745 research outputs found

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    Double pion photoproduction on nucleon and deuteron

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    Photoproduction of two pions on nucleon and deuteron is studied for photon energies from threshold up to Eγ=1.5E_\gamma = 1.5 GeV. For the elementary operator an effective Lagrangean approach is used with resonance and Born contributions. The model parameters are fixed by resonance decay widths and multipole analyses of single pion photoproduction. A satisfactory description of total cross sections of two-pion production on the proton for various charge channels is achieved, except for π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 production for which a significant underestimation is found near threshold. The operator then serves for the evaluation of this reaction on the deuteron in the impulse approximation. In addition, NNNN rescattering in the final state is taken into account, but πN\pi N and ππ\pi\pi rescatterings are neglected. Results are presented for total cross sections and target asymmetries.Comment: 28 pages revtex including 12 ps-figure

    Vector Meson Photoproduction with an Effective Lagrangian in the Quark Model

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    A quark model approach to the photoproduction of vector mesons off nucleons is proposed. Its starting point is an effective Lagrangian of the interaction between the vector meson and the quarks inside the baryon, which generates the non-diffractive s- and u- channel resonance contributions. Additional t-channel π0\pi^0 and σ\sigma exchanges are included for the ω\omega and ρ0\rho^0 production respectively to account for the large diffractive behavior in the small tt region as suggested by Friman and Soyeur. The numerical results are presented for the ω\omega and ρ\rho productions in four isospin channels with the same set of parameters, and they are in good agreement with the available data not only in ω\omega and ρ0\rho^0 productions but also in the charged ρ\rho productions where the additional t-channel σ\sigma exchange does not contribute so that it provides an important test to this approach. The investigation is also extended to the ϕ\phi photoproduction, and the initial results show that the non-diffractive behavior of the ϕ\phi productions in the large tt region can be described by the s- and u- channel contributions with significantly smaller coupling constants, which is consistent with the findings in the similar studies in the QHD framework. The numerical investigation has also shown that polarization observables are essential for identifying so-called "missing resonances".Comment: 36 pages, 10 PS figures, extended version of nucl-th/9711061 and nucl-th/9803021, submitted to PR

    Pore-scale Modeling of Viscous Flow and Induced Forces in Dense Sphere Packings

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    We propose a method for effectively upscaling incompressible viscous flow in large random polydispersed sphere packings: the emphasis of this method is on the determination of the forces applied on the solid particles by the fluid. Pore bodies and their connections are defined locally through a regular Delaunay triangulation of the packings. Viscous flow equations are upscaled at the pore level, and approximated with a finite volume numerical scheme. We compare numerical simulations of the proposed method to detailed finite element (FEM) simulations of the Stokes equations for assemblies of 8 to 200 spheres. A good agreement is found both in terms of forces exerted on the solid particles and effective permeability coefficients

    Analysis of low Reynolds number flow around a heated circular cylinder

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the forced convection from and the flow around a heated cylinder. Experimental and computational results are presented for laminar flow around a heated circular cylinder with a diameter of 10 mm. The experiments were carried out using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in a wind tunnel, and numerical simulations using an in-house code and a commercial software package, FLUENT. This paper pre-sents comparisons for vorticity and temperature contours in the wake of the cylinder. Experimental and computa-tional results are compared with those available in the literature for heated and unheated cylinders. An equation is suggested for a temperature-dependent coefficient defining a reference temperature to be used in place of the con-stant used in other studies. An attempt is also made to correct differences between average cylinder surface tem-perature and measured interior temperature of the cylinder

    Информационная система заказа, обслуживания и мониторинга доставки продукции в пределах городской черты

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    В работе рассматриваются программные компоненты информационной системы доставки: заказ продукции широкого потребительского профиля в магазинах города с возможностью определения магазина по требуемой клиентом продукции, обслуживание доставки продавцом и курьером, а также мониторинг процесса доставки заказа клиентом. Система состоит из серверной (программный интерфейс приложения, база данных, сервис кэширования) и клиентской части (мобильное и веб-приложение).The study considers the software components of the delivery information system: ordering products of a wide consumer profile in city stores with the ability to determine the store for the products required by the client, delivery service by the seller and courier, as well as monitoring the process of order delivery by the client. The system consists of a server (application programming interface, database, caching service) and a client (mobile and web application)

    Umweltgerechte Prozessführung und Zustandserkennung in Chemieanlagen mit neuronalen Netzen - Teilvorhaben 2: Konzipierung und Erprobung des Zustandserkennungsverfahrens

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    Im Rahmen des Teilvorhabens wurde ein Online-Monitoring-System für stark exotherme Reaktionen entwickelt, das das Bedienungspersonal bei der optimalen und umweltgerechten Prozessführung von komplexen oder sicherheitstechnisch schwierigen Semibatch-Prozessen in Rührkesselreaktoren (Batch-Reaktoren) unterstützen soll. Das Monitoring-System (MoSys) basiert auf dimensionslosen Stoff- und Wärmebilanzen mit adaptiven Komponenten. MoSys muss zuerst mit den Prozessdaten von normalen und unerwünschten Batch-Verläufen angelernt werden, die im Miniplant unter den Bedingungen des Industrieprozesses durchgeführt wurden. Die Adaption der Bilanzmodelle an die Zielanlage erfolgt durch zweischichtige Perceptron-Netze. Um eine vollständige Maßstabsübertragung zu gewährleisten, sollte MoSys mit Prozessdaten von mindestens einem normalen Batch-Verlauf in der Chemieanlage angepasst und validiert werden. MoSys wurde sowohl für eine homogene exotherme Veresterungsreaktion als auch für einen komplexen heterogenen exothermen Hydrierprozess konzipiert. Experimentelle Tests wurden für die Veresterung in einer Pilotanlage und für die Hydrierung in einer industriellen Chemieanlage durchgeführt. Zur Industrieerprobung wurde MoSys in ein Batch-Informations-Management-System (BIMS) integriert, das auch entwickelt und in das Prozessleitsystem (PLS) einer Mehrzweckanlage im Feinchemie-Werk Radebeul (Degussa AG) implementiert wurde. Dadurch konnten die MoSys-Ausgaben simultan mit wichtigen Prozesssignalen auf den Terminals des PLS visualisiert werden. Zum Beispiel werden der Hydrierungsfortschritt, das vorhergesagte Reaktionsende und die Konzentrationsverläufe des Edukts, Zwischenprodukts und Produkts auf den Terminals der Operatorstationen angezeigt. Wenn unerwünschte Betriebszustände auftreten, wird das Bedienungspersonal frühzeitig alarmiert und Anweisungen für Gegenmaßnahmen, die nur vom Operator ausgeführt werden dürfen, werden auf den Terminals angezeigt. Die Leistungsfähigkeit von MoSys/BIMS konnte während zweier Hydrierungs-Produktionskampagnen nachgewiesen werden

    Correct quantum chemistry in a minimal basis from effective Hamiltonians

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    We describe how to create ab-initio effective Hamiltonians that qualitatively describe correct chemistry even when used with a minimal basis. The Hamiltonians are obtained by folding correlation down from a large parent basis into a small, or minimal, target basis, using the machinery of canonical transformations. We demonstrate the quality of these effective Hamiltonians to correctly capture a wide range of excited states in water, nitrogen, and ethylene, and to describe ground and excited state bond-breaking in nitrogen and the chromium dimer, all in small or minimal basis sets