217 research outputs found

    Hypocalcémie post-thyroïdectomie

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    Introduction : L’hypocalcĂ©mie est la complication la plus prĂ©occupante de la thyroĂŻdectomie totale. Elle impose un traitement substitutif et un suivi Ă  vie. Objectifs : Le but de cette Ă©tude est d’évaluer l’incidence de l’hypocalcĂ©mie aprĂšs chirurgie et d’étudier sa corrĂ©lation avec les caractĂ©ristiques cliniques, biologiques et le type de chirurgie pratiquĂ©. MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thodes : Etude rĂ©trospective portant sur 488 cas de thyroĂŻdectomies, opĂ©rĂ©es entre 1992 et 1996. L’hypocalcĂ©mie est dĂ©finie par une calcĂ©mie infĂ©rieure Ă  80 mg/l «2 mmol/l ». Les patients, toujours dĂ©pendants d’un traitement substitutif un an aprĂšs la chirurgie, ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s comme ayant une hypocalcĂ©mie dĂ©finitive. RĂ©sultats : Dans notre Ă©tude, 368 patients ont eu une thyroĂŻdectomie totale et 120 ont eu une thyroĂŻdectomie subtotale. Le goitre multinodulaire Ă©tait la pathologie la plus frĂ©quente, notĂ© dans 359 cas, suivie des cancers thyroĂŻdiens notĂ© dans 83 cas. L’hypocalcĂ©mie postopĂ©ratoire a Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©e chez 54 patients (11,06%) dont 25 Ă©taient asymptomatique. Cette hypocalcĂ©mie s’est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e dĂ©finitive chez 14 d’entre eux (2,8%). Nous n’avons pas trouvĂ© de corrĂ©lation statistiquement significative entre l’hypoparathyroĂŻdie dĂ©finitive et les caractĂ©ristiques cliniques biologiques et le type de chirurgie.Conclusion : Dans la plupart des cas, l’hypocalcĂ©mie est liĂ©e Ă  un hypoparathyroĂŻdisme transitoire, secondaire au traumatisme ou Ă  la dĂ©vascularisation des parathyroĂŻdes. L’hypoparathyroĂŻdie dĂ©finitive est rare, elle est toujours secondaire Ă  une lĂ©sion irrĂ©versible des parathyroĂŻdes. Les caractĂ©ristiques cliniques initiales des patients et les examens biologiques prĂ©coces ne permettent pas de prĂ©dire l’évolution.Mots-clĂ©s : ThyroĂŻde, chirurgie, hypocalcĂ©mie, parathyroĂŻde

    Recidive tardive d'un sarcome a cellule claire

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    Introduction : The clear cell sarcoma (melanoma of soft tissue) is a rare tumor of young adults. Hi occur most commonly in the extremities. We report the case of a man of 70 years, with previous history of a malignant melanoma of the cervical trachea treated by radiotherapy, who present 18 years after Tracheo-esophageal tumor. The tumor was totally removed.Final pathologic diagnosis is a recurrence of his sarcoma cell clear. Three years later, the patient has no signs of recurrence. The aim of this work is to study the clinical features, the prognosis of these cancers and the modality of her treatments.Keywords: the clear cell sarcoma, melanoma of soft tissue, radiotherapy, surgery

    Electrical storm reversible by isoproterenol infusion in a striking case of early repolarization

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    A 40-year-old woman was referred to intensive care unit after recurrent ventricular fibrillation. She was free of cardiac medical history or medications. The resting ECG displayed an extended early repolarization in the inferior leads and all the precordial leads. Incessant ventricular fibrillations justified a treatment by intravenous amiodarone associated with general anaesthesia and mechanical ventilation without success on ventricular fibrillation. Because of a low heart rate intravenous isoproterenol infusion was initiated. Isoproterenol infusion was associated with heart rate acceleration and a decrease in J point elevation and the disappearance of ventricular fibrillation episodes. No cardiac disease was documented and the patient was implanted of a single chamber ICD. Six months later the patient was free of syncope and ventricular fibrillation on ICD memory. This case report demonstrates the usefulness and efficiency of the isoproterenol infusion to eliminate recurrent ventricular fibrillation in patients with early repolarization

    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to idiopathic ventricular fibrillation in patients with normal electrocardiograms:results from a multicentre long-term registry

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    AIMS : To define the clinical characteristics and long-term clinical outcomes of a large cohort of patients with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (IVF) and normal 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs). METHODS AND RESULTS: Patients with ventricular fibrillation as the presenting rhythm, normal baseline, and follow-up ECGs with no signs of cardiac channelopathy including early repolarization or atrioventricular conduction abnormalities, and without structural heart disease were included in a registry. A total of 245 patients (median age: 38 years; males 59%) were recruited from 25 centres. An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) was implanted in 226 patients (92%), while 18 patients (8%) were treated with drug therapy only. Over a median follow-up of 63 months (interquartile range: 25-110 months), 12 patients died (5%); in four of them (1.6%) the lethal event was of cardiac origin. Patients treated with antiarrhythmic drugs only had a higher rate of cardiovascular death compared to patients who received an ICD (16% vs. 0.4%, P = 0.001). Fifty-two patients (21%) experienced an arrhythmic recurrence. Age ≀16 years at the time of the first ventricular arrhythmia was the only predictor of arrhythmic recurrence on multivariable analysis [hazard ratio (HR) 0.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.18-0.92; P = 0.03]. CONCLUSION : Patients with IVF and persistently normal ECGs frequently have arrhythmic recurrences, but a good prognosis when treated with an ICD. Children are a category of IVF patients at higher risk of arrhythmic recurrences

    Gender Differences in Patients with Brugada Syndrome and Arrhythmic Events: Data from a Survey on Arrhythmic Events in 678 Patients.

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    BACKGROUND: There is limited information on gender differences in patients with Brugada syndrome (BrS) who experienced arrhythmic events (AEs). OBJECTIVES: To compare clinical, electrocardiographic (ECG), electrophysiologic (EP) and genetic characteristics between males and females in BrS-patients with their first AE. METHODS: The multicenter Survey on AE in BrS (SABRUS) collected data on first AE in 678 BrS-patients including 619 (91.3%) males and 59 (8.7%) females aged 0.27 to 84 (mean 42.5±14.1) years at the time of AE. RESULTS: After excluding pediatric patients, females were older than males (49.5±14.4 vs. 43±12.7 years, respectively, P=0.001). Higher proportions of females were observed in the pediatric and elderly populations. In Asians, male/female ratio of AE was ≈9-fold higher compared to Caucasians. Spontaneous type 1 BrS-ECG was associated with earlier onset of AE in pediatric females. A similar prevalence (≈65%) of spontaneous type 1 BrS-ECG was present in males and females above age of 60 years. Females less frequently showed a spontaneous type-1 BrS-ECG (31% vs. 59%, P<0.001) or arrhythmia-inducibility at EP study (34% vs. 64%, P<0.001). An SCN5A mutation was more frequently found in females (47.6% vs. 27.8% in males, P=0.007). CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms that female BrS-patients are much rarer, display less type 1 Brugada-ECG and exhibit lower inducibility rates than males. It shows for the first time that BrS females with AE have higher SCN5A mutation rates as well as the relationship between gender vs. age at onset of AE and ethnicity

    Profile of Brugada Syndrome Patients Presenting with Their First Documented Arrhythmic Event. Data from the Survey on Arrhythmic Events in BRUgada Syndrome (SABRUS).

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    BACKGROUND: Detailed information on the profile of Brugada syndrome (BrS) patients presenting their first arrhythmic event (AE) after prophylactic implantation of a cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is limited. OBJECTIVES: 1) To compare clinical, electrocardiographic, electrophysiologic and genetic profiles of patients who exhibited their first documented AE as aborted cardiac arrest (CA) (group A) with those in whom the AE was documented after prophylactic ICD implantation (group B); 2) To characterize group B patients' profile using the Class II indications for ICD implantation established by HRS/EHRA/APHRS Expert Consensus Statement in 2013. METHODS: A survey of 23 centers from 10 Western and 4 Asian countries enabled data collection of 678 BrS patients with AE (group A, n=426; group B, n=252). RESULTS: First AE occurred in group B patients 6.7 years later than in group A (46.1+ 13.3 vs. 39.4+15.1, P<0.001). Group B patients had a higher incidence of family history of sudden cardiac death (SCD) and SCN5A mutations. Of the 252 group B patients, 189 (75%) complied with the HRS/EHRA/APHRS indications whereas the remaining 63 (25%) did not. CONCLUSION: BrS patients with first AE documented after prophylactic ICD implantation exhibited their AE at a later age with a higher incidence of positive family history of SCD and SCN5A mutations compared to those presenting with an aborted CA. Only 75% of patients who suffered an AE after receiving a prophylactic ICD complied with the 2013 Class II indications, suggesting efforts are still required for improving risk stratification

    Age of First Arrhythmic Event in Brugada Syndrome: Data From the SABRUS (Survey on Arrhythmic Events in Brugada Syndrome) in 678 Patients.

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    BACKGROUND: Data on the age at first arrhythmic event (AE) in Brugada syndrome are from limited patient cohorts. The aim of this study is 2-fold: (1) to define the age at first AE in a large cohort of patients with Brugada syndrome, and (2) to assess the influence of the mode of AE documentation, sex, and ethnicity on the age at first AE. METHODS AND RESULTS: A survey of 23 centers from 10 Western and 4 Asian countries gathered data from 678 patients with Brugada syndrome (91.3% men) with first AE documented at time of aborted cardiac arrest (group A, n=426) or after prophylactic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation (group B, n=252). The vast majority (94.2%) of the patients were 16 to 70 years old at the time of AE, whereas pediatric (70 years) comprised 4.3% and 1.5%, respectively. Peak AE rate occurred between 38 and 48 years (mean, 41.9±14.8; range, 0.27-84 years). Group A patients were younger than in Group B by a mean of 6.7 years (46.1±13.2 versus 39.4±15.0 years; P<0.001). In adult patients (≄16 years), women experienced AE 6.5 years later than men (P=0.003). Whites and Asians exhibited their AE at the same median age (43 years). CONCLUSIONS: SABRUS (Survey on Arrhythmic Events in Brugada Syndrome) presents the first analysis on the age distribution of AE in Brugada syndrome, suggesting 2 age cutoffs (16 and 70 years) that might be important for decision-making. It also allows gaining insights on the influence of mode of arrhythmia documentation, patient sex, and ethnic origin on the age at AE
