72 research outputs found

    Identification of deep trap levels from thermally stimulated current spectra of semi-insulating CdZnTe detector material

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    Deep trap levels in the semi-insulating (SI) CdZnTe detector material were characterized by simultaneous multiple peak analysis based on thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurements. In our TSCs that have been published previously electron hole pairs were created through the use of proton beam irradiation. Charge carriers were captured in deep traps and afterward released by thermal emission, which was recorded in the 90–300 K range. We showed that the obtained TSC spectra could be well fitted with a unique set of 14 different deep traps, which were all simultaneously and completely characterized. The obtained trap data are in good accordance with earlier deep trap characterizations of the other authors obtained on similar SI CdZnTe materials using different methods

    Self-Ordered Voids Formation in SiO2 Matrix by Ge Outdiffusion

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    The annealing behavior of very thin SiO2/Ge multilayers deposited on Si substrate by e-gun deposition in high vacuum was explored. It is shown that, after annealing at moderate temperatures (800°C) in inert atmosphere, Ge is completely outdiffused from the SiO2 matrix leaving small (about 3 nm) spherical voids embedded in the SiO2 matrix. These voids are very well correlated and formed at distances governed by the preexisting multilayer structure (in vertical direction) and self-organization (in horizontal direction). The formed films produce intensive photoluminescence (PL) with a peak at 500 nm. The explored dynamics of the PL decay show the existence of a very rapid process similar to the one found at Ge/SiO2 defected interface layers

    Metal island film-based structures for sensing using spectrophotometry and ellipsometry

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    Metal island films (MIF) are good candidates for sensors due to the strong sensitivity of the localised surface plasmon resonance to the environment refractive index. The strong near field enhancement in the vicinity of the island surface can be even higher if a metal layer (ML) is placed close to a MIF. Structures containing MIF with and without ML are prepared and sensitivities of spectrophotometric and ellipsometric features of the measurements are compared. It is shown that simple MIF is preferable for ellipsometry-based sensing and the one including ML in the case of spectrophotometric measurements

    Papers in Australian linguistics No. 15 : Australian Aboriginal lexicography

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    The past f if teen years have seen major developments in the description and analysis of Australian Aboriginal languages. A large number of descriptive grammars have been published (see Walsh (1979: 8-10) for a partial listing) and several theoretical topics have been discussed in detail, for example , casemarking and ergativity (see papers in Topic B and Topic D of Dixon 1 976, Dixon 1979, Blake 1977 and Silverstein 1981). In addition, some excellent surveys of the f ield have appeared: Blake 1 981, Dixon 1 980 , Yallop 1 982. During this time , lexicography and dictionary production has lagged behind the s tudy of phonological and grammatical issues. In a seminal article on lexicography in Aboriginal Australia , O'Grady 197 1 discussed and evaluated work completed and research in progress for the period 1 780 to 1 968. In an appendix, he gave a summary listing of forty-nine unpublished dictionaries representing thirty-nine different Austral ian languages . A mere four of those have been published in the intervening fif teen years. Admittedly , several vocabularies and d ictionaries not known to O' Grady have appeared recently (for example Coate and Elkin 1975, Hansen and Hansen 1977 and Heath 1982 ) , however , the number of published dictionaries is small compared to the number of available grammars . In addition, no dictionary of an Aus tralian language published to date could be describ�d as truly comprehensive (cf. La ughlin 1 975 or Young and Morgan 1980 for indigenous languages elsewhere in the world ). This situation is set to change in the near future. There are a number of projects currently underway which will see the preparation and publication over the next few years of large comprehensive bilingual dictionaries for a range of Australian languages. Several scholars working on dictionary projects were present at the annual conference of the Australian Linguistic Society held at the Australian National University in 1981. In informal discussions I raised the idea of our getting together to exchange ideas and share experiences . To this end I convened a workshop on Australian Aboriginal lexicography which was held in conjuction with the ALS annual conference at the Univers ity of Sydney in August 1982. Eight papers were presented at the workshop which was attended by thirty-five linguists , many of whom had begun or were about to begin dictionary preparation. All the presentations , with the exception of one by R.M.W. Dixon on the Dyirbal dictionary-thesaurus , were written up and appear in this volume

    Antioksidativno djelovanje NSAID hidroksamskih kiselina

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    In the present study, seven hydroxamic acid derivatives of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (ibuprofen, fenoprofen, ketoprofen, indomethacin and diclofenac) were found to possess significant antioxidant, radical scavenging and metal chelating activities. The most active antioxidant and radical scavenger was N-methylhydroxamic acid of diclofenac (ANT = 88.0 % and EC50 = 60.1 microg mL-1). The activity of the standard substance, butylated hydroxyanisole, in the two assays was ANT = 86.9 % and EC50 = 18.8 microg mL-1, respectively. Ibuproxam was the strongest iron chelator among investigated hydroxamic acids (EC50 = 255.6 microg mL-1), yet significantly weaker than the standard substance, EDTA (EC50 = 29.1 microg mL-1). It seems that different mechanism is involved in metal chelating activity than in antioxidant and radical scavenging activity. Antioxidant and radical scavenging activities may be connected with conjugation of the nitrogen lone electron pair with the carbonyl group. On the other hand, more hydrophilic substances tend to be better iron chelators.U radu je opisano antioksidativno djelovanje te sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih radikala i stvaranja kelata sedam hidroksamskih kiselina, derivata nesteroidnih protuupalnih lijekova ibuprofena, fenoprofena, ketoprofena, indometacina i diklofenaka. Najjače antioksidativno djelovanje i najjaču sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih radikala imala je N-metilhidroksamska kiselina diklofenaka (ANT = 88,0 % i EC50 = 60,1 g mL1). Vrijednosti za standardnu supstanciju, butilirani hidroksianisol, bile su: ANT = 86,9 % i EC50 = 18,8 g mL1. Derivat ibuprofena bio je najjači kelator među ispitivanim hidroksamskim kiselinama (EC50 = 255,6 g mL1), ali značajno slabiji od standardne supstancije, EDTA (EC50 = 29,1 g mL1). Pretpostavlja se da su različiti mehanizmi uključeni u keliranje metala i antioksidativno djelovanje, odnosno hvatanje slobodnih radikala. Antioksidativno djelovanje i sposobnost hvatanja slobodnih radikala moglo bi biti povezano s konjugacijom slobodnog para elektrona na dušiku s karbonilnom skupinom. S druge strane, hidrofilnije supstancije pokazale su se kao jači kelatori iona željeza

    Population structure and genetic history of Tibetan Terriers

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    International audienceAbstractBackgroundTibetan Terrier is a popular medium-sized companion dog breed. According to the history of the breed, the western population of Tibetan Terriers includes two lineages, Lamleh and Luneville. These two lineages derive from a small number of founder animals from the native Tibetan Terrier population, which were brought to Europe in the 1920s. For almost a century, the western population of Tibetan Terriers and the native population in Tibet were reproductively isolated. In this study, we analysed the structure of the western population of Tibetan Terriers, the original native population from Tibet and of different crosses between these two populations. We also examined the genetic relationships of Tibetan Terriers with other dog breeds, especially terriers and some Asian breeds, and the within-breed structure of both Tibetan Terrier populations.ResultsOur analyses were based on high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array (Illumina HD Canine 170 K) and microsatellite (18 loci) genotypes of 64 Tibetan Terriers belonging to different populations and lineages. For the comparative analysis, we used 348 publicly available SNP array genotypes of dogs from other breeds. We found that the western population of Tibetan Terriers and the native Tibetan Terriers clustered together with other Asian dog breeds, whereas all other terrier breeds were grouped into a separate group. We were also able to differentiate the western Tibetan Terrier lineages (Lamleh and Luneville) from the native Tibetan Terrier population.ConclusionsOur results reveal the relationships between the western and native populations of Tibetan Terriers and support the hypothesis that Tibetan Terrier belongs to the group of ancient dog breeds of Asian origin, which are close to the ancestors of the modern dog that were involved in the early domestication process. Thus, we were able to reject the initial hypothesis that Tibetan Terriers belong to the group of terrier breeds. The existence of this native population of Tibetan Terriers at its original location represents an exceptional and valuable genetic resource

    Definitions and incidence of cardiac syndrome X: review and analysis of clinical data

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    There is no consensus regarding the definition of cardiac syndrome X (CSX). We systematically reviewed recent literature using a standardized search strategy. We included 57 articles. A total of 47 studies mentioned a male/female distribution. A meta-analysis yielded a pooled proportion of females of 0.56 (n = 1,934 patients, with 95% confidence interval: 0.54–0.59). As much as 9 inclusion criteria and 43 exclusion criteria were found in the 57 articles. Applying these criteria to a population with normal coronary angiograms and treated in 1 year at a general hospital, the attributable CSX incidence varied between 3 and 11%. The many inclusion and exclusion criteria result in a wide range of definitions of CSX and these have large effects on the incidence. This shows the need for a generally accepted definition of CSX