594 research outputs found

    Gambaran Kadar Albumin, Limfosit, Asupan Protein dan Vitamin A pada Pasien Kanker Payudara

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    Penyakit kanker merupakan penyebab kematian ke-4 terbesar di Indonesia untuk penyakit tidak menular. Menurut penelitian Kurniasari (2015) asupan protein berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kualitas hidup pasien kanker. Resiko semua jenis kanker dapat diturunkan dengan meningkatkan konsumsisayuran yang kaya karoten (vitaminA) (Anonim, 2012). Penderita kanker di Indonesia diperkirakan 1,02 juta jiwa (Kompas.com, 2012) dan prevalensi pasien kanker payudara di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang tahun 2015 adalah 2,39% (Catatan Medik, 2015). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuideskripsi usia, IMT, asupan protein, vitamin A, kadar albumin dan kadar limfosit pasien kanker payudara. Desain penelitian ini adalah diskriptif. Tempat penelitian di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang pada bulan Juli 2016. Populasi adalah semua pasien kanker di ruang rawat inap di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang. Sampel diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi sehingga diperoleh 11 orang. Analisa univariat digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan masing-masing variable dan karakteristik sampel. Rerata usia responden adalah 45,97,8 tahun dengan usia sebagian besar berusia 30-49 tahun berjumlah 9 orang (81,9%). Rerata Indeks Massa Tubuh responden adalah 21,164,11 kg/m2 dan sebagian besar memiliki status gizi normal sebanyak 6 orang (54,54%). Rerata kadar albumin adalah 3,440,985 g/dl sebagian besar sebanyak 7 orang memiliki kadar albumin kurang (63,63%). Rerata kadar limosit adalah 1,51x10 3 0,71x10 3 /mm 3 sebagian besar responden memiliki kadar limfosit kurang sebanyak 9 orang (81,81%). Rerata asupan protein adalah 50,0924,77 g/hari sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat asupan protein kurang sebanyak 9 orang (81,81%). Rerata asupan vitamin A adalah 1053,8689,7 g sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat asupan baik sebanyak 8 orang (72,72%). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pasien kanker payudara mengalami penurunan asupan protein, albumin dan limfosit tetapi asupan vitamin A baik

    Tectonic Influence on Changes in Neogene Sediment Supply, Western Part of North Serayu Basin

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    Western part of North Serayu Basin composed of Neogene sequence; Halang, Pemali and Rambatan Formation. The oil seeps discovery in this area is an indication of the presence an active petroleum system. Active tectonic condition occur coincidence with the time of deposition. The tectonic influence on change in sediment supply will be the subject of this research. The combinations of subsidence, eustatic and sediment supply are corresponding to the accommodation space, moreover to the type of sediment which is deposited. The quantity and rate of sediment supply to the basin are closely related to the tectonic activity. In the context of Petroleum Potential, study of sediment supply will provide information about the potential source rock, reservoir and caprock that developed in the research area. During the Neogene at least there have been three times of sea level change in the research area which is related to thickening sedimentary sequence during middle of N18 and thinning in N13 to N17 in some place

    Pengaruh Daya Dan Rasio Bahan Pada Ekstraksi Kayu Cendana (Santalum Album) Dengan Metode Microwave Hydrodistillation: Optimasi Menggunakan Response Surface Methodology

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    Minyak cendana merupakan salah satu jenis minyak atsiri yang disebut dengan minyak eteris atau minyak terbang. Untuk mengoptimalkan potensi minyak nilam, maka salah satu USAha yang dapat dilakukan adalah memperbaiki metode destilasi dan kondisi operasi agar dapat menghasilkan minyak nilam dalam waktu yang relatif singkat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari proses pengambilan minyak cendana dari kayu cendana dengan menggunakan metode microwave hydrodistillation, mempelajari beberapa parameter yang berpengaruh seperti pengaruh rasio antara bahan baku yang diekstrak dengan pelarut dan daya microwave yang digunakan terhadap yield minyak cendana yang dihasilkan, serta menentukan kondisi operasi optimum pada proses ekstraksi minyak cendana dengan menggunakan metode microwave hydrodistillation untuk mendapatkan yield minyak cendana yang maksimum. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan kondisi optimum dari masing-masing variabel adalah Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh model empiris yang sesuai dengan percobaan, dimana kondisi operasi optimum untuk ekstraksi minyak cendana dengan metode microwave hydrodistillation yang memberikan yield minyak cendana maksimum adalah pada daya microwave 601,355 W dan rasio antara bahan baku yang diekstrak dengan pelarut 0,10 g.mL-1

    Membangun Kembali Kepercayaan Masyarakat Pasca Pelanggaran Dalam Business to Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce: Studi Empiris Di YOGYAKARTA

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    This paper focuses on the process of rebuilding reputation and the intention level of the community to continue trust after trustees fix their e-commerce systems. This research integrates two previous research models to assess rebuilding post trust violation through system improvement that may influence the intention to continue trust. The objectives of the research are to examine the efforts of rebuilding post trust violation on the Business to Consumer (B2C) E-commerce and test the effect scale of the system improvement on the intention of the customers to continue trust. Using the data of 267 respondents that experienced trust violations, the result shows that the intention to continue trust was significantly related to the communication improvement, rebuilding trust through system improvement and confirmation by trust restoration. Meanwhile, the variables of the commitment to guarantee, product varieties and third party support were not significantly related to the rebuilding of post-violation trust in B2C electronic commerce. The paper also discusses the implications of the findings both theoretically and practicall in detail

    Evaluating Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Indonesia Through Exchange Rate Channel

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    :This study aims to evaluate the role of exchange rate channel in transmitting mone­tary policy effects in Indonesia by addressing the following questions: (i) to what extent is the contribution of the exchange rate in inflation rate fluctuations in Indonesia? (ii) What are the effects of exchange rate channel in explaining the direct pass through effect in Indonesia; and (iii) can the exchange rate channel explain the trade competitiveness in Indonesia? The study utilizes monthly data spanning from January 1990 to April 2009 and is divided into four sub-periods, namely (i) pre-crisis period: January 1990-July 1997; (ii) crisis period: August 1997-December 2000; (iii) post-crisis period: January 2001-June 2005; and (iv) post-ITF period: July 2005-April 2009. By adopting the standard Vector Autoregression model, the study finds changing nature of the exchange rate channel during the various sub-periods of the study

    The Effect of the Performance of the TNI-AU SAR Team Personnel During the Kab. Cianjur

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    Earthquakes are natural phenomena that have the potential to cause physical damage and loss of life. In an emergency like this, the performance of the Indonesian Air Force's search and rescue team has a direct influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of rescue efforts, as happened during the emergency response to the earthquake in Cianjur Regency. The fast and precise response of the Indonesian Air Force SAR team in emergency situations such as earthquakes can have a direct impact on the safety of victims. This study aims to evaluate the ability of personnel to deal with earthquake emergency response situations in Cianjur, West Java. The research method used is a qualitative approach involving in-depth document analysis. In general, the TNI-AU succeeded in achieving effectiveness and efficiency in rescue efforts during the earthquake emergency response period in Cianjur Regency, including in terms of prompt and appropriate handling of victims, coordination with relevant agencies, monitoring of the latest information, and availability of tools and defense equipment. The results of the SAR training implemented by the TNI-AU have proven to be positive, as seen from the direct actions taken in a short time after the earthquake occurred

    Gaseous Releases Evaluation and Safety Performance Improvement of Kartini Research Reactor Ventilation System

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    GASEOUS RELEASES EVALUATION AND SAFETY PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT OF KARTINI RESEARCH REACTOR VENTILATION SYSTEM. The safety performance of Kartini research reactor related to the gaseous releases to the environment has been evaluated. The research covers an evaluation and improvement on the ventilation system and analysis of gas releases dissipating from the reactor building. The method used is calculation of reactor source term and direct measurement of gas release from the reactor stack. The source term analysis showed that the fission product accumulated in the reactor core at the start of operation was 4.838 ´ 106 Ci, after of 5 hours operation it became 3.614 ´ 108 Ci, and after 24 hours decay, the fission product became 4.727 ´ 106 Ci. The N16 activity inside the reactor building is 4.1 ´ 10-10 μCi/cm3 and the Ar41 escaping to the atmosphere is 5.7 ´ 10-12 mCi/cm3, which is lower than limit value for radiation worker of 2 ´ 10-6 μCi/cm3. A sample case by using March 2009 data, the value of ground level concentration on variable distance x = 100 m to 5.000 m, was 9.726 ´ 10-19 rad/m3, rise up to 6.303 ´ 10-14 rad/m3 and tends to decrease to 1.598 ´ 10-15 rad/m3 at distance 5,000 m. Whiles the direct observation on the upper reactor stack show that the radiation exposure is 2.33 ´ 10-9 rad/s, exit velocity of gas from stack is 8 m/s, absolute temperature effluent of gas is 26.2 oC, and outlet diameter of stack, d = 1 m and actual stack height 31.75 m. Based on safety limit criteria from national regulation (BAPAETEN), the values of radiation exposure, ground level concentration combined with atmosphere stability and demography factor was very safe for the actual condition of Kartini reactor site