666 research outputs found

    Cryptosporidium infection in patients with gastroenteritis in Sari, Iran

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    Background: Cryptosporidiosis is a common coccidian parasite infection in patients with diarrhea that has worldwide distribution especially in developed countries. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of Cryptosporidium infection in patients with gastroenteritis admitted to hospitals of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences by parasitological and molecular methods in Sari, Iran. Methods: Stool samples were collected from 348 patients with gastroenteritis admitted to the hospitals of Medical University in the Sari and Ghaemshahr cities in Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran in 2010-2011. Oocysts of Cryptosporidium identified using Formalin-Ether concentration method and stained by Aacidfast staining (AFS) and Auramine phenol fluorescence (APF). Genomic DAN extracted from microscopically positive samples and nested PCR -RFLP by using SSU rRNA that identifies of the species of cryptosporidium. Results: In 348 patients with gastroenteritis, the most clinical symptoms were diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, fever and weight loss. 2.3% (8 cases) of diarrheal samples tested by both microscopy and molecular methods were positive for the presence of cryptosporidium. Nested PCR products yielded unique bands of 846 bp, correspond to cryptosporidium. Species diagnosis carried out by digesting the secondary PCR product with SspI restriction enzyme, which noted 3 clearly bands of 449, 254, and 108 bp correspond to Cryptosporidium spp. Conclusion: The results of present study on Cryptosporidium spp. in this area can make a background data for control programs and further molecular analyses. Thus, further work needs to determine the origin of Cryptosporidium species in this area


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    Swim turns represent an integral factor in determining the final outcome of a swimmer race. The aim of present study was to provide a comprehensive mathematical modelling for achieving kinematic parameters in freestyle flip (pike) turn. In proposed model all attempts have been applied to find out what swimmers should do in order that the turns are accomplished in shorter time. This new mathematical model has been adopted to flip turn but can also be adopted to tuck turn with minor change in calculations. Theoretical considerations suggest that faster upper limbs rotation could lead to a torso pressure gradient, which would induce significant axial flow along the upper limbs toward the torso. Our results demonstrate a better reality of the predicted rotational of body during front crawl swim flip turn. In this new model, we hypothesize that in flip turn the body can be considered and simulated as three thin hinged prisms; upper body, thigh, and shank


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    A fundamental theoretical analysis for estimation of kinematic and kinetic characteristics of swimmers was developed. The purpose of the study was to present a simple method for data collection, to establish simple formulae for determining the swimmers characteristics and to evaluate the validity and accuracy of the model estimation against the other methods such as; direct measurements; Measurement of Active Drag, and added drag provided by hydrodynamic body. The active drag force was estimated during maximal swimming in front crawl but the method can also be applied for other strokes. The swimmers performed three 10-meter trials with enough rest in between and with zero initial velocity over which average velocity was calculated. By this method the maximum speed of swimmers in 10m swim could also be estimated. The swimmers began to swim from still position after whistling, and stopped swimming at the end of 10m again by whistling, and kept gliding until still position. The time of 10m swim and the glided distance were measured with reasonable precision and then used in the established formulae for determining the velocity, acceleration, and drag force. One of the elite swimmers was requested to perform swimming with different speeds in order to achieve different characteristic curves for proposed model

    Relationship of Spirituality and Quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 diabetes

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    Diabetes and its complications have a significant impact on patients' quality of life and spirituality can help improve the quality of life in such patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of spirituality with quality of life in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive-correlation study. Participants were 145 individuals with type 2 diabetes, patients of rural health clinics and the Valiasr hospital in Khorramshahr city, selected via stratified random and sampling methods. Data collection tools were a version of 29-item of the spiritual questionnaire (Parsian and Dunning) and a version of 26-item of the Quality of Life Questionnaire (World Health Organization), both questionnaires with previously confirmed validity and reliability in numerous studies. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 software and Pearson's correlation, T-test, ANOVA, Post Hoc and Stepwise Regression analytical statistics. Results: There was a significant positive relationship between spirituality and quality of life (p<0.0001). The results show a statistically significant relationship between spirituality and quality of life with both education and age. Conclusion: A strong correlation between spirituality and quality of life in patients with type II diabetes, demonstrates the roles and responsibilities of healthcare providers, including physicians, nurses and patients' families in meeting the varied spiritual and religious needs of patients along with their therapeutic management. Focusing on improving spiritual health is also important in education programs for these patients

    Effects of drought stress on some agronomic and morphological traits of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) landraces under greenhouse condition

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    Although, drought stress has been well documented as an effective parameter in decreasing crop production; developing and releasing new varieties which are adaptable to water deficit conditions can be a constructive program to overcome unsuitable environmental conditions. The present study was carried out to study the effect of drought stress under greenhouse conditions in Islamic Azad University of Ardabil Branch, Iran. The agronomic and morphological traits of 25 durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes were investigated. The present study was done based on randomized complete block design with three replications in drought stress and normal irrigation conditions in a greenhouse. The analysis of variance has indicated that there are significant differences among the genotypes in all the traits, which indicate that there are great variations among genotypes in order to use in improvement plans. Analysis of variance shows that drought stress has a significant effect on all studied traits except harvest index. The comparison of means indicated that the genotypes; poldash, sari boghda and germi in normal condition and sari boghda, omrabi-5, langan, germi and germi under stress condition, are the superior groups. Grain yield has shown a positive and significant correlation with peduncle length, number of grains per spike, 1000 grain weight, biological yield and harvest index. Cluster analysis divides the genotypes into three groups in each condition. The best genotypes were included in a group which confirms the results of the compared means yield.Key words: Agronomic traits, durum wheat, genetic diversity, yield components


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    The aim of the present study was to determine the contributions of arms and legs action in front crawl. So far many researchers using different methods, such as oxygen consumption, filming and measurement of active drag, measured and reported the percentage of arms and legs contributions to propulsive force. A newly indirect measurement of active drag IMAD, which has recently been introduced, enabled us to estimate not only the percentage of arms and legs contributions but also the percentage of swimmers´ arms and legs coordination. Our results have been well comparable with other researchers’ results


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    The aim of the present study was to determine the contributions of arms and legs action in front crawl. So far many researchers using different methods, such as oxygen consumption, filming and measurement of active drag, measured and reported the percentage of arms and legs contributions to propulsive force. A newly indirect measurement of active drag IMAD, which has recently been introduced, enabled us to estimate not only the percentage of arms and legs contributions but also the percentage of swimmers´ arms and legs coordination. Our results have been well comparable with other researchers’ results


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    Swim turns represent an integral factor in determining the final outcome of a swimmer race. The aim of present study was to provide a comprehensive mathematical modelling for achieving kinematic parameters in freestyle flip (pike) turn. In proposed model all attempts have been applied to find out what swimmers should do in order that the turns are accomplished in shorter time. The mathematical model has been adopted to pike turn but can also be adopted to tuck turn with minor change in calculations. Theoretical considerations suggest that faster upper limbs rotation could lead to a torso pressure gradient, which would induce significant axial flow along the upper limbs toward the torso. Our results demonstrate the reality of the predicted rotational of body during front crawl swim pike turn. We hypothesize that in pike turn the body can be considered and simulated as two thin hinged prisms