33 research outputs found

    Endofit Taxus Sumatrana (Miquel) De Laubenfels Dan Potensinya Dalam Memproduksi Senyawa Bioaktif Sebagai Sumber Antioksidan Endophytes of Taxus Sumatrana (Miquel) De Laubenfels and Its Potential on Producing Bioactive Compound as Antioxidant Agent]

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    Taxus sumatrana (Miquel) de Laubenfels is known as an endanger forest tree species grown at Kerinci National Park in Jambi,Indonesia. This plant was known potential on producing taxol. Taxol is a bioactive compound, could be used as antibacterial agent and recently confirmed to cure cancer cells. For the first time in 1960, Arthur Barclay found the taxol compound from Taxus sp.(pacific yew). However to isolate the bioactive compound, huge amount of tree biomass is needed. Research on endophytes microbes which are isolated from inner tissue of Taxus sp. declared that those microbes have potential on producing antioxidant agent for drug discovery. Isolation and conservation of endophytes and selecting its potential is promising the novel of finding new drug that may be effective for treating the newly developing diseases in human. Fifteen isolates of Taxus endophytes have been successfully studied on their ability on producing antioxidant. The results showed that endophytes fungus isolates TsC-17, isolated from Taxus sumatrana grown in Cibodas Botanical Gardens-LIPI, could produce extracellular bioactive compound which performed activity of suppressing free radical, is significantly better compared to intracellular bioactive compound eventhough it is not as high as in vitamin C. The activity of suppressing free radical resulted from bioactive compound of endophyte fungus isolates TsC-17 was 20% for intracellular bioactive compound, while it was 60% for extracellular bioactive compound and 90% for vitamin C

    EFFECTS OFRHIZOBIAL INOCULATION ON THE EARLY GROWTH OF Acacia mangium IN THE FIELD [Pengaruh Inokulasi Rhizobium terhadap Pertumbuhan Awal Acacia mangium di Lapangan]

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    Dalam rangka mendukung program pemerintah dalam mengembangkan Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI), bibit tanaman hutan berkualitas tinggi dibutuhkan dalam jumlah besar dan berkesinambungan. Untuk tujuan tersebut, 2 isolat Rhizobium terpilih diuji kemampuannya dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan mengefisiensikan pemupukan N pada tanaman Acacia mangium yang berasal dari kultur jaringan atau dari benih. Isolat yang kepadatannya 10 sel/ml diinokulasikan ke dalam planlet in vitro dan bibit A.mangium asal biji (masing-masing 30 tanaman).Tanaman yang telah diinokulasi, ditumbuhkan dalam polibag sampai cukup kuat untuk ditanam di lapangan. Percobaan disusun dalam Rancangan Split Plot dengan 3 ulangan. Asal bibit yaitu kultur jaringan dan benih digunakan sebagai main plot sedangkan dosis pemupukan urea (n0 = 0; n, = 7.5; n: = 7.5; n2 = 15, n, = 22,5; n4 = 30 g/ tanaman) sebagai subplot. Pengamatan yang dilakukan 12 minggu setelah tanam menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan kedua jenis bibit tersebut sangat baik meskipun bibit hasil kultur jaringan tumbuh lebih cepat dan lebih seragam.Namun tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata pada pertambahan tinggi tanaman, diameter batang dan jumlah cabang antar semua dosis urea yang dipakai berdasarkan uji LSD pada level 5 %.Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa simbiosis antar A. mangium dan rhizobium cukup efektif dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman selama 3 bulan pertama di lapangan tidak ada perbedaan yang jelas antar tanaman yang diberi dan tanpa pupuk N

    Konsep Tata Ruang dan Pengelolaan Lahan pada Masyarakat Dayak Kenyah di Kalimantan Timur

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    Keberadaan masyarakat tradisional di Kalimantan diantaranya masyarakat Dayak sangat berperan dalam melestarikan sumberdaya hutan melalui kehidupan sosial dan adat istiadatnya. Berdasarkan penelitian yang di lakukan di kampung Batu Majang dan Rukun Damai yang merupakan perkampungan suku Dayak Kenyah sub-suku Kenyah Uma Baka dan Uma Tukung serta sub-suku Dayak Kenyah Leppo Tau di kampung Rukun Damai, aspek pelestarian sumber daya alam hayati yang dilakukan oleh suku Dayak Kenyah terlihat dari pola pengelolaan lahan yang merupakan bagian dari pola tata ruang. Strategi pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan lahan sebagai habitat flora dan fauna yang dimanfaatkan, terdiri dari areal kampung, daerah bekas kampung yang ditinggalkan, sungai, rawa, kebun, ladang dan hutan (sekunder muda, sekunder tua dan hutan primer). Fungsi dari kawasan tersebut adalah sebagai lahan pemukiman, pertanian, perkebunan dan sebagai kawasan budaya tradisional. Lahan cadangan digunakan untuk produksi hasil hutan non-kayu dan kawasan hutan sebagai lahan konservasi dan pemanfaatan tradisional. Ketahanan sistem sosial adat tradisional masyarakat Dayak telah terbukti perannya dalam pelestarian hutan dan daerah aliran sungai (DAS), terutama di bagian hulu

    Pengaruh Serat Alami terhadap Tingkat Kepadatan dan Intensitaskeretakan Tanah Lunak pada Siklus Basah Kering

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    The use of natural fibers as a reinforcement material in clay becomes an alternative choice of materials widely used in the early decades of soil improvement techniques. This practice is to improve soil strength and resistance to cracks. This preliminary practice was done because the cost of procurement is relatively low cost and also available in almost all areas of Indonesia. Modification of the use of natural fiber with other materials such as synthetic fiber materials has begun to do a lot at this time. The objectives of this research are: (1) Analyzing the physical and mechanical of soft soil mineralogy characteristics, (2) Analyzing the soft soil mechanical behavior by reinforcing the Palm oil fiber (POF) of the empty fruit bunch of palm oil whether it can increase soft soil capacity, (3) shrinkage and crack intensity factor (CIF) of soft soil in wet-dry cycles. The results showed that the addition of natural fiber on soft soil tends to reduce the level of soil density and increase the water content of the soil, although not too large. The effect is only about max 2.35% on 2% fiber content. While the swelling potential and shrinkageof the soils can be reduced by fiber reinforcement. In the crack potential test showed a substantial reduction of crack intensity factor, whereas the addition of fibers in the soft soil can reduce cracks up to 444%. This shows that the fiber-soil has great ability in resisting the tensile strength of the soil-fiber interface due to the adhesion properties so that the soil is not easily cracke

    Effects Ofrhizobial Inoculation on the Early Growth of Acacia Mangium in the Field [Pengaruh Inokulasi Rhizobium Terhadap Pertumbuhan Awal Acacia Mangium Di Lapangan]

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    Dalam rangka mendukung program pemerintah dalam mengembangkan Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI), bibit tanaman hutan berkualitas tinggi dibutuhkan dalam jumlah besar dan berkesinambungan. Untuk tujuan tersebut, 2 isolat Rhizobium terpilih diuji kemampuannya dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan mengefisiensikan pemupukan N pada tanaman Acacia mangium yang berasal dari kultur jaringan atau dari benih. Isolat yang kepadatannya 10 sel/ml diinokulasikan ke dalam planlet in vitro dan bibit A.mangium asal biji (masing-masing 30 tanaman).Tanaman yang telah diinokulasi, ditumbuhkan dalam polibag sampai cukup kuat untuk ditanam di lapangan. Percobaan disusun dalam Rancangan Split Plot dengan 3 ulangan. Asal bibit yaitu kultur jaringan dan benih digunakan sebagai main plot sedangkan dosis pemupukan urea (n0 = 0; n, = 7.5; n: = 7.5; n2 = 15, n, = 22,5; n4 = 30 g/ tanaman) sebagai subplot. Pengamatan yang dilakukan 12 minggu setelah tanam menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan kedua jenis bibit tersebut sangat baik meskipun bibit hasil kultur jaringan tumbuh lebih cepat dan lebih seragam.Namun tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata pada pertambahan tinggi tanaman, diameter batang dan jumlah cabang antar semua dosis urea yang dipakai berdasarkan uji LSD pada level 5 %.Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa simbiosis antar A. mangium dan rhizobium cukup efektif dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman selama 3 bulan pertama di lapangan tidak ada perbedaan yang jelas antar tanaman yang diberi dan tanpa pupuk N

    Mikrobaendofitik Dari Taman Nasionalbatang Gadis Sumatera Utara: Potensinya Dalam Menghasilkan Senyawa Antimikrobaterhadapmikrobapatogen [Endophytic Microbes From Batang Gadis National Park, North Sumatra: Their Potential for Producing Antimicrobes Bioactive Compound Againts Pathogenic Microbes]

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    Batang Gadis National Park (TNBG) is one of the tropical forests in North Sumatra with megabiodiversity of flora and fauna including microorganism. Endophytic microbes conservation from varieties of forest plants in Batang Gadis National Park has been completed. Nineteen endophytes isolates from TNBG have been screened for their potential on producing bioactive compound against the pathogenic bacteria. Qualitative screening has been done using the growth agar media and identified the clear zone appeared surrounding the bacteria colony. The result indicated that isolate MSCI 87.4 showed high strengthening secresion (4.35) againts Xanthomonas campestris, whereas isolate MSCI 37.1 showed high secretion against Bacillus subtilis (2.69) and Escherichia coli (2.60). Isolate MSCI 37.4 showed potential on producing bioactive compound againts Staphylococcus aureus (4.41). Isolates MSCI 87.4, MSCI37.1, MSCI 37.4 and MSCI 58.1 even could produce bioactive compound against four pathogenic bacteria that are Xanthomonas campestris, Bacilus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, whereas isolate MSCI 15.5b potential on producing bioactive compound against two isolates namely Xanthomonas campestris and Bacillus subtilis. The endophytes bacteria mainly belong to the Gram negative group and four out of nineteen isolates tested belong to the Gram positive group. The cell mainly coccus and only one is bacilli without fiagella. The five most potential isolates has been maintained under freeze dried condition for futher conservation and study. Thin Layer Analysis using semipolar organic separation solution showed that most isolates identified were able to produce bioactive compound except two isolates i.e. MSCI 48.4a and MSCI 53.1; however further analysis is needed to confirm the product

    Pengaruh Serat Alami Terhadap Tingkat Kepadatan dan Intensitaskeretakan Tanah Lunak Pada Siklus Basah Kering

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    The use of natural fibers as a reinforcement material in clay becomes an alternative choice of materials widely used in the early decades of soil improvement techniques. This practice is to improve soil strength and resistance to cracks. This preliminary practice was done because the cost of procurement is relatively low cost and also available in almost all areas of Indonesia. Modification of the use of natural fiber with other materials such as synthetic fiber materials has begun to do a lot at this time. The objectives of this research are: (1) Analyzing the physical and mechanical of soft soil mineralogy characteristics, (2) Analyzing the soft soil mechanical behavior by reinforcing  the Palm oil  fiber  (POF) of  the empty fruit bunch of palm oil whether it can increase soft soil capacity, (3) shrinkage and crack intensity factor (CIF) of soft soil in wet-dry cycles. The results showed that the addition of natural fiber on soft soil tends to reduce the level of soil density and increase the water content of the soil, although not too large. The effect is only about max 2.35% on 2% fiber content. While the swelling potential and shrinkageof the soils can be reduced by fiber reinforcement. In the crack potential test showed a substantial reduction of  crack intensity factor, whereas the addition of fibers in the soft soil can reduce cracks up to 444%. This shows that the fiber-soil has great ability in resisting the tensile strength of the soil-fiber interface due to the adhesion properties so that the soil is not easily cracke

    Peningkatan Galur Pada Bakteri Penghasil Iaa Yang Diisolasi Dari Bintil Akar Tanaman Turi (Strain Improvement on Iaa-producing Bacteria Isolated From Root Nodules of Sesbania Grandiflora (L))

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    Produksi hormon Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) dari bakteri dapat ditingkatkan melalui peningkatkan kualitas galur. Peningkatan galur dapat dilakukan dengan mutasi kimia dan fisik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi IAA bakteri yang diisolasi dari bintil akar tanaman turi melalui mutasi asam nitrat dan sinar UV. Bintil berwarna merah muda, sehat dan segar telah diisolasi dari akar tanaman Turi (Sesbania grandiflora (L)). Sebanyak 15 isolat bakteri telah diperoleh dan diuji kemampuannya dalam menghasilkan hormon IAA. Hasil analisis kolorimetri menunjukkan bahwa isolat TC menghasilkan IAA tertinggi (17,72 μg/ml) dalam kultur yang ditambah L-triptofan. Berdasarkan analisis gen 16S rRNA, isolat TC teridentifikasi sebagai Rhizobium sp. BGC8. Isolat penghasil IAA tertinggi diuji dengan perlakuan mutasi. Mutan asam nitrat menghasilkan hormon IAA (20,31-24,48 μg/ml) lebih tinggi dibandingkan mutan UV (0,61-19,55 μg/ml)

    Prevalence of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Raw Goat Milks from Selected Farms in Terengganu, Malaysia

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    The emergence of antimicrobial drug resistant bacteria has been a concern worldwide. One of bacteria that has been reported to develop resistance is Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Recent studies showed that Livestock Associated MRSA (LA-MRSA) was found in domestic food animals and their handlers. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of MRSA in goat milk of goat farms located in Terengganu. A total of 664 udder milks were taken from 332 goats at 40 selected farms within Terengganu state. Then, screening of bacteria and isolation of suspected S. aureus isolates in the milk samples was done using selective agar, Gram staining and biochemical tests. The identity of the bacteria isolated was further confirmed using PCR where specific designed primers were used to detect the presence of nuc gene of S. aureus (278bp) and mecA gene (533bp) of MRSA. Both S. aureus and MRSA isolates were also tested for their susceptibilities toward the antimicrobial drugs. Fifty milk samples were found to contain S. aureus and one of the S. aureus isolates were MRSA. The bacteria isolates were found to have higher tendency to be resistance toward Penicillin (26.0%) and Oxacillin (12.0%). This study provides useful data on the current status of MRSA prevalence in small ruminant’s milk, which can be used to prevent transmission of LA-MRSA to human and other animals