102 research outputs found

    Competition-based model of pheromone component ratio detection in the moth

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    For some moth species, especially those closely interrelated and sympatric, recognizing a specific pheromone component concentration ratio is essential for males to successfully locate conspecific females. We propose and determine the properties of a minimalist competition-based feed-forward neuronal model capable of detecting a certain ratio of pheromone components independently of overall concentration. This model represents an elementary recognition unit for the ratio of binary mixtures which we propose is entirely contained in the macroglomerular complex (MGC) of the male moth. A set of such units, along with projection neurons (PNs), can provide the input to higher brain centres. We found that (1) accuracy is mainly achieved by maintaining a certain ratio of connection strengths between olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) and local neurons (LN), much less by properties of the interconnections between the competing LNs proper. An exception to this rule is that it is beneficial if connections between generalist LNs (i.e. excited by either pheromone component) and specialist LNs (i.e. excited by one component only) have the same strength as the reciprocal specialist to generalist connections. (2) successful ratio recognition is achieved using latency-to-first-spike in the LN populations which, in contrast to expectations with a population rate code, leads to a broadening of responses for higher overall concentrations consistent with experimental observations. (3) when longer durations of the competition between LNs were observed it did not lead to higher recognition accuracy

    Tandem fluorescent protein timers for non-invasive relative protein lifetime measurement in plants

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    Targeted protein degradation is an important and pervasive regulatory mechanism in plants, required for perception and response to the environment as well as developmental signalling. Despite the significance of this process, relatively few studies have assessed plant protein turnover in a quantitative fashion. Tandem fluorescent protein timers (tFTs) offer a powerful approach for the assessment of in vivo protein turnover in distinct subcellular compartments of single or multiple cells. A tFT is a fusion of two different fluorescent proteins with distinct fluorophore maturation kinetics, which enable protein age to be estimated from the ratio of fluorescence intensities of the two fluorescent proteins. Here, we use short-lived auxin signalling proteins and model N-end rule pathway reporters to demonstrate the utility of tFTs for studying protein turnover in living plants. We present transient expression of tFTs as an efficient screen for relative protein lifetime, useful for testing the effects of mutations and different genetic backgrounds on protein stability, and demonstrate the potential for using stably expressed tFTs to study native protein dynamics with high temporal resolution in response to exogenous or endogenous stimuli

    Emergence of Connectivity Motifs in Networks of Model Neurons with Short- and Long-term Plastic Synapses

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    Recent evidence in rodent cerebral cortex and olfactory bulb suggests that short-term dynamics of excitatory synaptic transmission is correlated to stereotypical connectivity motifs. It was observed that neurons with short-term facilitating synapses form predominantly reciprocal pairwise connections, while neurons with short-term depressing synapses form unidirectional pairwise connections. The cause of these structural differences in synaptic microcircuits is unknown. We propose that these connectivity motifs emerge from the interactions between short-term synaptic dynamics (SD) and long-term spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). While the impact of STDP on SD was shown in vitro, the mutual interactions between STDP and SD in large networks are still the subject of intense research. We formulate a computational model by combining SD and STDP, which captures faithfully short- and long-term dependence on both spike times and frequency. As a proof of concept, we simulate recurrent networks of spiking neurons with random initial connection efficacies and where synapses are either all short-term facilitating or all depressing. For identical background inputs, and as a direct consequence of internally generated activity, we find that networks with depressing synapses evolve unidirectional connectivity motifs, while networks with facilitating synapses evolve reciprocal connectivity motifs. This holds for heterogeneous networks including both facilitating and depressing synapses. Our study highlights the conditions under which SD-STDP might the correlation between facilitation and reciprocal connectivity motifs, as well as between depression and unidirectional motifs. We further suggest experiments for the validation of the proposed mechanism

    Ascorbate Biosynthesis during Early Fruit Development Is the Main Reason for Its Accumulation in Kiwi

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    Background: Ascorbic acid (AsA) is a unique antioxidant as well as an enzyme cofactor. Although it has multiple roles in plants, it is unclear how its accumulation is controlled at the expression level, especially in sink tissues. Kiwifruit (Actinidia) is well-known for its high ascorbate content. Our objective was to determine whether AsA accumulates in the fruits primarily through biosynthesis or because it is imported from the foliage. Methodology/Principal Findings: We systematically investigated AsA levels, biosynthetic capacity, and mRNA expression of genes involved in AsA biosynthesis in kiwi (A. deliciosa cv. Qinmei). Recycling and AsA localization were also monitored during fruit development and among different tissue types. Over time, the amount of AsA, with its capacity for higher biosynthesis and lower recycling, peaked at 30 days after anthesis (DAA), and then decreased markedly up to 60 DAA before declining more slowly. Expression of key genes showed similar patterns of change, except for L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase and L-galactose-1-phosphate phosphatase (GPP). However, GPP had good correlation with the rate of AsA accumulation. The expression of these genes could be detected in phloem of stem as well as petiole of leaf and fruit. Additionally, fruit petioles had greater ascorbate amounts, although that was the site of lowest expression by most genes. Fruit microtubule tissues also had higher AsA. However, exogenous applications of AsA to those petioles did not lead to its transport into fruits, and distribution of ascorbate was cell-specific in the fruits, with more accumulation occurring in large

    Determination of nutrient salts by automatic methods both in seawater and brackish water: the phosphate blank

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    9 páginas, 2 tablas, 2 figurasThe main inconvenience in determining nutrients in seawater by automatic methods is simply solved: the preparation of a suitable blank which corrects the effect of the refractive index change on the recorded signal. Two procedures are proposed, one physical (a simple equation to estimate the effect) and the other chemical (removal of the dissolved phosphorus with ferric hydroxide).Support for this work came from CICYT (MAR88-0245 project) and Conselleria de Pesca de la Xunta de GaliciaPeer reviewe

    Elucidating variations in the nucleotide sequence of Ebola virus associated with increasing pathogenicity

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    Background Ebolaviruses cause a severe and often fatal haemorrhagic fever in humans, with some species such as Ebola virus having case fatality rates approaching 90%. Currently, the worst Ebola virus outbreak since the disease was discovered is occurring in West Africa. Although thought to be a zoonotic infection, a concern is that with increasing numbers of humans being infected, Ebola virus variants could be selected which are better adapted for human-to-human transmission. Results To investigate whether genetic changes in Ebola virus become established in response to adaptation in a different host, a guinea pig model of infection was used. In this experimental system, guinea pigs were infected with Ebola virus (EBOV), which initially did not cause disease. To simulate transmission to uninfected individuals, the virus was serially passaged five times in naïve animals. As the virus was passaged, virulence increased and clinical effects were observed in the guinea pig. An RNAseq and consensus mapping approach was then used to evaluate potential nucleotide changes in the Ebola virus genome at each passage. Conclusions Upon passage in the guinea pig model, EBOV become more virulent, RNA editing and also coding changes in key proteins become established. The data suggest that the initial evolutionary trajectory of EBOV in a new host can lead to a gain in virulence. Given the circumstances of the sustained transmission of EBOV in the current outbreak in West Africa, increases in virulence may be associated with prolonged and uncontrolled epidemics of EBOV

    Side-Payments and the Costs of Conflict

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    Conflict and competition often impose costs on both winners and losers, and conflicting parties may prefer to resolve the dispute before it occurs. The equilibrium of a conflict game with side-payments predicts that with binding offers, proposers make and responders accept side-payments, generating settlements that strongly favor proposers. When side-payments are non-binding, proposers offer nothing and conflicts always arise. Laboratory experiments confirm that binding side-payments reduce conflicts. However, 30 % of responders reject binding offers, and offers are more egalitarian than predicted. Surprisingly, non-binding side-payments also improve efficiency, although less than binding. With binding side-payments, 87 % of efficiency gains come from avoided conflicts. However, with non-binding side-payments, only 39 % of gains come from avoided conflicts and 61 % from reduced conflict expenditures

    Queen mandibular pheromone: questions that remain to be resolved

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    The discovery of ‘queen substance’, and the subsequent identification and synthesis of keycomponents of queen mandibular pheromone, has been of significant importance to beekeepers and to thebeekeeping industry. Fifty years on, there is greater appreciation of the importance and complexity of queenpheromones, but many mysteries remain about the mechanisms through which pheromones operate. Thediscovery of sex pheromone communication in moths occurred within the same time period, but in this case,intense pressure to find better means of pest management resulted in a remarkable focusing of research activityon understanding pheromone detection mechanisms and the central processing of pheromone signals in themoth. We can benefit from this work and here, studies on moths are used to highlight some of the gaps in ourknowledge of pheromone communication in bees. A better understanding of pheromone communication inhoney bees promises improved strategies for the successful management of these extraordinary animals
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