152 research outputs found

    Distinct forms of synaptic inhibition and neuromodulation regulate calretinin positive neuron excitability in the spinal cord dorsal horn

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    The dorsal horn (DH) of the spinal cord contains a heterogenous population of neurons that process incoming sensory signals before information ascends to the brain. We have recently characterized calretinin-expressing (CR+) neurons in the DH and shown that they can be divided into excitatory and inhibitory subpopulations. The excitatory population receives high-frequency excitatory synaptic input and expresses delayed firing action potential discharge, whereas the inhibitory population receives weak excitatory drive and exhibits tonic or initial bursting discharge. Here, we characterize inhibitory synaptic input and neuromodulation in the two CR+ populations, in order to determine how each is regulated. We show that excitatory CR+ neurons receive mixed inhibition from GABAergic and glycinergic sources, whereas inhibitory CR+ neurons receive inhibition, which is dominated by glycine. Noradrenaline and serotonin produced robust outward currents in excitatory CR+ neurons, predicting an inhibitory action on these neurons, but neither neuromodulator produced a response in CR+ inhibitory neurons. In contrast, enkephalin (along with selective mu and delta opioid receptor agonists) produced outward currents in inhibitory CR+ neurons, consistent with an inhibitory action but did not affect the excitatory CR+ population. Our findings show that the pharmacology of inhibitory inputs and neuromodulator actions on CR+ cells, along with their excitatory inputs can define these two subpopulations further, and this could be exploited to modulate discrete aspects of sensory processing selectively in the DH

    Distribuição de flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) de importância médica no Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil

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    Intense environmental impacts, causing alterations of the natural habitats of fauna, including those of sandfly disease vectors are observed in Mato Grosso State, Central Brazil. Entomologic survey of phlebotomines was based on light trap and was carried out by entomological nucleus of the FUNASA and SES in the period between 1996 and 2001. Eighty eight species were identified, including the following sandflies with medical importance to leishmaniasis: Lutzomyia amazonensis, L. anduzei, L. antunesi, L. ayrozai, L. carrerai carrerai, L. complexa, L. cruzi, L. flaviscutellata, L. intermedia, L. longipalpis, L. migonei, L. paraensis, L. ubiquitalis, L. whitmani and L. yuilli yuilli. Most sandflies of medical importance occurred in the Amazon forest and savannah. L. longipalpis and L. cruzi had high densities in the savannah region. L. flaviscutellata is predominating in both the Amazon forest and the savannah region. L. whitmani and L. antunesi were sampled in the Amazon forest, savannah and marsh land.O estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil vem sendo grandemente impactado, o que provoca uma alteração no habitat natural da fauna, incluindo-se os vetores das leishmanioses. Foram analisados dados de levantamentos entomológicos realizados pela FUNASA e SES no período de 1996 a 2001. Foram capturados indivíduos pertencentes a 88 espécies, sendo as de importância para a transmissão das leishmanioses: Lutzomyia amazonensis, L. anduzei, L. ayrozai, L. carrerai carrerai, L. complexa, L. cruzi, L. flaviscutellata, L. intermedia, L. longipalpis, L. migonei, L. paraensis, L. ubiquitalis, L. whitmani e L. yuilli yuilli, as quais foram plotadas no mapa do Estado. A maioria das espécies de importância médica compartilha a vegetação de floresta Amazônica e cerrado. L. longipalpis e L. cruzi possuem altas densidades na região de cerrado. L. flaviscutellata predomina na floresta Amazônica e no cerrado. L. whitmani e L. antunesi foram capturadas na floresta Amazônica, cerrado e pantanal

    The role of critical incident monitoring in detection and prevention of human breast milk confusions

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    Feeding a mother's expressed breast milk to the wrong infant is a well-known misidentification error in neonatal intermediate care units (NICU) with potential harmful consequences for the neonate. In this study, we aimed to analyze the role of critical incident monitoring on detection and prevention of human breast milk confusions. The critical incident monitoring made us aware of this misidentification error on our NICU. Despite the implementation of system changes to make breast milk application clearer and safer, we failed to reduce the incidence of breast milk confusion


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    Abstrak: Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) adalah senyawa yang akan meningkat pada jaringan inflamasi dan berkontribusi memodulasi nyeri. Delima (Punica granatum L.) dilaporkan memiliki potensi anti-inflamasi dan anti-nyeri neurogenik. Studi pustaka sistematis (SPS) ini mempelajari potensi anti-inflamasi ekstrak dan senyawa polifenol delima terhadap penurunan kadar PGE2 pada sel makrofag RAW264.7. Metode: Studi pustaka sistematis. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari PubMed Central, PubMed, dan Google Scholar berdasarkan kata kunci pomegranate atau Punica granatum, inflammation, PGE2, dan sel makrofag RAW264.7. Delapan artikel memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ditetapkan untuk ditelaah. Hasil: Ekstrak kulit dan bunga delima serta senyawa polifenol dalam buah dan kulit delima terbukti mampu menurunkan kadar PGE2 pada sel makrofag RAW264.7. Aktivitas anti-inflamasi ekstrak kulit dan bunga delima serta senyawa polifenol dalam buah dan kulit delima menurunkan kadar PGE2 melalui hambatan ekspresi Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4), hambatan aktivasi jalur pensinyalan Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK), hambatan aktivasi faktor transkripsi Nuclear Factor-Kappa B (NF-κB), serta hambatan ekspresi dan regulasi enzim COX-2. Data menunjukkan bahwa senyawa polifenol delima menghambat sintesis PGE2 secara dependen. Kesimpulan: Senyawa polifenol delima mampu menurunkan kadar PGE2 pada sel makrofag RAW264.7.Kata kunci: Delima, Inflamasi, PGE2, Sel Makrofag RAW264.

    Glycine receptor in rat hippocampal and spinal cord neurons as a molecular target for rapid actions of 17-β-estradiol

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    Glycine receptors (GlyRs) play important roles in regulating hippocampal neural network activity and spinal nociception. Here we show that, in cultured rat hippocampal (HIP) and spinal dorsal horn (SDH) neurons, 17-β-estradiol (E2) rapidly and reversibly reduced the peak amplitude of whole-cell glycine-activated currents (IGly). In outside-out membrane patches from HIP neurons devoid of nuclei, E2 similarly inhibited IGly, suggesting a non-genomic characteristic. Moreover, the E2 effect on IGly persisted in the presence of the calcium chelator BAPTA, the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine, the classical ER (i.e. ERα and ERβ) antagonist tamoxifen, or the G-protein modulators, favoring a direct action of E2 on GlyRs. In HEK293 cells expressing various combinations of GlyR subunits, E2 only affected the IGly in cells expressing α2, α2β or α3β subunits, suggesting that either α2-containing or α3β-GlyRs mediate the E2 effect observed in neurons. Furthermore, E2 inhibited the GlyR-mediated tonic current in pyramidal neurons of HIP CA1 region, where abundant GlyR α2 subunit is expressed. We suggest that the neuronal GlyR is a novel molecular target of E2 which directly inhibits the function of GlyRs in the HIP and SDH regions. This finding may shed new light on premenstrual dysphoric disorder and the gender differences in pain sensation at the CNS level

    Glycine inhibition on-off directionally selective retinal ganglion cells.

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    Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are a group of over 40 different types that use both GABAergic and Glycenergic inhibition. There are four different types of Glycine receptors (GlyRs) known as GlyRα1, GlyRα2, GlyRα3, and GlyRα4 (Sanes & Masland, 2015; C. Zhang & McCall, 2012). Electrophysiological data has supported the theory that the RGC cell type On-Off directionally selective (ooDS) cells express both GlyRα4 and GlyRα2. If ooDS cells do express only GlyRα4 and GlyRα2, an immunohistochemical analysis of these cells should support this theory. By comparing the expression of GlyRα4 and GlyRα2 in Glra4-/- , Glra2-/- Glra4-/- , and Glra2-/- the expression we can support or weaken the findings made by previous electrophysiological data. Comparing cell images of colocalized dendrites and GlyRα4 or GlyRα2 in an original and randomized orientation can determine if an immunohistochemical analysis confirms the presence of GlyRα4 and GlyRα2 on ooDS RGCs. Our findings confirmed that both GlyRα4 and GlyRα2 are expressed on ooDS RGCs.https://ir.library.louisville.edu/uars/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Intravenous acetaminophen does not provide adequate postoperative analgesia in dogs following ovariohysterectomy

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    (1) Objective: To investigate the analgesic effects of intravenous acetaminophen after intravenous administration in dogs presenting for ovariohysterectomy. (2) Methods: 14 ASA I client-owned female entire dogs. In this randomized, blinded, clinical study, dogs were given meperidine and acepromazine intramuscularly before induction of anesthesia with intravenous propofol. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. Intravenous acetaminophen 20 mg/kg or 0.9% NaCl was administered postoperatively. Pain assessments were conducted using the Glasgow Pain Scale short form before premedication and at 10, 20, 60, 120, and 180 min post-extubation or until rescue analgesia was given. The pain scores, times, and incidences of rescue analgesia between the groups was compared. Blood was collected before and 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 min after acetaminophen administration. Acetaminophen plasma concentration was quantified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The acetaminophen plasma concentration at the time of each pain score evaluation was subsequently calculated. (3) Results: There was no significant difference in pain scores at 10 min, highest pain scores, or time of rescue analgesia between groups. In each group, 3 dogs (43%) received rescue analgesia within 20 min. (4) Conclusions: Following ovariohysterectomy in dogs, there was no detectable analgesic effect of a 20 mg/kg dosage of intravenous acetaminophen administered at the end of surgery


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    Através do monitoramento dos recursos hídricos pode-se verificar a sanidade em que os mesmos se encontram. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a qualidade da água e aspectos ambientais do Rio Sarandi e seu afluente, o Rio Anta Gorda, no trecho das cidades de Ampére, Santa Izabel e Realeza - Paraná, em três estações amostradas no mês de maio de 2011. Foram avaliados 22 parâmetros limnológicos para cada ponto de amostragem, onde os valores encontrados para Demanda Bioquímica por Oxigênio e Coliformes fecais (Escherichia coli) se sobrepuseram aos demais parâmetros analisados. Coliformes fecais foi o parâmetro que melhor indicou alterações na qualidade da água devido a efluentes domésticos lançados no rio. Para o ponto P1 - Rio Sarandi - Nascente, o valor encontrado foi de 1.810 NMP/100mL, P2 - Rio Anta Gorda – Meio, de 1.310 NMP/100mL e P3 - Rio Sarandi – Foz, de 970 NMP/100mL, sendo o permitido até 1000 NMP/100mL pela resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005, para corpos de água da classe II. Medidas de saneamento básico devem ser realizadas, assim como a preservação da mata ciliar no entorno do rio, conforme prediz a legislação do Código Florestal