74 research outputs found

    On the Interpretation of Epigraphical Filiations of the Type L.f.f.

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    Medical recipe collections

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    Immune Response of Molluscs

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    In common with other invertebrates, molluscs are known to have internal immune response against foreign particles and organisms. The innate immunity of molluscs reflects the inherent non-specific response that provides the first line of defense. Anatomic barriers, phagocytic cells, and physiological components are the main elements of the innate immune response in molluscs. It is composed of both cellular and humoral elements. The cellular components are the circulating hemocytes. Small invaders are eliminated by the phagocytic hemocytes, while large invaders are eliminated by encapsulation. The ingested foreign particles are then hemolyzed by the action of certain toxic enzymes that catalyze oxidative burst reactions capable of killing pathogens and foreign invaders. Humoral components of molluscan immunity involve nitric oxide, lysozyme activity, lectins, and the phenyloxidase system. The current chapter sheds light on the elements of the molluscan innate immune system and presents a case study of the immune response of Lymnaea stagnalis mollusc against Chaetogaster limnaei parasite. The effect of the parasite on some humoral immune response parameters such as nitric oxide, phenol oxidase, and lysozyme production was investigated. In conclusion, the snail Lymnaea stagnalis exerts humoral immune response against Chaetogaster limnaei parasite. However, this response is insufficient to eliminate the parasite

    Daugyba kitaip pamokose itin gabiems vaikams

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    The article presents the case of mathematical education of gifted children in Kaunas city interdisciplinaryprogram in the third grade. The theoretical basis for such education is the application ofdifferentiated teaching using external differentiation – the program is aimed at the gifted children inthe whole city. Additional aspects of differentiated teaching: grouping of learners according to theskill level, selection of non-standard curriculum content, teamwork and individualized assessment.Straipsnyje pristatomas itin gabių mokinių matematinio ugdymo atvejis Kauno~ m. tarpdisciplininėje ugdymo programos trečioje klasėje. Tokio ugdymo teorinis pagrindas – diferencijuoto mokymo taikymas, naudojant išorinį diferencijavimą – programa skirta viso miesto itin gabiems vaikams. Papildomi diferencijuoto mokymo aspektai: mokinių grupavimas pagal gabumų lygmenį, nestandartinio ugdymo turinio parinkimas, komandinis darbas ir individualizuotas vertinimas

    On the role of galectin-4 in (re)myelination and multiple sclerosis

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    On the role of galectin-4 in (re)myelination and multiple sclerosisMultiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). Remyelination is a regenerative process and is most efficient when recruited oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) mature and re-supply the denuded axon with myelin. A tight regulation and cooperative communication between neurons and glial cells contribute to successful remyelination. In MS, cell dysfunction and/or an inhibitory environment leads to impaired differentiation of OPCs into myelinating oligodendrocytes. The persistent loss of neuroprotective and insulating myelin results in neurological deficits and disease progression.Previous findings indicate that secreted neuronal galectin-4 negatively regulates the timing of OPC differentiation during development. Using experimental models for de- and/or remyelination, we revealed that neuronal galectin-4 is transiently re-expressed on demyelinated axons, while persistently present on axons in inactive MS lesions. In addition, in the demyelinated areas galectin-4 was present in microglia and macrophages. Whether microglia and macrophages are cellular sources of galectin-4 remains to be determined. Preliminary data indicate that a distinct isoform of galectin-4 may exist in the CNS. Surprisingly, in contrast to their individual activities as negative regulators or (re)myelination, our findings indicate that the simultaneous presence of galectin-4 and fibronectin promoted myelin membrane formation. To obtain more insight in the underlying mechanism, we identified at the cell surface of immature oligodendrocytes, two galectin-4 binding sites, UGT8 and contactin-1. UGT8 is an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of the major myelin lipid galactosylceramide. Hence, modulating galectin-4 signaling in MS lesions, among others by modulating its interactions with UGT8 and contactin-1, may be attractive approaches to promote remyelination

    Umanisti e cultura classica nella Sardegna del '500: 3.: L'inventario dei beni e dei libri di Monserrat Rosselló

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    Nel 1987, nel corso di una visita all'Archivio di Stato di Cagliari alla ricerca di documenti inediti su Giovanni Francesco Fara, avemmo modo di prendere visione del ricchissimo inventario (dei beni e librario) di Monserrat Rosselló e di ottenerne poco tempo dopo una copia fotografica. Prendeva allora corpo il progetto, che ormai si avvia a compimento, di pubblicare tutti i principali inventari librari della Sardegna del XVI secolo, in particolare quelli di Fontana, Fara, Canyelles, Parragues e Rosselló, al fine di indagare su due problematiche principali, quella della circolazione libraria e della diffusione della cultura classica nell'isola. Con l'opera che ora presentiamo, a cura di chi scrive e di Maria Teresa Laneri che ha preparato l'edizione critica dell'inventario, si chiude il ciclo iniziato con la pubblicazione del volume di Fara e Fontana (Sassari 1988), di Canyelles (Sassari 1989) e di Parragues (Sassari 1993), nella speranza che la nostra fatica possa risultare utile a chiarire i rapporti complessi che corrono tra la cultura europea del XVI secolo e quella della nostra isola. Sino a non molto tempo fa si credeva che l'isolamento - geografico e culturale - del quale la Sardegna soffriva e l'assenza di strutture sociali e civili al livello delle altre regioni del vecchio continente avessero creato una sorta di barriera alla circolazione delle idee e della cultura, il che è forse stato delineato meglio attraverso la pubblicazione di una serie di opere con le quali crediamo di aver offerto il nostro contributo negli ultimi anni