263 research outputs found

    Modelling the components of binaries in Hyades: The dependence of the mixing-length parameter on stellar mass

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    We present our findings based on a detailed analysis for the binaries of the Hyades, in which the masses of the components are well known. We fit the models of components of a binary system to the observations so as to give the observed total V and B-V of that system and the observed slope of the main-sequence in the corresponding parts. According to our findings, there is a very definite relationship between the mixing-length parameter and the stellar mass. The fitting formula for this relationship can be given as alpha=9.19(M/Msun−0.74)0.053−6.65alpha = 9.19 (M/M_sun-0.74)^{0.053}-6.65, which is valid for stellar masses greater than 0.77 M_sun. While no strict information is gathered for the chemical composition of the cluster, as a result of degeneracy in the colour-magnitude diagram, by adopting Z=0.033 and using models for the components of 70 Tau and theta^2 Tau we find the hydrogen abundance to be X=0.676 and the age to be 670 Myr. If we assume that Z=0.024, then X=0.718 and the age is 720 Myr. Our findings concerning the mixing length parameter are valid for both sets of the solution. For both components of the active binary system V818 Tau, the differences between radii of the models with Z=0.024 and the observed radii are only about 4 percent. More generally, the effective temperatures of the models of low mass stars in the binary systems studied are in good agreement with those determined by spectroscopic methods.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Apsidal motion in the massive binary HD152218

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    Massive binary systems are important laboratories in which to probe the properties of massive stars and stellar physics in general. In this context, we analysed optical spectroscopy and photometry of the eccentric short-period early-type binary HD 152218 in the young open cluster NGC 6231. We reconstructed the spectra of the individual stars using a separating code. The individual spectra were then compared with synthetic spectra obtained with the CMFGEN model atmosphere code. We furthermore analysed the light curve of the binary and used it to constrain the orbital inclination and to derive absolute masses of 19.8 +/- 1.5 and 15.0 +/- 1.1 solar masses. Combining radial velocity measurements from over 60 years, we show that the system displays apsidal motion at a rate of (2.04^{+.23}_{-.24}) degree/year. Solving the Clairaut-Radau equation, we used stellar evolution models, obtained with the CLES code, to compute the internal structure constants and to evaluate the theoretically predicted rate of apsidal motion as a function of stellar age and primary mass. In this way, we determine an age of 5.8 +/- 0.6 Myr for HD 152218, which is towards the higher end of, but compatible with, the range of ages of the massive star population of NGC 6231 as determined from isochrone fitting.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    V.3 Present and future space missions for ultra-precision photometry

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    This book is dedicated to all the people interested in the CoRoT mission and the beautiful data that were delivered during its six year duration. Either amateurs, professional, young or senior researchers, they will find treasures not only at the time of this publication but also in the future twenty or thirty years. It presents the data in their final version, explains how they have been obtained, how to handle them, describes the tools necessary to understand them, and where to find them. It also highlights the most striking first results obtained up to now. CoRoT has opened several unexpected directions of research and certainly new ones still to be discovered

    Helioseismic analysis of the hydrogen partition function in the solar interior

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    The difference in the adiabatic gradient gamma_1 between inverted solar data and solar models is analyzed. To obtain deeper insight into the issues of plasma physics, the so-called ``intrinsic'' difference in gamma_1 is extracted, that is, the difference due to the change in the equation of state alone. Our method uses reference models based on two equations of state currently used in solar modeling, the Mihalas-Hummer-Dappen (MHD) equation of state, and the OPAL equation of state (developed at Livermore). Solar oscillation frequencies from the SOI/MDI instrument on board the SOHO spacecraft during its first 144 days in operation are used. Our results confirm the existence of a subtle effect of the excited states in hydrogen that was previously studied only theoretically (Nayfonov & Dappen 1998). The effect stems from internal partition function of hydrogen, as used in the MHD equation of state. Although it is a pure-hydrogen effect, it takes place in somewhat deeper layers of the Sun, where more than 90% of hydrogen is ionized, and where the second ionization zone of helium is located. Therefore, the effect will have to be taken into account in reliable helioseismic determinations of the astrophysically relevant helium-abundance of the solar convection zone.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Revised version submitted to Ap

    Identifying elastoplastic parameters with Bayes' theorem considering output error, input error and model uncertainty

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    We discuss Bayesian inference for the identification of elastoplastic material parameters. In addition to errors in the stress measurements, which are commonly considered, we furthermore consider errors in the strain measurements. Since a difference between the model and the experimental data may still be present if the data is not contaminated by noise, we also incorporate the possible error of the model itself. The three formulations to describe model uncertainty in this contribution are: (1) a random variable which is taken from a normal distribution with constant parameters, (2) a random variable which is taken from a normal distribution with an input-dependent mean, and (3) a Gaussian random process with a stationary covariance function. Our results show that incorporating model uncertainty often, but not always, improves the results. If the error in the strain is considered as well, the results improve even more

    Solar-like oscillations in cluster stars

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    We present a brief overview of the history of attempts to obtain a clear detection of solar-like oscillations in cluster stars, and discuss the results on the first clear detection, which was made by the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC) Working Group 2.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Astronomische Nachrichte

    Core properties of alpha Cen A using asteroseismology

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    A set of long and nearly continuous observations of alpha Centauri A should allow us to derive an accurate set of asteroseismic constraints to compare to models, and make inferences on the internal structure of our closest stellar neighbour. We intend to improve the knowledge of the interior of alpha Centauri A by determining the nature of its core. We combined the radial velocity time series obtained in May 2001 with three spectrographs in Chile and Australia: CORALIE, UVES, and UCLES. The resulting combined time series has a length of 12.45 days and contains over 10,000 data points and allows to greatly reduce the daily alias peaks in the power spectral window. We detected 44 frequencies that are in good overall agreement with previous studies, and found that 14 of these show possible rotational splittings. New values for the large and small separations have been derived. A comparison with stellar models indicates that the asteroseismic constraints determined in this study allows us to set an upper limit to the amount of convective-core overshooting needed to model stars of mass and metallicity similar to those of alpha Cen A.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, A&A accepte

    Probing the properties of convective cores through g modes: high-order g modes in SPB and gamma Doradus stars

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    In main sequence stars the periods of high-order gravity modes are sensitive probes of stellar cores and, in particular, of the chemical composition gradient that develops near the outer edge of the convective core. We present an analytical approximation of high-order g modes that takes into account the effect of the mu gradient near the core. We show that in main-sequence models, similarly to the case of white dwarfs, the periods of high-order gravity modes are accurately described by a uniform period spacing superposed to an oscillatory component. The periodicity and amplitude of such component are related, respectively, to the location and sharpness of the mu gradient. We investigate the properties of high-order gravity modes for stellar models in a mass domain between 1 and 10 Msun, and the effects of the stellar mass, evolutionary state, and extra-mixing processes on period spacing features. In particular, we show that for models of a typical SPB star, a chemical mixing that could likely be induced by the slow rotation observed in these stars, is able to significantly change the g-mode spectra of the equilibrium model. Prospects and challenges for the asteroseismology of gamma Doradus and SPB stars are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 29 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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