199 research outputs found

    The Integrity of the Tax System after BEPS: A Shared Responsibility

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    The international tax system is the result of the interaction of different actors who share the responsibility for its integrity. States and multinational corporations both enjoy to a certain extent freedom of choice with regard to their tax behaviour – which entails moral responsibility. Making, interpreting and using tax rules therefore is inevitably a matter of exercising responsibility. Both should abstain from viewing tax laws as a bunch of technical rules to be used as a tool without any intrinsic moral or legal value. States bear primary responsibility for the integrity of the international tax system. They should become more reticent in their use of tax as regulatory instrument – competing with one another for multinationals’ investment. They should also act more responsibly by cooperating to make better rules to prevent aggressive tax planning, which entails a shift in tax payments from very expert taxpayers to other taxpayers. Here, the distributive justice of the tax system and a level playing field should be guaranteed. Multinationals should abstain from putting pressure on states and lobbying for favourable tax rules that disproportionally affect other taxpayers – SMEs and individual taxpayers alike. Multinationals and their tax advisers should avoid irresponsible conduct by not aiming to pay a minimalist amount of (corporate income) taxes – merely staying within the boundaries of the letter of the law. Especially CSR-corporations should assume the responsibility for the integrity of the tax system

    De toekomst van de belastingrechtspraak:Drie uitdagingen voor de belastingrechter

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    De belastingrechter:Rechtsbeschermer, rechtsvinder en wetgever-plaatsvervanger

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    Silencing markers are retained on pericentric heterochromatin during murine primordial germ cell development

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    Background: In the nuclei of most mammalian cells, pericentric heterochromatin is characterized by DNA methylation, histone modifications such as H3K9me3 and H4K20me3, and specific binding proteins l

    Unorthodoxy in legislation: The Hungarian experience

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    This paper deals with legal unorthodoxy. The main idea is to study the so-called unorthodox taxes Hungary has adopted in recent years. The study of unorthodox taxes will be preceded by a more general discussion of how law is made under unorthodoxy, and what are the special features of unorthodox legal policy. Unorthodoxy challenges equality before the law and is critical towards mass democracies. It also raises doubts on the operability of the rule of law, relying on personal skills, or loyalty, rather than on impersonal mechanisms arising from checks and balances as developed by the division of political power. Besides, for lack of legal suppositions, legislation suffers from casuistry and regulatory capture

    Epigenetic characterization of the FMR1 promoter in induced pluripotent stem cells from human fibroblasts carrying an unmethylated full mutation

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    Silencing of the FMR1 gene leads to fragile X syndrome, the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability. To study the epigenetic modifications of the FMR1 gene during silencing in time, we used fibroblasts and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) of an unmethylated full mutation (uFM) individual with normal intelligence. The uFM fibroblast line carried an unmethylated FMR1 promoter region and expressed normal to slightly increased FMR1 mRNA levels. The FMR1 expression in the uFM line corresponds with the increased H3 acetylation and H3K4 methylation in combination with a reduced H3K9 methylation. After reprogramming, the FMR1 promoter region was methylated in all uFM iPSC clones. Two clones were analyzed further and showed a lack of FMR1 expression, whereas the presence of specific histone modifications also indicated a repressed FMR1 promoter. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that the standard reprogramming procedure leads to epigenetic silencing of the fully mutated FMR1 gene

    Stable X chromosome reactivation in female human induced pluripotent stem cells

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    In placental mammals, balanced expression of X-linked genes is accomplished by X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in female cells. In humans, random XCI is initiated early during embryonic development. To investigate whether reprogramming of female human fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) leads to reactivation of the inactive X chromosome (Xi), we have generated iPSC lines from fibroblasts heterozygous for large X-chromosomal deletions. These fibroblasts show completely skewed XCI of the mutated X chromosome, enabling monitoring of X chromosome reactivation (XCR) and XCI using allele-specific single-cell expression analysis. This approach revealed that XCR is robust under standard culture conditions, but does not prevent reinitiation of XCI, resulting in a mixed population of cells with either two active X chromosomes (Xas) or one Xa and one Xi. This mixed population of XaXa and XaXi cells is stabilized in naive human stem cell medium, allowing expansion of clones with two Xas

    REX1 is the critical target of RNF12 in imprinted X chromosome inactivation in mice

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    In mice, imprinted X chromosome inactivation (iXCI) of the paternal X in the pre-implantation embryo and extraembryonic tissues is followed by X reactivation in the inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocyst to facilitate initiation of random XCI (rXCI) in all embryonic tissues. RNF12 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that plays a key role in XCI. RNF12 targets pluripotency protein REX1 for degradation to initiate rXCI in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and loss of the maternal copy of Rnf12 leads to embryonic lethality due to iXCI failure. Here, we show that loss of Rex1 rescues the rXCI phenotype observed in Rnf12-/- ESCs, and that REX1 is the prime target of RNF12 in ESCs. Genetic ablation of Rex1 in Rnf12-/- mice rescues the Rnf12-/- iXCI phenotype, and results in viable and fertile Rnf12-/-:Rex1-/- female mice displaying normal iXCI and rXCI. Our results show that REX1 is the critical target of RNF12 in XCI
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