266 research outputs found

    Clustering Application for UKT Determination Using Pillar K-Means Clustering Algorithm and Flask Web Framework

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    Clustering is one of technique in data mining which has purpose to group data into a cluster. At the end, a cluster will have different data compared with others. This paper discussed about the implementation of clustering technique in determining UKT (Uang Kuliah Tinggal) / Tuition Fee in Indonesia. UKT is a tuition fee where its amount is determined by considering students purchasing power. Most of University in Indonesia often use manual technique in order to classify UKT\u27s group for each student. Using web-based application, this paper proposed a new approach to automatise UKT\u27s grouping which leads to give an reasonable recommendation in determining the UKT\u27s group. Pillar K-Means algorithm had been implemented to conduct data clustering. This algorithm used pillar algorithm to initiate centroid value in K-means algorithm. By deploying students data at Institut Teknologi Sumatera Lampung as case study, the result illustrated that Pillar K-Means and silhouette coefficient value might be adopted in determining UKT\u27s grou

    Clustering Application for UKT Determination Using Pillar K-Means Clustering Algorithm and Flask Web Framework

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    Clustering is one of technique in data mining which has purpose to group data into a cluster. At the end, a cluster will have different data compared with others. This paper discussed about the implementation of clustering technique in determining UKT (Uang Kuliah Tinggal) / Tuition Fee in Indonesia. UKT is a tuition fee where its amount is determined by considering students purchasing power. Most of University in Indonesia often use manual technique in order to classify UKT's group for each student. Using web-based application, this paper proposed a new approach to automatise UKT's grouping which leads to give an reasonable recommendation in determining the UKT's group. Pillar K-Means algorithm had been implemented to conduct data clustering. This algorithm used pillar algorithm to initiate centroid value in K-means algorithm. By deploying students data at Institut Teknologi Sumatera Lampung as case study, the result illustrated that Pillar K-Means and silhouette coefficient value might be adopted in determining UKT's grou

    Kakujoshi Ni dalam Kalimat Bahasa Jepang

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    The research discussed about kakujoshi ni in Japanese sentences. The aim of this research is to know kakujoshi ni in Japanese language have an ability become proportion case marker and modal case marker according to Cook and Fillmore. The object of this research is Japanese sentence which have kakujoshi ni and verb. This research is a qualitative research which used descriptive method. As the result of this research, it is found that kakujoshi ni there are four of proportion case marker in Japanese language such as Agentive, Dative, Locative, Time and five of modal case marker in Japanese language such as Outer Benefactive, Outer Locative, Source of Modal case, Goal of Modal case, Time of Modal case, Result of Modal case. Beside that, this research find kakujoshi ni can be possible join to Active verb, Procces verb, and Stative verb

    Peningkatan Aktifitas Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Interaktif pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam di Kelas IV Sdn 15 Nanga Pinoh Kabupaten Melawi

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    Improved Student Activities Interactive Learning Model Using On Effect Of Style In Motion Objects Lesson In Class IV IPA SDN 15 Nanga Pinoh, Melawi District. The method used is to perform the act of learning through interactive methods. This study used a qualitative approach to the design of the implementation of the class action. In this study involved pelaksanaaan peers as the mother Sa'diah observer. In particular, the purpose of this study is 1. To determine students' prior use interactive model, 2. To determine student learning outcomes after using the interactive model, 3. To determine the improvement of student learning outcomes before and after use interactive model. The results obtained in the first cycle average initial test (pre-test) 43.2 and the average post-test 53.5 so increased 10.3 average. The results obtained in the second cycle the average pre-test 51 and the average post-test 66.5 obtained an average increase of 19, mastery learning outcomes on the second cycle increased by 34% from the mastery obtained at pre-test 60% to 94 %. Based on the findings and conclusions above can be expressed several suggestions: 1. Before the start of interactive learning, students were given an explanation about the first stages of an interactive model, 2. Teachers give guidance to students who are not yet complete


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    Rice is a staple food for Indonesian people. Rice straw is waste produced from rice plant when harvesting. Rice straw can be utilized as feed for livestock especially ruminant. Silage is fermentation technology for preserving roughage such as rice straw. In making silage, additive is needed to maintain lactic acid bacteria for successful fermentation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of various additives (rice bran, glucose and molasses) for three different varieties of rice crop. Rice varieties used were Inpari 30, Inpari NutriZinc and Rindang. This study was conducted in a Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Each variety was given treatment T0 = Rice Straw + Lactic Acid Bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum 1A2); T1 =  T0 + Rice Bran 5%; T2 = T0 + Glucose 2%; T3 = T0 + Molasses 5%. The parameter observed were, pH, temperature, dry matter, ash, crude protein, crude fat and crude fiber. The data obtained are analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan Test. The results shown that the treatments significantly affect on pH, dry matter, ash, crude protein, crude fat and crude fiber. It was concluded that Inpari 30 was the best variety because it had the highest crude protein content 10.24% and rice bran was the best additive to produced best quality silage compared with other additives

    Penerapan Terapi Individu Bercakap Cakap Pada Pasien Halusinasi Pendengaran

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    Introduction: Hallucinations are symptoms of mental disorders in which the patient experiences sensory changes in perception, feels false sensations in the form of sound, sight, taste, touching or shaming, the client feels a stimulus that does not exist. Objective: Knowing the application of individual therapy to auditory hallucination patients. Method: Quality research using the descriptive method of case study research. Results: Shows that with individual therapy, the patient can distract the patient so that he can control the hallucinations he experiences. Conclusion: That individual therapy in auditory hallucination patients can effectively control hallucinations. Recommendations should consider creating a new policy for nurses, particularly room nurses, to perform continuously to reduce the frequency of people with mental health conditionsPendahuluan: Halusinasi merupakan gejala gangguan jiwa di mana pasien mengalamai perubahan sensori persepsi, merasakan sensasi palsu berupa suara, penglihatan, pengecapan, perabaaan atau penghiduan, klien merasakan stimulus yang sebetulnya tidak ada. Tujuan: Mengetahui penerapan terapi individu bercakap cakap pada pasien halusinasi pendengaran. Metode: Penelitian kualitiatif menggunakan metode deskriptif rancangan studi kasus (case study research). Hasil: Menunjukka bahwa dengan terapi individu bercakap pasien mampu mengalihkan perhatian pasien sehingga mampu mengonrol halusinasi yang di alaminya. Kesimpulan: Bahwa terapi individu bercakap cakap pada pasien halusinasi pendengaran efektif mampu mengonrol halusinasi. Rekomendasi hendaknya mempertimbangkan untuk membuat kebijakan baru kepada perawat, khususnya perawat ruangan untuk melakukan secara kontiniu, yang bertujuan untuk penurunan frekuensi pasien gangguan jiw

    Photoassisted tunneling from free-standing GaAs thin films into metallic surfaces

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    The tunnel photocurrent between a gold surface and a free-standing semiconducting thin film excited from the rear by above bandgap light has been measured as a function of applied bias, tunnel distance and excitation light power. The results are compared with the predictions of a model which includes the bias dependence of the tunnel barrier height and the bias-induced decrease of surface recombination velocity. It is found that i) the tunnel photocurrent from the conduction band dominates that from surface states. ii) At large tunnel distance the exponential bias dependence of the current is explained by that of the tunnel barrier height, while at small distance the change of surface recombination velocity is dominant

    Analisis Refraksi Gelombang Laut Berdasarkan Model Cms-wave Di Pantai Keling Kabupaten Jepara

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    Gelombang merupakan salah satu parameter oseanografi yang sangat mempengaruhi kondisi pantai. Proses penjalaran gelombang menuju pantai akan mengalami deformasi berupa refraksi gelombang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses refraksi gelombang di Pantai Keling, Kabupaten Jepara dengan menggunakan software SMS (Surface Water Modelling System) Modul CMS-Wave. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16-19 Oktober 2013 di Pantai Keling, Kabupaten Jepara. Data primer yang digunakan adalah data gelombang sedangkan data sekunder yang digunakan adalah data angin dan data batimetri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Peramalan gelombang diperoleh dari data angin dengan menggunakan metode SMB, sedangkan model penjalaran gelombang disimulasikan menggunakan software CMS-Wave. Dari hasil pengamatan gelombang diketahui gelombang di Pantai Keling yang terjadi pada tanggal 16 sampai 19 Oktober 2013, tinggi gelombang maksimum sebesar 0,95 meter dengan periode sebesar 6.8 detik. Tinggi gelombang signifikan (Hs) sebesar 0.7 meter dengan periode (Ts) sebesar 5,69 detik. Tinggi gelombang minimum 0,18 meter dengan periode sebesar 2,30. Dari hasil pemodelan bahwa daerah barat dan timur tanjung keling merupakan daerah yang berpotensi mengalami kerusakan oleh gelombang
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