489 research outputs found

    Dispersion processes

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    We study a synchronous dispersion process in which MM particles are initially placed at a distinguished origin vertex of a graph GG. At each time step, at each vertex vv occupied by more than one particle at the beginning of this step, each of these particles moves to a neighbour of vv chosen independently and uniformly at random. The dispersion process ends once the particles have all stopped moving, i.e. at the first step at which each vertex is occupied by at most one particle. For the complete graph KnK_n and star graph SnS_n, we show that for any constant δ>1\delta>1, with high probability, if Mn/2(1δ)M \le n/2(1-\delta), then the process finishes in O(logn)O(\log n) steps, whereas if Mn/2(1+δ)M \ge n/2(1+\delta), then the process needs eΩ(n)e^{\Omega(n)} steps to complete (if ever). We also show that an analogous lazy variant of the process exhibits the same behaviour but for higher thresholds, allowing faster dispersion of more particles. For paths, trees, grids, hypercubes and Cayley graphs of large enough sizes (in terms of MM) we give bounds on the time to finish and the maximum distance traveled from the origin as a function of the number of particles MM

    An All-But-One Entropic Uncertainty Relation, and Application to Password-based Identification

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    Entropic uncertainty relations are quantitative characterizations of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which make use of an entropy measure to quantify uncertainty. In quantum cryptography, they are often used as convenient tools in security proofs. We propose a new entropic uncertainty relation. It is the first such uncertainty relation that lower bounds the uncertainty in the measurement outcome for all but one choice for the measurement from an arbitrarily large (but specifically chosen) set of possible measurements, and, at the same time, uses the min-entropy as entropy measure, rather than the Shannon entropy. This makes it especially suited for quantum cryptography. As application, we propose a new quantum identification scheme in the bounded quantum storage model. It makes use of our new uncertainty relation at the core of its security proof. In contrast to the original quantum identification scheme proposed by Damg{\aa}rd et al., our new scheme also offers some security in case the bounded quantum storage assumption fails hold. Specifically, our scheme remains secure against an adversary that has unbounded storage capabilities but is restricted to non-adaptive single-qubit operations. The scheme by Damg{\aa}rd et al., on the other hand, completely breaks down under such an attack.Comment: 33 pages, v

    Ordering of Energy Levels in Heisenberg Models and Applications

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    In a recent paper we conjectured that for ferromagnetic Heisenberg models the smallest eigenvalues in the invariant subspaces of fixed total spin are monotone decreasing as a function of the total spin and called this property ferromagnetic ordering of energy levels (FOEL). We have proved this conjecture for the Heisenberg model with arbitrary spins and coupling constants on a chain. In this paper we give a pedagogical introduction to this result and also discuss some extensions and implications. The latter include the property that the relaxation time of symmetric simple exclusion processes on a graph for which FOEL can be proved, equals the relaxation time of a random walk on the same graph. This equality of relaxation times is known as Aldous' Conjecture.Comment: 20 pages, contribution for the proceedings of QMATH9, Giens, September 200

    On the ideals of equivariant tree models

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    We introduce equivariant tree models in algebraic statistics, which unify and generalise existing tree models such as the general Markov model, the strand symmetric model, and group based models. We focus on the ideals of such models. We show how the ideals for general trees can be determined from the ideals for stars. The main novelty is our proof that this procedure yields the entire ideal, not just an ideal defining the model set-theoretically. A corollary of theoretical importance is that the ideal for a general tree is generated by the ideals of its flattenings at vertices.Comment: 23 pages. Greatly improved exposition, in part following suggestions by a referee--thanks! Also added exampl

    Quantum information reclaiming after amplitude damping

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    We investigate the quantum information reclaim from the environment after amplitude damping has occurred. In particular we address the question of optimal measurement on the environment to perform the best possible correction on two and three dimensional quantum systems. Depending on the dimension we show that the entanglement fidelity (the measure quantifying the correction performance) is or is not the same for all possible measurements and uncover the optimal measurement leading to the maximum entanglement fidelity

    Generalized Ensemble and Tempering Simulations: A Unified View

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    From the underlying Master equations we derive one-dimensional stochastic processes that describe generalized ensemble simulations as well as tempering (simulated and parallel) simulations. The representations obtained are either in the form of a one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation or a hopping process on a one-dimensional chain. In particular, we discuss the conditions under which these representations are valid approximate Markovian descriptions of the random walk in order parameter or control parameter space. They allow a unified discussion of the stationary distribution on, as well as of the stationary flow across each space. We demonstrate that optimizing the flow is equivalent to minimizing the first passage time for crossing the space, and discuss the consequences of our results for optimizing simulations. Finally, we point out the limitations of these representations under conditions of broken ergodicity.Comment: 11 pages Latex, 2 eps figures, revised version, typos corrected, PRE in pres

    Spectral Analysis of the Supreme Court

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    The focus of this paper is the linear algebraic framework in which the spectral analysis of voting data like that above is carried out. As we will show, this framework can be used to pinpoint voting coalitions in small voting bodies like the United States Supreme Court. Our goal is to show how simple ideas from linear algebra can come together to say something interesting about voting. And what could be more simple than where our story begins— with counting

    One-sided Cauchy-Stieltjes Kernel Families

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    This paper continues the study of a kernel family which uses the Cauchy-Stieltjes kernel in place of the celebrated exponential kernel of the exponential families theory. We extend the theory to cover generating measures with support that is unbounded on one side. We illustrate the need for such an extension by showing that cubic pseudo-variance functions correspond to free-infinitely divisible laws without the first moment. We also determine the domain of means, advancing the understanding of Cauchy-Stieltjes kernel families also for compactly supported generating measures

    Winning quick and dirty: the greedy random walk

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    As a strategy to complete games quickly, we investigate one-dimensional random walks where the step length increases deterministically upon each return to the origin. When the step length after the kth return equals k, the displacement of the walk x grows linearly in time. Asymptotically, the probability distribution of displacements is a purely exponentially decaying function of |x|/t. The probability E(t,L) for the walk to escape a bounded domain of size L at time t decays algebraically in the long time limit, E(t,L) ~ L/t^2. Consequently, the mean escape time ~ L ln L, while ~ L^{2n-1} for n>1. Corresponding results are derived when the step length after the kth return scales as k^alpha$ for alpha>0.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2-column revtext4 forma

    Hopf algebras and Markov chains: Two examples and a theory

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    The operation of squaring (coproduct followed by product) in a combinatorial Hopf algebra is shown to induce a Markov chain in natural bases. Chains constructed in this way include widely studied methods of card shuffling, a natural "rock-breaking" process, and Markov chains on simplicial complexes. Many of these chains can be explictly diagonalized using the primitive elements of the algebra and the combinatorics of the free Lie algebra. For card shuffling, this gives an explicit description of the eigenvectors. For rock-breaking, an explicit description of the quasi-stationary distribution and sharp rates to absorption follow.Comment: 51 pages, 17 figures. (Typographical errors corrected. Further fixes will only appear on the version on Amy Pang's website, the arXiv version will not be updated.