14 research outputs found

    The role of interfacial lipids in stabilizing membrane protein oligomers

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    Oligomerization of membrane proteins in response to lipid binding has a critical role in many cell-signalling pathways1 but is often difficult to define2 or predict3. Here we report the development of a mass spectrometry platform to determine simultaneously the presence of interfacial lipids and oligomeric stability and to uncover how lipids act as key regulators of membrane-protein association. Evaluation of oligomeric strength for a dataset of 125 α-helical oligomeric membrane proteins reveals an absence of interfacial lipids in the mass spectra of 12 membrane proteins with high oligomeric stability. For the bacterial homologue of the eukaryotic biogenic transporters (LeuT4, one of the proteins with the lowest oligomeric stability), we found a precise cohort of lipids within the dimer interface. Delipidation, mutation of lipid-binding sites or expression in cardiolipin-deficient Escherichia coli abrogated dimer formation. Molecular dynamics simulation revealed that cardiolipin acts as a bidentate ligand, bridging across subunits. Subsequently, we show that for the Vibrio splendidus sugar transporter SemiSWEET5, another protein with low oligomeric stability, cardiolipin shifts the equilibrium from monomer to functional dimer. We hypothesized that lipids are essential for dimerization of the Na+/H+ antiporter NhaA from E. coli, which has the lowest oligomeric strength, but not for the substantially more stable homologous Thermus thermophilus protein NapA. We found that lipid binding is obligatory for dimerization of NhaA, whereas NapA has adapted to form an interface that is stable without lipids. Overall, by correlating interfacial strength with the presence of interfacial lipids, we provide a rationale for understanding the role of lipids in both transient and stable interactions within a range of α-helical membrane proteins, including G-protein-coupled receptors

    Investigating the malleability of RNA aptamers

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    Aptamers are short, single-stranded nucleic acids with structures that frequently change upon ligand binding and are sensitive to the ionic environment. To achieve facile application of aptamers in controlling cellular activities, a better understanding is needed of aptamer ligand binding parameters, structures, intramolecular mobilities and how these structures adapt to different ionic environments with consequent effects on their ligand binding characteristics. Here we discuss the integration of biochemical analysis with NMR spectroscopy and computational modeling to explore the relation between ligand binding and structural malleability of some well-studied aptamers. Several methods for determining aptamer binding affinity and specificity are discussed, including isothermal titration calorimetry, steady state fluorescence of 2-aminopurine substituted aptamers, and dye displacement assays. Also considered are aspects of molecular dynamics simulations specific to aptamers including adding ions and simulating aptamer structure in the absence of ligand when NMR spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography structures of the unoccupied aptamer are not available. We focus specifically on RNA aptamers that bind small molecule ligands as would be applied in sensors or integrated into riboswitches such as to measure the products of metabolic activity

    Sampling Performance of Multiple Independent Molecular Dynamics Simulations of an RNA Aptamer

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    Using multiple independent simulations instead of one long simulation has been shown to improve the sampling performance attained with the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method. However, it is generally not known how long each independent simulation should be, how many independent simulations should be used, or to what extent either of these factors affects the overall sampling performance achieved for a given system. The goal of the present study was to assess the sampling performance of multiple independent MD simulations, where each independent simulation begins from a different initial molecular conformation. For this purpose, we used an RNA aptamer that is 25 nucleotides long as a case study. The initial conformations of the aptamer are derived from six de novo predicted 3D structures. Each of the six de novo predicted structures is energy minimized in solution and equilibrated with MD simulations at high temperature. Ten conformations from these six high-temperature equilibration runs are selected as initial conformations for further simulations at ambient temperature. In total, we conducted 60 independent MD simulations, each with a duration of 100 ns, to study the conformation and dynamics of the aptamer. For each group of 10 independent simulations that originated from a particular de novo predicted structure, we evaluated the potential energy distribution of the RNA and used recurrence quantification analysis to examine the sampling of RNA conformational transitions. To assess the impact of starting from different de novo predicted structures, we computed the density of structure projection on principal components to compare the regions sampled by the different groups of ten independent simulations. The recurrence rate and dependence of initial conformation among the groups were also compared. We stress the necessity of using different initial configurations as simulation starting points by showing long simulations from different initial structures suffer from being trapped in different states. Finally, we summarized the sampling efficiency for the complete set of 60 independent simulations and determined regions of under-sampling on the potential energy landscape. The results suggest that conducting multiple independent simulations using a diverse set of de novo predicted structures is a promising approach to achieve sufficient sampling. This approach avoids undesirable outcomes, such as the problem of the RNA aptamer being trapped in a local minimum. For others wishing to conduct multiple independent simulations, the analysis protocol presented in this study is a guide for examining overall sampling and determining if more simulations are necessary for sufficient sampling

    An adaptable pentaloop defines a robust neomycin-B RNA aptamer with conditional ligand-bound structures

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    Aptamers can be highly specific for their targets, which implies precise molecular recognition between aptamer and target. However, as small polymers, their structures are more subject to environmental conditions than the more constrained longer RNAs such as those that constitute the ribosome. To understand the balance between structural and environmental factors in establishing ligand specificity of aptamers, we examined the RNA aptamer (NEO1A) previously reported as specific for neomycin-B. We show that NEO1A can recognize other aminoglycosides with similar affinities as for neomycin-B and its aminoglycoside specificity is strongly influenced by ionic strength and buffer composition. NMR and 2-aminopurine (2AP) fluorescence studies of the aptamer identified a flexible pentaloop and a stable binding pocket. Consistent with a well-structured binding pocket, docking analysis results correlated with experimental measures of the binding energy for most ligands. Steady state fluorescence studies of 2AP-substituted aptamers confirmed that A16 moves to a more solvent accessible position upon ligand binding while A14 moves to a less solvent accessible position, which is most likely a base stack. Analysis of binding affinities of NEO1A sequence variants showed that the base in position 16 interacts differently with each ligand and the interaction is a function of the buffer constituents. Our results show that the pentaloop provides NEO1A with the ability to adapt to external influences on its structure, with the critical base at position 16 adjusting to incorporate each ligand into a stable pocket by hydrophobic interactions and/or hydrogen bonds depending on the ligand and the ionic environment

    Purification of Membrane Proteins by Affinity Chromatography with On-Column Protease Cleavage.

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    A protocol is described for the isolation of recombinant polyhistidine-tagged membrane proteins from overexpressing Escherichia coli cells. The gene encoding a target membrane protein is cloned into an expression plasmid and then introduced into E. coli cells for overexpression. Membranes from bacterial cells are isolated and the tagged target membrane protein is solubilized in detergent and subsequently bound to an affinity matrix. Tagged proteins are commonly eluted by an excess of a solute that competes for the binding to the matrix. Alternatively, amino acid sequence-specific proteases can be used to cleave off the affinity purification tag directly on the purification column (i.e., on-column cleavage). This selectively releases the target protein and allows subsequent elution. Importantly, this step represents an additional purification step and can significantly increase the purity of the isolated protein

    L amino acid transporter structure and molecular bases for the asymmetry of substrate interaction

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    L-amino acid transporters (LATs) play key roles in human physiology and are implicated in several human pathologies. LATs are asymmetric amino acid exchangers where the low apparent affinity cytoplasmic side controls the exchange of substrates with high apparent affinity on the extracellular side. Here, we report the crystal structures of an LAT, the bacterial alanine-serine-cysteine exchanger (BasC), in a non-occluded inward-facing conformation in both apo and substrate-bound states. We crystallized BasC in complex with a nanobody, which blocks the transporter from the intracellular side, thus unveiling the sidedness of the substrate interaction of BasC. Two conserved residues in human LATs, Tyr 236 and Lys 154, are located in equivalent positions to the Na1 and Na2 sites of sodium-dependent APC superfamily transporters. Functional studies and molecular dynamics (MD) calculations reveal that these residues are key for the asymmetric substrate interaction of BasC and in the homologous human transporter Asc-1.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant SAF2015-64869-R-FEDER), the Fundació la Marató TV3 (20132330), Research Contract with SIDRA Medicine (Qatar), CIBERER ACCI 2017-U731, and the Generalitat de Catalunya (grant SGR2009-1355)