696 research outputs found

    Life story and narrative approaches in the study of family lives

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    The chapter examines life story and narrative approaches and their application in the study of family lives. It begins with a brief history of some key figures in biographical research followed by an examination of some of the distinctions between the two approaches. The second part of the chapter presents and discusses a case of a grandfather and son drawn from an intergenerational study of fatherhood. The study’s method (the biographic-narrative interpretive method) demonstrates change and continuity in family life by situating lives in historical context and examining the cultural transmissions that are accepted and resisted by the younger generation. The chapter discusses the benefits of paying attention to the narrative form of life stories. In these ways biographical and narrative approaches produce a multi-layered analysis

    Corporate governance and financial constraints on strategic turnarounds

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    The paper extends the Robbins and Pearce (1992) two-stage turnaround response model to include governance factors. In addition to the retrenchment and recovery, the paper proposes the addition of a realignment stage, referring specifically to the re-alignment of expectations of principal and agent groups. The realignment stage imposes a threshold that must be crossed before the retrenchment and hence recovery stage can be entered. Crossing this threshold is problematic to the extent that the interests of governance-stakeholder groups diverge in a crisis situation. The severity of the crisis impacts on the bases of strategy contingent asset valuation leading to the fragmentation of stakeholder interests. In some cases the consequence may be that management are prevented from carrying out turnarounds by governance constraints. The paper uses a case study to illustrate these dynamics, and like the Robbins and Pearce study, it focuses on the textile industry. A longitudinal approach is used to show the impact of the removal of governance constraints. The empirical evidence suggests that such financial constraints become less serious to the extent that there is a functioning market for corporate control. Building on governance research and turnaround literature, the paper also outlines the general case necessary and sufficient conditions for successful turnarounds

    Proton acceleration by irradiation of isolated spheres with an intense laser pulse

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    We report on experiments irradiating isolated plastic spheres with a peak laser intensity of 2-3 x 10(20) W cm(-2). With a laser focal spot size of 10 mu m full width half maximum (FWHM) the sphere diameter was varied between 520 nm and 19.3 mu m. Maximum proton energies of similar to 25 MeV are achieved for targets matching the focal spot size of 10 mu m in diameter or being slightly smaller. For smaller spheres the kinetic energy distributions of protons become nonmonotonic, indicating a change in the accelerating mechanism from ambipolar expansion towards a regime dominated by effects caused by Coulomb repulsion of ions. The energy conversion efficiency from laser energy to proton kinetic energy is optimized when the target diameter matches the laser focal spot size with efficiencies reaching the percent level. The change of proton acceleration efficiency with target size can be attributed to the reduced cross-sectional overlap of subfocus targets with the laser. Reported experimental observations are in line with 3D3V particle in cell simulations. They make use of well-defined targets and point out pathways for future applications and experiments.DFG via the Cluster of Excellence Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics (MAP) Transregio SFB TR18NNSA DE-NA0002008Super-MUC pr48meIvo CermakCGC Instruments in design and realization of the Paul trap systemIMPRS-APSLMUexcellent Junior Research FundDAAD|ToIFEEuropean Union's Horizon research and innovation programme 633053Physic

    The construction of identities in narratives about serious leisure occupations

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    Engagement in occupation contributes to the shaping of identity throughout the human life. The act of telling about such engagement involves interaction based on symbolic meaning; the speaker constructing an identity by conveying how the occupation is personally meaningful. This study explored meaning in narratives told by people who engage in serious leisure occupations. A total of 78 narratives were extracted from interviews with 17 people who invest considerable time and other resources into their leisure. Analysis focused on the content, structure and performance of each narrative in order to explore meaning. The meanings were organised into a framework based around three dimensions: the located self, the active self and the changing self. Each dimension has facets that the individual might emphasise, constructing a unique identity. The framework offers a structured basis for conceptualising how occupation contributes to the shaping of the internalised self and the socially situated identity

    Growth, profits and technological choice: The case of the Lancashire cotton textile industry

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    Using Lancashire textile industry company case studies and financial records, mainly from the period just before the First World War, the processes of growth and decline are re-examined. These are considered by reference to the nature of Lancashire entrepreneurship and the impact on technological choice. Capital accumulation, associated wealth distributions and the character of Lancashire business organisation were sybiotically linked to the success of the industry before 1914. However, the legacy of that accumulation in later decades, chronic overcapacity, formed a barrier to reconstruction and enhanced the preciptious decline of a once great industry

    Rising utilization of coronary CT angiography across Europe over the last decade: insights from a large prospective European registry

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    Abstract Background/Introduction The recently updated 2019 ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes endorse the use of coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) for exclusion of obstructive coronary artery disease in patients with a low clinical likelihood (Class I, LOE B). Higher demand for CCTA requires broad availability, inevitably involving smaller healthcare providers, such as non-academic hospitals and private practices. Nevertheless, most published data on CCTA image quality and safety rely on exams performed in high-volume academic centers, and little is known about CCTA in non-academic settings. Purpose To investigate the utilization of CCTA across Europe over the last decade, focusing on differences between academic and non-academic centers. Methods We included patients with stable chest pain and suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) who received CCTA and were included in the European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology MR/CT registry 01/2010–01/2020. We compared CT equipment, image quality, radiation dose, the incidence of periprocedural adverse events, patient characteristics, and CCTA findings between academic (high volume university hospitals) and non-academic centers (non-academic hospitals and private practices). Results Overall, 64,317 patients (41.2% women; age 60±13 years) from 212 sites across 19 European countries were included. Academic centers submitted most cases in 2010—2014 (51.6%), whereas non-academic centers accounted for 71.3% of records in 2015–2020. While non-academic centers used less advanced technology, radiation dose remained low (4.54 [interquartile range (IQR) 2.28–6.76] mSv) with a 30% decline of high-dose scans (>7 mSv) over time. Diagnostic image quality was reported in 97.7% of cases, and the rate of acute scan-related events was low (0.4%) (Figure 1). From 2010–2014 to 2015–2020, CCTA nearly doubled in patients with low to intermediate pretest-probability, women >50, and 40–60 years old men (Figure 2). CAD presence and extent decreased slightly over time (prevalence: 2010–2014: 41.5% vs. 2015–2020: 40.6%), (multi-vessel disease in those with CAD: 2010–2014: 61.9% vs. 2015–2020: 55.9%; all p<0.01). Conclusion CCTA expands rapidly to non-academic centers across Europe, increasing availability while maintaining relatively low radiation dose, high diagnostic image quality, and safety. Broad availability of high-quality CCTA is essential for a successfully implementation of the recently updated guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes. Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding sources: None. Changes in CCTA utilizationChanges in patient characteristic

    A linguistic analysis of lying in negative evaluations: The speech act performance of Chinese learners of Korean

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    이 논문은 중국인 한국어 학습자와 한국어 화자들 사이의 ‘거짓말’ 화행 양상을 언어학적으로 분석한 연구이다. 여기서 말하는 ‘거짓말’이란 요청, 사과, 거절 등과 같은 화행의 일종으로서 ‘부정적 평가’에 속하며 대화 참여자나 상황을 고려한 소위 ‘선의의 거짓말’을 가리키는 것으로 이해할 수 있을 것이다. 우리는 중국인 한국어 학습자 15명과 한국어 화자 15명을 대상으로 담화완성테스트(DCT)와 부연설명질문지(QFE)를 사용하여 피실험자들의 화행을 분석하였다. 피실험자 자신들의 설명과 한국어교육 전문가 다섯 명의 판정을 종합해 ‘거짓말’ 화행을 가려내고 통계 처리를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 결론에 도달했다. 한국어 화자들이 중국인 한국어 학습자들보다 (선의의) 거짓말을 더 많이 수행하는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 두 집단 모두 부정적 평가가 사물에 관련된 경우보다 사람에 관련된 경우에 ‘거짓말’ 화행을 더 많이 사용한다. 그러나 화자와 청자 사이의 친소관계(distance)나 상하관계(power)는 거짓말 사용에 직접적 상관 관계를 보여주지 않았다. 이 연구는 지금까지 화행 연구 중에서 상대적으로 연구가 부진했던 부정평가와 ‘거짓말’ 화행에 대한 분석을 시도했다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 또한 한국어 화자와 중국인 한국어 학습자 사이에 보이는 화행 수행의 차이를 문화인식(cultural awareness)의 관점에서 해석해 볼 수 있는 가능성도 열어 주었다