2,501 research outputs found

    Mechanical properties of the icosahedral shell of southern bean mosaic virus: A molecular dynamics study.

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    The mechanical properties of viral shells are crucial for viral assembly and infection. To study their distribution and heterogeneity on the viral surface, we performed atomistic force-probe molecular dynamics simulations of the complete shell of southern bean mosaic virus, a prototypical T = 3 virus, in explicit solvent. The simulation system comprised more than 4,500,000 atoms. To facilitate direct comparison with atomic-force microscopy (AFM) measurements, a Lennard-Jones sphere was used as a model of the AFM tip, and was pushed with different velocities toward the capsid protein at 19 different positions on the viral surface. A detailed picture of the spatial distribution of elastic constants and yielding forces was obtained that can explain corresponding heterogeneities observed in previous AFM experiments. Our simulations reveal three different deformation regimes: a prelinear regime of outer surface atom rearrangements, a linear regime of elastic capsid deformation, and a rearrangement regime that describes irreversible structural changes and the transition from elastic to plastic deformation. For both yielding forces and elastic constants, a logarithmic velocity dependency is evident over nearly two decades, the explanation for which requires including nonequilibrium effects within the established theory of enforced barrier crossing

    TARGET: A Digitizing And Trigger ASIC For The Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The future ground-based gamma-ray observatory Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will feature multiple types of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, each with thousands of pixels. To be affordable, camera concepts for these telescopes have to feature low cost per channel and at the same time meet the requirements for CTA in order to achieve the desired scientific goals. We present the concept of the TeV Array Readout Electronics with GSa/s sampling and Event Trigger (TARGET) Application Specific Circuit (ASIC), envisaged to be used in the cameras of various CTA telescopes, e.g. the Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope (GCT), a proposed 2-Mirror Small-Sized Telescope, and the Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope (SCT), a proposed Medium-Sized Telescope. In the latest version of this readout concept the sampling and trigger parts are split into dedicated ASICs, TARGET C and T5TEA, both providing 16 parallel input channels. TARGET C features a tunable sampling rate (usually 1 GSa/s), a 16k sample deep buffer for each channel and on-demand digitization and transmission of waveforms with typical spans of ~100 ns. The trigger ASIC, T5TEA, provides 4 low voltage differential signal (LVDS) trigger outputs and can generate a pedestal voltage independently for each channel. Trigger signals are generated by T5TEA based on the analog sum of the input in four independent groups of four adjacent channels and compared to a threshold set by the user. Thus, T5TEA generates four LVDS trigger outputs, as well as 16 pedestal voltages fed to TARGET C independently for each channel. We show preliminary results of the characterization and testing of TARGET C and T5TEA.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2016

    Unwinding of a cholesteric liquid crystal and bidirectional surface anchoring

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    We examine the influence of bidirectional anchoring on the unwinding of a planar cholesteric liquid crystal induced by the application of a magnetic field. We consider a liquid crystal layer confined between two plates with the helical axis perpendicular to the substrates. We fixed the director twist on one boundary and allow for bidirectional anchoring on the other by introducing a high-order surface potential. By minimizing the total free energy for the system, we investigate the untwisting of the cholesteric helix as the liquid crystal attempts to align with the magnetic field. The transitions between metastable states occur as a series of pitchjumps as the helix expels quarter or half-turn twists, depending on the relative sizes of the strength of the surface potential and the bidirectional anchoring. We show that secondary easy axis directions can play a significant role in the unwinding of the cholesteric in its transition towards a nematic, especially when the surface anchoring strength is large

    Time-division SQUID multiplexers with reduced sensitivity to external magnetic fields

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    Time-division SQUID multiplexers are used in many applications that require exquisite control of systematic error. One potential source of systematic error is the pickup of external magnetic fields in the multiplexer. We present measurements of the field sensitivity figure of merit, effective area, for both the first stage and second stage SQUID amplifiers in three NIST SQUID multiplexer designs. These designs include a new variety with improved gradiometry that significantly reduces the effective area of both the first and second stage SQUID amplifiers.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures. Submitted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, August 201

    Zustandsbewertung betriebsgealterter HochspannungstransformatordurchfĂŒhrungen mit Öl-Papier-Dielektrikum mittels dielektrischer Diagnose

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, geeignete Verfahren fĂŒr die Zustandsdiagnose von DurchfĂŒhrungen mit Öl-Papier-Dielektrikum aufzuzeigen. Dazu wurden an drei 400 kV-TransformatordurchfĂŒhrungen, die 28 Jahre lang in Betrieb waren, betriebsfrequente KapazitĂ€ts- und Verlustfaktormessungen sowie Polarisations- und Depolarisationsstrommessungen (PDC) und Frequenzbereichsspektroskopie-Messungen (FDS) vorgenommen und Möglichkeiten zur qualitativen Analyse der Messergebnisse angegeben. Durch Simulationen lassen sich die Ergebnisse der PDC- und FDS-Messung auch quantitativ bewerten, wodurch u.a. eine AbschĂ€tzung des Wassergehalts der Isolation möglich ist. Die Eignung der verwendeten Mess-, Analyse- und Simulationsverfahren wurde durch die Demontage und Untersuchung des Papiers eines der PrĂŒflinge verifiziert. Neben vielen praktischen Hinweisen zu dielektrischen Messungen und deren StöreinflĂŒsse werden auch neuartige Verfahren zur Temperaturkompensation dielektrischer Kurven im Zeitbereich sowie zur Herleitung einfacher Ersatzschaltbilder fĂŒr die Simulation vorgestellt.ï»żThis thesis concerns the condition assessment of high voltage bushings with oil-paper insulation system. The aim is to prove, which diagnostic methods are suited to assess the ageing condition of such bushings that are subjected to ageing effects caused by service operation and how the measurement results can be analyzed. For the practical investigations of this work, three 400 kV-bushings were provided. They have been in operation for 28 years and were replaced as a precaution. Dielectric measurements were performed on these test objects: i.e. capacity and dissipation factor measurements, polarization- and depolarization current- measurements (PDC-measurements) and frequency domain spectroscopy (FDS) were used in order to prove their suitability for ageing condition assessment and to demonstrate how the measurement results can be analyzed. The comparison of measurement data with simulation results plays a major role for quantitative analyses of the measurement results. It is shown, how material data from laboratory measurements can be transformed in a simple way in order to create equivalent circuit diagrams for simulation of real bushings. For analysis of dielectric measurement results, a novel method for the compensation of temperature influences in time domain is shown. This method gives new approaches in analyses of dielectric measurements.During the dielectric measurements, influences of the measurement environment on the measurement results revealed. On the one hand, PDC measurement results were influenced even on very long measurement times in such ways, that oscillations of the polarization currents and polarity reversals of the depolarization currents were caused. On the other hand apparently negative dissipation factors were obtained at higher frequencies, especially at operating frequency. By the investigation of these influences using equivalent circuit diagrams it could be shown that stray capacitances to ground potential caused the effects. So useful advices for dielectric measurements can be given.The adequacy of the different measurement and simulation methods for condition assessment used in this thesis is verified by chemical analyses on the paper of one of the bushings investigated. This allows a final evaluation of the diagnostic methods used.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Zustandsbewertung von HochspannungsdurchfĂŒhrungen mit Öl-Papier-Dielektrikum. Das vordergrĂŒndige Ziel besteht darin, zu untersuchen, welche Diagnoseverfahren geeignet sind, um den Zustand von DurchfĂŒhrungen, die durch betriebliche Beanspruchungen gealtert sind, zu bewerten und wie sich die Ergebnisse der diagnostischen Messungen analysieren lassen. FĂŒr die Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit standen drei 400 kV-OIP-DurchfĂŒhrungen zur VerfĂŒgung, die 28 Jahre lang in Betrieb waren und vorsorglich getauscht wurden. An diesen PrĂŒflingen wurden die dielektrischen Diagnoseverfahren der betriebsfrequenten KapazitĂ€ts- und Verlustfaktormessung, die Polarisations- und Depolarisationsstrommessung (PDC-Messung) sowie die Frequenzbereichsspektroskopie (FDS) angewendet, um sie auf ihre Eignung zur Zustandsdiagnose von DurchfĂŒhrungen zu prĂŒfen und Möglichkeiten zur Analyse der Messergebnisse aufzuzeigen. Eine wichtige Rolle bei der quantitativen Analyse der Messergebnisse spielt der Vergleich mit Simulationsergebnissen. Es wird gezeigt, wie auf einfachem Wege aus MaterialdatensĂ€tzen von Labormessungen Ersatzschaltbilder fĂŒr die Simulation realer DurchfĂŒhrungen hergeleitet werden können. Zur Analyse der Messergebnisse wird eine neuartige Möglichkeit der Temperaturumrechnung von Polarisationsstromkurven aus dem Zeitbereich angegeben, durch die sich neue AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die Bewertung dielektrischer Messungen ergeben. Bei den dielektrischen Messungen wurden EinflĂŒsse der Messumgebung auf die VerlĂ€ufe der PDC- und FDS-Ergebnisse festgestellt. Zum einen wurden die PDC-Messungen auch bei sehr langen Messzeiten dahingehend beeintrĂ€chtigt, dass sich starke Schwankungen im Polarisationsstrom und eine PolaritĂ€tsumkehr des Depolarisationsstroms zeigten. Zum anderen ergab sich bei FDS-Messungen ein scheinbar negativer Verlustfaktor bei höheren Frequenzen, insbesondere bei Betriebsfrequenz. Die Untersuchung dieser EinflĂŒsse anhand von Ersatzschaltbildern verdeutlicht, dass StreukapazitĂ€ten zum Erdpotential ursĂ€chlich fĂŒr die Störungen sind und liefert wertvolle Hinweise fĂŒr praktische Messungen. Die Eignung der zur Zustandsbewertung eingesetzten Mess-, Analyse- und Simulationsverfahren wurde durch chemische Analysen am Papier eines der PrĂŒflinge verifiziert, sodass eine zusammenfassende Bewertung der angewendeten Methoden vorgenommen werden konnte
