2,092 research outputs found

    Using an Electronically Delivered and Culturally Based Nutrition Module to Educate Latino Parents

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    Research Question: In the absence of current culturally based nutrition education at a northern California pediatric clinic, will a Latino and technology based nutrition education modality for the delivery of nutrition education to parents of Latino patients ages one year to 18 years old increase their nutrition knowledge? Purpose: To improve outcomes in the parents’ nutrition knowledge in order to improve the patients’ health status and promote future healthy nutrition behaviors. Methods: The project was a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test quantitative design. The primary outcome measures for the project included the difference between the pre-test knowledge survey from the post-education module survey to determine the immediate impact of nutrition education. The survey had a multiple-choice design. Upon completion of the survey, the participants were instructed to watch a short (six minutes) nutrition education module on fruits and vegetables delivered though iTunes on an iPad. Outcomes and Results: The paired samples t-test revealed there was a significantly higher average knowledge score on the post-test than the pre-test, t(129) = -2.364, p\u3c0.05. This project provides a framework for future studies involving the use of culture and technology based nutrition education modules

    Proses Sosialisasi Belajar Kitab Kuning pada Santri Tingkat Wustha di Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Nurhidayah Desa Bencah Kelubi Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kampar

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    This study was conducted to determine how the socialization process of learning the yellow book on students rate Wustha related to socialization patterns and the response of students to the methods of studying the yellow book in the cottage Salafiyah Nurhidayah Bencah Kelubi village Tapung subdistrict Kampar districts. Where in the yellow book learning activities of students responses are more familiar with methods sorogan compared bandongan method. To know the process of socialization associated with socialization patterns and the response of the students to the methods used, the authors conducted studies using quantitative methods with descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques used in this research is observation, guided interviews, documentation and questionnaires. The number of subject in this study were 31 respondents that all wustha level 1 class students studying the book of kuning.The results of research carried out showed that the process of socialization associated with socialization patterns of the pattern of authoritarian, democratic pattern and the pattern is permissive. Sorogan method is associated with a democratic pattern because the method sorogan students be more active, the interaction between the chaplain to students even if rudimentary. Besides, chaplain to provide guidance and direction to students so that more students to be open and willing to ask if there are lessons that are poorly understood. Whereas bandongan method is highly correlated with authoritarian pattern because with these methods more students to be passive, more dominant religious teacher in learning activities for students are not given the freedom to ask if there are lessons that are poorly understood but supervisory chaplain to students is very strict. But the response of students to the lesson quite familiar yellow book, just that the study methods are still lacking and had to be repaired because sorogan methods to improve learning outcomes more effective than the method bandongan which the majority of students are less familiar with these methods. This can be a guideline for the cleric who teaches the yellow book to replace the method bandongan with more democratic method so that the learning outcomes of studens increased

    Pelayanan Hak – Hak Pelanggan PT. Garuda Indonesia : Studi Kasus Pada Bencana Kabut Asap Di Pekanbaru Riau

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    Smoke haze happened in Riau in 2015 result in losses in sveral aspect, one of which in the field of transportation. Loss the most truth is air transport. Flight for smoke haze many tha were cancelled because of the smoke haze very thick so many a flight that in schedule it again. Airline Garuda Indonesia is air line so known as air line best in Southeast Asia so that PT. Garuda Indonesia have some strategy in serve the passengers for smoke haze so that right customers could be met. The purpose of this research is want to see how service the right customers PT. Garuda Indonesia in the case of disaster smoke haze in Pekanbaru Riau and know factorc anything influence it.Researches used the theory leach which states that service criteria that right customers that is the right to obtain good services, a right to know how decisions on the services certain made and the right to heard and be noticed opinionts. This research uses the method descriptive qualitative, techniuque data collectin through observation and interview where parties involved in this research as informants.The results ogf this study indicate that the right care customers right PT. Garuda Indonesia in case of Disaster Haze in Pekambaru in Riau have not done everything well where there are still some strategies from Pt. Garuda Indonesia is yet to be done. Factors – factors that affect performance rights – rights for customers in Pekanbaru Riau Haze is communication and coordination

    Identification of Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica and Cryptosporidium sp. in Feces of Diarrheal Patient at Puskesmas Jatinangor, September–November 2012

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    Background: Diarrhea is one of the main public health problems occurring in West Java. One of the affected areas is Subdistrict Jatinangor. Inappropriate management of sanitation facilities around Jatinangor area causes contamination of water. Cikeruh River is one of the water sources in Jatinangor Area, from which people obtain water for daily activities. Water borne illness due to poor sanitation condition can lead to parasitic infection such as Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica and Cryptosporidium parvum whichcan cause a prolonged diarrhea. There has not been any study done regarding the presence of parasitical infection causing diarrhea around Jatinangor.Methods: In order to identify the parasitic infection, a descriptive study was carried out on 16 fecal samples collected from diarrheal patient who visited Puskesmas Jatinangor from September–November 2012. The parasites were checked by using wet mount methodResults: The parasites found were Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium parvum, but none of Giardia lamblia. There were also other findings such as Iodamoeba butschlii and Entamoeba coli.Conclusion: Positive findings of Entamoeba histolytica and Cryptosporidium parvum in diarrhea patients is most probably due to contaminated water and food. Measures need to be done to improve sanitary condition in Cikeruh River to prevent diarrhea. [AMJ.2015;2(1):213–16

    Pengukuran Kinerja Bank Umum Syariah dengan Maqasid Index dan Sharia Conformity And Profitability (SCNP)

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    This study aims to measure the performance of Islamic banking by using maqasid sharia Framework and SCnP model, which both of the models have been adapted to the characteristics of Islamic banking. Research carried out on seven Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) for five years, from 2010 to 2014. The results by using maqasid index model shows that there are variations and fluctuative performance between BUS. The total of maqasid index over the past five years are in the range from 0,16901 to 0,34297. Bank Muamalat Indonesia is considered as the most stable BUS on maqasid sharia performance during the period of observation. This statement can be concluded from the BMI total index which always exceeds 0,30 and always got the first rank or second rank in each year, except in 2014, where in 2014 a decline of performance simultaneously happened on the 6 samples of BUS including BMI. Next, the performance measurement by using SCnP model, showed that during five years most of the BUS in Indonesia are at LRQ (Lower Right Quadrant) and LLQ (Lower Left Quadrant), it means that most of BUS in Indonesia have high sharia conformity but low profitability, or have low sharia conformity and low profitability. BMI decide as the best performance bank by Using SCnP model. It can be concluded as we know that BMI is the most consistent bank in URQ. Measurement using maqasid index and SCnP model show not only Islamic banks with highest total index can reach URQ. It can be concluded from BPS which two times get the first rank but BPS can not reach URQ
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