22 research outputs found

    Neutrophils induce paracrine telomere dysfunction and senescence in ROS鈥恉ependent manner

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    Cellular senescence is characterized by an irreversible cell cycle arrest as well as a pro-inflammatory phenotype, thought to contribute to aging and age-related diseases. Neutrophils have essential roles in inflammatory responses; however, in certain contexts their abundance is associated with a number of age-related diseases, including liver disease. The relationship between neutrophils and cellular senescence is not well understood. Here, we show that telomeres in non-immune cells are highly susceptible to oxidative damage caused by neighboring neutrophils. Neutrophils cause telomere dysfunction both in vitro and ex vivo in a ROS-dependent manner. In a mouse model of acute liver injury, depletion of neutrophils reduces telomere dysfunction and senescence. Finally, we show that senescent cells mediate the recruitment of neutrophils to the aged liver and propose that this may be a mechanism by which senescence spreads to surrounding cells. Our results suggest that interventions that counteract neutrophil-induced senescence may be beneficial during aging and age-related disease

    Maritime Economy - System, Feature, Range and Tendency of Changes

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    W artykule przedstawiono poj臋cie i system gospodarki morskiej. Okre艣lono jej cechy specyficzne oraz rodzaje ryzyka i obszary niepewno艣ci. Dokonano pr贸by okre艣lenia zakresu gospodarki morskiej. Podano syntetyczn膮 ocen臋 stanu i struktury polskiej gospodarki morskiej w roku 2004 na tle tendencji przemian tej gospodarki w latach 1985 - 2003.Polish maritime economy The article ilustrates the idea and system of maritime economy. It defines specific features, kind of risk and uncertain areas this economy. An attempt has been made to define the sphere of maritime economy. The article closes with the synthetic condition and structure of Polish maritime economy in the year 2004 against the background of changing tendency of Polish maritime economy in years 1985 - 2003

    Courses of action for the development of logistics sea in the European Union

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    Artyku艂 dotyczy dzia艂a艅 na rzecz rozwoju logistyki morskiej Unii Europejskiej. W tym celu dokonano przegl膮du dzia艂a艅 w zakresie d膮偶enia do osi膮gni臋cia nowych standard贸w systemu transportowego, zintegrowanego podej艣cia do polityki morskiej Unii Europejskiej, priorytet贸w i polityki transportu morskiego do 2018 roku oraz podj臋tych i planowanych dzia艂a艅 na rzecz stworzenia nowych zasad funkcjonowania zintegrowanego 艂a艅cucha logistycznego, w tym udzia艂u transportu morskiego w tym 艂a艅cuchu.This article applies to actions for the development the European Union's maritime logistics. For this purpose, a review of activities aiming to achieve new standards of the transport system, an integrated approach to Maritime Policy, Priorities and maritime transport policy until 2018 and the actions taken and planned to create new rules for the operation of an integrated supply chain, including the participation maritime transport chain

    Determinants of the development of modern seaport

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    W artykule tym podj臋to si臋 zdefiniowania kluczowych czynnik贸w przemian wsp贸艂czesnych port贸w morskich. Dokonano analizy przemian wsp贸艂czesnej gospodarki 艣wiatowej, przemian w otoczeniach bli偶szym i dalszym port贸w morskich, przemian system贸w transportowych, rozwoju zr贸wnowa偶onego gospodarek oraz zakresu rozszerzenia us艂ug 艣wiadczonych w portach morskich (porty jako centra dystrybucyjne, logistyczne i informacyjne).This article has been taken to define the key factors in the development of modern seaports. An analysis of transformations of the contemporary global economy, alternately closer and farther surroundings seaports, transportation systems change, sustainable development of economies and the scope of extension services at sea ports (the ports to distribution centers, logistics and information)

    Detecting senescence: a new method for an old pigment

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    The synthesis of unpared fatty acids by some molds

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    Bior贸偶norodno艣膰 hodowalnych mikroorganizm贸w zasiedlaj膮cych nadziemne cz臋艣ci Hypericum perforatum

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    The present investigation was carried out to analyse the presence of endophytes in the above-ground parts of Hipericum perforatum and to analyse the biodiversity and enumeration of epiphytes. Plant material was collected in Poland three times during the growing season. Phenotypic and genotypic diversity of all the endophytes and the most abundant epiphytes were researched. We analysed fungistatic activity of this isolates. From the endosphere of tested plant Alcaligenes faecalis and Bacillus licheniformis were isolated. The most numerous epiphytes were the copiotrophs and a bit less numerous were oligotrophs, bacteria cultivated on Bunt and Rovir鈥檚 medium and fungi. The least numerous bacteria were Azotobacter sp. Among all the molds dominant were: Cladosporium herbarum, C. cladosporioides and Alternaria consortialis, A. alternata, Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata (Gliocladium catenulatum), Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and Penicillium terrestre. Among phyllobacteria there were found mostly the following species: Burkholderia cepacia, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas fluorescens, P. putida, Pantoea agglomerans, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Bacillus cereus, Rhodococcus sp., R. erythropolis and Cellulosimicrobium cellulans. The broadest spectrum of antifungal activity was examined for the following species: Paenibacillus polymyxa, Pseudomonas putida and Pantoea agglomerans. P. polymyxa limited the growth of over 82% tested molds, so did the other two strains: P. agglomerans over 77% and P. putida over 73%.W przeprowadzonych badaniach oceniono wyst臋powanie bakterii endofitycznych w tkankach cz臋艣ci nadziemnych Hypericum perforatum oraz poznania bior贸偶norodno艣ci wsp贸lnoty mikroorganizm贸w zasiedlaj膮cych fyllosfer臋 dziurawca. Ro艣liny zebrano na terenie Polski trzykrotnie w sezonie wegetacyjnym. W ich cz臋艣ciach nadziemnych oznaczono obecno艣眉 bakterii endofitycznych oraz liczebno艣眉 wybranych grup drobnoustroj贸w zasiedlaj膮cych fyllosfer臋. Wyizolowane endofity oraz dominuj膮ce epifity poddano badaniom w celu oznaczenia ich przynale偶no艣ci taksonomicznej, a nast臋pnie oceniono ich aktywno艣膰 antagonistyczn膮 w kierunku wybranych ple艣ni. Z endosfery dziurawca wyizolowano szczepy nale偶膮ce do dw贸ch gatunk贸w: Alcaligenes faecalis i Bacillus licheniformis. W fyllosferze dziurawca liczebno艣眉 Azotobakter sp. by艂a bardzo niska, natomiast najliczniejsz膮 grup膮 by艂y kopiotrofy, nieco mniej liczn膮 bakterie oligotroficzne, bakterie wyros艂e na pod艂o偶ach Bunta i Roviry i Kinga B oraz ple艣nie i dro偶d偶e. W艣r贸d ple艣ni dominuj膮cych stwierdzono Cladosporium herbarum, C. cladosporioides oraz Alternaria consortialis, A. alternata, Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata (Gliocladium catenulatum), Scopulariopsis brevicaulis i Penicillium terrestre. W艣r贸d fyllobakterii dominowa艂y w fyllosferze: Burkholderia cepacia, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannie, Pseudomonas fluorescens, P. putida Pantoea agglomerans, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Bacillus cereus, Rhodococcus sp. R. erythropolis Cellulosimicrobium cellulans. Najszersze spektrum aktywno艣ci przeciwgrzybowej wobec testowanych ple艣ni stwierdzono dla szczep贸w Paenibacillus polymyxa, Pseudomonas putida oraz Pantoea agglomerans. P. polymyxa ogranicza艂 wzrost ponad 82% badanych ple艣ni, P. agglomerans ponad 77%, a P. putida ponad 73%