66 research outputs found

    К всеобщим свойствам экономического пространства: науковедческий анализ

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    Определяются всеобщие свойства экономического пространства. Сделана попытка осмыслить современные тенденции в развитии экономической науки. Рассматриваются общие проблемы состояния и развития мировой экономики, ее глобализации.Визначено загальні властивості економічного простору. Зроблено спробу осмислити сучасні тенденції у поступі економічної науки. Розглядаються загальні проблеми стану та розвитку світової економіки, її глобалізації.The paper outlines general features of an economic area. A try is made to rethink latest tendencies in the stride of economic science. Also, broad problems related with the performance and globalization of worldwide economics are discussed

    Evaluatie van de nota Duurzame gewasbescherming

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    Dankzij wetgeving voor gewasbescherming is de waterkwaliteit vooruit gegaan, al zijn de beleidsdoelen voor de ecologische kwaliteit van het oppervlaktewater en voor de drinkwaterwinning niet bereikt. Ook bevat het oppervlaktewater op de helft van de meetlocaties nog te veel gewasbeschermingsmiddel. Wel zijn de beleidsdoelen voor voedselveiligheid en economie gehaald. De meeste zorg zit bij arbeidsveiligheid, vooral in de tuinbouw

    Beoordeling natuurakkoord : globale toetsing van het onderhandelingsakkoord decentralisatie natuur

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    Het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) heeft op verzoek van het kabinet het ‘Onderhandelingsakkoord decentralisatie natuur’ getoetst. Het Rijk draagt, met het van kracht worden van dit akkoord, het natuurbeleid over aan de provincies. Daarvoor voegt het Rijk jaarlijks 100 miljoen euro toe aan het Provinciefonds. Een belangrijk onderdeel van dat beleid, de Ecologische Hoofdstructuur (EHS), wordt in 2021 afgerond, maar zal dan kleiner van omvang zijn dan oorspronkelijk gepland. De provincies worden verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van de EHS. Met al deze wijzigingen vermindert het Rijk zijn uitgaven voor natuur en landschap met twee derde deel. De vraag die het kabinet aan het PBL heeft gesteld, is of Nederland met de uitvoering van het akkoord en de voorgestelde bezuinigingen kan voldoen aan de internationale verplichtingen en doelstellingen, die voortvloeien uit onder andere de Europese Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijnen

    Between liberalization and protection: Four long-term scenarios for trade, poverty and the environment

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    The impact of globalization on poverty and the environment was a central issue during the Doha development round table and the mass demonstrations on the streets of Cancun. This paper deals with the complex interaction between agricultural trade regimes, poverty and the environment given two key uncertainties. First, a world where Doha succeeds and globalization proceeds versus a world that moves to regionalism with a stronger orientation toward bilateral and regional trade agreements. Secondly, a world that focuses on economic incentives and economic growth and a limited role for the government versus a world where public and private institutions value also environment and ecology. In our analyses we quantify the impact of trade liberalization on developing countries and the environment. We found that liberalization leads to economic benefits. The benefits are modest in terms of GDP and unequally distributed among countries. Developing countries gain relatively the most. However, between 70 and 85 per cent of the benefits for developing countries is the result of their own reform policies in agriculture. South-South trade liberalization is key to the ¿development¿ part of this round. Liberalization can be helpful in gaining welfare; however uncoordinated liberalization can lead to unbearable pressures on the environment. In the liberalizing scenarios most of these shifts occur, indicating that liberalization should be performed with care. Trade liberalization will necessary have environmental consequences, which might be positive or negative for a region. What seems crucial is that environmental and trade agreements and policies must be sufficiently integrated or coordinated, to assure that they work together to improve the environment and attain the benefits of free trade

    Between Liberalization and Protection: Four Long-term Scenarios for Trade, Poverty and the Environment

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    The impact of globalization on poverty and the environment was a central issue during the Doha development round table and the mass demonstrations on the streets of Cancun. This paper deals with the complex interaction between agricultural trade regimes, poverty and the environment given two key uncertainties. First, a world where Doha succeeds and globalization proceeds versus a world that moves to regionalism with a stronger orientation toward bilateral and regional trade agreements. Secondly, a world that focuses on economic incentives and economic growth and a limited role for the government versus a world where public and private institutions value also environment and ecology. In our analyses we quantify the impact of trade liberalization on developing countries and the environment. We found that liberalization leads to economic benefits. The benefits are modest in terms of GDP and unequally distributed among countries. Developing countries gain relatively the most. However, between 70 and 85 per cent of the benefits for developing countries is the result of their own reform policies in agriculture. South-South trade liberalization is key to the “development” part of this round. Liberalization can be helpful in gaining welfare; however uncoordinated liberalization can lead to unbearable pressures on the environment. In the liberalizing scenarios most of these shifts occur, indicating that liberalization should be performed with care. Trade liberalization will necessary have environmental consequences, which might be positive or negative for a region. What seems crucial is that environmental and trade agreements and policies must be sufficiently integrated or coordinated, to assure that they work together to improve the environment and attain the benefits of free trade

    The role of nitrogen in world food production and environmental sustainability

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    On the basis of the FAO projection `World Agriculture: Towards 2015/2030¿ we direct our discussion to food production, the consequences for land use, efficiency of nitrogen (N) and losses of reactive N to the environment during 1995¿2030. According the FAO, global food production can keep pace with the increase in food demand in the coming three decades. However, according the projection used here, there will be a major global increase (8%) in arable land, most of it in developing countries and with a major impact on the extent of tropical forests. Further forest clearing may occur to compensate for declining soil productivity due to land degradation. Despite improvements in the N use efficiency, total reactive N loss will grow strongly in the world's increasingly intensive agricultural systems. In the 1995¿2030 period emissions of reactive N from intensive agricultural systems will continue to rise, particularly in developing countries. Therefore, the increase of N use efficiency and further improvement of agronomic management must remain high on the priority list of policy maker