121 research outputs found

    The effect of temperature and humidity on grooming behaviour of honeybee, Apis mellifera (Hym.: Apidae) colonies against varroa mite, Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae)

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    Grooming behaviour is one of the important mechanisms of honeybee defence against parasitic mites. In addition to genetical characteristics, environmental conditions affect the behavioural traits of honeybee colonies. The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of temperature and humidity on the ability of honeybee workers to remove varroa mites from their body. One hundred worker bees from resistant and susceptible colonies were placed in cages and infested with 40 varroa mites per cage. Cages from each group of workers were randomly assigned to a combination of temperature and humidity treatments. Individual cages were held in incubators at 10, 25 and 34ï°C under low (20%), medium (50%) and high (80%) humidity. The entire experiment was replicated three times (18 cages per replicate). The proportion of mites falling into the base of the cages (grooming), or migrating within the closed system and the number of dead bees were monitored on day 2, 4 and 6 of experiment. At the end of experiment the proportion of mites on the live bees, dead bees and in the equipment was also determined. The results showed significant differences in the ability of the two groups to groom mites off their bodies and that the relative effectiveness of the grooming in the two groups of bees was dependent upon the combination of temperature and humidity to which they were exposed. Total mite mortality of the two groups of bees was also different; however, it was not influenced by temperature. Total mite mortality may include grooming, or the natural mite fall that cannot relocate their host. In the programs that are attempting to breed bees with increased grooming behaviour and enhanced resistance to Varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman), the environmental conditions should be considered under which experiments are carried out

    Foraging initiation and foraging behavior in high and low performance of Iranian honeybee, Apis mellifera meda (Hym.: Apidae), colonies

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    The starting of foraging is likely the most important phenomenon in the age based division of labor in honeybees. It also prepare one of the most complicated phenotypic trait in biological system since the intercourse of different external, social and personage factors. Pollination effect is related to foraging behavior and foragers' population, so this research aims to determine foraging initiation and foraging behavior of worker bees in high and low performance colonies. There is a significant correlation between foraging behavior and honey production in different colonies and in various regions. Early foraging leads to higher production of honey in a colony. Also‚ based on the results obtained, the peak of foraging initiation in high performance colony was longer (age of 16-23 day) and in low performance colony was shorter (age of 17-21day). The results indicate that the retuned bees (P < 0.05) and returned bees with pollen load (P < 0.05) in high production colonies are more than low production colonies. Results have shown differences in the age of first foraging (AFF) comparing to previous studies‚ in which represented AFF starts 21 days after birthday of worker foragers. Obtained results have shown that the number of forager bees has positive correlation with honey production in honeybee colonies and also AFF of high production colonies was started in earlier age that can due to higher production in these colonies

    Acaricidal activity of essential oil from Mentha longifolia (Lamiaceae) against Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) and its effect on Apis mellifera (Hym.: Apidae)

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    Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman is one of the most important pests of Apis mellifera L. world widely. It causes great economic loss to the beekeeping industry through feeding on various developmental stages of bees and by transmission of pathogenic viral agents. Recently, application of chemical pesticides has led to the occurrence of mite resistance and contamination of hive products. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to evaluate fumigant toxicity of essential oil from Mentha longifolia L. against varroa mite and honey bee. Adult females of varroa mites were treated with different concentrations of essential oil (from 0.5 to 3.75 µl/l air) at 25°C and 40% RH in darkness for 10 h. Also, worker honey bees were exposed to concentrations of essential oil (from 0.62 to 6.25 µl/l air) in incubator set at 32°C and 45 - 50% RH in dark for 10 h. All experiments were conducted with four replications. The number of dead and live treated animals was counted each hour from commencement of exposure. Results showed that the mortality was increased as concentration and exposure time of the oil increased. Estimated LC50 value of M. longifolia treated on V. destructor 9 and 10 h after exposure was 2.05 and 1.65 µl/l air, respectively. However, LC50 values of the oil on A. mellifera at the same exposure times were 5.08 and 4.76 µl/l air, respectively. These findings indicate that varroa mite is more susceptible than A. mellifera. Therefore, more comprehensive experiments are necessary to find appropriate concentration and exposure time of M. longifolia essential oil in varroa mite control programs in apiaries

    Paleoenvironmental reconstruction, sequence stratigraphy and diagenetic processes of the Asmari Formation in KabirKuh Anticline, North of the Zargos Basin, Iran

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    858-867Because of the importance of the Asmari Formation in Lurestan zone (north of the Zagros basin), Jahangirabad section with a total thickness of 179 meters consist of mixed limestone-evaporites have been studied in order to interpretfacies, paleoenvironment, sequence stratigraphy and diagenetic processes. Based on lithostratigraphic classification in Lurestan zone by Adams studies, the Asmari Formation (Late Oligocene – early Miocene deposits) in study area has been divided into 3 units (including 5 sub-units). According to the field studies and laboratory works, 13 microfacies in 5 facies association were recognized, which belong to open marine, shoal, lagoon, intertidal environments. By considering the Lower Kalhur evaporites (with observed micro-texture), which are located in the lower part of this formation, it seems that the precipitation of these evaporates has occurred in the restricted basin during fall of sea level in saline environments. The precipitation of limestone with pelagic fauna has occurred over basal anhydrite during the rise of sea level. The main recognized diagenetic processes are dissolution and dolomitization which has influence on Asmari formation in this region. Three depositional sequences were identified based on facies distribution and sequence boundary

    A comparison of maladaptive early schemas and appearance schemas in obese and normal weight control subjects

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    The purpose of this study was to compare early maladaptive and appearance schemas in obse and and normal-weight subjects. Materials and Methods: The method of the study was causal- comparative and groups were included 30 obese (BMI�35) and 30 normal-weight adults (BMI<25). All participants completed Young Schema Questionnaire�Short Version (YSQ-S) and appearance schema Inventory (ASI) questionnaire. Results: Obse subjects showed significantly higher scores in compare to control group in self-sacrifice and emotional inhibition schemas. In addition, severity of appearance schemas in body- image vulnerability and self- investment subscales were significantly greater in obese subjects than in control group. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that some early maladaptive and appearance schemas are associated with obesity and therefore, theoretical conceptualizations and psychological interventions should address the above thesis constructs. © 2015, Semnan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Differences in and correlates of sexual function in infertile women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Background: The aim of this study was to examine sexual function and its correlates among infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in comparison with their non-PCOS counterparts. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 209 infertile women (116 PCOS and 93 non-PCOS) from Tehran, Iran, were evaluated in February and March 2018. Female sexual function index (FSFI), hormonal status, and documented reports of hyperandrogenic manifestations of the patients were investigated. Results: The mean age of the patients was 32.00 ± 5.00 years old. Eighty-four (40.2) patients including 42.2 of the PCOS patients and 37.6 of the non-PCOS cases (P>0.05), were suspected of female sexual dysfunction (FSD). The most impaired functions in both groups were desire and arousal. Sexual function was not significantly different between the groups. However, PCOS women had more orgasm problems and acne worsened their sexual function. Total FSFI was positively associated with prolactin level but negatively associated with central obesity in the non-PCOS group; it was negatively correlated with marital duration in the PCOS group. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and pain, prolactin level and lubrication, and central obesity and arousal were correlated in the non-PCOS women. Prolactin level and orgasm, marital duration and arousal, and marital duration and the total FSFI were correlated in the PCOS women. Conclusion: Sexual function was similarly low in infertile PCOS and non-PCOS women. However, orgasm problems and the negative effect of acne varied between the two groups. Further investigations may target how hormonal profile may affect sexual function. Practitioners should scrutinize the specific impaired sexual domains and their correlated conditions in PCOS women, notably orgasm, acne, and prolactin level. Interventions should be well tailored based on particular needs of infertile PCOS women. © 2021, Royan Institute (ACECR). All rights reserved

    Biological control of bloom algae in the southern of Caspian Sea

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    In recent years the incidence of algal blooms caused by Nodularia to become one of the serious problems and is threated life of aquatic organisms in the southern Caspian Sea. Nodularia is a Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria group) and due to production of nodularin toxin is importance. In this study, the first, three species of Pseudomonas including aeruginosa, putida and fluorescens were isolated from Tajan river estuary and identified using biochemical tests and compared to standard species. The trend of Nodularia spumigena biomass (log 5) and pseudomonas species (log 7 and 8) were examined in 30 treatments for 10 days in aquarium scale. Parameters such as chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, phosphate and nitrate were tested at different time the same time. The results showed that the decline trend of nodularia in aeruginosa and mixed species treatments were better than other treatments and log 8 of bacterium was also more inhibitory effect than to log 7. Similar results were observed in double layer on agar medium and latter treatments had algaecide effect on nodularia. However, putida and fluorescens treatments had algaestatic properties. Concentration of chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and nitrate in all treatments, especially aeruginosa and mixed bacteria have been often decreased (p<0.05). Changes of latter factors in control treatment have been relatively consistent. Although the phosphate changes at different time of relative decline, but nevertheless significant differences were observed. The parameters examined in this study were in direct contact with the algae population and decrease or increase of these factors cause significant change in algae biomass. The conclusion showed that different strains of pseudomonas are able to reduce the population of algae N. spumigena in aquarium scale and the results observed in combination treatment were better than other treatments. The challenge examination of pseudomonas and nodularia in mesocosm scale, evaluation of bacterial metabolites, and also quality and quantity analysis of chemical and biological factors involved in the process is recommended and with achieve reasonable results can be made from this indicator bacteria during algal bloom in the larger ecosystem

    Determination of water quality characteristics of Shahid Rajaei reservoir (Sari) based on physic-chemical parameters

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    The water quality provides the valuable information about the available resources for human usage. The reservoirs are the important resources of surface water which could be considered as an appropriate water resource for irrigation, drinking water and also fish culturing. The Shahid Rajaei Reservoir- Sari is an important reservoir in Iran, which conducted to study on its water quality in this survey. In this study, some of the physicochemical parameters and Chlorophyl- a of Shahid Rajaei reservoir were measured at 4 stations (Shirin Roud branch, Sefid Roud branch, the crossing point of branches, near the tower) during six sampling months (June, July, August, September, November and February) in 2012-2013. The water quality and trophic status of reservoir calculated based on some reference values and the modified Carlson formula. The results showed that the mean (±Standard Error) of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, phosohate, amonium and nitrate concentrations and Chlorophyl a were 21.35 (±1.30) ºC, 10.48 (±0.37), 8.54 (±0.04), 0.050 (±0.004), 0.036 (±0.004), 0.75 (±0.03) mg/l and 18.00 (±7.23) mg/m^3 , respectively. In the present study, temperature between surface and deep layer was stratified in June and July, which the stratification was registerd 0.47 and 0.69 °C decreases with increasing of each meter depth in 15 to 30 meter culumn. But, these changes for each increasing meter of water depth were 0.2 to 0.26 °C in August and September, respectively, and finally was close to zero in November. In the warm months (July, August and September) with the formation of thermal stratification in the reservoir was formed oxygen stratification, but in the cold season (November and February), with vertical mixing of water oxygen and percent saturation of the reservoir was nearly homogeneous. The results showed that the European authorities (OECD) trophic status varied between mezotrophic to hypertrophic during the sampling period at all stations. The comparison with the values listed in the references of Iranian dams based on transparency and chlorophyll variables showed similar results. However, phosphorus variable (due to limited for phytoplankton) was not showing the true conditions of trophic status. As a conlusion, trophic status of Shahid Rajaei dam based on Carlson trophic index (TSI) was obtained oligotrophic (May and October), mezotrophic (February) and eutrophic (August and September) condintion during diferent months. Therefore, water management of the reservoir was more attention during warm months

    Study on some physico-chemical parameters in the southern of Caspian Sea- Mazandarn Province

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    This study was conducted to determine physico-chemical characteristics of water and their spatial and temporal fluctuations in the Mazandaran coastal of Caspian Sea in 6 months, four seasons at 4 transects (Tonekabon, Nowshahr, Babolsar, Amirabad) during 2012-2013. 72 samples were collected at surface layer of water in 5, 15 and 30m depths. Then the sampls analyzed based on standard methods. Results showed that the mean of water and air temperature were 19.46±0.85 and 20.25±0.78◦C, respectively. Minimum and maximum of water temperature were recorded in winter (7.00) and summer time (28.10). Mean of salinity was 12.35±0.13 ppt. The maximum salinity was recorded in summer and minimum in winter in all transects. Mean of transparency (SD) in the present study was 2.63±0.18m. The mean of pH was observed 8.51±0.02 which was higher than the previous sampling periods. The mean of DO was observed 6.00±0.07 ml/l during sampling period. Annual concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN= NH4 +, NO2-, NO3-) has a fairly wide variation in different months and transects. Percentage of nitrogen components out of DIN were varied 6-53, 0.14-26.0 and 37.0-94.0 respectively. In this study, percentage of DIN was lower than 15% and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was higher than 80%. Mean of annual dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) and organic phosphorous were 0.58± 0.04 and 0.48± 0.02 µM, respectively. DIP and DOP percentages recorded 54 and 46 respectively. Mean annual of dissolved silicon (DSi) obtained 9.5± 0.2 µM. Based on the results, the system was in phosphorus limitation during spring and summer but it shifted to nitrogen limitation in autumn and winter. Phytoplankton development was not limited by DSi at any seasons