9,135 research outputs found

    Imaging crystal orientations in multicrystalline silicon wafers via photoluminescence

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    We present a method for monitoring crystal orientations in chemically polished and unpassivated multicrystalline silicon wafers based on band-to-band photoluminescence imaging. The photoluminescence intensity from such wafers is dominated by surface recombination, which is crystal orientation dependent. We demonstrate that a strong correlation exists between the surface energy of different grain orientations, which are modelled based on first principles, and their corresponding photoluminescence intensity. This method may be useful in monitoring mixes of crystal orientations in multicrystalline or so-called “cast monocrystalline” wafers.H. C. Sio acknowledges scholarship support from BT Imaging and the Australian Solar Institute, and the Centre for Advanced Microscopy at ANU for SEM access. This work has been supported by the Australian Research Council

    Collective excitations in double-layer quantum Hall systems

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    We study the collective excitation spectra of double-layer quantum-Hall systems using the single mode approximation. The double-layer in-phase density excitations are similar to those of a single-layer system. For out-of-phase density excitations, however, both inter-Landau-level and intra-Landau-level double-layer modes have finite dipole oscillator strengths. The oscillator strengths at long wavelengths for the latter transitions are shifted upward by interactions by identical amounts proportional to the interlayer Coulomb coupling. The intra-Landau-level out-of-phase mode has a gap when the ground state is incompressible except in the presence of spontaneous inter-layer coherence. We compare our results with predictions based on the Chern-Simons-Landau-Ginzburg theory for double-layer quantum Hall systems.Comment: RevTeX, 21 page

    Orbital and interlayer Skyrmions crystals in bilayer graphene

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    A graphene bilayer in a transverse magnetic field has a set of Landau levels with energies E=±N(N+1)ωcE=\pm \sqrt{N(N+1)}\hslash \omega_{c}^{\ast} where ωc\omega_{c}^{\ast} is the effective cyclotron frequency and % N=0,1,2,... All Landau levels but N=0 are four times degenerate counting spin and valley degrees of freedom. The Landau level N=0 has an extra degeneracy due to the fact that orbitals n=0n=0 and n=1n=1 both have zero kinetic energies. At integer filling factors, Coulomb interactions produce a set of broken-symmetry states with partial or full alignement in space of the valley and orbital pseudospins. These quantum Hall pseudo-ferromagnetic states support topological charged excitations in the form of orbital and valley Skyrmions. Away from integer fillings, these topological excitations can condense to form a rich variety of Skyrme crystals with interesting properties. We study in this paper different crystal phases that occur when an electric field is applied between the layers. We show that orbital Skyrmions, in analogy with spin Skyrmions, have a texture of electrical dipoles that can be controlled by an in-plane electric field. Moreover, the modulation of electronic density in the crystalline phases are experimentally accessible through a measurement of their local density of statesComment: 18 pages with 13 figure

    Meron ground states of quantum Hall droplets

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    We argue that topological meron excitations, which are in a strong coupling phase (bound in pairs) in infinite quantum Hall ferromagnets, become deconfined in finite size quantum Hall systems. Although effectively for larger systems meron energy grows with the size of the system, when gyromagnetic ratio is small meron becomes the lowest lying state of a quantum Hall droplet. This comes as a consequence of the many-body correlations built in the meron construction that minimize the interaction energy. We demonstrate this by using mean field ansatzes for meron wave function. The ansatzes will enable us to consider much larger system sizes than in the previous work [A. Petkovic and M.V. Milovanovic, PRL 98, 066808 (2007)], where fractionalization into merons was introduced.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Coordinate shift in the semiclassical Boltzmann equation and the anomalous Hall effect

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    We propose a gauge invariant expression for the side jump associated with scattering between particular Bloch states. Our expression for the side jump follows from the Born series expansion for the scattering T-matrix in powers of the strength of the scattering potential. Given our gauge invariant side jump expression, it is possible to construct a semiclassical Boltzmann theory of the anomalous Hall effect which expresses all previously identified contributions in terms of gauge invariant quantities and does not refer explicitly to off-diagonal terms in the density-matrix response.Comment: 6 pages, 1 fugure. submitted to PR

    Skyrmion \leftrightarrow pseudoSkyrmion Transition in Bilayer Quantum Hall States at ν=1\nu =1

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    Bilayer quantum Hall states at ν=1\nu =1 have been demonstrated to possess a distinguished state with interlayer phase coherence. The state has both excitations of Skyrmion with spin and pseudoSkyrmion with pseudospin. We show that Skyrmion \leftrightarrow pseudoSkyrmion transition arises in the state by changing imbalance between electron densities in both layers; PseudoSkyrmion is realized at balance point, while Skyrmion is realized at large imbalance. The transition can be seen by observing the dependence of activation energies on magnetic field parallel to the layers.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Hall Crystal States at ν=2\nu=2 and Moderate Landau Level Mixing

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    The ν=2\nu=2 quantum Hall state at low Zeeman coupling is well-known to be a translationally invariant singlet if Landau level mixing is small. At zero Zeeman interaction, as Landau level mixing increases, the translationally invariant state becomes unstable to aninhomogeneous state. This is the first realistic example of a full Hall crystal, which shows the coexistence of quantum Hall order and density wave order. The full Hall crystal differs from the more familiar Wigner crystal by a topological property, which results in it having only linearly dispersing collective modes at small qq, and no q3/2q^{3/2} magnetophonon. I present calculations of the topological number and the collective modes.Comment: Final version to appear in PRL. Two references added, minor changes to figures and tex

    Reentrant Metallic Behavior of Graphite in the Quantum Limit

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    Magnetotransport measurements performed on several well-characterized highly oriented pyrolitic graphite and single crystalline Kish graphite samples reveal a reentrant metallic behavior in the basal-plane resistance at high magnetic fields, when only the lowest Landau levels are occupied. The results suggest that the quantum Hall effect and Landau-level-quantization-induced superconducting correlations are relevant to understand the metallic-like state(s) in graphite in the quantum limit.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic Anisotropy in Quantum Hall Ferromagnets

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    We show that the sign of magnetic anisotropy energy in quantum Hall ferromagnets is determined by a competition between electrostatic and exchange energies. Easy-axis ferromagnets tend to occur when Landau levels whose states have similar spatial profiles cross. We report measurements of integer QHE evolution with magnetic-field tilt. Reentrant behavior observed for the ν=4\nu = 4 QHE at high tilt angles is attributed to easy-axis anisotropy. This interpretation is supported by a detailed calculation of the magnetic anisotropy energy.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let