881 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tarikan Perjalanan pada Mall Pekanbaru dan Plaza Senapelan terhadap Tingkat Pelayanan Saat ini dan Proyeksi 5 Tahun ke Depan

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    Penelitian ini mengukur kinerja lalu – lintas pada ruas jalan, menentukan besarnya tarikan bangkitan perjalanan, serta menentukan prediksi tarikan perjalanan pada pusat kegiatan Mall Pekanbaru dan Senapelan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara : P enempatan tempat survei yang dapat mempermudah pengamatan, pada setiap lajur ditempatkan dua orang, p engambilan data arus lalu lintas menggunakan hand counter, serta pengambilan data primer yang dilakukan didua tempat selama 4 hari. Hasil pe nelitian menunjukkan, untuk Jalan arteri p rimer S udirman volume arus lalu lintas harian tertinggi terjadi pada hari Senin sebesar 2823,2 smp / jam, kapasitas (C) Jalan arteri primer Sudirman adalah 5239,08 smp / jam, dan derajat kejenuhan (DS) sebesar 0,54, untuk tingkat pelayanan jalan arteri primer Sudirman berada pada tingkat pelayanan C, sedangkan untuk jalan Teuku Umar volume arus lalu lintas harian rata – rata tertinggi terjadi pada hari Sabtu sebesar 754,2 smp / jam, kapasitas (C) Jalan Teuku Umar adalah 2610,96 smp / jam, dan derajat kejenuhan (DS) sebesar 0,29, untuk tingkat pelayanan jalan Teuku Umar berada pada tingkat pelayanan B. Pengaruh tarikan perjalanan pada Mall Pekanbaru dan Plaza Senapelan terhadap tingkat pelayanan saat ini dan ruas jalan yang terkait adalah pada hari libur pada ruas jalan arteri primer Sudirman adalah sebesar 0,42 dan hari kerja 0,54, untuk ruas jalan Teuku Umar pada hari libur sebesar 0,29 dan hari kerja 0,16. Dari analisis pembahasan interprestasi model didapatkan jumlah tarikan pada Mall Pekanbaru pada tahun 2014 dari semua zona yang telah ditentukan mencapai angka total (dalam sampel) sebesar 892,299 perjalanan / hari. Sedangkan analisa prediksi pada Mall Pekanbaru pada tahun 2019 sebesar 2367 perjalanan / hari dan untuk Palaza Senapelan sebesar 2685 perjalanan / hari

    An Analysis of Cohesion Devices in Political News of the Jakarta Post: a Discourse Analysis Approach

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    Newspaper is one of an effective tool to deliverthoughts or even to get the information. The languageof journalism in the newspaper is related to the actionor opinion from people and it is conveyed into a text.This research is aimed at knowing the function of thetext by analyzing the text based on the Discourseanalysis. The researcher uses cohesion devices toanalyze the text of political news in an onlinenewspaper. This research is designed as a descriptiveresearch where the researcher conducts the researchin order to knowing the phenomenon in the field ofstudy. The researcher, then, analyze the text based onthe cohesion devices such as substitution, ellipsis,conjunction, reference and lexical cohesion. Theresult of this research shows that the text in an onlinenewspaper which is analyzed in this research has agood structure of cohesiv

    Sebaran Total Suspended Solid (Tss) di Kawasan Muara Sungai Kampar Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau

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    The study was conducted from January to February 2017 in Kampar River Estuary Area of Pelalawan District of Riau Province. Water sample analysis was done at the Chemical Oceanography Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine. This study aims to determine the distribution of TSS (total suspended solid) at high tide and low tide. The method used is survey method and determination of station point using pur-posive sampling. The results showed that the total suspended solid (TSS) distribution during tidal to low tide with the average value of the lowest TSS content at station 2 was 91 mg/l and the highest was in station 7 of 670 mg/l. At low tide, the average val-ue of the lowest TSS content at station 1 is 65 mg/l and the highest is at station 6 of 448 mg/l

    The Effect of Land Cover on the Air and Surface Urban Heat Island of a Desert Oasis

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    Cities often experience a distinct climate compared to the surrounding area characterized by differences in air temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and amount of precipitation. Thus far, research on the urban heat island (UHI) effect has focused on cool temperate, Mediterranean and tropical climatic regions, whereas less attention has been given to the study of arid regions where the daytime surface temperature can be extremely high. This study concerns the Al Ahsa oasis, Saudi Arabia, which is a rapidly developing urban centre in an arid region. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of land cover on the urban and sub-urban environment using ground data and multi-scale and multi-temporal satellite thermal imagery. Land surface temperatures derived from satellite thermal imagery are compared with observations from ground-based fixed and mobile temperature and relative humidity logging stations for periods in February and July. Thermal radiometers from different sensors, Landsat 7 ETM+ and MODIS, were used to measure the outgoing radiation budget at specific locations within the urban landscape. Fieldwork was undertaken contemporary with satellite overpasses to measure the diurnal air temperatures and relative humidity across different land cover types including agriculture, urban, water, exposed rock surfaces, sabkha and sand dunes. These data provide the most complete experiment so far conducted to test and refine models of the thermal radiation budget of the arid zone at the sub-city scale. The findings of this study have emphasized the effectiveness of combining the two methods, ground and satellite data, to investigate the relationship between land cover and UHI intensity. Results reveal a significant relationship between UHI spatial distribution and land cover using the two methods: mobile traverses and remote sensing. The UHI intensity is higher during the summer than the winter and at night-time than in the day. The highest UHI intensity, (10.5 °C), is located over the two major cities in the oasis (Al Hufuf and Al Mubarraz) while the lowest temperatures (- 6.4 °C below UHI), are recorded in the small villages and vegetated areas during summer at night. The outcome of this thesis will help future urban development and planning projects and provide a framework for implementing rules and regulations by local government agencies for a sustainable urban development approach

    Occurrence and sources of aliphatic hydrocarbons in surface soils from Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia

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    AbstractSoil particles contain a variety of anthropogenic and natural organic components derived from many sources such as industrial and traffic fossil fuel emissions and terrestrial biota. The organic contents of soil and sand from the Arabian region have not fully characterized. Thus, samples of fine soil particles (sieved to <125μM) were collected from the Riyadh area in November 2006 (late summer) and February 2007 (late winter). The samples were extracted with a mixture of dichloromethane/hexane and analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GCMS) in order to characterize the chemical composition and sources of aliphatic hydrocarbons. The results showed that both anthropogenic and natural biogenic inputs were the major sources of the aliphatic hydrocarbons in these extracts. Vehicular emission products and discarded plastics were the major anthropogenic sources in the fine particles of the soils and ranged from 64% to 96% in November 2006 and from 70% to 92% in February 2007. Their tracers were n-alkanes, hopanes, sterane, plasticizers and UCM. Vegetation was also a major natural source of hydrocarbon compounds in samples ranging from ∼0% to18% in November 2006 and from 1% to 13% in February 2007 and included n-alkanes and triterpenoids

    Epidemiological Surveillance of Communicable Diseases in Baghdad City during the Period January-April 2006

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    The records of Primary Health Care Centres (Al-Risafa section of Baghdad) were inspected for communicable diseases during the period January-April 2006. There were 8622 recorded cases (the diagnosis was based on a clinical examination and laboratory findings), which were distributed as 4782 (55.5%), 1430 (16.6%), 1604 (18.6%) and 806 (9.3%) for Sadar city, Risafa, A'adhamyiah and Mada'in, respectively. The highest frequency was reported for chicken pox (42.7%), followed by mumps and typhoid fever (20 and 13.7%, respectively), while diphtheria and cholera were not recorded. These three most frequent diseases were further analyzed, and their distribution showed a significant difference (P ? 0.001). April was the month of the highest recorded cases (48.05%), followed by March (18.8%), January (18.1%) and finally February (14.7%)
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