2,234 research outputs found

    A study on foetal outcome after diagnosis of oligohydramnios at term in tertiary care center

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    Background: Oligohydramnios is associated with a variety of ominous pregnancy outcomes such as foetal distress, low birth weight, perinatal morbidity and increased incidence of Caesarean section. Objective of present study was to determine the outcome of maternal and Foetal wellbeing after diagnosis of oligohydramnios at term pregnancy.Methods: 50 pregnant women aged between 18 – 27 years were screened with history of oligohydramnios by ultrasound scanning after 37 completed weeks, compared with 50 controls with no oligohydramnios.Results: The mean age of the study group was 22.7 years and of the control group was 22.4 years, respectively. Majority of the patients were primigravidae in both the groups. The mean gestational age was 39.5 weeks in study group and 39.4 in control group. The occurrence of non reactive NST was more in study group compared to the control group. The efficacy of AFI as a screening test to predict foetal distress is more significant with Positive Predictive Value of 57% and Negative Predictive Value of 80%. The mean birth weight was 2.5 kg in the study group compared to 2.75 kg in the control group which is statistically significant. 34 % of the newborns were admitted to NICU in study group compared to 14% in the control group.Conclusions: In the presence of oligohydramnios, the occurrence of non-reactive NST, meconium stained liquor, development of foetal distress are very high

    In-vitro induction of aerial leaves and of precocious flowering in submerged shoots of Limnophila indica by abscisic acid

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    Nodal explants of submerged shoots of Limnophila indica (L.) Druce were cultured in Nitsch's liquid medium containing abscisic acid (ABA, 10-9-10-6 M). At 10-7 and 10-6 M, ABA induced typical aerial leaves (entire, ovate, opposite-decussately arranged) even under submerged conditions and completely suppressed the development of water leaves (pinnately dissected and whorled). Flowers that invariably arise from aerial shoots were induced precociously by ABA even on submerged nodes

    Role of labour admission test in predicting pregnancy outcome in low-risk cases

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    Background: The present study was carried out to determine the role of labour admission test (LAT) in detecting fetal hypoxia in labour and to correlate the findings of the test with perinatal outcome in low-risk cases.Methods: In this study 150 low risk pregnant term women were subjected to LAT and classified according to NICE 2017 guidelines. Pregnancy outcome in terms of need for operative delivery and neonatal status at birth were noted. Data was analysed statistically by Chi-square test.Results: The LAT was normal in 78.67%, suspicious in 17.33% and pathological in 4%. Operative delivery for fetal distress was observed in 18.75% of normal group, in 50% of suspicious group and in 100% of pathological group. The incidence of meconium-stained liquor was significantly high in pathological (50%) and suspicious group (19.23%). The incidence of low 5-minute Apgar score was significantly high in pathological LAT group (33.33%) as compared to suspicious (7.69%) and normal LAT groups (2.54%). Admission to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) was significantly high in pathological test group (50%). LAT in this study showed 48.15% sensitivity, 96.75% specificity and 76.47% positive predictive value as a screening tool for predicting fetal distress in low-risk patients suggesting that a normal LAT in early labour is an indicator of good pregnancy outcome.Conclusions: LAT is an effective, non-invasive screening method with good specificity to detect fetal distress in low-risk woman and helps to plan management accordingly to improve pregnancy outcome

    Abnormal uterine bleeding in relation to thyroid dysfunction

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding is an abnormal bleeding from the uterus in absence of any organic disease of genital tract and demonstrable extra genital causes. Thyroid dysfunction is marked by large number of menstrual abnormalities. This study is aimed at detecting thyroid dysfunction in patients with provisional diagnosis of AUB (abnormal uterine bleeding).and refer positive cases to physician for further management.Methods: All patients from are from puberty to pre-menopausal age groups, presenting as menoraghia, metrorragia, polymenorrhoea, polymenorragia, hypomenorrhoea, and acyclical bleeding. Onset, duration, amount of bleeding, complaints related to thyroid dysfunction was noted in detail. A thorough clinical examination including general physical examination, neck examination, systemic and gynecological examination was carried out, with special reference to thyroid dysfunction. A provisional clinical diagnosis of DUB was made. Patients with clinical signs and symptoms of thyroid disease were excluded. All these patients were subjected to routine investigations like Hb%, blood counts, urine routine, and bleeding and clotting time to rule out coagulation defects. Then all were subjected for serum T3, T4, and TSH estimation. Patients were then grouped into 4 categories: euthyroid, subclinical lhypothyroid, hypothyroid, and hyperthyroid. Patients who had thyroid disease, on hormonal treatment, IUCD users, and bleeding disorders were excluded.Results: Among 100 patients studied with abnormal uterine bleeding, patients were distributed according to age groups from puberty to perimenopause age. Majority of patients belongs to 31-40 years of age about 40% and the least age group were between 41-45 years of age.(7%).Among different parity status AUB was more common among para three patients(26%). Out of 100 patients, 32% of patients had thyroid dysfunction of which 16% of patients had subclinical hypothyroidism. 15% of patients had hypothyroidism and only 2% of patients had hyperthyroidism. The commonest bleeding abnormality in AUB were polymenorrhoea (30%) and menorrhagia (35%). All hyperthyroid cases were oligomenorrhoeic.Conclusions: This study concludes that thyroid dysfunction should be considered as an important etiological factor for menstrual abnormality. The biochemical evaluation of T3, T4, and TSH estimations should be made mandatory in AUB cases to detect apparent and occult thyroid dysfunction

    Kedudukan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Dprd) dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014

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    Position the House of Representatives (DPRD), which is referred to as the local legislative body by the public, it is not so. Parliament is one of the elements of the regional administration together with the Regional Head, so that Parliament is a partner of the Regional Head, located parallel to the regional head. Parliament only perform the function of legislation in the area by establishing rules and regulations along the regional level Regional Head, as the regional regulation. The purpose of this study is to determine how exactly the position of Parliament in the regional administration together with the head of the region, as well as how to do with the implementation of the concept of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This study was included in the normative legal research is the study of law with a review of the legal materials in the form of legislation and study books or library materials available. While the nature of this research is descriptive research is research that provides a clear and detailed picture of the problems studied. The data used is primary data that materials are binding law, as well as secondary data derived from primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. Data was collected by the method of literature review. The result of this study is that the position of the Council is a partner in running the Regional Head of the regional administration. Indeed, the legislative power is in the realm of the center instead of on the local level, in Parliament ought to be regular penenrapannya position themselves as partners in helping both the Regional Heads in making regulations or the regional administration. Efforts are expected in order to Act No. 23 of 2014 may be revised or amended by the Act which tebaru, so that the absence of any reinterpretation of the Local Government Act

    Citraan Dalam Naskah Drama Matahari Di Sebuah Jalan Kecil Karya Arifin C Noer : Kajian Stilistika Dan Makna Yang Terkandung Di Dalamnya Serta Implementasinya Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Dan Sastra Di SMA

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendiskripsikan dan menjelaskan penggunaan citraan yang terdapat pada naskah drama Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil karya Arifin C Noer ditinjau dari segi Stilistika. (2) mengungkapkan dan menjelaskan makna yang terdapat pada naskah drama Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil karya Arifin C Noer ditinjau dari segi Stilistika. (3) mendiskripsikan implementasi citraan dalam naskah drama Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil dalam pembelajaran bahasa dan sastra di SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Objek yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah citraan dan pemaknaannya dengan tinjauan stilistika dan implementasinya sebagai bahan ajar Bahasa dan Sastra di SMA pada naskah drama Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil . Sumber data penelitian ini adalah naskah drama yang berjudul Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil Karya Arifin C. Noer. Teknik pengumpulan data, yakni menggunakan teknik pustaka, simak, dan catat . Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model semiotik, yakni pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik. Berdasarkan analisis struktural,tema dalam naskah drama Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil adalah kehidupan sosial masyarakat. Alur dalam drama ini adalah alur maju atau progresif. Tokoh utamanya adalah Simbok, tokoh antagonisnya adalah Pemuda, sedangkan tokoh tambahannya adalah Pak Sopir,Si Peci, Si Pendek, Si Kurus, Perempuan,Si Kacamata, Pak Tua. Latar drama ini menggunakan latar tempat di Kendal, Warung Pecel depan pabrik es. Latar waktu terjadi pada pagi menjelang siang hari dan berkisar antara tahun 1960-1963 karena pada saat itu sedang terjadi masalah ekonomi.Latar sosial dilihat dari status sosial kehidupan tokoh, cara berfikir dan kebiasaan hidupnya. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) pemanfaatan citraan dalam naskah drama Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil. Citraan yang terdapat pada naskah drama Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil (a) citraan penglihatan (visual imagery), (b) citraan penciuman (smeel imagery), (c) citraan gerakan (kinesthetic imagery), (d) citraan pencecapan (taste imagery), dan (e) citraan intelektual (intelectual imagery). (2) makna yang terdapat dalam naskah drama Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil, (a) dimensi sosial, terdiri atas: empati terhadap rakyat kecil, dan tolong-menolong terhadap relasi kerja; (b) dimensi moral:perbuatan positif dalam kehidupan masyarakat; (c) dimensi religius. Hasil implementasi citraan yang terdapat pada naskah drama Matahari di Sebuah Jalan Kecil sebagai bahan ajar Sastra di SMA, yakni terdapat pada standar kompetensi mendengarkan 5. Memahami pementasan drama dengan kompetensi 5.1 Mengidentifikasi peristiwa, pelaku dan perwatakannya, dialog, dan konflik pada pementasan drama, dilanjutkan 5.2 Menganalisis pementasan drama berdasarkan teknik pementasan

    Monitoring for Photovoltaic in Outer Island

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    Photovoltaic is a renewable energy source that can optimally be used on outer islands and areas that are difficult to reach by the main electrical system network. With good solar energy intensity on a daily, it adds to the advantages of using photovoltaics. In this regard, it is necessary to make a prototype for monitoring the photovoltaic output parameters to measure photovoltaic performance. The parameters that will be monitored on 50 Wp photovoltaic used in this research are voltage using a voltage sensor, current using an ACS712 sensor, and the real power generated. The monitoring results are stored in a database and monitored in realtime based on the website's setting. So that this prototype can be used in several outer islands in Bangka Belitung, which is geographically an archipelag

    Constraints faced by Progressive Farmers for Effective Utilization of Information through ICT and Suggestions for Better ICT Services in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an important source for sharing and receiving of agricultural information. The present study explored the constraints faced by farmers and suggestions for effective utilization of ICT services for agricultural information. The study was conducted in all villages of Nandyal Mandal of Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh. 2021. Responses from the 120 farmers were collected through well-structured interview schedule. It was revealed that that lack of knowledge about ICT tools, poor condition of equipment, relevant information not received in time and awareness of new ICT service among farmers about the use of ICTs for the educational and agricultural purpose were the major constraints in ICT use. All these constraints can be overcome by implementing suggestions by farmers like; proper and improved infrastructural facilities at the village level, providing relevant information at a time and skill development updating with training, creating awareness regarding use of ICTs for educational and agricultural purpose. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis in finding relationships between variables. The findings show that most of the farmers in Nandyal Mandal that use ICTs as a source of agricultural information. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i8.01

    Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma in 9-Year-Old Female Patient

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    The peripheral giant cell granuloma (PGCG) is a benign hyperplastic gingival lesion of unknown etiology occurring mostly in adults. However, it is less commonly seen in females withpreponderance for fifth and sixth decade of the life. It is clinically difficult to distinguish PGCG from pyogenic granuloma, fibrous epulis or irritation fibroma. This article presents a case with exophytic gingival lesion in 9 years old female patient. This lesion was interfering with functions and altering the esthetics. It is a challenge for the clinician to manage such type of pathologies in young children
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