3,864 research outputs found

    Double entry method for the verification of data a chromatography data system receives

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    The importance of software validation increases since the need for a high usability and suitability of software applications grows. In order to reduce costs and manage risk factors more and more recommendations up to rules have been established. In the field of pharmacy the vendors of so called chromatography data systems (CDS) had to implement the guidelines of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 (CFR 21) during the last years in order to fulfill the increasing requirements. The CFR 21 part 11 deals with electronic records and signatures. This part is binding for each company in the regulated environment that will create, edit and sign electronic information instead of printing them on paper. The subsection CFR 21 part 11.10(h) explains how to perform an input check but it is very focused on the manual entry of data by the user. In this article we like to present a method in order to extend the input check to the data that will be provided by the hardware instrument and received by the CDS. A software tool has been written which allowes to communicate with a HPLC detector and acquire data from it. The communication is completely independent from a CDS which is started separately and connected to the same system. Using this configuration we made a parallel data acquisition of two instances at the same time possible. Two CDSs have been tested and for at least one of them it has been shown that a comparison of the acquired data can be done as like as the double entry method for the data verification. Same would be applicable for the second CDS after a few modifications. The given approach could be either used for a live data verification of produced raw data or as a single test during a software operational qualification to verify the data acquisition functionality of the software

    Comparison of measurement and simulation of ATLAS cavern radiation background

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    Sixteen Medipix2 pixel detector based (MPX) devices were operated at various positions within the ATLAS detector and cavern continuously from early 2008 up to 2013. In addition to photons, each MPX detector is capable to detect charged particles, and neutrons as it is covered with a mask of converter materials dividing its area into regions sensitive to thermal or fast neutrons. The MPX detector network was effectively used for real-time measurements of the spectral characteristics and composition of complex radiation fields in ATLAS. This article reports comparison of the results of measurements performed with MPX detectors during the LHC operation period in 2010 and 2011 with Monte Carlo simulations results from the FLUGG and GCALOR codes. For the purpose of this comparison, the MPX detectors were operated in tracking mode with low threshold (8-10 keV) allowing one to distinguish among particle categories based on the recognition of track patterns left by the particles in the MPX sensitive layer. The comparison of measurements with simulations shows that the agreement between measured and simulated data is satisfactory in most cases within a factor of two

    Design, Implementation and First Measurements with the Medipix Neutron Camera in CMS

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    The Medipix detector is the first device dedicated to measuring mixed-field radiation in the CMS cavern and able to distinguish between different particle types. Medipix2-MXR chips bump bonded to silicon sensors with various neutron conversion layers developed by the IEAP CTU in Prague were successfully installed for the 2008 LHC start-up in the CMS experimental and services caverns to measure the flux of various particle types, in particular neutrons. They have operated almost continuously during the 2010 run period, and the results shown here are from the proton run between the beginning of July and the end of October 2010. Clear signals are seen and different particle types have been observed during regular LHC luminosity running, and an agreement in the measured flux rate is found with the simulations. These initial results are promising, and indicate that these devices have the potential for further and future LHC and high energy physics applications as radiation monitoring devices for mixed field environments, including neutron flux monitoring. Further extensions are foreseen in the near future to increase the performance of the detector and its coverage for monitoring in CMS.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, submitted to JINS

    Double entry method for the verification of data a chromatography data system receives

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    The importance of software validation increases since the need for high usability and suitability of software applications grows. In order to reduce costs and manage risk factors, more and more recommendations and rules have been established. In the field of pharmacy the vendors of so-called chromatography data systems (CDSs) had to implement the guidelines of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 (CFR 21) during the last few years in order to fulfill the increasing requirements. The CFR 21 part 11 deals with electronic records and signatures. This part is binding for each company in the regulated environment that wishes to create, edit and sign electronic information instead of printing them on paper. Subsection CFR 21 part 11.10(h) explains how to perform an input check for manual user entries as well as for data that will be collected from an external device. In this article we present an approach performing the double entry method on data provided by the hardware instrument in order to investigate possible influences on the raw data by the handling CDS. A software tool has been written which allows us to communicate with a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) detector and acquire data from it. The communication is completely independent of a CDS which is started separately and connected to the same system. Using this configuration we made a parallel data acquisition of two instances at the same time possible. Two CDSs have been tested and for at least one of them it has been shown that a comparison of the acquired data can be done as with the double entry method for the data verification. For the second CDS we checked whether it would be applicable after a few modifications. The given approach could be either used for a live data verification of produced raw data or as a single test during a software operational qualification to verify the data acquisition functionality of the software.</p

    Dark Matter Spin-Dependent Limits for WIMP Interactions on 19-F by PICASSO

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    The PICASSO experiment at SNOLAB reports new results for spin-dependent WIMP interactions on 19^{19}F using the superheated droplet technique. A new generation of detectors and new features which enable background discrimination via the rejection of non-particle induced events are described. First results are presented for a subset of two detectors with target masses of 19^{19}F of 65 g and 69 g respectively and a total exposure of 13.75 ±\pm 0.48 kgd. No dark matter signal was found and for WIMP masses around 24 GeV/c2^2 new limits have been obtained on the spin-dependent cross section on 19^{19}F of σF\sigma_F = 13.9 pb (90% C.L.) which can be converted into cross section limits on protons and neutrons of σp\sigma_p = 0.16 pb and σn\sigma_n = 2.60 pb respectively (90% C.L). The obtained limits on protons restrict recent interpretations of the DAMA/LIBRA annual modulations in terms of spin-dependent interactions.Comment: Revised version, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett. B, 20 pages, 7 figure

    Inclusive dielectron production in proton-proton collisions at 2.2 GeV beam energy

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    Data on inclusive dielectron production are presented for the reaction p+p at 2.2 GeV measured with the High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES). Our results supplement data obtained earlier in this bombarding energy regime by DLS and HADES. The comparison with the 2.09 GeV DLS data is discussed. The reconstructed e+e- distributions are confronted with simulated pair cocktails, revealing an excess yield at invariant masses around 0.5 GeV/c2. Inclusive cross sections of neutral pion and eta production are obtained

    Competing charge transfer pathways at the photosystem II-electrode interface.

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    The integration of the water-oxidation enzyme photosystem II (PSII) into electrodes allows the electrons extracted from water oxidation to be harnessed for enzyme characterization and to drive novel endergonic reactions. However, PSII continues to underperform in integrated photoelectrochemical systems despite extensive optimization efforts. Here we carried out protein-film photoelectrochemistry using spinach and Thermosynechococcus elongatus PSII, and we identified a competing charge transfer pathway at the enzyme-electrode interface that short-circuits the known water-oxidation pathway. This undesirable pathway occurs as a result of photo-induced O2 reduction occurring at the chlorophyll pigments and is promoted by the embedment of PSII in an electron-conducting fullerene matrix, a common strategy for enzyme immobilization. Anaerobicity helps to recover the PSII photoresponse and unmasks the onset potentials relating to the QA/QB charge transfer process. These findings impart a fuller understanding of the charge transfer pathways within PSII and at photosystem-electrode interfaces, which will lead to more rational design of pigment-containing photoelectrodes in general.This work was supported by the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/H00338X/2 to E. Reisner), the U.K. Biology and Biotechnological Sciences Research Council (BB/K010220/1 to E. Reisner), a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (PIIF-GA-2012-328085 RPSII to J.J.Z.). N.P. was supported by the Winton Fund for the Physics of Sustainability. E. Romero. and R.v.G. were supported by the VU University Amsterdam, the Laserlab-Europe Consortium, the TOP grant (700.58.305) from the Foundation of Chemical Sciences part of NWO, the Advanced Investigator grant (267333, PHOTPROT) from the European Research Council, and the EU FP7 project PAPETS (GA 323901). R.v.G. gratefully acknowledges his `Academy Professor' grant from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). We would also like to thank Miss Katharina Brinkert and Prof A. William Rutherford for a sample of T. elongatus PSII, and H. v. Roon for preparation of the spinach PSII samples

    Integrative Genomic Data Mining for Discovery of Potential Blood-Borne Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Cancer

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    Background: With the arrival of the postgenomic era, there is increasing interest in the discovery of biomarkers for the accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and early detection of cancer. Blood-borne cancer markers are favored by clinicians, because blood samples can be obtained and analyzed with relative ease. We have used a combined mining strategy based on an integrated cancer microarray platform, Oncomine, and the biomarker module of the Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA) program to identify potential blood-based markers for six common human cancer types. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the Oncomine platform, the genes overexpressed in cancer tissues relative to their corresponding normal tissues were filtered by Gene Ontology keywords, with the extracellular environment stipulated and a corrected Q value (false discovery rate) cut-off implemented. The identified genes were imported to the IPA biomarker module to separate out those genes encoding putative secreted or cell-surface proteins as blood-borne (blood/serum/plasma) cancer markers. The filtered potential indicators were ranked and prioritized according to normalized absolute Student t values. The retrieval of numerous marker genes that are already clinically useful or under active investigation confirmed the effectiveness of our mining strategy. To identify the biomarkers that are unique for each cancer type, the upregulated marker genes that are in common between each two tumor types across the six human tumors were also analyzed by the IPA biomarker comparison function. Conclusion/Significance: The upregulated marker genes shared among the six cancer types may serve as a molecular tool to complement histopathologic examination, and the combination of the commonly upregulated and unique biomarkers may serve as differentiating markers for a specific cancer. This approach will be increasingly useful to discover diagnostic signatures as the mass of microarray data continues to grow in the ‘omics’ era