344 research outputs found

    La Pileta a Benaojan (Malaga) (Espagne)

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    Indices.Copia digital : Diputación de Málaga. Biblioteca Canovas del Castillo, 201

    An adjunction formula for the Emerton-Jacquet functor

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    The Emerton–Jacquet functor is a tool for studying locally analytic representations of p-adic Lie groups. It provides a way to access the theory of p-adic automorphic forms. Here we give an adjunction formula for the Emerton–Jacquet functor, relating it directly to locally analytic inductions, under a strict hypothesis that we call non-critical. We also further study the relationship to socles of principal series in the non-critical setting

    Even Galois Representations and the Fontaine--Mazur conjecture II

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    We prove, under mild hypotheses, that there are no irreducible two-dimensional_even_ Galois representations of \Gal(\Qbar/\Q) which are de Rham with distinct Hodge--Tate weights. This removes the "ordinary" hypothesis required in previous work of the author. We construct examples of irreducible two-dimensional residual representations that have no characteristic zero geometric (= de Rham) deformations.Comment: Updated to take into account suggestions of the referee; the main theorems remain unchange

    Universal deformation rings for the symmetric group S_4

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    Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2, and let W be the ring of infinite Witt vectors over k. Let S_4 denote the symmetric group on 4 letters. We determine the universal deformation ring R(S_4,V) for every kS_4-module V which has stable endomorphism ring k and show that R(S_4,V) is isomorphic to either k, or W[t]/(t^2,2t), or the group ring W[Z/2]. This gives a positive answer in this case to a question raised by the first author and Chinburg whether the universal deformation ring of a representation of a finite group with stable endomorphism ring k is always isomorphic to a subquotient ring of the group ring over W of a defect group of the modular block associated to the representation.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Urinary peptidome analyses for the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in dogs

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is clinically important in canine medicine. Current diagnostic tools lack sensitivity for detection of subclinical CKD. The aim of the present study was to evaluate urinary peptidome analysis for diagnosis of CKD in dogs. Capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated presence of approximately 5400 peptides in dog urine. Comparison of urinary peptide abundance of dogs with and without CKD led to the identification of 133 differentially excreted peptides (adjusted P for each peptide <0.05). Sequence information was obtained for 35 of these peptides. This 35 peptide subset and the total group of 133 peptides were used to construct two predictive models of CKD which were subsequently validated by researchers masked to results in an independent cohort of 20 dogs. Both models diagnosed CKD with an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.88 (95% confidence intervals [CI], 0.72–1.0). Most differentially excreted peptides represented fragments of collagen I, indicating possible association with fibrotic processes in CKD (similar to the equivalent human urinary peptide CKD model, CKD273). This first study of the urinary peptidome in dogs identified peptides that were associated with presence of CKD. Future studies are needed to validate the utility of this model for diagnosis and prediction of progression of canine CKD in a clinical setting

    Eisenstein Series of Weight One, q-Averages of the 0-Logarithm and Periods of Elliptic Curves

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    For any elliptic curve E over k ⊂ R with E(C) = C^×/q^Z, q = e^(2πiz),Im(z) >, we study the q-average D_(0,q), defined on E(C), of the function D_0(z) = Im(z/(1−z)). Let Ω+(E) denote the real period of E. We show that there is a rational function R ∈ Q(X_1(N)) such that for any non-cuspidal real point s ∈ X_1(N) (which defines an elliptic curve E(s) over R together with a point P(s) of order N), πD_(0,q)(P(s)) equals Ω+(E(s))R(s). In particular, if s is Q-rational point of X_1(N), a rare occurrence according to Mazur, R(s) is a rational number

    El proyecto genómico del hongo Ophiostoma

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    The Canadian Ophiostoma Genome Project, which was initiated in 2001, is a collaborative effort between research teams in four different universities. Its general objective is to conduct a large-scale identification and analysis of genes controlling important aspects of the life cycle of Ophiostomatoid fungi. To this end, several expressed sequence tag (EST) libraries were obtained for the Dutch elm disease pathogen Ophiostoma novo-ulmi and the sapstainer O. piceae, following partial, single-pass automated sequencing of complementary DNA clones. The largest EST library, prepared from yeast like cells of O. novo-ulmi grown at 24 °C, contains over 3,400 readable sequences and serves as a general reference library for Ophiostomatoid fungi. Smaller, specific EST libraries were constructed from mycelia of O. novo-ulmi grown at suboptimal temperatures, from perithecia formed in laboratory crosses, as well as from O. piceae grown on different carbon sources. Ongoing bioinformatic searches in public databases have so far identified over 750 Ophiostoma unique ESTs which show significant homology with other fungal genes of known function, although a high proportion of Ophiostoma ESTs are either orphans (no match to any known gene) or show homology to genes of unknown function. In addition to EST analysis, differential expression of selected genes and structural genomics are also being studied.El programa canadiense sobre el genoma de Ophiostoma, iniciado en 2001, es una colaboraci&oacute;n entre equipos de investigaci&oacute;n de cuatro universidades diferentes. Su objetivo general es el desarrollo de la identificaci&oacute;n y an&aacute;lisis a gran escala de los genes que controlan algunos aspectos importantes del ciclo vital de los hongos de Ophiostoma. Con este fin, se ha obtenido diversas bibliotecas de marcadores de secuencias expresadas (bibliotecas EST) para la el pat&oacute;geno de la grafiosis Ophiostoma novo-ulmi y para el hongo de tinci&oacute;n vascular O. piceae, seguido de una secuenciaci&oacute;n autom&aacute;tica parcial de un &uacute;nico paso de clones complementarios de ADN. La mayor biblioteca EST, preparada a partir de conidios de O. novo-ulmi cultivadas a 24 &ordm;C, contiene m&aacute;s de 3.400 secuencias leg&iacute;bles, y sirve como biblioteca de referencia para los hongos de Ophiostoma. Se han desarrollado bibliotecas espec&iacute;ficas menores a partir de micelios de O. novo-ulmi cultivados a temperaturas sub-&oacute;ptimas, a partir de los peritecios formados en cruces realizados en laboratorio, as&iacute; como a partir de O. piceae cultivado en distintas fuentes de carb&oacute;n. Las b&uacute;squedas bioinform&aacute;ticas en bases de datos p&uacute;blicas han permitido identificar hasta ahora m&aacute;s de 750 EST exclusivos de Ophiostoma, lo que muestra una significativa homolog&iacute;a con otros genes f&uacute;ngicos de funci&oacute;n conocida, aunque una alta proporci&oacute;n de los EST de Ophiostoma son o bien hu&eacute;rfanos (no relacionados con ning&uacute;n gen conocido), o bien muestran homolog&iacute;a con genes cuya funci&oacute;n es desconocida. Adem&aacute;s del an&aacute;lisis EST, la expresi&oacute;n diferencial de genes seleccionados y la estructura gen&oacute;mica est&aacute;n siendo tambi&eacute;n estudiadas
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