2,922 research outputs found

    PolĂ­tica cambiaria y la fijaciĂłn de metas inflacionarias en Colombia

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    (Disponible en idioma inglĂ©s Ășnicamente) En este trabajo se analiza la experiencia de Colombia con una polĂ­tica monetaria con metas inflacionarias tras el abandono del mecanismo de bandas cambiarias en 1999, asĂ­ como durante dos episodios, en 2003 y 2004, que se desviaron de este comportamiento general. En esos episodios, el Banco Central intervino en el mercado cambiario de una manera relativamente considerable, para influir en la tendencia del tipo de cambio (flotaciĂłn controlada). Esos episodios se analizan para extraer enseñanzas y resaltar los principales desafĂ­os que encaran las polĂ­ticas monetaria y cambiaria. A continuaciĂłn se analiza la justificaciĂłn de la intervenciĂłn del Banco Central en el mercado cambiario colombiano. Por Ășltimo, el trabajo presenta varias cuestiones que aparecen en el debate sobre la polĂ­tica monetaria y cambiaria de Colombia y se propone una idea del contexto polĂ­tico en el que se toman las decisiones de la polĂ­tica monetaria.

    MaxEnt and dynamical information

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    The MaxEnt solutions are shown to display a variety of behaviors (beyond the traditional and customary exponential one) if adequate dynamical information is inserted into the concomitant entropic-variational principle. In particular, we show both theoretically and numerically that power laws and power laws with exponential cut-offs emerge as equilibrium densities in proportional and other dynamics

    Determinan Motivasi Kerja: Tinjauan Faktor Intrinsik Dan Ekstrinsik Di PT. Kaltim Medika Utama Bontang

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    Expansion of private hospitals in Indonesia has become an interesting phenomenon. Because it offers various alternative options for public society. Obviously private hospitals organizer must be able to operate efficiently without compromising their service quality. If do not, they will lose from their competitors. Therefore, private hospitals need the employees who have high motivation to support overall performance. PT. KMU is a private hospital where located in Bontang and has 254 employees. This study aims to determine the factors that can increase work motivation. Sample in this study are 66 respondents consist of medical and non-medical employees. The result from regression analysis (OLS) show that intrinsic factors (recognition, training and achievement) have significant effects on work motivation. While extrinsics factor in this case are not proven to have significant effects. Keywords: Hospital, Work Motivation, Intrinsic Factor, Extrinsic Factor Perkembangan rumah sakit swasta di Indonesia menjadi suatu fenomena yang menarik. Sebab hal ini menawarkan beragam alternatif pilihan untuk masyarakat. Tentunya pengelola rumah sakit swasta harus dapat beroperasi secara efisien tanpa mengurangi kualitas layanannya. Jika tidak, maka mereka akan kalah dengan para pesaingnya. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan karyawan yang memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk menunjang kinerja rumah sakit secara keseluruhan. PT. KMU adalah sebuah rumah sakit swasta di kota Bontang yang memiliki 254 karyawan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi kerja karyawan di PT. KMU Bontang. Sampel dalam studi ini berjumlah 66 orang responden yang terdiri dari karyawan medis dan non-medis. Hasil dari analisis regresi (OLS) memperlihatkan bahwa faktor intrinsik (pengakuan, pelatihan dan prestasi) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan. Sementara itu faktor ekstrinsik dalam hal ini tidak terbukti memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan

    Variational Principle underlying Scale Invariant Social Systems

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    MaxEnt's variational principle, in conjunction with Shannon's logarithmic information measure, yields only exponential functional forms in straightforward fashion. In this communication we show how to overcome this limitation via the incorporation, into the variational process, of suitable dynamical information. As a consequence, we are able to formulate a somewhat generalized Shannonian Maximum Entropy approach which provides a unifying "thermodynamic-like" explanation for the scale-invariant phenomena observed in social contexts, as city-population distributions. We confirm the MaxEnt predictions by means of numerical experiments with random walkers, and compare them with some empirical data

    Extending the generalized Chaplygin gas model by using geometrothermodynamics

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    We use the formalism of geometrothermodynamics (GTD) to derive fundamental thermodynamic equations that are used to construct general relativistic cosmological models. In particular, we show that the simplest possible fundamental equation, which corresponds in GTD to a system with no internal thermodynamic interaction, describes the different fluids of the standard model of cosmology. In addition, a particular fundamental equation with internal thermodynamic interaction is shown to generate a new cosmological model that correctly describes the dark sector of the Universe and contains as a special case the generalized Chaplygin gas model.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Section added: Basics aspects of geometrothermodynamic

    Price setting in the euro area: Some stylised facts from Individual Producer Price Data

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    This paper documents producer price setting in 6 countries of the euro area: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Portugal. It collects evidence from available studies on each of those countries and also provides new evidence. These studies use monthly producer price data. The following five stylised facts emerge consistently across countries. First, producer prices change infrequently: each month around 21% of prices change. Second, there is substantial cross-sector heterogeneity in the frequency of price changes: prices change very often in the energy sector, less often in food and intermediate goods and least often in non-durable non- food and durable goods. Third, countries have a similar ranking of industries in terms of frequency of price changes. Fourth, there is no evidence of downward nominal rigidity: price changes are for about 45% decreases and 55% increases. Fifth, price changes are sizeable compared to the inflation rate. The paper also examines the factors driving producer price changes. It finds that costs structure, competition, seasonality, inflation and attractive pricing all play a role in driving producer price changes. In addition producer prices tend to be more flexible than consumer prices.
