196 research outputs found

    Test prototype stro-buis transportsysteem

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    Vergeleken met handmatige stroverstrekking komt er bij gebruik van het systeem evenveel stof vrij, maar een varkenshouder kan ten tijde van stroverstrekking buiten de afdeling blijven

    Ecologische aspecten bij het bodemsaneringsbeleid in Amsterdam

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    Het beleid van de gemeente Amsterdam ten aanzien van bodembescherming is primair gericht op het voorkomen van risico's van bodemverontreiniging voor de mens en op het voorkomen van verspreiding van de verontreiniging(en). Bescherming van het ecosysteem wordt wel in de urgentiesystematiek betrokken, maar speelt een relatief ondergeschikte rol. De centrale doelstelling van dit rapport is na te gaan wat er bekend is over de effecten van bodemverontreinigende stoffen op bodemecosystemen in Amsterdam. De belangrijkste geconstateerde bodemverontreinigingen zijn lood, kwik, arseen, koper, zink, olie, benzeen en op enkele specifieke locaties ook polycyclische aromatische koolwaterstoffen (PAK's) en polychloorbiphenylen (PCB's). Vervolgens is beschreven welke effecten optreden bij de aandachtssoorten die leven in of op een bodem verontreinigd met de geselecteerde aandachtsstoffen in concentraties hoger dan de Eco Interventiewaarde. Het rapport wordt afgesloten met enige aanbevelingen voor nader onderzoek

    Long-term cardiac follow-up of athletes infected with SARS-CoV-2 after resumption of elite-level sports

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    OBJECTIVE: Longitudinal consequences and potential interactions of COVID-19 and elite-level sports and exercise are unclear. Therefore, we determined the long-term detrimental cardiac effects of the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 infection and the highest level of sports and exercise.METHODS: This prospective controlled study included elite athletes from the Evaluation of Lifetime participation in Intensive Top-level sports and Exercise cohort. Athletes infected with SARS-CoV-2were offered structured, additional cardiovascular screenings, including cardiovascular MRI (CMR). We compared ventricular volumes and function, late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) and T1 relaxation times, between infected and non-infected elite athletes, and collected follow-up data on cardiac adverse events, ventricular arrhythmia burden and the cessation of sports careers.RESULTS: We included 259 elite athletes (mean age 26±5 years; 40% women), of whom 123 were infected (9% cardiovascular symptoms) and 136 were controls. We found no differences in function and volumetric CMR parameters. Four infected athletes (3%) demonstrated LGE (one reversible), compared with none of the controls. During the 26.7 (±5.8) months follow-up, all four athletes resumed elite-level sports, without an increase in ventricular arrhythmias or adverse cardiac remodelling. None of the infected athletes reported new cardiac symptoms or events. The majority (n=118; 96%) still participated in elite-level sports; no sports careers were terminated due to SARS-CoV-2.CONCLUSIONS: This prospective study demonstrates the safety of resuming elite-level sports after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The medium-term risks associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection and elite-level sports appear low, as the resumption of elite sports did not lead to detrimental cardiac effects or increases in clinical events, even in the four elite athletes with SARS-CoV-2 associated myocardial involvement.</p

    Emissies uit mestdroogsystemen op leghennenbedrijven bij dagontmesting en versneld drogen = Emissions from manure drying systems on layer farms using 24-h manure removal and rapid drying

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    In dit onderzoek is de hypothese getoetst dat met het dagelijks afdraaien van alle stalmest naar een mestdroogsysteem (dagontmesting), gevolgd door snelle indroging, de extra ammoniakemissie uit deze droogsystemen aanzienlijk kan worden beperkt. Deze hypothese is bevestigd door het onderzoek. Daarnaast is gebleken dat de aangepaste manier van drogen nog steeds een aanzienlijke fijnstofreductie bewerkstelligt

    Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific Subduction Beneath SW Borneo: U-Pb Geochronology of the Schwaner Granitoids and the Pinoh Metamorphic Group

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    The Schwaner Mountains in southwestern Borneo form a large igneous province with a complex magmatic history and poorly known tectonic history. Previously it was known that Cretaceous granitoids intruded metamorphic rocks of the Pinoh Metamorphic Group assumed to be of Paleozoic age. Jurassic granitoids had been reported from the southern Schwaner Mountains. Most ages were based on K-Ar dating. We present new geochemistry, zircon U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar age data from igneous and metamorphic rocks from the Schwaner Mountains to investigate their tectono-magmatic histories. We subdivide the Schwaner Mountains into three different zones which record rifting, subduction-related and post-collisional magmatism. The Northwest Schwaner Zone (NWSZ) is part of the West Borneo Block which in the Triassic was within the Sundaland margin. It records Triassic to Jurassic magmatism during early Paleo-Pacific subduction. In contrast, the North Schwaner Zone (NSZ) and South Schwaner Zone (SSZ) are part of the SW Borneo (Banda) Block that separated from NW Australia in the Jurassic. Jurassic granitoids in the SSZ are within-plate (A-type) granites interpreted to have formed during rifting. The SW Borneo (Banda) Block collided with eastern Sundaland at c. 135 Ma. Following this, large I-type granitoid plutons and arc volcanics formed in the NWSZ and NSZ between c. 90 and 132 Ma, associated with Cretaceous Paleo-Pacific subduction. The largest intrusion is the c. 110 to 120 Ma Sepauk Tonalite. After collision of the East Java-West Sulawesi (Argo) Block, subduction ceased and post-collisional magmatism produced the c. 78 to 85 Ma Sukadana Granite and the A-type 72 Ma Sangiyang Granite in the SSZ. Rocks of the Pinoh Metamorphic Group mainly exposed in the NSZ, previously assumed to represent Paleozoic basement, contain abundant Early Cretaceous (110 to 135 Ma) zircons. They are interpreted as volcaniclastic sediments that formed contemporaneously with subduction-related volcanic rocks of the NSZ subsequently metamorphosed during intrusion of Cretaceous granitoids. There are no igneous rocks older than Cretaceous in the NSZ and older than Jurassic in the SSZ and there is no evidence for a continuation of a Triassic volcanic arc crossing Borneo from Sundaland to the east.This project was funded by the SE Asia Research Group of Royal Holloway University of London, which is supported by a consortium of oil companies

    Interferon alfa for chronic hepatitis B infection: Increased efficacy of prolonged treatment

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    Interferon alfa (IFN-a) is the primary treatment for chronic hepatitis B. The standard duration of IFN-a therapy is considered 16 weeks; however, the optimal treatment length is still poorly defined. We evaluated the efficacy and acceptability of prolonged IFN-a treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B. To investigate whether treatment prolongation could enhance the rate of hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) seroconversion, we conducted a prospective, controlled, multicenter trial in wh
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