4,707 research outputs found

    The boundedness of Bessel-Riesz operators on generalized Morrey spaces

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    In this paper, we prove the boundedness of Bessel-Riesz operators on generalized Morrey spaces. The proof uses the usual dyadic decomposition, a Hedberg-type inequality for the operators, and the boundedness of Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator. Our results reveal that the norm of the operators is dominated by the norm of the kernels.Comment: 10 page

    Dimension of Patient Safety Culture

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    Background: Patient safety is a serious public health issue. Several studies reported security problems in healthcare systems in various countries. The impacts were varied, starting from mild pain, disability, death, and high cost of service. This study attempted to review the culture of patient safety from several studies and to identify factors that influence them. Methods: This study was conducted with systematic mapping studies related to patient safety culture. There were 40 research articles were evaluated from various online sources that related from Pubmed, MEDLINE, web of science, and google scholar. It was conducted by entering keywords which appropriate to the topic, The obtained results were analyzed and discussed to produce conclusions. Results: Adverse events were common problems. Healthcare employees had roles in creating safe and high quality services. One of them was through implementation of a culture of patient safety. There were several factors which support a culture of patient safety, namely leadership, teamwork, patient care, evidence-based, communication, learning, just, and patient-centered. Conclusions: Patient safety has not yet become a culture in health care. Adverse events are like an iceberg phenomenon. Efforts to develop factors which support a culture of patient safety need to be encouraged by health care provider organizations

    Analisis Pasar Obligasi Pemerintah di Indonesia

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    This article focused on analyze (1) Effect of the budget deficit, official foreign borrowing, certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBI), and demand of the government bonds to the issuances of the government bonds in Indonesia. (2) The influence certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBI), bond price, (Composite Stock Price Index) IHSG, and supply of the government bonds to demand of the government bonds in Indonesia. Data used time series of (I year kuartal 2004 – IV year kuartal 2011). This article use analyzer model equation of simultaneous with method of Two Stage Least Squared (TSLS). The result of research concludes that (1) the budget deficit have a significant and positive impact on supply of the government bonds, official foreign borrowing, certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBI) and demand of the government bonds significantly and negatively influence on issuances of government bonds. (2) The influence certificate of Bank Indonesia (SBI) have a significant and positive impact on demand of government bonds, IHSG and supply of the government bonds significantly and negatively on demand of government bonds in Indonesia. While the bond price is not significant and negative effect on demand of the government bonds in Indonesia

    Design and Simulation of Short Channel Si:HfO2 Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistor (FeFET)

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    Non-volatile memories using ferroelectric capacitors, known as Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (FRAM) have been studied for many years, but they suffer from loss of data during read out process. Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors (FeFETs), which are based on ferroelectric gate oxide, have been of recent interest for non-volatile memory applications. The FeFETs utilize the polarization of the ferroelectric layer incorporated into the transistor gate stack to control the channel conductivity. Therefore, in FeFET devices, the read out process is non-destructive because it is only processed by measuring the resistivity in the channel region. The drain current-gate voltage (ID-VG) characteristics of FeFETs exhibit a voltage shift due to polarization hysteresis known as the memory window , an important figure of merit of a FeFET that provides a window for the read voltage. A dielectric layer between semiconductor layer and the ferroelectric is required to reduce charge injection effect, and to compensate lattice mismatch between the ferroelectric and the semiconductor. In addition, a non-ferroelectric interfacial layer may form between the semiconductor and the ferroelectric layer. However, this dielectric layer causes a voltage drop since the system becomes equivalent to two serial capacitors. It also causes an electric field that opposes the polarization. Using a high permittivity material such as HfO2 reduces the voltage drop and the effect of depolarization. To date, the majority of the work involving FeFETs has been based on conventional ferroelectric materials such as Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) and Strontium Bismuth Tantalate (SBT). These materials are not compatible with standard IC processing and furthermore scaling thicknesses in PZT and SBT result in loss of polarization characteristics. Recently, ferroelectricity has been reported in doped hafnium oxide thin films with dopants such as Si, Al, and Gd. Particularly, silicon doped hafnium oxide (Si:HfO2) has shown promise. In this material, the remnant polarization considerably increases by decreasing the layer thickness. The lower permittivity of Si:HfO2 compared to that of PZT and SBT, allows to employ thinner films that reduce fringing effects. This study focuses on employing Si:HfO2 in short channel FeFETs. The study has two major objectives. First, to show that short channel FeFETs can be accomplished with large memory window. Second, to demonstrate the role of bulk layer thickness and permittivity on FeFET performance. N-channel metal oxide semiconductor FET (N-MOSFET) with printed channel length of 26 nm has been designed with Si:HfO2 as the ferroelectric layer, and TiN as the gate electrode. The effects of buffer layer thickness and permittivity and ferroelectric layer thickness on the memory window have been explored using Silvaco Atlas software that employs ferroelectric FET device physics developed by Miller et al. Polarization characteristics reported for Si:HfO2 have been incorporated in this model. The simulations performed in this study have shown that using Si:HfO2 as a ferroelectric material makes it possible to accomplish short channel FeFETs with good performance even without using buffer layers. This means it is possible to minimize depolarization effects. Using Si:HfO2 as a ferroelectric layer makes it possible to accomplish highly scaled and ultra-low-power FeFETs

    The Effect of Oil Revenues and Monetary Stability Against Manufacturing Sector and Exchange Rates in Indonesia

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    This article focused on analyze (1) the effect of oil production, fuel consumption, oil prices, exports and imports of oil and the rate of inflation affects income in the Indonesian manufacturing sector, (2) the effect of manufacturing revenues, the money supply, rate interest, rate of inflation, exports and imports of oil and oil prices affect the rupiah. This research is descriptive and associative. While this type of data is the documentary data, the data source is a secondary data as well as data in the form of time series of quarter one 2000 to quarter four of 2012. This study uses a simultaneous equation model analysis tools in the form of least squares (LS). Endogenous variables in this study the manufacturing sector revenues and the rupiah whereas exogenous variable is oil production, fuel consumption, oil prices, oil exports, oil imports, inflation rates, interest rates and the money supply The study concluded that ( 1 ) the production of crude oil , oil exports and inflation rate is statistically significant and negative to earnings in the Indonesian manufacturing sector , fuel consumption and oil imports significant and positive impact on revenues statistically processing industry in Indonesia , whereas no significant effect on the price of oil and has a statistically positive direction to the manufacturing sector revenues in Indonesia . ( 2 ) the export of oil and oil prices and the negative effect is statistically significant against the rupiah . But the money supply effect is statistically significant and positive against the rupiah , oil imports , interest rates and income do not affect the manufacturing sector is statistically significant and negative against the rupiah , while the inflation rate has no effect is statistically significant and positive exchange Rupiah . Based on the results of these studies can be recommended policies include the government should reduce the consumption of fossil fuels by finding new alternative energy. Although this policy is not popular but the government must revoke the fuel subsidy, in addition to reducing the burden on the state will also have an impact on the reduction of congestion and air pollution. Indonesian government through the banks should maintain exchange rate stability, as the rupiah will reflect the state of the domestic economy

    Efektivitas Perubahan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK)/Institut Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Menjadi Universitas

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    The research investigates the effectiveness of the status change of teacher training institute into university. Research uses mixed quantitative and qualitative approach, evaluation and case study methods. sampling are stratified and purposive from eight public universities. Data collecting was Focus Group Discussion (FGD), kuessioner, and interview. Data analysis used percentage quantitative and case analysis of the unique of each study program at each university. The study shows: 1) universities are still keeping their roles as their core business to produce teachers and educational administrators, 2) Students competence significantly improves due to the education and non education program of the study reciprocally give or help each other as well as share their experience to enhance students' competence in science and social subjects, 3) the enrolement of students tends to be increased every year with high academic qualification candidates, 4) curriculum consists of education and non education (pure science and social subjects), 5) lectrurers' qualification also increases significantly, srata 1 tends to be decrease, while master dan doctor degree-S2/S3 increase significantly every year/period, 6) budget of each university and faculty is different due to the different location of universities and needs of each faculty, and 7) students cummulative achievement index (3.275) increases every year
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