1,148 research outputs found

    Implementing Recall

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    The use of tests as schoolroom aids to learning has long been advocated. The conditions under which these benefits accrue have not, however, been fully explored. This paper is a summary of one of several recent studies at the University of Iowa which have sought information on this problem. An attempt was made, in the investigation reported below, to compare the effectiveness of a reading and a rereading of factual material with that of a reading and a completion test response. Specifically, three learning conditions were compared: (1) the reading of a selection of factual material followed by the taking of a completion test as a review exercise; (2) a single reading of the factual material, and (3) a reading of the factual material and a rereading of the material as a review exercise. A criterion test administered immediately after learning prodded a measure of retention for the comparison of the three conditions

    Геотемпературный режим баженовской свиты и нефтеперспективные зоны меловых отложений (Нюрольская мегавпадина)

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    По замерам пластовых температур верхнеюрских отложений построена карта распределения геотемператур баженовской свиты Нюрольской мегавпадины и структур ее обрамления. По геотемпературному критерию выделены очаги интенсивной генерации баженовских нефтей. Местоположения эпицентров очагов рекомендованы в качестве первоочередных зон для выявления объектов в меловом нефтегазоносном комплексе

    Development of a Pneumatic High Speed Nakajima Testing Device

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    Forming limit diagrams are an essential tool for describing the formability of sheet materials in the deep-drawing process. Here, the well known and frequently employed procedures are the Nakajima and the Marciniak-Tests. Whereas these procedures' standardisation is quite advanced in the quasi-static range, numerous different test procedures exist in the range of elevated forming speeds. In the first part of this work, an overview of the various procedures is given for generating forming limit diagrams in the high speed range. In the second part, a pneumatically operated testing device is introduced which was developed at the Institute for Material Science for performing Nakajima-Tests in the high speed range. Using this device, standard specimens can be dynamically formed according to the Nakajima-Test. The testing device is to be employed for scientifically exploring the deformation mechanisms operating at very high forming speeds. The testing device’s mode of functioning is demonstrated by means of forming discs of an EN AW-6082 aluminium alloy sheet. In doing this, the testing apparatus is mainly characterised by holding the testing conditions constant during the tests: This particularly concerns the velocity of the tool for forming the sheet discs

    Immunocytochemical and electrophysiological characterization of GABA receptors in the frog and turtle retina

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    AbstractThe expression of GABA receptors (GABARs) was studied in frog and turtle retinae. Using immunocytochemical methods, GABAARs and GABACRs were preferentially localized to the inner plexiform layer (IPL). Label in the IPL was punctate indicating a synaptic clustering of GABARs. Distinct, but weaker label was also present in the outer plexiform layer. GABAAR and GABACR mediated effects were studied by recording electroretinograms (ERGs) and by the application of specific antagonists. Bicuculline, the GABAAR antagonist, produced a significant increase of the ERG. Picrotoxin, when co-applied with saturating doses of bicuculline, caused a further increase of the ERG due to blocking of GABACRs. The putative GABACR antagonist Imidazole-4-acidic acid (I4AA) failed to antagonize GABACR mediated inhibition and, in contrast, appeared rather as an agonist of GABARs

    Cover Article Research Articles, Systems/Circuits

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    Double cones are the most common photoreceptor cell type in most avian retinas, but their precise functions remain a mystery. Among their suggested functions are luminance detection, polarized light detection, and light-dependent, radical-pair-based magnetoreception. To better understand the function of double cones, it will be crucial to know how they are connected to the neural network in the avian retina. Here we use serial sectioning, multi-beam scanning electron microscopy (ssmSEM) to investigate double cone anatomy and connectivity with a particular focus on their contacts to other photoreceptor and bipolar cells in the chicken retina. We found that double cones are highly connected with neighbouring double cones and with other photoreceptor cells through telodendria-to-terminal and telodendria-to-telodendria contacts. We also identified 15 bipolar cell types based on their axonal stratifications, photoreceptor contact pattern, soma position, and dendritic and axonal field mosaics. Thirteen of these 15 bipolar cell types contacted at least one or both members of the double cone. All bipolar cells were bi- or multistratified. We also identified surprising contacts between other cone types and between rods and cones. Our data indicate a much more complex connectivity network in the outer plexiform layer of the avian retina than originally expected

    Metagenomic and geochemical characterization of pockmarked sediments overlaying the Troll petroleum reservoir in the North Sea

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    Background Pockmarks (depressions in the seabed) have been discovered throughout the world’s oceans and are often related to hydrocarbon seepage. Although high concentrations of pockmarks are present in the seabed overlaying the Troll oil and gas reservoir in the northern North Sea, geological surveys have not detected hydrocarbon seepage in this area at the present time. In this study we have used metagenomics to characterize the prokaryotic communities inhabiting the surface sediments in the Troll area in relation to geochemical parameters, particularly related to hydrocarbon presence. We also investigated the possibility of increased potential for methane oxidation related to the pockmarks. Five metagenomes from pockmarks and plain seabed sediments were sequenced by pyrosequencing (Roche/454) technology. In addition, two metagenomes from seabed sediments geologically unlikely to be influenced by hydrocarbon seepage (the Oslofjord) were included. The taxonomic distribution and metabolic potential of the metagenomes were analyzed by multivariate analysis and statistical comparisons to reveal variation within and between the two sampling areas. Results The main difference identified between the two sampling areas was an overabundance of predominantly autotrophic nitrifiers, especially Nitrosopumilus, and oligotrophic marine Gammaproteobacteria in the Troll metagenomes compared to the Oslofjord. Increased potential for degradation of hydrocarbons, especially aromatic hydrocarbons, was detected in two of the Troll samples: one pockmark sample and one from the plain seabed. Although presence of methanotrophic organisms was indicated in all samples, no overabundance in pockmark samples compared to the Oslofjord samples supports no, or only low level, methane seepage in the Troll pockmarks at the present time. Conclusions Given the relatively low content of total organic carbon and great depths of hydrocarbon containing sediments in the Troll area, it is possible that at least part of the carbon source available for the predominantly autotrophic nitrifiers thriving in this area originates from sequential prokaryotic degradation and oxidation of hydrocarbons to CO2. By turning CO2 back into organic carbon this subcommunity could play an important environmental role in these dark oligotrophic sediments. The oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate in this process could further increase the supply of terminal electron acceptors for hydrocarbon degradation

    A woman with a rare p.Glu74Gly transthyretin mutation presenting exclusively with a rapidly progressive neuropathy: a case report

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    Introduction: Familial amyloid polyneuropathy is a rare autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the transthyretin gene, TTR. Diagnosis can be challenging, especially if other family members are not affected or an obvious systemic involvement is lacking. The patients are often misdiagnosed, leading to a delay in the initiation of therapy. Case presentation: A 35-year-old woman of Turkish origin presented to our outpatient clinic with severe polyneuropathy associated with distally pronounced tetraparesis and hypesthesia of 2 to 3 years’ duration. In addition, small nerve fiber involvement with impaired detection of cold temperatures and tingling pain in the lower legs was reported. She did not complain of autonomic dysfunction or visual disturbance. Her family history was empty regarding neuromuscular disorders. The routine diagnostic work-up was unremarkable. A sural nerve biopsy disclosed amyloid deposits, which led to the identification of a rare heterozygous transthyretin mutation (p.Glu74Gly; old classification: p.Glu54Gly). Conclusions: Few cases with this very heterozygous mutation can be found in the literature. In contrast to the case of our patient, all of the previously described patients in the literature presented with additional severe autonomic symptoms, involvement of the eyes and a positive family history. In this case report, we emphasize that, in patients with progressive neuropathy with small fiber involvement, an amyloid neuropathy should be considered in the differential diagnosis, even if the family history is empty and other organs are not affected

    Longitudinal study of the effects of teat condition on the risk of new intramammary infections in dairy cows

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    Machine milking–induced alterations of teat tissue may impair local defense mechanisms and increase the risk of new intramammary infections. The objective of the current study was to assess the influence of short-term and long-term alterations of teat tissue and infectious status of the udder quarter on the risk of naturally occurring new intramammary infections, inflammatory responses, and mastitis. Short-term and long-term changes in teat condition of right udder quarters of 135 cows of a commercial dairy farm in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, were recorded monthly for 10 mo using simple classification schemes. Quarter milk samples were collected from all examined quarters at each farm visit. Bacteriological culture results and somatic cell counts of quarter milk samples were used to determine new inflammatory responses (increase from ≤100,000 cells/mL to >100,000 cells/mL between 2 samples), new infections (detection of a pathogen from a quarter that was free of the same pathogen at the preceding sampling), and new mastitis (combination of new inflammatory response and new infection). Separate Poisson mixed models for new inflammatory responses, new infections, and new mastitis caused by specific pathogens or groups of pathogens (contagious, environmental, major, minor, or any) were used to estimate risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Data preparation and parameter estimation were performed using the open source statistical analysis software R. We observed no effect of any variable describing teat condition on the risk of new intramammary infections, inflammatory responses, or mastitis. Intramammary infections of the same udder quarter in the preceding month did not affect risk either

    Unravelling the association between accelerometer-derived physical activity and adiposity among preschool children:A systematic review and meta-analyses

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    Evidence on the association between physical activity (PA) and adiposity in young children is inconclusive. A systematic review and meta-analyses were conducted to examine associations between accelerometer-derived PA and varying adiposity outcomes in preschool children. Searches were conducted in Embase, MEDLINE and Web of Science to identify studies on the association between total PA, sedentary behaviour or different PA intensities and adiposity in children aged 2 to 7 years. Separate random effects meta-analyses were performed for varying PA intensities and adiposity outcomes. Fifty-six articles were included in the review and 48 in the meta-analyses. There was substantial evidence of an inverse association between moderate-to-vigorous- or vigorous PA and body fat percentage (stdβ [SE] = −0.162[0.041]; 5 studies), weight status (r = −0.120, P<.001; 11 studies), fat mass (stdβ [SE] = −0.103[0.051]; 5 studies), fat mass index (stdβ [SE] = −0.121[0.036]; 2 studies) and skinfold thickness (stdβ [SE] = −0.145[0.036]; 4 studies). However, total PA, sedentary behaviour, and different PA intensities were not associated with body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference. Adiposity levels were lower among preschool children engaged in more (moderate-to-) vigorous PA compared with their peers, but no associations between PA and BMI or waist circumference were found