7,921 research outputs found

    Aluminide coatings for nickel base alloys

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    The metalliding process was used to aluminide IN-100 and TD NiCr. Aluminum was deposited over a broad range of deposition rates, with two types of coating structures resulting. Chromium, silicon, titanium and yttrium were also individually deposited simutaneously with aluminum on IN-100. None of these had a marked effect on the oxidation resistance of the aluminide coating. Porosity-free aluminide coatings with good oxidation resistance were formed on TD NiCr providing the aluminum concentration did not exceed 8 percent, the limit of solubility in the gamma phase

    Moist turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection with Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions

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    Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection with phase changes in an extended layer between two parallel impermeable planes is studied by means of three-dimensional direct numerical simulations for Rayleigh numbers between 10^4 and 1.5\times 10^7 and for Prandtl number Pr=0.7. Two different sets of boundary conditions of temperature and total water content are compared: imposed constant amplitudes which translate into Dirichlet boundary conditions for the scalar field fluctuations about the quiescent diffusive equilibrium and constant imposed flux boundary conditions that result in Neumann boundary conditions. Moist turbulent convection is in the conditionally unstable regime throughout this study for which unsaturated air parcels are stably and saturated air parcels unstably stratified. A direct comparison of both sets of boundary conditions with the same parameters requires to start the turbulence simulations out of differently saturated equilibrium states. Similar to dry Rayleigh-Benard convection the differences in the turbulent velocity fluctuations, the cloud cover and the convective buoyancy flux decrease across the layer with increasing Rayleigh number. At the highest Rayleigh numbers the system is found in a two-layer regime, a dry cloudless and stably stratified layer with low turbulence level below a fully saturated and cloudy turbulent one which equals classical Rayleigh-Benard convection layer. Both are separated by a strong inversion that gets increasingly narrower for growing Rayleigh number.Comment: 19 pages, 13 Postscript figures, Figures 10,11,12,13, in reduced qualit

    Encoding dynamics for multiscale community detection: Markov time sweeping for the Map equation

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    The detection of community structure in networks is intimately related to finding a concise description of the network in terms of its modules. This notion has been recently exploited by the Map equation formalism (M. Rosvall and C.T. Bergstrom, PNAS, 105(4), pp.1118--1123, 2008) through an information-theoretic description of the process of coding inter- and intra-community transitions of a random walker in the network at stationarity. However, a thorough study of the relationship between the full Markov dynamics and the coding mechanism is still lacking. We show here that the original Map coding scheme, which is both block-averaged and one-step, neglects the internal structure of the communities and introduces an upper scale, the `field-of-view' limit, in the communities it can detect. As a consequence, Map is well tuned to detect clique-like communities but can lead to undesirable overpartitioning when communities are far from clique-like. We show that a signature of this behavior is a large compression gap: the Map description length is far from its ideal limit. To address this issue, we propose a simple dynamic approach that introduces time explicitly into the Map coding through the analysis of the weighted adjacency matrix of the time-dependent multistep transition matrix of the Markov process. The resulting Markov time sweeping induces a dynamical zooming across scales that can reveal (potentially multiscale) community structure above the field-of-view limit, with the relevant partitions indicated by a small compression gap.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Di- and Trinuclear Mixed-Valence Copper Amidinate Complexes from Reduction of Iodine

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    Molecular examples of mixed-valence copper complexes through chemical oxidation are rare but invoked in the mechanism of substrate activation, especially oxygen, in copper-containing enzymes. To examine the cooperative chemistry between two metals in close proximity to each other we began studying the reactivity of a dinuclear Cu(I) amidinate complex. The reaction of [(2,6-Me2C6H3N)2C(H)]2Cu2, 1, with I2 in tetrahydrofuran (THF), CH3CN, and toluene affords three new mixed-valence copper complexes [(2,6-Me2C6H3N)2C(H)]2Cu2(μ2-I3)(THF)2, 2, [(2,6-Me2C6H3N)2C(H)]2Cu2(μ2-I) (NCMe)2, 3, and [(2,6-Me2C6H3N)2C(H)]3Cu3(μ3-I)2, 4, respectively. The first two compounds were characterized by UV-vis and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies, and their molecular structure was determined by X-ray crystallography. Both di- and trinuclear mixed-valence intermediates were characterized for the reaction of compound 1 to compound 4, and the molecular structure of 4 was determined by X-ray crystallography. The electronic structure of each of these complexes was also investigated using density functional theory

    A striking correspondence between the dynamics generated by the vector fields and by the scalar parabolic equations

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    The purpose of this paper is to enhance a correspondence between the dynamics of the differential equations y˙(t)=g(y(t))\dot y(t)=g(y(t)) on Rd\mathbb{R}^d and those of the parabolic equations u˙=Δu+f(x,u,u)\dot u=\Delta u +f(x,u,\nabla u) on a bounded domain Ω\Omega. We give details on the similarities of these dynamics in the cases d=1d=1, d=2d=2 and d3d\geq 3 and in the corresponding cases Ω=(0,1)\Omega=(0,1), Ω=T1\Omega=\mathbb{T}^1 and dim(Ω\Omega)2\geq 2 respectively. In addition to the beauty of such a correspondence, this could serve as a guideline for future research on the dynamics of parabolic equations

    Identification of metastable states in peptide's dynamics

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    A recently developed spectral method for identifying metastable states in Markov chains is used to analyse the conformational dynamics of a four residue peptide Valine-Proline-Alanine-Leucine. We compare our results to empirically defined conformational states and show that the found metastable states correctly reproduce the conformational dynamics of the system

    Using Concurrent Cardiovascular Information to Augment Survival Time Data for Evaluating Orthostatic Tilt Test Performance

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    Head-up tilt (HUT) tests often are used in research to measure orthostatic intolerance (OI) (inability to appropriately control blood pressure while upright) in clinical populations and otherwise healthy individuals after interventions. Post-space flight orthostatic intolerance is a well-known phenomenon, and countermeasures to its development has been an active area of research at NASA. In the NASA HUT protocol, subjects lie horizontally on an automatic tilt table for baseline measurements before being raised to 80deg head-up tilt for a defined period of time or until signs or symptoms of presyncope ensues (light-headedness, nausea, dizziness, sweating, weakness or fainting). Multiple measures are collected to evaluate the cardiovascular system's ability to respond appropriately to the orthostatic challenge. However if the intended duration of the HUT is short, the ability to detect changes in OI due to an intervention or its prevention by a countermeasure may be limited by a small number of failures to permit comparisons based on survival time alone. Thus, the time-trajectory of the cardiovascular data becomes an important additional source of information. In particular, we will show how various measures of trajectory variability can effectively augment survival analysis for the assessment of OI in a joint model when high censoring rates are present

    Updated NNLO QCD predictions for the weak radiative B-meson decays

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    Weak radiative decays of the B mesons belong to the most important flavor changing processes that provide constraints on physics at the TeV scale. In the derivation of such constraints, accurate standard model predictions for the inclusive branching ratios play a crucial role. In the current Letter we present an update of these predictions, incorporating all our results for the O(alpha_s^2) and lower-order perturbative corrections that have been calculated after 2006. New estimates of nonperturbative effects are taken into account, too. For the CP- and isospin-averaged branching ratios, we find B_{s gamma} = (3.36 +_ 0.23) * 10^-4 and B_{d gamma} = 1.73^{+0.12}_{-0.22} * 10^-5, for E_gamma > 1.6GeV. Both results remain in agreement with the current experimental averages. Normalizing their sum to the inclusive semileptonic branching ratio, we obtain R_gamma = ( B_{s gamma} + B_{d gamma})/B_{c l nu} = (3.31 +_ 0.22) * 10^-3. A new bound from B_{s gamma} on the charged Higgs boson mass in the two-Higgs-doublet-model II reads M_{H^+} > 480 GeV at 95%C.L.Comment: journal version, 5 pages, no figure

    Topical immunotherapy of severe alopecia areata with diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP): experience in an Iranian population

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    BACKGROUND: Highly variable results of topical diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP) in the treatment of alopecia areata have been reported so far. The purposes of the present study were to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of DPCP treatment in severe alopecia areata. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients (16 female and 12 male, 10–35 years old, mean age 25 years) with extensive alopecia areata were enrolled in an open-label clinical trial. After sensitization with 2% DPCP, progressively higher concentrations beginning at 0.001% were applied weekly for 6 months to one side of the scalp, after which, if terminal hair growth was noted, the entire scalp was then treated under the same weekly protocol. The maximum concentration of DPCP in acetone was 2%. RESULTS: Twenty-seven of 28 patients completed therapy. The overall response rate was 81.5% (22/27), complete remission (90%-100% terminal hair re-growth) was obtained 22.2% (6/27) and partial remission (10%-90% terminal hair re-growth) in 59.3% (16/27). In all patients an eczematous reaction consisting of erythema, itching, and scaling at the site of application were observed. During therapy, other side effects including, occipital lymphadenopathy 40.7% (11/27), severe eczema/blister formation 40.7% (11/27), hyperpigmentation 18.5% (5/27) were observed, but no hypopigmentation, vitiligo, contact urticaria, and erythema multiforme-like reaction were seen in the patients. Nineteen of 27 (70.4%) patients had at least one side effect, other than eczematous reaction. Notably, partial recurrence was observed in 50.9% (13/22) of these patients after 6 to 12 months of follow-up. During the follow-up time the maintenance DPCP immunotherapy was continued. CONCLUSION: Topical DPCP treatment for alopecia areata is an effective therapy with a slightly high relapse rate during bilateral maintenance treatment. According to the author's knowledge this is the first experience with DPCP in Iran

    Comparison of Postural Recovery Following Short and Long Duration Spaceflights

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    INTRODUCTION: Post-flight postural ataxia reflects adaptive changes to vestibulo-spinal reflexes and control strategies adopted for movement in weightlessness. Quantitative measures obtained during computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) from US and Russian programs provide insight into the effect of spaceflight duration in terms of both the initial decrements and recovery of postural stability. METHODS: CDP was obtained on 117 crewmembers following Shuttle flights lasting 4-17 days, and on 64 crewmembers following long-duration missions lasting 48-380 days. Although the number and timing of sessions varied, the goal was to characterize postural recovery pooling similar measures from different research and flight medicine programs. This report focuses on eyes closed, head erect conditions with either a fixed or sway-referenced base of support. A smaller subset of subjects repeated the sway-referenced condition while making pitch head movements (+/- 20deg at 0.33Hz). Equilibrium scores were derived from peak-to-peak anterior-posterior sway. Fall probability was modeled using Bayesian statistical methods to estimate parameters of a logit function. RESULTS: The standard Romberg condition was the least sensitive. Longer duration flights led to larger decrements in stability with sway-reference support during the first 1-2 days, although the timecourse of recovery was similar across flight duration with head erect. Head movements led to increased incidence of falls during the first week, with a significantly longer recovery following long duration flights. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnostic assessment of postural instability, and differences in the timecourse of postural recovery between short and long flight durations, are more pronounced during unstable support conditions requiring active head movements