1,740 research outputs found

    The Foundations of Mathematics in the Physical Reality

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    In this article we present an axiomatic definition of sets with individuals and a definition of natural numbers (finite ordinal numbers). We use the axioms pairs, union, regularity and separation of the standard set theory ZF. The equality of sets should be defined thus the axiom of extensionality is not used. And there are individuals thus there is no empty set. The principle of mathematical induction is proved for natural numbers. Then we define ordinal numbers and postulate the union set of all natural numbers and define transfinite ordinal numbers.Comment: 11 page

    Flow characteristics and exchange in complex biological systems as observed by pulsed-field-gradient magnetic-resonance imaging

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    Water flow through model porous media was studied in the presence of surface relaxation, internal magnetic field inhomogeneities and exchange with stagnant water pools with different relaxation behavior, demonstrating how the apparent flow parameters average velocity, volume flow and flow conducting area in these situations depend on the observation time. To investigate the water exchange process a two component biological model system consisting of water flowing through a biofilm reactor (column packed with methanogenic granular sludge beads) was used, before and after a heat treatment to introduce exchange. We show that correction of the stagnant fluid signal amplitude for relaxation at increasing observation time using the observed relaxation times reveals exchange between the two fractions in the system. Further it is demonstrated how this exchange can be quantifie

    A 695-Hz quasi-periodic oscillation in the low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676

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    We report the discovery of a 695-Hz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in data taken with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer of the low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) EXO 0748-676. This makes EXO 0748-676 the second dipping LMXB, after 4U 1915-05, that shows kHz QPOs. Comparison with other sources suggests that the QPO corresponds to the lower frequency peak of the kHz QPO pair often observed in other LMXBs. The QPO was found in the only observation done during an outburst of the source in early 1996. This observation is also the only one in which the ~1 Hz QPO recently found in EXO 0748-676 is not present.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication in Part 1 of The Astrophysical Journa

    Radio Band Observations of Blazar Variability

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    The properties of blazar variability in the radio band are studied using the unique combination of temporal resolution from single dish monitoring and spatial resolution from VLBA imaging; such measurements, now available in all four Stokes parameters, together with theoretical simulations, identify the origin of radio band variability and probe the characteristics of the radio jet where the broadband blazar emission originates. Outbursts in total flux density and linear polarization in the optical-to-radio bands are attributed to shocks propagating within the jet spine, in part based on limited modeling invoking transverse shocks; new radiative transfer simulations allowing for shocks at arbitrary angle to the flow direction confirm this picture by reproducing the observed centimeter-band variations observed more generally, and are of current interest since these shocks may play a role in the gamma-ray flaring detected by Fermi. Recent UMRAO multifrequency Stokes V studies of bright blazars identify the spectral variability properties of circular polarization for the first time and demonstrate that polarity flips are relatively common. All-Stokes data are consistent with the production of circular polarization by linear-to-circular mode conversion in a region that is at least partially self-absorbed. Detailed analysis of single-epoch, multifrequency, all-Stokes VLBA observations of 3C 279 support this physical picture and are best explained by emission from an electron-proton plasma.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, uses, jaa.sty. Invited talk presented at the conference Multifrequency Variability of Blazars, Guangzhou, China, September 22-24, 2010. To appear in J. Astrophys. Ast

    MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments. VI. Kinematics Analysis of a Complete Sample of Blazar Jets

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    We discuss the jet kinematics of a complete flux-density-limited sample of 135 radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) resulting from a 13 year program to investigate the structure and evolution of parsec-scale jet phenomena. Our analysis is based on new 2 cm Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) images obtained between 2002 and 2007, but includes our previously published observations made at the same wavelength, and is supplemented by VLBA archive data. In all, we have used 2424 images spanning the years 1994-2007 to study and determine the motions of 526 separate jet features in 127 jets. The data quality and temporal coverage (a median of 15 epochs per source) of this complete AGN jet sample represents a significant advance over previous kinematics surveys. In all but five AGNs, the jets appear one-sided, most likely the result of differential Doppler boosting. In general the observed motions are directed along the jet ridge line, outward from the optically thick core feature. We directly observe changes in speed and/or direction in one third of the well-sampled jet components in our survey. While there is some spread in the apparent speeds of separate features within an individual jet, the dispersion is about three times smaller than the overall dispersion of speeds among all jets. This supports the idea that there is a characteristic flow that describes each jet, which we have characterized by the fastest observed component speed. The observed maximum speed distribution is peaked at ~10c, with a tail that extends out to ~50c. This requires a distribution of intrinsic Lorentz factors in the parent population that range up to ~50. We also note the presence of some rare low-pattern speeds or even stationary features in otherwise rapidly flowing jets... (abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, accepted by the Astronomical Journal; online only material is available from http://www.cv.nrao.edu/2cmVLBA/pub/MOJAVE_VI_suppl.zi

    Fast determination of coarse grained cell anisotropy and size in epithelial tissue images using Fourier transform

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    Mechanical strain and stress play a major role in biological processes such as wound healing or morphogenesis. To assess this role quantitatively, fixed or live images of tissues are acquired at a cellular precision in large fields of views. To exploit these data, large numbers of cells have to be analyzed to extract cell shape anisotropy and cell size. Most frequently, this is performed through detailed individual cell contour determination, using so-called segmentation computer programs, complemented if necessary by manual detection and error corrections. However, a coarse grained and faster technique can be recommended in at least three situations. First, when detailed information on individual cell contours is not required, for instance in studies which require only coarse-grained average information on cell anisotropy. Second, as an exploratory step to determine whether full segmentation can be potentially useful. Third, when segmentation is too difficult, for instance due to poor image quality or too large a cell number. We developed a user-friendly, Fourier transform-based image analysis pipeline. It is fast (typically 10410^4 cells per minute with a current laptop computer) and suitable for time, space or ensemble averages. We validate it on one set of artificial images and on two sets of fully segmented images, one from a Drosophila pupa and the other from a chicken embryo; the pipeline results are robust. Perspectives include \textit{in vitro} tissues, non-biological cellular patterns such as foams, and xyzxyz stacks.Comment: 13 pages; 9 figure


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    The Sunflower magazine, the voice of the National Sunflower Organization, featured articles in January 1978 and December 1996 that began with these words, If Old King Cole was a merry old soul, it was probably because he had only four and twenty blackbirds to contend with, and they were all out of commission! This quotation captures the sentiments of sunflower growers, who have identified blackbirds as a major production problem since the 1960s. The National (formerly Denver) Wildlife Research Center, a unit within the U.S. Department of Agriculture\u27s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services, is charged with both improving and developing new methods for managing blackbird damage to sunflower. The Sunflower has chronicled these research efforts championing studies with clear objectives and opposing studies, sometimes vehemently, that use resources for seemingly esoteric research. In this paper, the history of blackbird research in the northern Great Plains is traced through The Sunflower

    Movement Behavior of Radio-Tagged European Starlings in Urban, Rural, and Exurban Landscapes

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    Since their intentional introduction into the United States in the 1800s, European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) have become the fourth most common bird species and a nuisance bird pest in both urban and rural areas. Managers require better information about starling movement and habit-use patterns to effectively manage starling populations and the damage they cause. Thus, we revisited 6 radio-telemetry studies conducted during fall or winter between 2005 and 2010 to compare starling movements (n = 63 birds) and habitat use in 3 landscapes. Switching of roosting and foraging sites in habitat-sparse rural landscapes caused daytime (0900–1500 hours) radio fixes to be on average 2.6 to 6.3 times further from capture sites than either urban or exurban landscapes (P \u3c 0.001). Roosts in urban city centers were smaller (100,000 birds) 6–13 km away in industrial zones. Radio-tagged birds from city-center roosts occasionally switched to the outlying major roosts. A multitrack railroad overpass and a treed buffer zone were used as major roosts in urban landscapes. Birds traveling to roosts from primary foraging sites in exurban and rural landscapes would often pass over closer-lying minor roosts to reach major roosts in stands of emergent vegetation in large wetlands. Daytime minimum convex polygons ranged from 101–229 km2 (x̄ = 154 km2). Anthropogenic food resources (e.g., concentrated animal feeding operations, shipping yards, landfills, and abattoirs) were primary foraging sites. Wildlife resource managers can use this information to predict potential roosting and foraging sites and average areas to monitor when implementing programs in different landscapes. In addition to tracking roosting flights, we recommend viewing high-resolution aerial images to identify potential roosting and foraging habitats before implementing lethal culls (e.g., toxicant baiting)

    Aerial Mass Color - Marking of Blackbird Roosts

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    We use mass color-marhng to track the local and regional movements of large roosts of blackbirds (Icteridae). Several marhngs have been done by National Wildlife Research Center scientists, including marhng of spring roosts in northeastern Missouri and eastern South Dakota (Knittle et al. 1987, Knittle et al. 1996, Homan et al. 2004), fall roosts in central North Dakota (Linz et al. 1991, Homan et al. 2005), and winter roosts in the southern U.S. (Harsch 1995). Here, we provide a description of the process and methodology of aerial mass color-marhng with fluorescent particles

    Full-Stokes polarimetry with circularly polarized feeds - Sources with stable linear and circular polarization in the GHz regime

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    We present a pipeline that allows recovering reliable information for all four Stokes parameters with high accuracy. Its novelty relies on the treatment of the instrumental effects already prior to the computation of the Stokes parameters contrary to conventional methods, such as the M\"uller matrix one. The instrumental linear polarization is corrected across the whole telescope beam and significant Stokes QQ and UU can be recovered even when the recorded signals are severely corrupted. The accuracy we reach in terms of polarization degree is of the order of 0.1-0.2 %. The polarization angles are determined with an accuracy of almost 1^{\circ}. The presented methodology was applied to recover the linear and circular polarization of around 150 Active Galactic Nuclei. The sources were monitored from July 2010 to April 2016 with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at 4.85 GHz and 8.35 GHz with a cadence of around 1.2 months. The polarized emission of the Moon was used to calibrate the polarization angle. Our analysis showed a small system-induced rotation of about 1^{\circ} at both observing frequencies. Finally, we identify five sources with significant and stable linear polarization; three sources remain constantly linearly unpolarized over the period we examined; a total of 11 sources have stable circular polarization degree mcm_\mathrm{c} and four of them with non-zero mcm_\mathrm{c}. We also identify eight sources that maintain a stable polarization angle over the examined period. All this is provided to the community for polarization observations reference. We finally show that our analysis method is conceptually different from the traditionally used ones and performs better than the M\"uller matrix method. Although it was developed for a system equipped with circularly polarized feeds it can easily be modified for systems with linearly polarized feeds as well.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics on May 30, 201