423 research outputs found

    Simulation in Quality Management – An Approach to Improve Inspection Planning

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    Production is a multi-step process involving many different articles produced in different jobs by various machining stations. Quality inspection has to be integrated in the production sequence in order to ensure the conformance of the products. The interactions between manufacturing processes and inspections are very complex since three aspects (quality, cost, and time) should all be considered at the same time while determining the suitable inspection strategy. Therefore, a simulation approach was introduced to solve this problem.The simulator called QUINTE [the QUINTE simulator has been developed at the University of Dortmund in the course of two research projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour (BMWA: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit), the Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen (AiF), Cologne/Germany and the Forschungsgemeinschaft Qualität, Frankfurt a.M./Germany] was developed to simulate the machining as well as the inspection. It can be used to investigate and evaluate the inspection strategies in manufacturing processes. The investigation into the application of QUINTE simulator in industry was carried out at two pilot companies. The results show the validity of this simulator. An attempt to run QUINTE in a user-friendly environment, i.e., the commercial simulation software – Arena® is also described in this paper.NOTATION: QUINTE Qualität in der Teilefertigung  (Quality in  the manufacturing process) 

    Signatures of a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Polariton Laser

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    Microcavity exciton polariton systems can have a wide range of macroscopic quantum effects that may be turned into better photonic technologies. Polariton Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) and photon lasing have been widely accepted in the limits of low and high carrier densities, but identification of the expected Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) state at intermediate densities remains elusive. While all three phases feature coherent photon emission, essential differences exist in their matter media. Most studies to date characterize only the photon field. Here, using a microcavity with strong- and weak-couplings co-existing in orthogonal linear polarizations, we directly measure the electronic gain in the matter media of a polariton laser, demonstrating a BCS-like polariton laser above the Mott transition density. Theoretical analysis reproduces the absorption spectra and lasing frequency shifts, revealing an electron distribution function characteristic of a polariton BCS state but modified by incoherent pumping and dissipation

    Intensity fluctuations in bimodal micropillar lasers enhanced by quantum-dot gain competition

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    We investigate correlations between orthogonally polarized cavity modes of a bimodal micropillar laser with a single layer of self-assembled quantum dots in the active region. While one emission mode of the microlaser demonstrates a characteristic s-shaped input-output curve, the output intensity of the second mode saturates and even decreases with increasing injection current above threshold. Measuring the photon auto-correlation function g^{(2)}(\tau) of the light emission confirms the onset of lasing in the first mode with g^{(2)}(0) approaching unity above threshold. In contrast, strong photon bunching associated with super-thermal values of g^{(2)}(0) is detected for the other mode for currents above threshold. This behavior is attributed to gain competition of the two modes induced by the common gain material, which is confirmed by photon crosscorrelation measurements revealing a clear anti-correlation between emission events of the two modes. The experimental studies are in excellent qualitative agreement with theoretical studies based on a microscopic semiconductor theory, which we extend to the case of two modes interacting with the common gain medium. Moreover, we treat the problem by an extended birth-death model for two interacting modes, which reveals, that the photon probability distribution of each mode has a double peak structure, indicating switching behavior of the modes for the pump rates around threshold.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Critical dynamics of ballistic and Brownian particles in a heterogeneous environment

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    The dynamic properties of a classical tracer particle in a random, disordered medium are investigated close to the localization transition. For Lorentz models obeying Newtonian and diffusive motion at the microscale, we have performed large-scale computer simulations, demonstrating that universality holds at long times in the immediate vicinity of the transition. The scaling function describing the crossover from anomalous transport to diffusive motion is found to vary extremely slowly and spans at least 5 decades in time. To extract the scaling function, one has to allow for the leading universal corrections to scaling. Our findings suggest that apparent power laws with varying exponents generically occur and dominate experimentally accessible time windows as soon as the heterogeneities cover a decade in length scale. We extract the divergent length scales, quantify the spatial heterogeneities in terms of the non-Gaussian parameter, and corroborate our results by a thorough finite-size analysis.Comment: 14 page

    Carrier trapping and luminescence polarization in quantum dashes

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    We study experimentally and theoretically polarization-dependent luminescence from an ensemble of quantum-dot-like nanostructures with a very large in-plane shape anisotropy (quantum dashes). We show that the measured degree of linear polarization of the emitted light increases with the excitation power and changes with temperature in a non-trivial way, depending on the excitation conditions. Using an approximate model based on the k.p theory, we are able to relate this degree of polarization to the amount of light hole admixture in the exciton states which, in turn, depends on the symmetry of the envelope wave function. Agreement between the measured properties and theory is reached under assumption that the ground exciton state in a quantum dash is trapped in a confinement fluctuation within the structure and thus localized in a much smaller volume of much lower asymmetry than the entire nanostructure.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures; considerably extended, additional discussion and new figures include

    Nonlinear photoluminescence spectra from a quantum dot-cavity system: Direct evidence of pump-induced stimulated emission and anharmonic cavity-QED

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    We investigate the power-dependent photoluminescence spectra from a strongly coupled quantum dot-cavity system using a quantum master equation technique that accounts for incoherent pumping, pure dephasing, and fermion or boson statistics. Analytical spectra at the one-photon correlation level and the numerically exact multi-photon spectra for fermions are presented. We compare to recent experiments on a quantum dot-micropiller cavity system and show that an excellent fit to the data can be obtained by varying only the incoherent pump rates in direct correspondence with the experiments. Our theory and experiments together show a clear and systematic way of studying stimulated-emission induced broadening and anharmonic cavity-QED.Comment: We have reworked our previous arXiv paper and submitted this latest version for peer revie

    Quantum-dot single-photon sources for entanglement enhanced interferometry

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    The authors acknowledge financial support from the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST).Multiphoton entangled states such as “N00N states” have attracted a lot of attention because of their possible application in high-precision, quantum enhanced phase determination. So far, N00N states have been generated in spontaneous parametric down-conversion processes and by mixing quantum and classical light on a beam splitter. Here, in contrast, we demonstrate superresolving phase measurements based on two-photon N00N states generated by quantum dot single-photon sources making use of the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect on a beam splitter. By means of pulsed resonance fluorescence of a charged exciton state, we achieve, in postselection, a quantum enhanced improvement of the precision in phase uncertainty, higher than prescribed by the standard quantum limit. An analytical description of the measurement scheme is provided, reflecting requirements, capability, and restraints of single-photon emitters in optical quantum metrology. Our results point toward the realization of a real-world quantum sensor in the near future.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe
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