5,803 research outputs found

    On the Generalized Kramers Problem with Exponential Memory Friction

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    The time-dependent transmission coefficient for the generalized Kramers problem with exponential memory friction has recently been calculated by Kohen and Tannor [D. Kohen and D. J. Tannor, J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 103, 6013 (1995)] using a procedure based on the method of reactive flux and the phase space distribution function. Their analysis is restricted to the high friction regime or diffusion-limited regime. We recently developed a complementary theory for the low-friction energy-diffusion-limited regime in the Markovian limit [Sancho et al., cond-mat/9806001, to appear in J. Chem. Phys.]. Here we generalize our method to the case of an exponential dissipative memory kernel. We test our results, as well as those of Kohen and Tannor, against numerical simulations

    Evolutionary medicine and chronic inflammatory state—known and new concepts in pathophysiology

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    During the last 10 years, a series of exciting observations has led to a new theory of pathophysiology using insights from evolutionary biology and neuroendocrine immunology to understand the sequelae of chronic inflammatory disease. According to this theory, disease sequelae can be explained based on redirection of energy-rich fuels from storage organs to the activated immune system. These disease sequelae are highly diverse and include the following: sickness behavior, anorexia, malnutrition, muscle wasting–cachexia, cachectic obesity, insulin resistance with hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, increase of adipose tissue near inflamed tissue, alterations of steroid hormone axes, elevated sympathetic tone and local sympathetic nerve fiber loss, decreased parasympathetic tone, hypertension, inflammation-related anemia, and osteopenia. Since these disease sequelae can be found in many animal models of chronic inflammatory diseases with mammals (e.g., monkeys, mice, rats, rabbits, etc.), the evolutionary time line goes back at least 70 million years. While the initial version of this theory could explain prominent sequelae of chronic inflammatory disease, it did not however address two features important in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated diseases: the time point when an acute inflammatory disease becomes chronic, and the appearance of hypertension in chronic inflammation. To address these aspects more specifically, a new version of the theory has been developed. This version defines more precisely the moment of transition from acute inflammatory disease to chronic inflammatory disease as a time in which energy stores become empty (complete energy consumption). Depending on the amount of stored energy, this time point can be calculated to be 19–43 days. Second, the revised theory addresses the mechanisms of essential hypertension since, on the basis of water loss, acute inflammatory diseases can stimulate water retention using a positively selected water retention system (identical to the energy provision system). In chronic smoldering inflammation, however, there is no increased water loss. In contrast, there is increased water generation in inflamed tissue and inflammatory cells, and the activation of the water retention system persists. This combination leads to a net increase of the systemic fluid volume, which is hypothesized to be the basis of essential hypertension (prevalence in adults 22–32%)

    Imaging a boson star at the Galactic center

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    Millimeter very long baseline interferometry will soon produce accurate images of the closest surroundings of the supermassive compact object at the center of the Galaxy, Sgr A*. These images may reveal the existence of a central faint region, the so-called shadow, which is often interpreted as the observable consequence of the event horizon of a black hole. In this paper, we compute images of an accretion torus around Sgr A* assuming this compact object is a boson star, i.e. an alternative to black holes within general relativity, with no event horizon and no hard surface. We show that very relativistic rotating boson stars produce images extremely similar to Kerr black holes, showing in particular shadow-like and photon-ring-like structures. This result highlights the extreme difficulty of unambiguously telling the existence of an event horizon from strong-field images.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, accepted in CQG; main difference wrt previous version is the last paragraph of the conclusio

    A magnetized torus for modeling Sgr A* millimeter images and spectra

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    Context. The supermassive black hole, Sagittarius (Sgr) A*, in the centre of our Galaxy has the largest angular size in the sky among all astrophysical black holes. Its shadow, assuming no rotation, spans ~ 50 microarcsec. Resolving such dimensions has long been out of reach for astronomical instruments until a new generation of interferometers being operational during this decade. Of particular interest is the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) with resolution ~ 20 microarcsec in the millimeter-wavelength range 0.87 mm - 1.3 mm. Aims. We investigate the ability of the fully general relativistic Komissarov (2006) analytical magnetized torus model to account for observable constraints at Sgr A* in the centimeter and millimeter domains. The impact of the magnetic field geometry on the observables is also studied. Methods. We calculate ray-traced centimeter- and millimeter-wavelength synchrotron spectra and images of a magnetized accretion torus surrounding the central black hole in Sgr A*. We assume stationarity, axial symmetry, constant specific angular momentum and polytropic equation of state. A hybrid population of thermal and non-thermal electrons is considered. Results. We show that the torus model is capable of reproducing spectral constraints in the millimeter domain, and in particular in the observable domain of the EHT. However, the torus model is not yet able to fit the centimeter spectrum. 1.3 mm images at high inclinations are in agreement with observable constraints. Conclusions. The ability of the torus model to account for observations of Sgr A* in the millimeter domain is interesting in the perspective of the future EHT. Such an analytical model allows very fast computations. It will thus be a suitable test bed for investigating large domains of physical parameters, as well as non-black-hole compact object candidates and alternative theories of gravity.Comment: Major changes wrt the June 2014 version. Accepted by A&

    Circular geodesics and thick tori around rotating boson stars

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    Accretion disks play an important role in the evolution of their relativistic inner compact objects. The emergence of a new generation of interferometers will allow to resolve these accretion disks and provide more information about the properties of the central gravitating object. Due to this instrumental leap forward it is crucial to investigate the accretion disk physics near various types of inner compact objects now to deduce later constraints on the central objects from observations. A possible candidate for the inner object is the boson star. Here, we will try to analyze the differences between accretion structures surrounding boson stars and black holes. We aim at analysing the physics of circular geodesics around boson stars and study simple thick accretion tori (so-called Polish doughnuts) in the vicinity of these stars. We realize a detailed study of the properties of circular geodesics around boson stars. We then perform a parameter study of thick tori with constant angular momentum surrounding boson stars. This is done using the boson star models computed by a code constructed with the spectral solver library KADATH. We demonstrate that all the circular stable orbits are bound. In the case of a constant angular momentum torus, a cusp in the torus surface exists only for boson stars with a strong gravitational scalar field. Moreover, for each inner radius of the disk, the allowed specific angular momentum values lie within a constrained range which depends on the boson star considered. We show that the accretion tori around boson stars have different characteristics than in the vicinity of a black hole. With future instruments it could be possible to use these differences to constrain the nature of compact objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in CQ

    The Zagier polynomials. Part II: Arithmetic properties of coefficients

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    The modified Bernoulli numbers \begin{equation*} B_{n}^{*} = \sum_{r=0}^{n} \binom{n+r}{2r} \frac{B_{r}}{n+r}, \quad n > 0 \end{equation*} introduced by D. Zagier in 1998 were recently extended to the polynomial case by replacing BrB_{r} by the Bernoulli polynomials Br(x)B_{r}(x). Arithmetic properties of the coefficients of these polynomials are established. In particular, the 2-adic valuation of the modified Bernoulli numbers is determined. A variety of analytic, umbral, and asymptotic methods is used to analyze these polynomials
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