654 research outputs found

    Some Changes Within the Last Fifty Years, With Observations

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    Reminiscences of the author to Methodists gathered in Greenwood, SC in 1898

    Effects of density and hunger on the spatial distribution and pit construction behaviour of the antlion larvae (Myrmeleon spp.)

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    The antlion larvae are sessile predaceous larvae, which depend on active prey for their food. They dig conical pit in loose fine sand and remain at the bottom of their pits with their long piercing jaws from where they seize and remove the body fluids of the ant and other arthropods that slide into their trap. The effects of hunger and density on the spatial distribution and pit construction by the larvae were studied for the three instar stages in fine and coarse sand textures of particles size of <540 Όm and <1200 Όm respectively.Twenty four (24) Iron trays of 25cm2 each filled with sand to the depth of 20cm were used in the study.The result of the findings reveals that with the increase in density, there was an increased in spatial uniformity and the pits became uniformly distributed. The diameters of the pit were not statistically affected by the changes in the larval density. There was difference between the total number of pits constructed between sand textures and not between the larval instars, in addition, nearest neighbor distance decreases with increase in density and with no effect on pit diameter. Pit diameter increases with hunger level and Antlion move pit to reducedisturbances and to improve food supply. The result analysis showed significant differences in the mean number of pits constructed between densities, sand texture and larval instars at P< 0.01 but none between fed and larval instar.Keywords: Antlion, Construction, Density, Distribution, Hunger, Larvae, Pit

    Anxiety and mood regulating treatment for adult attention deficit disorder

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    Anxiety and mood symptoms are common in Attention Deficit Disorder. We highlight a case of 23-year-old man who presented with poor attention and gradual poor academic performance. His poor academic achievement was noted by the parent, only for the past 2-3 yrs prior to the psychiatric consultation. He developed low mood but there was no biological symptoms of depression. He was started on both daily treatment of Buproprion 150 mg daily, and Ritalin 10 mg PRN basis. The common treatment for attention deficit disorder in was a stimulant but in this case an antidepressant was used. It was shown that patient started to show improvement with treatment and was able to focus on his study

    Penile amputation as to secondary to the psychopathology of shizophrenia

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    Schizophtrenia is a chronic mental disorder that is characterized by perceptual, thinking, cognitive, and behavioural disturbances. One of the important symptoms of schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations. In this case report, we discussed a 31-year-old Rohigya refugee man who had his penis totally amputated. The auditory hallucinations instructed him to do so. He was rushed to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) for the immediate surgical treatment. After his condition was stabilized, he was admitted to the psychiatric ward for further observation and medical treatment. Some issues related to psychosocial, economic and politic were discussed which made this case unique. Patient was treated with medication sulpride and was referred to the Urology Surgeon for further management

    Necessary Optimality Conditions for a Dead Oil Isotherm Optimal Control Problem

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    We study a system of nonlinear partial differential equations resulting from the traditional modelling of oil engineering within the framework of the mechanics of a continuous medium. Recent results on the problem provide existence, uniqueness and regularity of the optimal solution. Here we obtain the first necessary optimality conditions.Comment: 9 page

    Optimal Control of the Thermistor Problem in Three Spatial Dimensions

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    This paper is concerned with the state-constrained optimal control of the three-dimensional thermistor problem, a fully quasilinear coupled system of a parabolic and elliptic PDE with mixed boundary conditions. This system models the heating of a conducting material by means of direct current. Local existence, uniqueness and continuity for the state system are derived by employing maximal parabolic regularity in the fundamental theorem of Pr\"uss. Global solutions are addressed, which includes analysis of the linearized state system via maximal parabolic regularity, and existence of optimal controls is shown if the temperature gradient is under control. The adjoint system involving measures is investigated using a duality argument. These results allow to derive first-order necessary conditions for the optimal control problem in form of a qualified optimality system. The theoretical findings are illustrated by numerical results

    Optimalisasi Kepadatan Benih Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio) Strain Rajadanu Pada Pendederan Di Kolam Air Tenang [Density Optimization of Carp Seed (Cyprinus Carpio) Strain Rajadanu in the Nursery in Calm Pool Water]

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    National fisheries production is not proportional to the increase of the population now, so that the consumption of animal protein needs are not met.For the sake of national fisheries production there is a need for intensive cultivation technology breakthroughs to spur the density in nursery phase ‘rajadanu' carp (Cyprinus carpio) strain. This experiment aim to determine the appropriate density of rajadanu carp growth in the pond at the nursery phase. The average length of tested fishes is 2.02 cm and the average initial weight is 0.25 g maintained in the out door plot pool of Research Installation for Germ Plasm of the Research and Development Division of Freshwater Fisheries, Cijeruk, Bogor measuring 1x1x1 m with density 100, 150 and 200 fishes/m3 .Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Feed used was a commercial feed containing 28% protein given in 2 times a day as much as 5% of the total weight of fish. The results showed that after 40 days, each treatment showed no significant difference (P> 0.05) with absolute length and weight growth of the absolute highest in nursery density of 200 fishes/m3 of 1.30 ± 0.10 cm and 1.14 ± 0, 18 cm with a daily growth rate of 1.30 ± 0.10% and 4.08 ± 0.55%, and the highest survival at densities 200 fishes/m3 of 92.5 ± 6.55%

    Aspek Ekologi Ikan Kancera (Tor Soro) Kuningan Dan Pematangan Gonad Melalui Implantasi Hormon Gonadotropin (HCG)

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    Ecological Aspect and Gonadal Maturation of Tor soro by HCG peletted Implantation. Theexperiment was conducted to determine optimal dosage of Gnrh-a hormon at gonadal maturationof mahseer from Kuningan (Tor soro). The fish was reared in concrete tanks (60m2). Thehormon was used for implantation is HCG (pregnyl). The different dosage of hormon are 250Iu/Kg-1 ; 500 Iu/Kg-1 ; 750 Iu/Kg-1 . The result of this reaserch showed that egg development isMei-Juni (average of egg diameter is 1,4 mm) and Januari (average of egg diameter is 1,35 mm),Other month, the egg diameter was not develop or atresia. Treatment with 500 Iu/Kg-1 dossageshowed the best effect on oosit diameter was at 21 day and 63 day from first oosit diameter of0,9 mm to 1,4 mm

    Assessment of the Effects of Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) on the Output of Dry Season Rice Farmers before and after Scheme Participation in Sokoto State, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the effects of Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) on the output of dry season rice farmers before and after participation. A multistage sampling technique was used to select farmers for the study. Data for the study were collected from 250 farmers using structured questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the showed that the age of the majority of the farmers fall between the ages of 30-39 years, married and had one form of education or the other. Based on the findings, the main source of information (46.8%) regarding the awareness of GESS programme was the district heads and majority (94.4%) of the farmers were registered with the scheme. About 40% of the farmers registered with the scheme because inputs provided by the scheme are supplied to only register farmers at a subsidized rate. The result of t-test analysis showed a significant difference (

    Valeur alimentaire des fourrages consommés par les taurillons Borgou sur les parcours naturels du centre du Bénin

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    En zone soudanienne de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les parcours naturels constituent l’essentiel de l’alimentation des animaux herbivores. Les connaissances relatives aux activités d’ingestion des bovins et à la valeur alimentaire des fourrages prélevés au pâturage sont limitées et sont une contrainte à la formulation des rations complémentaires à ces fourrages. Les activités d’ingestion de six taurillons Borgou (120 ± 0,6 kg) ont été étudiées durant la saison des pluies sur quatre jachères différentes. Des relevés floristiques ont permis d’identifier les espèces fourragères composant les pâturages. Différentes activités d’ingestion des taurillons au pâturage ont été suivies par des observations directes. La proportion du temps passé au pâturage par les taurillons pour le déplacement, le repos-rumination et l'abreuvement ont été respectivement de 67,0, 10,6, 15,7 et 6,7%. Les graminées constituent plus de 50% des fourrages prélevés. Le moment de la journée influence significativement (P < 0,5) la valeur nutritive des fourrages. La matière organique digestible ingérée a varié de 38 à 62 g MSkg-0,75. En saison de pluie, le régime alimentaire des taurillons est satisfaisant en énergie (0,83 UFL kg-1 MO) mais pauvre en matières azotées digestibles (44 g.kg-1 MO), ceci limite la performance des animaux.Mots clés: Ruminant, Jachères, Comportement alimentaire, Valeur nutritive, zone soudanienn
