4,415 research outputs found

    The Generation of Fullerenes

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    We describe an efficient new algorithm for the generation of fullerenes. Our implementation of this algorithm is more than 3.5 times faster than the previously fastest generator for fullerenes -- fullgen -- and the first program since fullgen to be useful for more than 100 vertices. We also note a programming error in fullgen that caused problems for 136 or more vertices. We tabulate the numbers of fullerenes and IPR fullerenes up to 400 vertices. We also check up to 316 vertices a conjecture of Barnette that cubic planar graphs with maximum face size 6 are hamiltonian and verify that the smallest counterexample to the spiral conjecture has 380 vertices.Comment: 21 pages; added a not

    Magnetohydrodynamics for liquid-metal blankets

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    Jahreszeitliche Schwankungen und Einfluss der Ernährung auf die makuläre Pigmentdichte

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Wir haben gezeigt, dass die makuläre Pigmentdichte (MPD) mit einem modifizierten konfokalen Scanning-Laser-Ophthalmoskop (HRA, Fa. Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Deutschland) bestimmt werden kann. In dieser Studie untersuchten wir, ob Schwankungen der MPD bei gesunden Probanden im Verlauf eines Jahres auftraten und ob die MPD von wechselnden Ernährungsgewohnheiten abhängig ist. Methode: Die MPD wurde mithilfe von Autofluoreszenzbildern, die mit einem HRA aufgenommen wurden, dargestellt und in einem auf die Fovea zentrierten Messfeld von 2° Durchmesser bei den Probanden im Abstand von 2Monaten innerhalb eines Jahres bestimmt. Ergebnisse: Wir schlossen 30 gesunde Probanden im Alter von 19-34Jahren (Mittel: 23±2Jahre) in die Studie ein. Die mittlere MPD war an Untersuchungszeitpunkt1 0,215±0,056D.U., bei der 2.Untersuchung 0,235±0,051D.U., bei der 3. 0,218±0,055D.U., an Untersuchungszeitpunkt4 0,228±057D.U., bei der 5.Untersuchung 0,225±0,053D.U. und bei der letzten 0,203±0,050D.U.. Die statistische Analyse zeigte keine signifikanten Unterschiede der MPD im Verlauf eines Jahres. Zusammenfassung: Die Studie zeigt, dass bei jungen und gesunden Probanden die MPD keinen jahreszeitlichen und diätetischen Schwankungen unterlieg

    Magneto-convective flows around two differentially heated cylinders

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    Numerical simulations have been carried out in support of an experimental campaign conducted in the MEKKA laboratory at KIT. The aim is investigating liquid metal heat transfer with an imposed magnetic field in a model geometry relevant for the study of water cooled lead lithium blankets for fusion reactors. In the breeding zone of this blanket concept, cooling pipes are immersed in the liquid metal in which convective motion occurs due to significant temperature gradients. The test-section features a rectangular box containing two horizontal cylinders kept at constant differential temperatures in order to establish a temperature gradient that drives the buoyant flow. A magnetic field is applied parallel to gravity. The magneto-convective flow, which results from the presence of electromagnetic forces and temperature gradients in the fluid, is relatively complex, since the liquid metal has to move around the cylinders. For weak magnetic fields, a convective recirculation is fed by a jet-like flow formed by the boundary layers that detach from the pipe walls and recombine behind the obstacles. For sufficiently strong , the thermal field resembles that of a conductive regime with vertical isotherms and the fluid is nearly stagnant in most of the cavity except in layers parallel to magnetic field lines and tangent to the cylinders. The rate of convective heat transfer decreases with an increase of the magnetic field. Numerical simulations complement experimental results and give insight into phenomena that cannot be directly analyzed by means of measured quantities

    S-Duality and Exact Type IIB Superstring Backgrounds

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    A geometrical approach in the non-symmetric connection framework is employed to examine the issue of higher order α\alpha' corrections to D=10 type IIB superstring backgrounds with a covariantly constant null Killing isometry and non-zero Ramond-Ramond field content. These describe generalized supersymmetric string waves and were obtained recently by us through the S-duality transformation of purely NS-NS plane wave backgrounds. We find that the backgrounds are exact subject to the existence of certain field redefinitions and provided certain restrictive conditions are satisfied.Comment: 21 Pages, LATEX fil

    Temperature Dependence of the Cu(2) NQR Line Width in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7y_{7-y}

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    Systematic measurements of the 63^{63}Cu(2) NQR line width were performed in underdoped YBa2_2Cu3_3O7y_{7-y} samples over the temperature range 4.2 K <T<300<T<300 K. It was shown that the copper NQR line width monotonically increases upon lowering temperature in the below-critical region, resembling temperature behavior of the superconducting gap. The observed dependence is explained by the fact that the energy of a condensate of sliding charge-current states of the charge-density-wave type depends on the phase of order parameter. Calculations show that this dependence appears only at T<TcT<T_c. Quantitative estimates of the line broadening at T<TcT<T_c agree with the measurement results.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Beam Based Alignment of Interaction Region Magnets

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    In conventional beam based alignment (BBA) procedures, the relative alignment of a quadrupole to a nearby beam position monitor is determined by finding a beam position in the quadrupole at which the closed orbit does not change when the quadrupole field is varied. The final focus magnets of the interaction regions (IR) of circular colliders often have some specialized properties that make it difficult to perform conventional beam based alignment procedures. At the HERA interaction points, for example, these properties are: (a) The quadrupoles are quite strong and long. Therefore a thin lens approximation is quite imprecise. (b) The effects of angular magnet offsets become significant. (c) The possibilities to steer the beam are limited as long as the alignment is not within specifications. (d) The beam orbit has design offsets and design angles with respect to the axis of the low-beta quadrupoles. (e) Often quadrupoles do not have a beam position monitor in their vicinity. Here we present a beam based alignment procedure that determines the relative offset of the closed orbit from a quadrupole center without requiring large orbit changes or monitors next to the quadrupole. Taking into account the alignment angle allows us to reduce the sensitivity to optical errors by one to two orders of magnitude. We also show how the BBA measurements of all IR quadrupoles can be used to determine the global position of the magnets. The sensitivity to errors of this method is evaluated and its applicability to HERA is shown

    Vacua of M-theory and string theory

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    We argue that supersymmetric higher-dimension operators in the effective actions of M-theory and IIB string theory do not affect the maximally supersymmetric vacua: adS4×S7adS_4\times S^7 and adS7×S4adS_7\times S^4 in M-theory and adS5×S5adS_5\times S^5 in IIB string theory. All these vacua are described in superspace by a fixed point with all components of supertorsion and supercurvature being supercovariantly constant. This follows from 32 unbroken supersymmetries and allows us to prove that such vacua are exact.Comment: 16 pages, late

    Reconstitution of mammary gland development in vitro: Requirement of c-met and c-erbB2 signaling for branching and alveolar morphogenesis

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    We have established a cell culture system that reproduces morphogenic processes in the developing mammary gland. EpH4 mouse mammary epithelial cells cultured in matrigel form branched tubules in the presence of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF), the ligand of the c-met tyrosine kinase receptor. In contrast, alveolar structures are formed in the presence of neuregulin, a ligand of c-erbB tyrosine kinase receptors. These distinct morphogenic responses can also be observed with selected human mammary carcinoma tissue in explant culture. HGF/SF-induced branching was abrogated by the PI3 kinase inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002. In contrast, neuregulin- induced alveolar morphogenesis was inhibited by the MAPK kinase inhibitor PD98059. The c-met-mediated response could also be evoked by transfection of a c-met specific substrate, Gab1, which can activate the PI3 kinase pathway. An activated hybrid receptor that contained the intracellular domain of c-erbB2 receptor suffices to induce alveolar morphogenesis, and was observed in the presence of tyrosine residues Y1028, Y1144, Y1201, and Y1226/27 in the substrate-binding domain of c-erbB2. Our data demonstrate that c-met and c-erbB2 signaling elicit distinct morphogenic programs in mammary epithelial cells: formation of branched tubules relies on a pathway involving PI3 kinase, whereas alveolar morphogenesis requires MAPK kinase

    The Nuclear Reddening Curve for Active Galactic Nuclei and the Shape of the Infra-Red to X-Ray Spectral Energy Distribution

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    We present extinction curves derived from the broad emission lines and continua of large samples of both radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs. The curves are significantly flatter in the UV than are curves for the local ISM. The reddening curves for the radio-quiet LBQS quasars are slightly steeper than those of the radio-loud quasars in the UV, probably because of additional reddening by dust further out in the host galaxies of the former. The UV extinction curves for the radio-loud AGNs are very flat. This is explicable with slight modifications to standard MRN dust models: there is a relative lack of small grains in the nuclear dust. Our continuum and broad-emission line reddening curves agree in both shape and amplitude, confirming that the continuum shape is indeed profoundly affected by reddening for all but the bluest AGNs. With correction by our generic extinction curve, all of the radio-loud AGNs have continuous optical-UV spectra consistent with a single shape. We show that radio-quiet AGNs have very similar intrinsic UV to optical shape over orders of magnitude in luminosity. We also argue that radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs probably share the same underlying continuum shape and that most of the systematic differences between their observed continuum shapes are due to higher nuclear reddening in radio-selected AGNs, and additional reddening from dust further out in the host galaxies in radio-quiet AGNs. Our conclusions have important implications for the modelling of quasar continua and the analysis of quasar demographics.Comment: 41 pages, including 6 figures and 3 tables. To appear in ApJ vol. 614, October 20 issue. Some slight wording changes. Some additional references added. Small changes in the model fit in section 6.2, to the analytical fit in the Appendix, and to the tabulated reddening curve in the Appendi