201 research outputs found

    Study and Evaluation of Geotechnical Properties of Soil Banks Slopes for Al-Masab Al-Aam Channel (Southern Sector) and the Possibility of Improving Them. Iraq

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       تضمنت هذه الدراسة منحدرات الضفاف في القطاع الجنوبي لقناة المصب العام جنوب العراق. تمت دراسة الخواص الجيوتقنية للتربة على ضفاف القناة متضمنة الخواص الفيزيائية والهندسية والكيميائية بواقع (15) محطة. أظهر توزيع حجم الحبيبات للتربة أن نسبة الرمل كانت أعلى من نسبة الطين والطمي. وفقا للتصنيف الموحد( USCS) للتربة في منطقة الدراسة يمكن أن تصنف الى طين ذو اللدونة المنخفضة (CL) والذي يمثل 33.3٪ من التربة ، والطين ذو اللدونة العالية (CH) يمثل 20٪ من التربة وغير اللدنة (SM) تمثل 46٪ ، وتتراوح قيم الكثافة الجافة بين (1.51-1.86) غم/سم3 ، وتتراوح قيم الكثافة المشبعة بين (1.61-2.2) غم/سم3 ، وتتراوح قيم المحتوى المائي بين (25.2-42٪). بينما تتراوح قيم الوزن النوعي بين (2.51-2.74) ، وتراوحت زاوية الاحتكاك الداخلي (Ø°) من اختبار القص المباشر بين (21.5-37°). وتتراوح قيم اختبار الانضغاط غير المحصور بين (37-126.2) كيلو نيوتن / م2 للعينات المعاد تشكيلها بنسبة 25٪ ماء ، تتراوح قيم الكلورايد بين (0.053-0.195%), بينما تراوحت قيم الكبريتات بين (0.35 – 9.75٪) ، بينما تتراوح تركيزات الكربونات بين (15- 50٪) تتراوح تراكيز المواد العضوية بين (0.140 - 1.125٪). تتراوح قيمة الأس الهيدروجيني بين (7.5-9). وبناء على هذه النتائج تم تقييم استقرار منحدرات ضفاف المجرى العام للمصب (المنطقة الجنوبية) واقتراح الحلول المناسبة لدعم استقرارها ومعالجة غير المستقرة.This study is concerned with channel banks slopes in the southern sector for Al-Masab Al-Aam channel  south of Iraq. The geotechnical properties of the soil in the banks of the channel  including the physical, engineering and chemical properties of (15) stations were studied. The grain size distribution of  soil showed that the proportion of sand was higher than that of clay and silt. Based on the USCS standards of soil  of the study area can be classified as clay with low plasticity (CL) that represents 33.3% of the soil and ,clay with high plasticity (CH) represents 20% of the soil and nonplasticity (SM) represents  46%.The dry density values ​​range between (1.51-1.86) g/cm3 , the saturated density values ​​range between (1.61-2.2) g/cm3, and the water content values ​​range between (25.2-42%), while the specific gravity values ​​range between (2.51-2.74 ).The internal friction angle (Ø°)from direct shear test ranged  between (21.5-37°). The values of unconfined compression test range between (37-126.2) kN/m2 of remolded samples with 25% water, The values of chloride range between (0.053-0.195%), while the values of sulfate range between (0.053-0.195%), the carbonates concentrations range between (15-50%), the organic materials concentrations  range between (0.140-1.125%), The pH value range between (7.5-9). According to these results, the stability of the ramps of the banks of the downstream general channel (Southern District) was evaluated and appropriate solutions were proposed to support their stability and treat the unstable ones

    Evaluation of Crude Enzyme Addition Based Muscovy Duck Feed on Reproduction Perfomance

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    The purpose was to evaluate the reproductive perfomance of muscovy duck by using crude enzymes as additive in basal feed. The research material’s 32 muscovy duck, 4 males, 28 females, aged 5 months and normal body weight of males muscovy duck 3,5 – 4 kg and females 2 – 2,5 kg. The feed material used was basal feed with the addition crude enzymes in each treatment. The cage equipment used were feed, water cup, hatching machine and scales. The research was conducted for 40 days with experimental methods and Cross Over Design (Switching Design) observation period of four times, seven days with treatment, three days of break and start again next period.  The addition of crude enzymes in muscovy duck feed can improve reproductive perfomance. The results showed that the use of 0.2% crude enzymes (T2) in basal feed can increase the hatching weight of day old duck and dod survival without mortality. The other results, increased hatchability occurred in the basal feed containing 0.1% crude enzymes (T1), compared to the control feed without the addition of crude enzymes. This means that using of 0.2% crude enzymes in feed as an additive increased hatching weight, dod survival and muscovy duck hatchability

    Sebaran Total Suspended Solid (Tss) di Kawasan Muara Sungai Kampar Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau

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    The study was conducted from January to February 2017 in Kampar River Estuary Area of Pelalawan District of Riau Province. Water sample analysis was done at the Chemical Oceanography Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine. This study aims to determine the distribution of TSS (total suspended solid) at high tide and low tide. The method used is survey method and determination of station point using pur-posive sampling. The results showed that the total suspended solid (TSS) distribution during tidal to low tide with the average value of the lowest TSS content at station 2 was 91 mg/l and the highest was in station 7 of 670 mg/l. At low tide, the average val-ue of the lowest TSS content at station 1 is 65 mg/l and the highest is at station 6 of 448 mg/l

    Damage and repair classification in reinforced concrete beams using frequency domain data

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    This research aims at developing a new vibration-based damage classification technique that can efficiently be applied to a real-time large data. Statistical pattern recognition paradigm is relevant to perform a reliable site-location damage diagnosis system. By adopting such paradigm, the finite element and other inverse models with their intensive computations, corrections and inherent inaccuracies can be avoided. In this research, a two-stage combination between principal component analysis and Karhunen-Loéve transformation (also known as canonical correlation analysis) was proposed as a statistical-based damage classification technique. Vibration measurements from frequency domain were tested as possible damage-sensitive features. The performance of the proposed system was tested and verified on real vibration measurements collected from five laboratory-scale reinforced concrete beams modelled with various ranges of defects. The results of the system helped in distinguishing between normal and damaged patterns in structural vibration data. Most importantly, the system further dissected reasonably each main damage group into subgroups according to their severity of damage. Its efficiency was conclusively proved on data from both frequency response functions and response-only functions. The outcomes of this two-stage system showed a realistic detection and classification and outperform results from the principal component analysis-only. The success of this classification model is substantially tenable because the observed clusters come from well-controlled and known state conditions


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua Pada Anak Usia Dini TerhadapAkhlak Anak di Kesatuan Bintaldam XIV/ Hasanuddin Makassar. Permasalahan pokok yang dibahasadalah seberapa besar Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua Pada Anak Usia Dini Terhadap Akhlak Anak diKesatuan Bintaldam XIV/ Hasanuddin Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatifdengan kategori penelitian survey (survey research), dengan pendekatan metodologis yaitupositivistik dan pendekatan ilmiah yang digunakan adalah pedagogik. Populasi penelitian inisebanyak 63 orang, sampel sebanyak 63 orang personil. Penentuan pengambilan sampelmenggunakan teknik sampling jenuh yaitu semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel dalampenelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan instrumen pengumpulan data denganmenggunakan angket. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif daninferensial, dengan analisis data regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Polaasuh orang tua pada anak usia dini di Kesatuan Bintaldam XIV/Hasanuddin Makassar berada padakategori kondusif dengan persentase 82% dari kriteria yang ditetapkan. Implikasi penelitian inibahwa 1) Pembinaan akhlak anak seharusnya dilakukan sedini mungkin disaat anak masih berusiadini dengan pola asuh orang tua yang baik, sebab mendidik anak di usia dini pengaruhnya sangatkuat untuk anak; 2) Pembinaan akhlak anak, bukan hanya dengan jalan menyuruh atau memerintah,tetapi juga harus diikuti dengan contoh teladan yang baik dari orang tua; dan 3) Pola asuh orang tuaterhadap anak usia dini sebaiknya dilakukan dengan memadukan antara pola asuh otoriter, polaasuh demokratis, dan pola asuh permisif sesuai dengan tingkatan usia dan kondisi anak


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    Electrochemical decolorization of direct black textile dye was studied in the presence of sodium hydroxide (NaCl). Electrochemical cell occupy about 1 liter of working electrolyte supplied with graphite electrodes for both anode and cathode was constructed for this purpose. Decolorization percent, treatment time, power consumption, and pH were studied as a function of the applied voltage and salt concentration. Results show that decolorization increase with increasing salt concentration and applied voltage. Best decolorization of 86% can be achieved after 17 min at 7 volt and 5 g/l salt concentration. Further decolorization can be achieved but this will be accompanied with a sharp increase in power consumption. No significant decrease in pH value was observed at the end of each experiment

    Leishmania aethiopica field isolates bearing an endosymbiontic dsRNA virus induce pro-inflammatory cytokine response.

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    BACKGROUND: Infection with Leishmania parasites causes mainly cutaneous lesions at the site of the sand fly bite. Inflammatory metastatic forms have been reported with Leishmania species such as L. braziliensis, guyanensis and aethiopica. Little is known about the factors underlying such exacerbated clinical presentations. Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) is mainly found within South American Leishmania braziliensis and guyanensis. In a mouse model of L. guyanensis infection, its presence is responsible for an hyper-inflammatory response driven by the recognition of the viral dsRNA genome by the host Toll-like Receptor 3 leading to an exacerbation of the disease. In one instance, LRV was reported outside of South America, namely in the L. major ASKH strain from Turkmenistan, suggesting that LRV appeared before the divergence of Leishmania subgenera. LRV presence inside Leishmania parasites could be one of the factors implicated in disease severity, providing rationale for LRV screening in L. aethiopica. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A new LRV member was identified in four L. aethiopica strains (LRV-Lae). Three LRV-Lae genomes were sequenced and compared to L. guyanensis LRV1 and L. major LRV2. LRV-Lae more closely resembled LRV2. Despite their similar genomic organization, a notable difference was observed in the region where the capsid protein and viral polymerase open reading frames overlap, with a unique -1 situation in LRV-Lae. In vitro infection of murine macrophages showed that LRV-Lae induced a TLR3-dependent inflammatory response as previously observed for LRV1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In this study, we report the presence of an immunogenic dsRNA virus in L. aethiopica human isolates. This is the first observation of LRV in Africa, and together with the unique description of LRV2 in Turkmenistan, it confirmed that LRV was present before the divergence of the L. (Leishmania) and (Viannia) subgenera. The potential implication of LRV-Lae on disease severity due to L. aethiopica infections is discussed