574 research outputs found

    Periodically Aligned Liquid Crystal: Potential application for projection displays

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    A nematic liquid crystal (NLC) layer with the anisotropy axis modulated at a fixed rate q in the transverse direction is considered. If the layer locally constitutes a half-wave plate, then the thin-screen approximation predicts 100% -efficient diffraction of normal incident wave. The possibility of implementing such a layer via anchoring at both surfaces of a cell with thickness L is studied as a function of parameter qL and threshold values of this parameter are found for a variety of cases. Distortions of the structure of director in comparison with the preferable ideal profile are found via numerical modeling. Freedericksz transition is studied for this configuration. Coupled-mode theory is applied to light propagation through such cell allowing to account for walk-off effects and effects of nematic distortion. In summary, this cell is suggested as a means for projection display; high efficiency is predicted.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Microgeographic Population Genetic Structure of Baylisascaris Procyonis (Nematoda: Ascaroidae) in Western Michigan Indicates the Grand River is a Barrier to Gene Flow

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    We developed eight polymorphic microsatellites from the parasitic nematode Baylisascaris procyonis. Amplification of these loci in a sample of 74 worms collected from 10 raccoons in Western Michigan revealed significant population structure. Bayesian clustering indicates two subpopulations, one on either side of the Grand River which bisects the region sampled. Estimates of FST, and results from AMOVA and isolation by distance, further corroborate a scenario whereby the river is acting as a barrier to gene flow, a rather unusual finding given the high vagility of raccoons and microgeographic scale of the analysis. We describe one possible mechanism for how this pattern of structure could have become established

    A cone-beam X-ray computed tomography data collection designed for machine learning

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    Unlike previous works, this open data collection consists of X-ray cone-beam (CB) computed tomography (CT) datasets specifically designed for machine learning applications and high cone-angle artefact reduction. Forty-two walnuts were scanned with a laboratory X-ray set-up to provide not only data from a single object but from a class of objects with natural variability. For each walnut, CB projections on three different source orbits were acquired to provide CB data with different cone angles as well as being able to compute artefact-free, high-quality ground truth images from the combined data that can be used for supervised learning. We provide the complete image reconstruction pipeline: raw projection data, a description of the scanning geometry, pre-processing and reconstruction scripts using open software, and the reconstructed volumes. Due to this, the dataset can not only be used for high cone-angle artefact reduction but also for algorithm development and evaluation for other tasks, such as image reconstruction from limited or sparse-angle (low-dose) scanning, super resolution, or segmentation

    Influence of head positioning during cone-beam CT imaging on the accuracy of virtual 3D models

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    Objective: Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images are being increasingly used to acquire three- dimensional (3D) models of the skull for additive manufacturing purposes. However, the accuracy of such models remains a challenge, especially in the orbital area. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of four different CBCT imaging positions on the accuracy of the resulting 3D models in the orbital area. Methods: An anthropomorphic head phantom was manufactured by submerging a dry human skull in silicon to mimic the soft tissue attenuation and scattering properties of the human head. The phantom was scanned on a ProMax 3D MAX CBCT scanner using 90 and 120 kV for four different field of view positions: standard; elevated; backwards tilted; and forward tilted. All CBCT images were subsequently converted into 3D models and geometrically compared with a "gold- standard" optical scan of the dry skull. Results: Mean absolute deviations of the 3D models ranged between 0.15 +/- 0.11 mm and 0.56 +/- 0.28 mm. The elevated imaging position in combination with 120 kV tube voltage resulted in an improved representation of the orbital walls in the resulting 3D model without compromising the accuracy. Conclusions: Head positioning during CBCT imaging can influence the accuracy of the resulting 3D model. The accuracy of such models may be improved by positioning the region of interest (e.g. the orbital area) in the focal plane (Figure 2a) of the CBCT X- ray beam.Peer reviewe

    Population history from the Neolithic to present on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia: an ancient DNA perspective

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    Recent ancient DNA studies of western Eurasia have revealed a dynamic history of admixture, with evidence for major migrations during the Neolithic and Bronze Age. The population of the Mediterranean island of Sardinia has been notable in these studies –} Neolithic individuals from mainland Europe cluster more closely with Sardinian individuals than with all other present-day Europeans. The current model to explain this result is that Sardinia received an initial influx of Neolithic ancestry and then remained relatively isolated from expansions in the later Neolithic and Bronze Age that took place in continental Europe. To test this model, we generated genome-wide capture data (approximately 1.2 million variants) for 43 ancient Sardinian individuals spanning the Neolithic through the Bronze Age, including individuals from Sardinia{’}s Nuragic culture, which is known for the construction of numerous large stone towers throughout the island. We analyze these new samples in the context of previously generated genome-wide ancient DNA data from 972 ancient individuals across western Eurasia and whole-genome sequence data from approximately 1,500 modern individuals from Sardinia. The ancient Sardinian individuals show a strong affinity to western Mediterranean Neolithic populations and we infer a high degree of genetic continuity on the island from the Neolithic (around fifth millennium BCE) through the Nuragic period (second millennium BCE). In particular, during the Bronze Age in Sardinia, we do not find significant levels of the {“}Steppe{” ancestry that was spreading in many other parts of Europe at that time. We also characterize subsequent genetic influx between the Nuragic period and the present. We detect novel, modest signals of admixture between 1,000 BCE and present-day, from ancestry sources in the eastern and northern Mediterranean. Within Sardinia, we confirm that populations from the more geographically isolated mountainous provinces have experienced elevated levels of genetic drift and that northern and southwestern regions of the island received more gene flow from outside Sardinia. Overall, our genetic analysis sheds new light on the origin of Neolithic settlement on Sardinia, reinforces models of genetic continuity on the island, and provides enhanced power to detect post-Bronze-Age gene flow. Together, these findings offer a refined demographic model for future medical genetic studies in Sardinia

    Coexistence of Long-Range Magnetic Order and Superconductivity from Campbell Penetration Depth Measurements

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    Application of a tunnel-diode resonator (TDR) technique for studies of the vortex response in magnetic superconductors is described. Operating at very small excitation fields and sufficiently high frequency, TDR was used to probe small-amplitude linear AC response in several types of single crystals where long-range magnetic order coexists with bulk superconductivity. Full local - moment ferromagnetism destroys superconductivity and can coexist with it only in a narrow temperature range (0.3\sim 0.3 K). In contrast, weak ferromagnetic as well as antiferromagnetic orders can coexist with bulk superconductivity and may even lead to enhancements of vortex pinning. By analyzing the Campbell penetration depth we find sharp increase of the true critical current in the vicinity of the magnetic phase transitions. We conclude that critical magnetic fluctuations are responsible for this enhancement

    D-branes in a Big Bang/Big Crunch Universe: Nappi-Witten Gauged WZW Model

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    We study D-branes in the Nappi-Witten model, which is a gauged WZW model based on (SL(2,R) x SU(2)) / (U(1) x U(1)). The model describes a four dimensional space-time consisting of cosmological regions with big bang/big crunch singularities and static regions with closed time-like curves. The aim of this paper is to investigate by D-brane probes whether there are pathologies associated with the cosmological singularities and the closed time-like curves. We first classify D-branes in a group theoretical way, and then examine DBI actions for effective theories on the D-branes. In particular, we show that D-brane metric from the DBI action does not include singularities, and wave functions on the D-branes are well behaved even in the presence of closed time-like curves.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figures, minor change

    World-sheet duality for D-branes with travelling waves

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    We study D-branes with plane waves of arbitrary profiles as examples of time-dependent backgrounds in string theory. We show how to reproduce the quantum mechanical (one-to-one) open-string S-matrix starting from the closed-string boundary state for the D-branes, thereby establishing the channel duality of this calculation. The required Wick rotation to a Lorentzian worldsheet singles out as 'prefered' time coordinate the open-string light-cone time.Comment: 17 pages, Latex file, uses JHEP3.cls, two figures. Added references and corrected two typo