11,346 research outputs found

    Communication for Development: Theory and Practice for Empowerment and Social Justice, Third Edition

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    This third edition features significantly revised and updated chapters to include the latest scholarship on, and practices of, media and communication for development. It explores empowerment and social justice to individuals and communities around the world in the context of increasing globalization. Tracing the history of development communication, it looks objectively at diverse approaches and their supporters, and goes on to provide models for the future. It also offers a new chapter presenting the authors\u27 framework foregrounding empowerment and social justice as goals for development communication in the 21st century. The earlier editions of this book, Communication for Development in the Third World (1991 and 2001), are established core texts for courses on development communication throughout the world.https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bgsu_books/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Two-Faced Racism: Whites in the Backstage and Frontstage

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    Racial events that reveal the larger forces of racism in society are common and obvious in the sociospatial realm we term the backstage, especially in situations where whites interact with white friends and relatives. Backstage settings, where interactions typically take place among whites only, involve an array of complex interactions and performances. There we observe all dimensions of racial events-- indications of who is allowed and not allowed in the backstage, what racialized performances are tolerated or expected there, the sociospatial character of contexts, the impact of conventional racial framing, and the pervasive influence of the larger society. Here we go beyond the content of what happened to numerous other dimensions. Although we deem it important to provide descriptions of events, our goal is also to access how and where these interactions transpire, as well as various underlying features

    Global Solution to the Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flow of Liquid Crystals

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    The equations for the three-dimensional incompressible flow of liquid crystals are considered in a smooth bounded domain. The existence and uniqueness of the global strong solution with small initial data are established. It is also proved that when the strong solution exists, all the global weak solutions constructed in [16] must be equal to the unique strong solution

    Poisson-Bracket Approach to the Dynamics of Nematic Liquid Crystals. The Role of Spin Angular Momentum

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    Nematic liquid crystals are well modeled as a fluid of rigid rods. Starting from this model, we use a Poisson-bracket formalism to derive the equations governing the dynamics of nematic liquid crystals. We treat the spin angular momentum density arising from the rotation of constituent molecules about their centers of mass as an independent field and derive equations for it, the mass density, the momentum density, and the nematic director. Our equations reduce to the original Leslie-Ericksen equations, including the inertial director term that is neglected in the hydrodynamic limit, only when the moment of inertia for angular momentum parallel to the director vanishes and when a dissipative coefficient favoring locking of the angular frequencies of director rotation and spin angular momentum diverges. Our equations reduce to the equations of nematohydrodynamics in the hydrodynamic limit but with dissipative coefficients that depend on the coefficient that must diverge to produce the Leslie-Ericksen equations.Comment: 10 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev. E 72(5

    Dense Molecular Gas In A Young Cluster Around MWC 1080 -- Rule Of The Massive Star

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    We present CS J=21J = 2 \to 1, 13^{13}CO J=10J = 1 \to 0, and C18^{18}O J=10J = 1 \to 0, observations with the 10-element Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association (BIMA) Array toward the young cluster around the Be star MWC 1080. These observations reveal a biconical outflow cavity with size \sim 0.3 and 0.05 pc for the semimajor and semiminor axis and \sim 45\arcdeg position angle. These transitions trace the dense gas, which is likely the swept-up gas of the outflow cavity, rather than the remaining natal gas or the outflow gas. The gas is clumpy; thirty-two clumps are identified. The identified clumps are approximately gravitationally bound and consistent with a standard isothermal sphere density, which suggests that they are likely collapsing protostellar cores. The gas kinematics suggests that there exists velocity gradients implying effects from the inclination of the cavity and MWC 1080. The kinematics of dense gas has also been affected by either outflows or stellar winds from MWC 1080, and lower-mass clumps are possibly under stronger effects from MWC 1080 than higher-mass clumps. In addition, low-mass cluster members tend to be formed in the denser and more turbulent cores, compared to isolated low-mass star-forming cores. This results from contributions of nearby forming massive stars, such as outflows or stellar winds. Therefore, we conclude that in clusters like the MWC 1080 system, effects from massive stars dominate the star-forming environment in both the kinematics and dynamics of the natal cloud and the formation of low-mass cluster members. This study provides insights into the effects of MWC 1080 on its natal cloud, and suggests a different low-mass star forming environment in clusters compared to isolated star formation.Comment: 42 pages, 5 tables, and 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Integration of HIV Care with Primary Health Care Services: Effect on Patient Satisfaction and Stigma in Rural Kenya.

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    HIV departments within Kenyan health facilities are usually better staffed and equipped than departments offering non-HIV services. Integration of HIV services into primary care may address this issue of skewed resource allocation. Between 2008 and 2010, we piloted a system of integrating HIV services into primary care in rural Kenya. Before integration, we conducted a survey among returning adults ≥18-year old attending the HIV clinic. We then integrated HIV and primary care services. Three and twelve months after integration, we administered the same questionnaires to a sample of returning adults attending the integrated clinic. Changes in patient responses were assessed using truncated linear regression and logistic regression. At 12 months after integration, respondents were more likely to be satisfied with reception services (adjusted odds ratio, aOR 2.71, 95% CI 1.32-5.56), HIV education (aOR 3.28, 95% CI 1.92-6.83), and wait time (aOR 1.97 95% CI 1.03-3.76). Men's comfort with receiving care at an integrated clinic did not change (aOR = 0.46 95% CI 0.06-3.86). Women were more likely to express discomfort after integration (aOR 3.37 95% CI 1.33-8.52). Integration of HIV services into primary care services was associated with significant increases in patient satisfaction in certain domains, with no negative effect on satisfaction

    Using STEM Camps to Improve Female Interest in Technology Careers

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    Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields have been traditionally entered by men, often establishing women as underrepresented in many of these fields. This research study focuses on participants at a STEM camp for middle- and high-school girls designed to introduce them to technology. The camp was held 4 times over 3 years, with many of the participants from rural areas, underrepresented by race and economic status. Sixty camp attendees completed pre- and post-camp surveys and are referred to as the intervention group. A control group of 200 middle- and high-school girls who did not attend the camp also took the survey. This paper focuses on a subset of the survey results that sought to determine the impact on camp participants in the areas of technology self-efficacy and technology career interest as it related to management information systems (MIS). Analysis of the data collected found a significant difference in MIS self-efficacy between the intervention group and control group but no significant difference in choices of MIS-related careers. Results also include recommended improvements to STEM camp design

    Home versus hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation: A systematic review

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    Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation has positive effects on many cardiac risk factors (physical activity, smoking status, cholesterol, anxiety and depression) and can lead to improvements in mortality, morbidity and quality of life. Most formal cardiac rehabilitation in the UK is offered within a hospital or centre setting, although this may not always be convenient or accessible for many cardiac patients, especially those in remote areas. The proportion of eligible patients who successfully complete a cardiac rehabilitation program remains low. There are many reasons for this but geographical isolation and transport issues are important. This systematic review examines the current evidence for home- versus hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation. Home-based cardiac rehabilitation offers greater accessibility to cardiac rehabilitation and has the potential to increase uptake. While there have been fewer studies of home-based cardiac rehabilitation, the available data suggest that it has comparable results to hospital-based programs. Many of these studies are small and heterogeneous in terms of interventions but home-based cardiac rehabilitation appears both safe and effective. Available evidence suggests that it results in longer lasting maintenance of physical activity levels compared with hospital-based rehabilitation and is equally effective in improving cardiac risk factors. Furthermore, it has the potential to be a more cost-effective intervention for patients who cannot easily access their local centre or hospital. Currently home-based cardiac rehabilitation is not offered routinely to all patients but it appears to have the potential to increase uptake in patients who are unable, or less likely, to attend more traditional hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation programs

    Quark Mass Textures and sin 2 beta

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    Recent precise measurements of sin 2 beta from the B-factories (BABAR and BELLE) and a better known strange quark mass from lattice QCD make precision tests of predictive texture models possible. The models tested include those hierarchical N-zero textures classified by Ramond, Roberts and Ross, as well as any other hierarchical matrix Ansatz with non-zero 12 = 21 and vanishing 11 and 13 elements. We calculate the maximally allowed value for sin 2 beta in these models and show that all the aforementioned models with vanishing 11 and 13 elements are ruled out at the 3 sigma level. While at present sin 2 beta and |Vub/Vcb| are equally good for testing N-zero texture models, in the near future the former will surpass the latter in constraining power.Comment: 1+20 pages, 2 figures, JHEP3 clas