397 research outputs found

    Piping Flexibility Analysis of the Primary Cooling System of TRIGA 2000 Bandung Reactor Due to Earthquake

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    Earthquakes in a nuclear installation can overload a piping system which is not flexible enough. These loads can be forces, moments and stresses working on the pipes or equipments. If the load is too large and exceed the allowable limits, the piping and equipment can be damaged and lead to overall system operation failure. The load received by piping systems can be reduced by making adequate piping flexibility, so all the loads can be transmitted homogenously throughout the pipe without load concentration at certain point. In this research the analysis of piping stress has been conducted to determine the size of loads that occured in the piping of primary cooling system of TRIGA 2000 Reactor, Bandung if an earthquake happened in the reactor site. The analysis was performed using Caesar II software-based finite element method. The ASME code B31.1 arranging the design of piping systems for power generating system (Power Piping Code) was used as reference analysis method. Modeling of piping systems was based on the cooling piping that has already been installed and the existing data reported in Safety Analysis Reports (SARs) of TRIGA 2000 reactor, Bandung. The quake considered in this analysis is the earthquake that occurred due to the Lembang fault, since it has the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) in the Bandung TRIGA 2000 reactor site. The analysis results showed that in the static condition for sustain and expansion loads, the stress fraction in all piping lines does not exceed the allowable limit. However, during operation moment, in dynamic condition, the primary cooling system is less flexible at sustain load, ekspansi load, and combination load and the stress fraction have reached 95,5%. Therefore a pipeline modification (rerouting) is needed to make pipe stress does not exceed the allowable stress. The pipeline modification was carried out by applied a gap of 3 mm in the X direction of the support at node 25 and eliminate the support at the node 30, also a gap of 3 mm was applied in X and Z directions of the support at the node 155. The axial force (FY) that occurred in the pump outlet nozzle (dia. 4 in.) of PriPump line have also exceeded the allowable limit that lead to the pump nozzle failure during an earthquake of Lembang fault. The modifications is necessary to be applied on the cooling system for PriPump line so the nozzle would not receive the force that exceed the allowable limits. The modification can be done by removing the support at node 105 and node 135 so the primary cooling system piping of Bandung TRIGA 2000 reactor would be safe to operate during an earthquake originated from Lembang fault. Received: 20 November 2010; Revised: 18 July 2011; Accepted: 20 July 201

    Sengketa Perebutan Divestasi Saham Newmont Nusa Tenggara: Analisis Ekonomi Politik (2008-2012)

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    Competition to become the sole owner of Newmont Nusa Tenggara shares is very intense. Central government, local government, and house of representative are participating to obtain 31% shares of Newmont Nusa Tenggara, multinational corporation that operates in copper and gold mines. House of representatives is try to blocked the purchase of Newmont shares by government, with asking help from supreme audit agency (BPK) to support their claim. Specifically, based on this case, new tendency emerges in state capitalism in Indonesia, which is the emergence of capitalist and local government. This fierce competition between these actors proves that in Indonesia, the struggle to manage resource is not run by economic sense, but also political one

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Keinginan Karyawan Untuk Pindah (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Bank Papua)

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    SI Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk hubungan kausal berjenjang antara motivasi intrinsik, kejelasan peran, kepuasan kerja, komitmen organisasi dan keinginan untuk pindah dalam konteks PT. Bank Papua. Pada model yang dikembangkan, nampak bahwa komitmen organisasi ditempatkan sebagai variabel intervening yang menghubungkan antara kepuasan kerja dengan keinginan karyawan untuk pindah. PT. Bank Papua dipilih sebagai obyek penelitian karena kondisi terkininya, yaitu keluarnya beberapa karyawan potensial dan adanya deviasi antara target dan realisasi kinerja keuangan, telah memberikan ruang yang ideal bagi pengujian hubungan kausal antar variabel dalam penelitian ini. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 129 yang diperoleh dengan pendekatan purposive sampling. Akan tetapi, kuesioner yang kembali dan layak untuk diolah hanya sebanyak 112 kuesioner. Teknik analisis yang dipergunakan untuk mengolah data yaitu Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) yang dijalankan dengan perangkat lunak Amos 4.01. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa motivasi intrinsik dan kejelasan peran mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja secara positif, kepuasan kerja mempengaruhi komitmen organisasi secara positif dan komitmmen organisasi mempengaruhi keinginan untuk pindah secara negatif (artinya makin tinggi komitmen organisasi karyawan, maka akan semakin rendah kemungkinan untuk pindah). Temuan empiris tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa para pimpinan PT. Bank Papua seyogyanya berusaha meningkatkan komitmen organisasi dalam rangka mengurangi keinginan karyawan potensial untuk pindah, dengan sebelumnya melakukan evaluasi tingkat kepuasan kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh motivasi intrinsik dan kejelasan peran. Implikasi teoritis dan saran-saran bagi penelitian mendatang juga diuraikan dalam penelitian ini

    Sensitivity Analysis of Transportation Production Costs in Indonesia

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    The transportation production cost (TPC) considerably has strong influence to the national economic condition. This paper focused on the analysis of the transportation production cost sensitivity in relation to the variation of the external affecting factor, which are fuel price, rupiah exchange rate and Bank of Indonesia interest rate. Based on the R2 values, the TPC components in general have significant correlation, with the fuel prices. However, they do not have high correlation to the fluctuation of interest rate and rupiah exchange rate. The sensitivity analysis shows that a 10% rise on fuel price would cause 6%, 2%, 7%, 2.4%, and 4.9% rise on the TPC of intercity bus, ferry ship, interisland ship, train, and airline, respectively

    Advancement in the Analysis of Seepage Through Cracked Soils

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    Seepage is an important problem analyzed in geotechnical engineering. Conventionally, the analysis is performed in conditions where the soil is intact. The presence of desiccated cracks requires a seepage analysis that considers not only the soil matrix part of the cracked soil but also the crack network. Currently, there are three approaches in the analysis of seepage through cracked soils: (i) analysis by modeling the cracked soil as an intact material with cracks being represented as macropores; (ii) analysis by modeling the cracked soil as a material with a bimodal pore-size distribution; and (iii) analysis by modeling two components of the cracked soil separately: the soil matrix and the crack network. Each approach is reviewed and discussed in this paper. It was found that each approach is suitable for specific cases: (i) the first method is suitable for seepage analysis of cracked soil deep below the ground surface; (ii) the second method is suitable for seepage analysis of cracked soil at the ground surface under a drying process; (iii) the third method is suitable for seepage analysis of cracked soil at the ground surface experiencing rainwater infiltration. Choosing the appropriate method is essential in modeling the appropriate seepage mechanism

    Effects of Cooling Fluid Flow Rate on the Critical Heat Flux and Flow Stability in the Plate Fuel Type 2 MW TRIGA Reactor

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    The conversion program of the 2 MW TRIGA reactor in Bandung consisted of the replacement of cylindrical fuel (produced by General Atomic) with plate fuel (produced by BATAN). The replacement led into the change of core cooling process from upward natural convection type to downward forced convection type, and resulted in different thermohydraulic safety criteria, such as critical heat flux (CHF) limit, boiling limit, and cooling fluid flow stability. In this paper, a thermohydraulic safety analysis of the converted TRIGA reactor is presented by considering the Dynamic Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) criterion, Onset Nucleate Boiling Ratio (ONBR) limit, and cooling fluid flow stability at various cooling fluid flow rate.The numerical analyses were performed using the HEATHYD program on the hottest channels of reactor core.The combination of heat transfer and fluid flow analysis were conducted for reactor operation at 2 MW with 20 fuel element bundles and four control rod bundles. Incoming fluid flow to the cooling channel was fixed at 44.5 Β°C temperature and 1.9970 bar pressure, and its flow rate was varied from 1.25 to 3.5 m3/h. By inputting these values, as well as the total power of fuel elements per bundle, the wall temperature distribution of the plate fuel element, cooling fluid temperature distribution, and pressure losses in the channels were obtained for the analysis of CHF limit, boiling limit, and flow stability. It was shown that no boiling occurred for the cooling fluid flow rate range of 2.4 to 3.5 m3/h, and even at the cooling fluid flow rate of 1.25 m3/h where some bubbles occurred, the DNBR was higher than the critical limit (more than 23) while the flow stability criterion in some channels were slightly less than 1 (unstable). At the cooling fluid flow rate of 1.4 m3/h, however, the flow became stable in all channel. The results showed that even though some bubbles start to occur, the plate-fuel- type 2 MW TRIGA reactor can safely operate in the terms of CHF limit and flow stability

    Perancangan Buku Cerita Bergambar Katekese 7 Sakramen Gereja Katolik

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    Perancangan ini dibuat didasarkan pada keadaan nyata bahwa setiap orang Katolik menerima 7 Sakramen dalam Gereja, dah hal ini baik adanya bila sudah dimengerti sejak dini maka target dari perancangan ini adalah anak – anak Katolik pada usia 6 - 8 tahun, dan orang tua – orang tua Katolik yang memiliki kewajiban untuk membimbing anaknya sampai pada kedewasaan imannya.Perancangan ini dibuat dengan konsep buku cerita bergambar yang mengkisahkan tenang 2 orang yang bersaudara bernama Dionisius dan Redemptusyang memiliki panggilan hidup yang berbeda. Nama yang dipilih Dionisius dan Redemptus pun adalah 2 nama Beato yang menjadi martir di Indonesia, hal ini dipilih dan diangkat agar diharapkan bahwa anak – anak dapat mengenal nama para kudus yang menjadi sahabat mereka. Hal ini sesuai dengan tradisi Apostolik iman Gereja Katolik yang dibawa sejak zaman para Rasul.Buku cerita bergambar ini disajikan dengan pendekatan ilustrasi Semi-Dekoratif, dan disajikan dengan dominan lebih banyak gambar hal ini dikarenakan jenis buku cerita bergambar ini adalah picture book. Sementara bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa Indonesia yang digunakan sehari – hari hal ini diambil juga agar anak – anak lenih mudah memahami cerita yang ada. Teknik pengerjaan ilustrasi dalam karya ini menggunakan teknik manual dengan teknik pewarnaan cat poster dan pensil warna untuk mempertegaskan warna dan diberi outline, sehingga teknik mewarnai yang digunakan adalah teknik mix media.Buku cerita bergambar ini disajikan dengan ukuran 18x23 dengan sampul hard cover dan full colour, dengan pilihan kertas yang tebal. Agar dalam penggunaannyapun tidak mudah rusak, mengingat target dari buku ini adalah anak – anak usia 6 – 8 tahun
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