48 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Kesehatan Masyarakat Berbasis Bukti

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    Evidence-based public health policy is not a linear extrapolationof evidence-based medicine to the public health arena. Relevanttypologies, rather than hierarchies, of evidence, should beapplied to support public health policy. There are multipledimensions of evidence used for health policy formulation in aspecific political, social and cultural context. Typologies ofevidence for public health policy are broader than clinicalpractices. Methods for evidence production, appraisal andsystematic reviews for public health policy need to bedeveloped and applied to solve major public health issues,such as tobacco use and exposure to environmental tobaccosmoke.Keywords: evidence, public health, polic

    Model Skedul Migrasi Dan Aplikasinya Dalam Proyeksi Penduduk Multiregional

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    Migration is one of demographic component beside fertility and mortality. The objective of thesis is to find model migration schedules and its application to multiregional population projection. Rogers et al. (1978) proposed one model migration schedules consist of 11 parameters. As the comparisson to that model this paper proposed another model used polinomial function. By divided Indonesia into two regions, Java-Bali and outer JavaBali, it would be found model migration schedules. The model be implemented to multiregional population projection based on SUPAS 2005 data. The result showed that the population growth continu to decreased and will reach -0,00066 in stable condition

    Pengembangan Model Matematika Deterministik Penyebaran Penyakit Demam Berdarah

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    Pada tulisan ini akan dikembangkan model penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah pada populasi manusia, dan nyamuk dengan mengambil kasus Kabupaten Sukabumi di Jawa Barat. Dengan menggunakan data tersebut, maka dapat digambarkan kondisi penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah. Penyakit demam berdarah dapat menjadi kasus epidemik apabila banyaknya individu yang terinfeksi terus meningkat. Dengan melakukan analisis dan perhitungan diperoleh bilangan reproduksi dasar 0 yang dapat memprediksi terjadinya kasus endemik. Selanjutnya dilakukan simulasi model dengan pengaruh suhu menunjukan bahwa peningkatan suhu mengakibatkan â„›0 naik sehingga penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah semakin mewabah dan semakin besar nilai rata-rata gigitan nyamuk menyebabkan penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah mewabah

    Model Dinamika Sel Tumor Dengan Terapi Pengobatan Menggunakan Virus Oncolytic

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    Selama ini virus diasosiasikan sebagai penyebab utama terjadinya berbagai penyakit. Namun, studi terbaru menunjukkan setidaknya ada beberapa virus yang memiliki kemampuan anti kanker yang dapat digunakan untuk terapi kanker metastatis. Salah satunya adalah virus anti kanker oncolytic. Virus ini dipelajari karena perlakuannya terhadap sel kanker, yang mampu menginfeksi dan memecahkan sel-sel kanker tanpa merusak sel normal. Interaksi antara tumor dengan virus oncolytic sangat kompleks dan tidak linear. Penyembuhan sel tumor dengan pemberian virus oncolytic dimodelkan secara matematis. Model tersebut menggambarkan suatu interaksi antara dua jenis sel tumor, yaitu sel tumor terjangkit virus oncolytic dan sel tumor yang tidak terjangkit virus oncolytic. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas pengaruh perubahan parameter model terhadap kestabilan model secara keseluruhan. Selanjutnya ditunjukkan bahwa terapi virus oncolytic sebagai terapi penyembuhan tumor sangat bergantung pada nilai parameter, karena pemberian parameter yang berbeda maka akan menunjukkan berbagai perilaku sel tumor. Kata kunci : virus oncolytic, model tumor, kestabilan, permodelan matematika

    Manfaat Aromaterapi Lavender Terhadap Penurunan Insomnia Pada Lansia

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    Insomnia is the primary sleeping problem experienced mostly by elderly. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of lavender aromatherapy for insomnia reduction in elderly. This study used pre-experimental design, with 15 samples, recruited by using total sampling. The independent variable was aromatherapy and the dependent variable was insomnia. Data were collected by using structured interview with questionnaire and observation. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with significance level of p≤0.05. The results showed that lavender aromatherapy given to elderly had beneficial effect on sleep quality and quantity of this age group. The sign and symptoms of insomnia become reduced with significance level of p=0.001.Lavender aromatherapy can be used as alternative intervention for overcoming insomnia in elderly

    Perilaku Dinamis Model Mangsa-pemangsa Tipe Gause Yang Diperumum Dengan Waktu Tunda Pemanenan Konstan

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    Terdapat beberapa model matematis untuk memodelkan peristiwa mangsa- pemangsa. Salah satu model yang cukup banyak penerapannya adalah model mangsa-pemangsa tipe Gause yang diperumum dengan mempertimbangkan waktu tunda dan sebuah parameter pemanenan konstan. Analisis kestabilan dilakukan terhadap model tanpa dan dengan waktu tunda. Untuk model tanpa waktu tunda diperoleh titik tetap yang salah satunya bersifat spiral stabil, sedangkan titik tetap pada model dengan waktu tunda terdapat titik tetap yang bersifat spiral stabil/tidak stabil. Untuk model dengan waktu tunda, semakin besar nilai waktu tunda mengakibatkan munculnya limit cycle, dan terjadi bifurkasi Hopf superkritis saat kesetimbangan mengalami Perubahan stabilitas dari spiral stabil menjadi spiral tak stabil

    Sistem Kontrak Pengolahan Limbah Padat Rumah Sakit Pemerintah

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    Background: Jogja Hospital is a Government-owned Hospital run by the Government of city of Jogyakarta. In its daily activities, the hospital produces waste which, if not properly discharged or burned, may cause adverse effect on workers as well as the surrounding area. Jogja hospital has Incinerator, thus simplifying the management such waste. The waste management including the rules, procedures and policymaking need to be explored to investigate the process of waste management of Jogja hospital. Methods: This study used a qualitative descriptive case study in order to get a clear picture or description about certain situation objectively. The unit analysis was the solid waste management in the Jogja Hospital. In-depth interviews were conducted with the Head of Environmental Health Installation and Waste Management Officer. Data were obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and document studies, as well as data in the form photos and recordings.Results: The process of solid waste management at the Jogja hospital was carried out by the hospital waste management officer under the direction of the Hospital Environmental Health Installation. Waste Management Officer was a by-contract employee financed by the Hospital. The Incinerator Facility helped the hospital in processing the medical waste and it was also a source income for the hospital since many other parties (private hospitals, general practitioners, private maternity clinic, and midwives) process their waste in the hospital's incinerator. The monitoring of the air quality, toxic gas and ashes emissions was carried out by the Board of Environmental Health and Contagious Disease Control (BBTKL-PPM) in Yogyakarta. Disposal of ash from burning in place in WWTP Hospital Yogyakarta. Conclusion: Hospital Policies Jogja by performing the contract system to facilitate the supervision of officers. The contract system makes the process of solid waste management to be more effective, because if the officer did a fatal mistake it can be terminated at any time by agreement is a contract