206 research outputs found

    A dynamic model for delta rhythm fit to high-frequency cortical activity data shows discrete functional connectivity in mouse cortex

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    Spontaneous activity as recorded by fMRI has often been used to infer active connections (\u27functional connectivity\u27) in the human brain through correlations of activity measures. Some serious questions have been raised about the interpretation of these correlations, which are often apparent only on time scales of tens of seconds. Confirmation of correlations in measures of activity on shorter time-scales closer to those of neural activity would be very desirable. Numerous mechanisms have been proposed for various rhythms but in the past half-century little consensus has been reached on the mechanism of any major rhythm. The recent development of high-throughput imaging methods enable us for the first time to rigorously and quantitatively test ideas about the dynamics of brain rhythms. We have generated high-resolution data on neural activity over most of one hemisphere of mouse cortex by voltage-sensitive dyes, in both anesthetized and awake animals. In previous work [1] we have analyzed relations between activity measures at different locations in terms of correlations. Here we fit these data to a predictive model, in which we attempt to predict the next change in activity at every point on cortex from the current pattern of activity over cortex. We fit both linear and non-linear models, whose parameters represent the intrinsic dynamics of local cortical regions and the inputs from distal regions. We find that all regions of mouse cortex appear to have virtually identical patterns of intrinsic dynamics (Figure 1A). We find that even a simple linear fit gives surprisingly sparse patterns of inferred connectivity. Where we have clear anatomical information, these fitted patterns appear to match known anatomy. Furthermore this fit can be used to identify the most prominent functional inputs into anatomically diffusely-connected areas such as the parietal association area (Figure 1B). Poster presentation from the Twenty Third Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*201

    Certainly Unsupervisable States

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    This paper proposes an abstraction method for compositional synthesis. Synthesis is a method to automatically compute a control program or supervisor that restricts the behaviour of a given system to ensure safety and liveness. Compositional synthesis uses repeated abstraction and simplification to combat the state-space explosion problem for large systems. The abstraction method proposed in this paper finds and removes the so-called certainly unsupervisable states. By removing these states at an early stage, the final state space can be reduced substantially. The paper describes an algorithm with cubic time complexity to compute the largest possible set of removable states. A practical example demonstrates the feasibility of the method to solve real-world problems

    In vivo Large-Scale Cortical Mapping Using Channelrhodopsin-2 Stimulation in Transgenic Mice Reveals Asymmetric and Reciprocal Relationships between Cortical Areas

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    We have mapped intracortical activity in vivo independent of sensory input using arbitrary point channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) stimulation and regional voltage sensitive dye imaging in B6.Cg-Tg (Thy1-COP4/EYFP)18Gfng/J transgenic mice. Photostimulation of subsets of deep layer pyramidal neurons within forelimb, barrel, or visual primary sensory cortex led to downstream cortical maps that were dependent on synaptic transmission and were similar to peripheral sensory stimulation. ChR2-evoked maps confirmed homotopic connections between hemispheres and intracortical sensory and motor cortex connections. This ability of optogentically activated subpopulations of neurons to drive appropriate downstream maps suggests that mechanisms exist to allow prototypical cortical maps to self-assemble from the stimulation of neuronal subsets. Using this principle of map self-assembly, we employed ChR2 point stimulation to map connections between cortical areas that are not selectively activated by peripheral sensory stimulation or behavior. Representing the functional cortical regions as network nodes, we identified asymmetrical connection weights in individual nodes and identified the parietal association area as a network hub. Furthermore, we found that the strength of reciprocal intracortical connections between primary and secondary sensory areas are unequal, with connections from primary to secondary sensory areas being stronger than the reciprocal

    Verification of Decision Making Software in an Autonomous Vehicle: An Industrial Case Study

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    Correctness of autonomous driving systems is crucial as\ua0incorrect behaviour may have catastrophic consequences. Many different\ua0hardware and software components (e.g. sensing, decision making, actuation,\ua0and control) interact to solve the autonomous driving task, leading to a level of complexity that brings new challenges for the formal verification\ua0community. Though formal verification has been used to prove\ua0correctness of software, there are significant challenges in transferring\ua0such techniques to an agile software development process and to ensure\ua0widespread industrial adoption. In the light of these challenges, the identification\ua0of appropriate formalisms, and consequently the right verification\ua0tools, has significant impact on addressing them. In this paper, we\ua0evaluate the application of different formal techniques from supervisory\ua0control theory, model checking, and deductive verification to verify existing\ua0decision and control software (in development) for an autonomous\ua0vehicle. We discuss how the verification objective differs with respect tothe choice of formalism and the level of formality that can be applied.\ua0Insights from the case study show a need for multiple formal methods to\ua0prove correctness, the difficulty to capture the right level of abstraction\ua0to model and specify the formal properties for the verification objectives

    Quantitative Whole Body Biodistribution of Fluorescent-Labeled Agents by Non-Invasive Tomographic Imaging

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    When small molecules or proteins are injected into live animals, their physical and chemical properties will significantly affect pharmacokinetics, tissue penetration, and the ultimate routes of metabolism and clearance. Fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) offers the ability to non-invasively image and quantify temporal changes in fluorescence throughout the major organ systems of living animals, in a manner analogous to traditional approaches with radiolabeled agents. This approach is best used with biotherapeutics (therapeutic antibodies, or other large proteins) or large-scaffold drug-delivery vectors, that are minimally affected by low-level fluorophore conjugation. Application to small molecule drugs should take into account the significant impact of fluorophore labeling on size and physicochemical properties, however, the presents studies show that this technique is readily applied to small molecule agents developed for far-red (FR) or near infrared (NIR) imaging. Quantification by non-invasive FMT correlated well with both fluorescence from tissue homogenates as well as with planar (2D) fluorescence reflectance imaging of excised intact organs (r2 = 0.996 and 0.969, respectively). Dynamic FMT imaging (multiple times from 0 to 24 h) performed in live mice after the injection of four different FR/NIR-labeled agents, including immunoglobulin, 20–50 nm nanoparticles, a large vascular imaging agent, and a small molecule integrin antagonist, showed clear differences in the percentage of injected dose per gram of tissue (%ID/g) in liver, kidney, and bladder signal. Nanoparticles and IgG1 favored liver over kidney signal, the small molecule integrin-binding agent favored rapid kidney and bladder clearance, and the vascular agent, showed both liver and kidney clearance. Further assessment of the volume of distribution of these agents by fluorescent volume added information regarding their biodistribution and highlighted the relatively poor extravasation into tissue by IgG1. These studies demonstrate the ability of quantitative FMT imaging of FR/NIR agents to non-invasively visualize and quantify the biodistribution of different agents over time

    Developmental regulation of CB1-mediated spike-time dependent depression at immature mossy fiber-CA3 synapses

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    Early in postnatal life, mossy fibres (MF), the axons of granule cells in the dentate gyrus, release GABA which is depolarizing and excitatory. Synaptic currents undergo spike-time dependent long-term depression (STD-LTD) regardless of the temporal order of stimulation (pre versus post and viceversa). Here we show that at P3 but not at P21, STD-LTD, induced by negative pairing, is mediated by endocannabinoids mobilized from the postsynaptic cell during spiking-induced membrane depolarization. By diffusing backward, endocannabinoids activate cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptors probably expressed on MF. Thus, STD-LTD was prevented by CB1 receptor antagonists and was absent in CB1-KO mice. Consistent with these data, in situ hybridization experiments revealed detectable level of CB1 mRNA in the granule cell layer at P3 but not at P21. These results indicate that CB1 receptors are transiently expressed on immature MF terminals where they counteract the enhanced neuronal excitability induced by the excitatory action of GABA

    Sub region-specific modulation of synchronous neuronal burst firing after a kainic acid insult in organotypic hippocampal cultures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Excitotoxicity occurs in a number of pathogenic states including stroke and epilepsy. The adaptations of neuronal circuits in response to such insults may be expected to play an underlying role in pathogenesis. Synchronous neuronal firing can be induced in isolated hippocampal slices and involves all regions of this structure, thereby providing a measure of circuit activity. The effect of an excitotoxic insult (kainic acid, KA) on Mg<sup>2+</sup>-free-induced synchronized neuronal firing was tested in organotypic hippocampal culture by measuring extracellular field activity in CA1 and CA3.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Within 24 hrs of the insult regional specific changes in neuronal firing patterns were evident as: (i) a dramatic <it>reduction </it>in the ability of CA3 to generate firing; and (ii) a contrasting <it>increase </it>in the frequency and duration of synchronized neuronal firing events in CA1. Two distinct processes underlie the increased propensity of CA1 to generate synchronized burst firing; a lack of ability of the CA3 region to 'pace' CA1 resulting in an increased frequency of synchronized events; and a change in the 'intrinsic' properties limited to the CA1 region, which is responsible for increased event duration. Neuronal quantification using NeuN immunoflurescent staining and stereological confocal microscopy revealed no significant cell loss in hippocampal sub regions, suggesting that changes in the properties of neurons within this region were responsible for the KA-mediated excitability changes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results provide novel insight into adaptation of hippocampal circuits following excitotoxic injury. KA-mediated disruption of the interplay between CA3 and CA1 clearly increases the propensity to synchronized firing in CA1.</p