278 research outputs found

    Conceptual design parameters for MITR LEU-Mo fuel conversion demonstration experimental irradiations

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    Forest maturity has a stronger influence on the prevalence of spider monkeys than howler monkeys in an anthropogenically impacted rainforest landscape

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    [EN] The transformation and depletion of primary forest over the past few decades have placed almost half of the world's primate species under the threat of extinction. Developing any successful conservation program for primates requires distribution and demography data, as well as an understanding of the relationships between these factors and their habitat. Between March and June 2010 and 2011 we collected data on the presence and demographic parameters of howler and spider monkeys by carrying out surveys, and validated our findings using local knowledge. We then examined the relationship between forest type and the presence of these primates at 54 sites in the northern area of the Selva Zoque Corridor, Mexico. We detected 86 spider monkey groups across 31 plots and censused 391 individuals (mean +/- SD = 5.9 +/- 3.0 individuals per sub-group, n = 67 sub-groups). We also detected 69 howler monkey groups across 30 plots and censused 117 individuals (mean +/- SD = 5.3 +/- 2.4 individuals per group, n = 22 groups). Howler monkey presence was not related to any specific vegetation type, while spider monkeys were present in areas with a higher percentage of tall forest (trees > 25 m high). Overall, spider monkeys were more prevalent than howler monkeys in our sampling sites and showed demographic characteristics similar to those in better protected areas, suggesting that the landscape features in the Uxpanapa Valley are suitable for their needs. Conversely, howler monkey presence was found to be more limited than in other regions, possibly due to the extended presence of spider monkeys.We thank the National Council of Science of Technology (CONACyT) and the Veracruz State Government for providing financial support to the project (grant no. 108990). ASG received support from Bournemouth University, the Centro de Investigaciones Tropicales and CONACyT (registration 195409) to conduct all the data analysis as part of her PhD. JCD received funding from the Isaac Newton Trust. We thank C. A. Munoz-Robles for providing the base map of the study site. We are very grateful to the communities of the Uxpanapa Valley for helping us throughout the development of this project. We are grateful to Dr Bicca-Marques and to two anonymous reviewers for their comments, which greatly helped in improving this manuscript. This study complied with the legal requirements of Mexico (SEMARNAT-DGVS/03660/11) and was approved by Universidad Veracruzana

    Measuring the Quantum State of a Large Angular Momentum

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    We demonstrate a general method to measure the quantum state of an angular momentum of arbitrary magnitude. The (2F+1) x (2F+1) density matrix is completely determined from a set of Stern-Gerlach measurements with (4F+1) different orientations of the quantization axis. We implement the protocol for laser cooled Cesium atoms in the 6S_{1/2}(F=4) hyperfine ground state and apply it to a variety of test states prepared by optical pumping and Larmor precession. A comparison of input and measured states shows typical reconstruction fidelities of about 0.95.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Real-time sampling of travelers shows intestinal colonization by multidrug-resistant bacteria to be a dynamic process with multiple transient acquisitions

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    AbstractBackgroundAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is highly prevalent in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). International travel contributes substantially to the global spread of intestinal multidrug-resistant gram-negative (MDR-GN) bacteria. Of the 100 million annual visitors to LMIC, 30–70% become colonized by MDR-GN bacteria. The phenomenon has been well documented, but since sampling has only been conducted after travelers’ return home, data on the actual colonization process are scarce. We aimed to characterize colonization dynamics by exploring stool samples abroad on a daily basis while visiting LMIC.MethodsA group of 20 European volunteers visiting Lao People’s Democratic Republic for three weeks provided daily stool samples and filled in daily questionnaires. Acquisition of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing gram-negative bacteria (ESBL-GN) was examined by selective stool cultures followed by whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of isolates.ResultsWhile colonization rates were 70% at the end of the study, daily sampling revealed that all participants had acquired ESBL-GN at some time point during their overseas stay, the colonization status varying day by day. WGS analysis ascribed the transient pattern of colonization to sequential acquisition of new strains, resulting in a loss of detectable colonization by the initial MDR-GN strains. All but one participant acquired multiple strains (n=2–7). Of the total of 83 unique strains identified (53 E. coli, 10 Klebsiella, 20 other ESBL-GN species), some were shared by as many as four subjects.ConclusionsThis is the first study to characterize in real time the dynamics of acquiring MDR-GN during travel. Our data show multiple transient colonization events indicative of constant microbial competition.</jats:sec

    The learning styles neuromyth:when the same term means different things to different teachers

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    Alexia Barrable - ORCID: 0000-0002-5352-8330 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5352-8330Although learning styles (LS) have been recognised as a neuromyth, they remain a virtual truism within education. A point of concern is that the term LS has been used within theories that describe them using completely different notions and categorisations. This is the first empirical study to investigate education professionals’ conceptualisation, as well as means of identifying and implementing LS in their classroom. A sample of 123 education professionals were administered a questionnaire consisting both closed- and open-ended questions. Responses were analysed using thematic analysis. LS were found to be mainly conceptualised within the Visual-Auditory-(Reading)-Kinaesthetic (VAK/VARK) framework, as well as Gardner’s multiple intelligences. Moreover, a lot of education professionals confused theories of learning (e.g., behavioural or cognitive theories) with LS. In terms of identifying LS, educators reported using a variety of methods, spanning from observation and everyday contact to the use of tests. The ways LS were implemented in the classroom were numerous, comprising various teaching aids, participatory techniques and motor activities. Overall, we argue that the extended use of the term LS gives the illusion of a consensus amongst educators, when a closer examination reveals that the term LS is conceptualised, identified and implemented idiosyncratically by different individuals. This study aims to be of use to pre-service and in-service teacher educators in their effort to debunk the neuromyth of LS and replace it with evidence-based practices.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-020-00485-236pubpub

    Paneth cell - rich regions separated by a cluster of Lgr5+ cells initiate crypt fission in the intestinal stem cell niche

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    The crypts of the intestinal epithelium house the stem cells that ensure the continual renewal of the epithelial cells that line the intestinal tract. Crypt number increases by a process called crypt fission, the division of a single crypt into two daughter crypts. Fission drives normal tissue growth and maintenance. Correspondingly, it becomes less frequent in adulthood. Importantly, fission is reactivated to drive adenoma growth. The mechanisms governing fission are poorly understood. However, only by knowing how normal fission operates can cancer-associated changes be elucidated. We studied normal fission in tissue in three dimensions using high-resolution imaging and used intestinal organoids to identify underlying mechanisms. We discovered that both the number and relative position of Paneth cells and Lgr5+ cells are important for fission. Furthermore, the higher stiffness and increased adhesion of Paneth cells are involved in determining the site of fission. Formation of a cluster of Lgr5+ cells between at least two Paneth-cell-rich domains establishes the site for the upward invagination that initiates fission

    ADP-Ribosylation Factor 6 Expression and Activation Are Reduced in Myometrium in Complicated Pregnancies

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    ARF6 (ADP-ribosylation factor 6) small GTP binding protein plays critical roles in actin cytoskeleton rearrangements and membrane trafficking, including internalisation of G protein coupled receptors (GPCR). ARF6 operates by cycling between GDP-bound (inactive) and GTP-bound (active) forms and is a potential regulator of GPCR-mediated uterine activity during pregnancy and labour. ARF6 contains very low intrinsic GTP binding activity and depends on GEFs (guanine nucleotide exchange factors) such as CYTH3 (cytohesin 3) to bind GTP. ARF6 and CYTH3 were originally cloned from human placenta, but there is no information on their expression in other reproductive tissues.The expression of ARF6, ARF1, and CYTH1-4 was investigated by measuring mRNA (using RT-PCR) and protein levels (using immunoblotting) in samples of myometrium obtained from non-pregnant women, and women with normal pregnancies, before or after the spontaneous onset of labour. We also analysed myometrial samples from women with spontaneous preterm labour and from women with complicated pregnancies requiring emergency preterm delivery. The GST)-effector pull down assay was used to study the presence of active ARF6 and ARF1 in all myometrial extracts.ARF6, ARF1 and CYTH3 but not CYTH1, CYTH2 and CYTH4 were expressed in all samples and the levels did not change with pregnancy or labour. However, ARF6 and CYTH3 but not ARF1 levels were significantly reduced in complicated pregnancies. The alterations in the expression of ARF6 and its GEF in human myometrium indicate a potential involvement of this signalling system in modulating the response of myometrial smooth muscle in complicated pregnancies. The levels of ARF6-GTP or ARF1-GTP did not change with pregnancy or labour but ARF6-GTP levels were significantly decreased in women with severe complications of pregnancy.We have demonstrated a functional ARF6 system in human myometrium and a correlation between ARF6 level and activity in uterine and abnormal pregnancy

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis Lineage Influences Innate Immune Response and Virulence and Is Associated with Distinct Cell Envelope Lipid Profiles

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    The six major genetic lineages of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are strongly associated with specific geographical regions, but their relevance to bacterial virulence and the clinical consequences of infection are unclear. Previously, we found that in Vietnam, East Asian/Beijing and Indo-Oceanic strains were significantly more likely to cause disseminated tuberculosis with meningitis than those from the Euro-American lineage. To investigate this observation we characterised 7 East Asian/Beijing, 5 Indo-Oceanic and 6 Euro-American Vietnamese strains in bone-marrow-derived macrophages, dendritic cells and mice. East Asian/Beijing and Indo-Oceanic strains induced significantly more TNF-α and IL-1β from macrophages than the Euro-American strains, and East Asian/Beijing strains were detectable earlier in the blood of infected mice and grew faster in the lungs. We hypothesised that these differences were induced by lineage-specific variation in cell envelope lipids. Whole lipid extracts from East Asian/Beijing and Indo-Oceanic strains induced higher concentrations of TNF-α from macrophages than Euro-American lipids. The lipid extracts were fractionated and compared by thin layer chromatography to reveal a distinct pattern of lineage-associated profiles. A phthiotriol dimycocerosate was exclusively produced by East Asian/Beijing strains, but not the phenolic glycolipid previously associated with the hyper-virulent phenotype of some isolates of this lineage. All Indo-Oceanic strains produced a unique unidentified lipid, shown to be a phenolphthiocerol dimycocerosate dependent upon an intact pks15/1 for its production. This was described by Goren as the ‘attenuation indictor lipid’ more than 40 years ago, due to its association with less virulent strains from southern India. Mutation of pks15/1 in a representative Indo-Oceanic strain prevented phenolphthiocerol dimycocerosate synthesis, but did not alter macrophage cytokine induction. Our findings suggest that the early interactions between M. tuberculosis and host are determined by the lineage of the infecting strain; but we were unable to show these differences are driven by lineage-specific cell-surface expressed lipids
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