249 research outputs found

    Manajemen Hubungan Sekolah dengan Masyarakat pada SMA 7 Kota Banjarmasin

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    Public Relations Management School at SMAN 7 Banjarmasin can be seen from the indicators, namely: First, the types of relationships with the school community consisting of Educative relationship established with the school committee and establish cultural relationships fostered by adjusting the majority of education provided by the school to students in some extracurricular activities and local content tailored to their situation. Institutional relations conducted by SMAN 7 Banjarmasin with that agency with the BNN, police and health center, MORA, banking Kediknas, District, as well as the relationship between the schools are no exception college. Second, The techniques of public relations with the school consists of: Technical writing pamphlets. Verbal techniques used by home visits, parent calls, and meetings. Modeling technique is to show the student's skills. Electronic techniques used are the telephone and internet. Third, The factors that influence the Public Relations Management School at SMAN 7 Banjarmasin, namely: Power executive, media, and environmental information. Beside that, the management of School-Community Relations at SMAN 7 Banjarmasin is reflected from three indicators, namely the type of school-community relations, the cultural relation, and the local content. Keywords: Management, Relationship, type, techniques and factorsManajemen Hubungan Sekolah dengan Masyarakat di SMAN 7 Kota Banjarmasin dapat terlihat dari dari indikator yakni : Pertama, Jenis-jenis hubungan sekolah dengan masyarakat yang terdiri dari ; Hubungan edukatif yang dijalin dengan membentuk komite madrasah dan hubungan kultural dibina dengan cara menyesuaikan sebagian pendidikan yang diberikan pihak sekolah kepada siswa pada sebagian kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan muatan lokal disesuaikan dengan keadaan masyarakat. Hubungan institusional yang dilakukan oleh SMAN 7 Kota Banjarmasin dengan instansi yaitu dengan pihak BNN, kepolisian dan Puskesmas, Kemenag, perbankan Kediknas, Kecamatan, maupun hubungan antar sekolah tidak terkecuali perguruan tinggi. Kedua, Teknik-teknik hubungan sekolah dengan masyarakat terdiri dari : Teknik tertulis dengan pamflet. Teknik lisan yang digunakan dengan kunjungan rumah, panggilan orangtua, dan pertemuan. Teknik peragaan yaitu dengan menampilkan keterampilan siswa. Teknik elektronik yang digunakan yaitu telepon dan internet . Ketiga, Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi Manajemen Hubungan Sekolah dengan Masyarakat di SMAN 7 Kota Banjarmasin, yaitu: Tenaga pelaksana, media informasi serta lingkungan.Di samping itu, manajemen hubungan sekolah dengan masyarakat di SMAN 7 Kota Banjarmasin direfliksikan melalui tiga indikator, yaitu tipe hubungan sekolah dan komunitas, hubunghan cultural, dan muatan lokal. Kata Kunci : Manajemen, Hubungan, Jenis, teknik serta fakto

    Personal Digital Marketing Influence on Successful Marketing Campaign in Today’s Digital Age

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    Personal digital marketing is an essential aspect of modern marketing campaigns. It involves using digital channels such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing to create a unique identity and promote it to a target audience. The article aims to examine the influence of personal digital marketing on successful marketing campaign. This study uses a descriptive and quantitative approach to test the effect of independent variables (digital personal marketing elements) on the degree of success in personal marketing campaign. The data were collected by a questionnaire distributed to 300 marketers, owners, and young entrepreneurs. A regression analysis was applied to test the study hypothesis. The results showed that personal marketing elements: branding, content creation, networking, social media management, personal website and personal development, directly affect the degree of success in personal marketing campaign

    Hukum Wanita Haid Berdiam Diri di Mesjid (Studi perbandingan Mazhab Syafi’i dan Mazhab Zahiri)

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    Hamdanah. 2016. Hukum Wanita Haid Berdiam Diri di Mesjid (Studi perbandingan Mazhab Syafi’i dan Mazhab Zahiri). Skripsi, Jurusan Perbandingan Mazhab, Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. H. Jalaluddin, M. hum, (II) Hj. Inawati Mohammad Jainie Jarajap, MA. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah karena terdapat perbedaan pendapat tentang hukum wanita haid berdiam diri di mesjid pada Mazhab Syafi’i dengan Mazhab Zahiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hukum wanita haid berdiam diri di mesjid dan dasar-dasar hukum dalam pengambilannya. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif yang bersifat deskriftif analitis yang berupa studi komparatif. Pengambilan dengan terjun keperpustakaan untuk menghimpun bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier yang ada kaitannya dengan hukum wanita haid berdiam diri di mesjid menurut Mazhab Syafi’i dan Mazhab Zahiri. Kemudian di analisis secara kualitatif dan pada akhirnya memberikan jawaban atas permasalahn dalam penalitian ini. Hasil analisis hukum wanita haid berdiam diri di mesjid menurut Mazhab Syafi’i berpendapat bahwa wanita haid berdiam diri di mesjid hukumnya haram kecuali sekedar lewat, sebab mengotori mesjid dengan najis diharamkan. Jika wanita haid tersebut yakin tidak akan mengotori mesjid maka Imam Syafi’i memandang makruh melewati mesjid. Sedangkan menurut Mazhab Zahiri berpendapat bahwa wanita haid berdiam diri di mesjid dibolehkan, karena dalil-dalil wanita haid berada di mesjid itu shahih. Mazhab Syafi’i mengambil sumber dari Al-Qur’an, As-Sunnah, Ijma dan Qiyas. Sedangkan Mazhab Zahiri hanya mengambil sumber dari Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah saja. Dari situ terdapat perbedaan penafsiran terhadap dalil QS. an-Nisa ayat 43 dan hadits-hadits Rasullah saw. Kata kunci: haid, berdiam diri, mesjid


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    East Kalimantan’s natural resources have been the main sector in terms of financial contribution to the national income. Reforestration fund, provision of forest resources, export taxes, and other significant levies, have taken essential part in bearing the national development processes. This implies the positive roles of Kalimantan forest, for which it should be properly managed. Until recently, unfortunately, forest management has been observed to be unsuccsesful as indicated by depletion and degradation of forest areas during the first period of the implementation of regional autonomy (2001-2005). Under the new vision “forest management for the shake of resource sustainability and people’s wellbeing”, the following efforts are truthfully required: reassessment of performance measurement, revitalization through soft landing, reinforcing forest rehabilitation movement, reevaluation of policies concerning administrative approval (perijinan), etc. The ultimate goal of such endeavors is to achieve the optimum equilibrium of the forest function, i.e. between economic interest and ecological interest.   Keywords: kinerja kehutanan, kapasitas kelembagaan, restrukturisasi dan revitalisasi, peranan ekologis dan sosial ekonomi hutan

    Differences in personality and the sharing of managerial tacit knowledge: an empirical analysis of public sector managers in Malaysia

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    Purpose – This study aims to identify differences in knowledge-sharing mechanisms and personality among expert, typical and novice managers within the Malaysian public sector. Strengthening knowledge sharing function is essential for enabling public institutions around the world to be more productive. Design/methodology/approach – This quantitative study involves 308 employees from management and professional groups within 98 local authorities in the Malaysian local government. Stratified random sampling techniques were used and the sampling frame comprised 1,000 staff using postal surveys. Data analyses were carried out using analysis of variance and correlations to test the research hypotheses. Findings – The findings reveal that expert managers are more proactive in sharing their knowledge, particularly those with the personality traits of conscientiousness and openness. These two personality traits were also related to expert behaviours such as thoroughness, responsibility and persistence, which led to work competency and managerial success. Originality/value – This study provides theoretical insights into how managerial tacit knowledge differs and can accumulate, depending on the personality traits of middle managers. The paper shows the different mechanisms of knowledge sharing, tacit knowledge and personality among expert, typical and novice managers. Practically, this study is important for guiding senior managers in their attempts to identify the most appropriate personalities of their middle managers. This study found that the expert group was higher in conscientiousness, openness and overall personality traits compared with the typical and novice groups. The paper also highlights the value of sharing managerial tacit knowledge effectively

    The Factors that Influence Knowledge Sharing in Educational Institutions

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    The objective of the study is to identify the elements which have an impact on sharing of knowledge at Cihan University in Erbil. Although previous studies have identified a range of elements affecting knowledge sharing, further research is needed to understand the factors driving knowledge sharing, particularly among higher educational institutions in Iraq. Since there are few studies about the sharing of knowledge among Iraqi higher education institutions' staff and there is no current model that has all of the elements required to examine the sharing of knowledge, the researchers investigated the effects of organizational, individual, and technological variables on academics' knowledge sharing behavior. Cihan University staff in Iraq's Kurdistan Region completed a total of 78 validated questionnaires. The data were evaluated with the use of a structural equation model (PLS-SEM). According to the findings of the study, organizational and technological factors are important indicators of knowledge sharing in educational institutions

    Antioksidacijska i antimikrobna aktivnost etil-acetatnog ekstrakta kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Research background. Antioxidants are important compounds present at low concentrations that inhibit oxidation processes. Due to the side effects of synthetic antioxidants, research interest has increased considerably towards finding natural sources of antioxidants that can replace the synthetic ones. The emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance require the development of new drugs or some potential sources of novel medicine. This work aims to extract the secondary metabolites of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using ethyl acetate as a solvent and to determine the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of these extracted metabolites. Experimental approach. The antioxidant activity of the secondary metabolites of S. cerevisiae were determined using DPPH, ABTS and FRAP assays. Furthermore, the antimicrobial potential of the ethyl acetate extract of S. cerevisiae against Cutibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis was assessed. Results and conclusion. Five out of 13 of the extracted secondary metabolites were identified as antioxidants. The antioxidant activity of the S. cerevisiae extract exhibited relatively high IC50 of 455.26 and 294.51 μg/mL for DPPH and ABTS respectively, while the obtained FRAP value, expressed as ascorbic acid equivalents, was 44.40 μg/mL. Moreover, the extract had a significant antibacterial activity (p<0.05) against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis at the concentrations of 100 and 200 mg/mL, respectively. However, no inhibitory effect was observed against Cutibacterium acnes as the extract was only effective against the bacterium at the concentrations of 300 and 400 mg/mL (inhibition zones ranging from 9.0±0.0 to 9.3±0.6) respectively (p<0.05). Staphylococcus aureus was highly sensitive to the extract, with a MIC value of 18.75 mg/mL. Novelty and scientific contribution. This report confirmed the efficacy of the secondary metabolites of S. cerevisiae as a natural source of antioxidants and antimicrobials and suggested the possibility of employing them in drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by the tested microorganisms.Pozadina istraživanja. Antioksidansi su važni spojevi koji već pri niskim koncentracijama inhibiraju oksidacijske procese. Zbog štetnih nuspojava primjene sintetskih antioksidanasa porastao je interes za istraživanjem prirodnih izvora antioksidansa. Pojava i proširenost antibiotske rezistencije potakli su interes za razvojem novih lijekova ili mogućih izvora novih lijekova. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ekstrahirati sekundarne metabolite kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae pomoću etil-acetata kao otapala, te odrediti antioksidacijsku i antimikrobnu aktivnost dobivenih metabolita. Eksperimentalni pristup. Antioksidacijska aktivnost sekundarnih metabolita kvasca S. cerevisiae određena je pomoću metoda DPPH, ABTS i FRAP. Osim toga, ispitan je antimikrobni učinak etil-acetatnog ekstrakta kvasca S. cerevisiae na bakterije Cutibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus i Staphylococcus epidermidis. Rezultati i zaključci. Od 13 izdvojenih sekundarnih metabolita, identificirano je njih pet s antioksidacijskim učinkom. Ekstrakt S. cerevisiae imao je relativno veliku IC50 vrijednost, i to 455,27 μg/mL utvrđenu DPPH metodom i 294,51 μg/mL dobivenu ABTS metodom, te FRAP vrijednost, izraženu u ekvivalentima askorbinske kiseline, od 44,40 μg/mL. Osim toga, ekstrakt je imao izraženi antibakterijski učinak (p<0,05) na Staphylococcus aureus pri koncentraciji od 100 mg/mL i Staphylococcus epidermidis pri koncentraciji od 200 mg/mL. Međutim, nije opažena inhibicija bakterije Cutibacterium acnes, budući da je ekstrakt učinkovito (p<0.05) inhibirao tu bakteriju samo pri koncentracijama od 300 i 400 mg/mL (sa zonama inhibicije od 9,0±0,0 do 9,3±0,6). Bakterija Staphylococcus aureus bila je vrlo osjetjiva na djelovanje ekstrakta, s minimalnom inhibicijskom koncentracijom od 18,75 mg/mL. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U ovom je radu potvrđena učinkovitost sekundarnih metabolita kvasca S. cerevisiae kao prirodnih antioksidacijskih i antimikrobnih spojeva, te je dokazana mogućnost njihove primjene u lijekovima protiv zaraznih bolesti uzrokovanih ispitanim bakterijama

    Influence of Compost and Rock Amendments on Growth and Active Ingredients of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)

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    Abstract: The effect of compost (0, 5, 10 and 20 ton/fed), rock amendments (0, 500, and 1000 kg/fed) and their combinations on some morphological parameters, yield and active ingredients of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) was carried out in the field during 2006/2007 &amp; 2007/2008 seasons. Two samples were taken after 150 and 190 day from planting. The obtained results indicated that all treatments achieved an increament in morphological parametres, carthamin of petals yield and oil content of seeds comparing with the control. As for the effect of single treatments on growth parameters and active ingredients, the compost 20 ton/fed and rock 1000 kg/fed revealed significant values than the control, except height with R1000 in both seasons. The combination of high concentration of compost (20 ton/fed) and rock phosphate (1000 kg/fed) recorded the highest values in this concern (except plant height and fatty acids charachters). Meanwhile, C20 led to obtain good quality of safflower oil by increasing unsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio