analysis. Examinations included ETDRS best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), fluorescein angiography (FLA) and OCT at baseline, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Main outcome measure was BCVA at 6 months, secondary was foveal thickness. RESULTS: Mean BCVA over 6 months remained unchanged in 85% of patients of group II, and decreased in 53% of patients of group I. Results were not statistically significant different [group I: mean decrease log MAR 95% CI (0.06; 0.32), group II: (-0.02; 0.11)]. OCT revealed a significantly greater reduction of foveal thickness following PVD with ILM removal [group I: mean change: 95% CI (-208.95 μm; -78.05 μm), group II: (-80.90 μm: +59.17 μm)]. CONCLUSION: Vitrectomy, PVD with or without ILM removal does not improve vision in patients with DM type 2 and cystoid diabetic macular edema without evident vitreoretinal traction. ILM delamination shows improved morphological results, and appears to be beneficial in eyes with preexisting PVD

    Local Government Revenue Mobilisation in Anglophone Africa

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    This paper examines opportunities and constraints facing local revenue mobilisation in anglophone Africa, with an emphasis on urban settings. It discusses specific revenue instruments and their effects on economic efficiency, income distribution and accountability. In particular, it addresses political and administrative constraints facing various revenue instruments and factors affecting citizens’ compliance. The analysis is illustrated with examples from across anglophone Africa. A general conclusion emerging from the study is that local revenues mobilised in most local government authorities in Africa are necessary but not sufficient to develop and supply adequate services for the fast-growing population. On this basis, areas for further research on local government revenue mobilisation in Africa are identifiedDfI

    Hypofibrinolysis in diabetes: a therapeutic target for the reduction of cardiovascular risk

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    An enhanced thrombotic environment and premature atherosclerosis are key factors for the increased cardiovascular risk in diabetes. The occlusive vascular thrombus, formed secondary to interactions between platelets and coagulation proteins, is composed of a skeleton of fibrin fibres with cellular elements embedded in this network. Diabetes is characterised by quantitative and qualitative changes in coagulation proteins, which collectively increase resistance to fibrinolysis, consequently augmenting thrombosis risk. Current long-term therapies to prevent arterial occlusion in diabetes are focussed on anti-platelet agents, a strategy that fails to address the contribution of coagulation proteins to the enhanced thrombotic milieu. Moreover, antiplatelet treatment is associated with bleeding complications, particularly with newer agents and more aggressive combination therapies, questioning the safety of this approach. Therefore, to safely control thrombosis risk in diabetes, an alternative approach is required with the fibrin network representing a credible therapeutic target. In the current review, we address diabetes-specific mechanistic pathways responsible for hypofibrinolysis including the role of clot structure, defects in the fibrinolytic system and increased incorporation of anti-fibrinolytic proteins into the clot. Future anti-thrombotic therapeutic options are discussed with special emphasis on the potential advantages of modulating incorporation of the anti-fibrinolytic proteins into fibrin networks. This latter approach carries theoretical advantages, including specificity for diabetes, ability to target a particular protein with a possible favourable risk of bleeding. The development of alternative treatment strategies to better control residual thrombosis risk in diabetes will help to reduce vascular events, which remain the main cause of mortality in this condition
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